Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2494: Exposure of the Pantheon

   Chapter 2494 Exposure of the Pantheon

Now they have completed 27 missions in total, and many of them have reached dangerous levels. Yu Wenjing showed surprise on her face and said to Wang Lun: "You have gained a lot when you went in this time. I didn't expect to complete it. After so many tasks, I'm afraid I can get a lot of crystal nuclei this time."

"It's for us to stay inside for more than a month this time, hunting many monsters, and luck is pretty good, but when we came out, we were a little out of luck." After finishing Wang Lun looked at Chen. mysterious.

  Now Wang Lun’s physical condition is the best among the three of them. It’s just that the body is very exhausted, but as long as he recovers for one night, he can heal.

  Although Yu Wenjing’s wound was very serious, after the treatment of the medical hall, the toxins in it have now been dispersed, and after recuperating for a month and a half, he can almost be cured.

After all, Yu Wenjing is also a demon soul cultivator, who can quickly recover from his injuries, and even some demon soul cultivators can fully recover from the injuries they just received in just half a day, but the demon soul’s cultivation The methods are very rich, so the power that different people can exert is also different.

   "Let's go to the Demon Hunter Guild first." Yu Wenjing said softly.

Then a few of them walked in the direction of the Demon Hunter's Union, and it took more than two miles from the medical hall in Black Rock City to the Demon Hunter's Union. One was in the eastern section of Black Rock City, and the other was in the eastern section of Black Rock City. Central location.

   After arriving at the gate of the Demon Hunter Guild, he also seemed very deserted. He remembered the large and small demon hunting groups that had been wandering around the guild here before, and there were many people who had taken up the task and were going to the Dark Shadow Forest. They are no longer there.

It’s because the monsters in the Dark Shadow Forest became violent. All those people went to other cities. When they arrived at the gate of the Demon Hunter Guild, they suddenly found an old man out of it and saw the old man moving towards. A few of them waved their hands and said, "I didn't expect you to come back now."

Chen Xuan and the others saw the old man, who was in charge of the Demon Guild here. After the old man waved his hand at them, he immediately opened the door and greeted them to enter the hall of the Demon Hunter Guild. The hall of the Demon's Guild also looked very deserted, completely different from the past lively situation.

   "I didn't expect to become so deserted so quickly now. I remember that when we came here before, we had to queue for a long time to take a task." Yu Wenjing said.

At this time, Wang Lun also looked around him, and then said to Chen Xuan next to him: "Brother Chen, I will go and submit these tasks first. You are waiting for me here. You have been here for the past few days. It's recuperating inside."

They are all senior members of this Demon Hunter Guild, and they have already made every effort to own a suite of their own here, so after Chen Xuan submitted the task in front, he received a large number of crystal nuclei, the total value of these nuclei Reached hundreds of top grade spars.

You need to know the number of these commodity spars, but they are very large, not to mention the monsters they hunted, which also brought them a lot of income. As long as these things are submitted, they will even make another money. .

It’s just that if you want to sell these things, you need other buyers to participate. If no one buys them, it’s difficult to sell these things, but now they’ve just submitted the completed tasks and they’ve got them Spar.

  At this time, they took advantage of their wandering around for a while, but found that there was nothing to do, after all, they had wasted a lot of power during this time.

   "Why don't we look around now to see if there is anything that can treat Chen Xuan's eye disease." Yu Wenjing said.

  They have just received a large amount of spar, Zhengshou has no place to spend, and now Chen Xuan does not see clearly what is in front of him, even if Chen Xuan wants to continue to act, he must let his own eyes be able to see it.

   "Why don't we go to the alchemy association to see now?" Wang Lun asked.

  Yu Wenjing shook his head and said: "The Alchemist Association should not be able to cure this eye disease. I am afraid we still have to wait until the master of the medical clinic comes back."

Wang Lun sighed and said, "That old guy doesn't know where to go now. When I went to see a doctor at his place, I waited for three days. I don't know how long it will be. If it wasn't because of his place. It's really useful, who will go to him!"

  Wang Lun was obviously a little excited. After all, when they went to the hospital, there was only one girl there. If you know that such a big hospital, there is actually only one person guarding it.

   "Why don't we go to other medical clinics, maybe it can be cured." Yu Wenjing said.

  Chen Xuan also nodded slightly, and said to the two of them: "Well then you two can help me look around. I can't see what's near me now."

  Wang Lun nodded lightly, and then he supported Chen Xuan's body and walked away. They are now going to the second medical hall in Black Rock City to try their luck.

  After walking for more than half an hour, I finally came to another medical hall in Black Rock City. This medical hall is being built next to Prosperity Street, and there are many service staff inside.

  This place is obviously more lively than the medical clinic they went to just now, but the quality of this medical clinic is lower than the one they went to just now.

It is precisely because the founder of the medical clinic just now, known as the wonderful doctor, basically has no diseases that he cannot cure, and that person himself is also an alchemist. With the blessing of these two reputations, the medical clinic It is the most famous one in Black Rock City.

  At this time, Chen Xuan had just stepped in and saw a service staff coming up and asking Chen Xuan: "This gentleman, please go inside."

  When the service staff saw Chen Xuan's eyes and seemed to be a little unclear, he immediately guided them to the counter inside, and when they walked towards the inside, Chen Xuan always looked around him.

   Then Chen Xuan came to a room, only to see a middle-aged man's voice rang: "Can you see the eyes?"

  Chen Xuan nodded lightly and said, "I can't see clearly, but I can still see some..."

  Wang Lun then whispered in the middle-aged man’s ear: “This is a side effect of taking too many pills to improve your strength. I don’t know if you can give it a good idea here.”

  The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment, then came to Chen Xuan's side, pinched Chen Xuan's eyes open, and looked at Chen Xuan's pupils carefully: "Strange, why its eyes are red."

  The middle-aged man is obviously connected with the demon soul, after all, only those who practice demon soul will have red pupils.

  If it were an ordinary cultivator, even if his pupils changed to other colors, they would certainly not show a trace of murderous aura like Chen Xuan’s current red.

   "I don't know what the reason is, but it is probably because of the side effects of those pills." Chen Xuan replied.

The middle-aged man nodded slightly, then took out a few pills from the side, and said to Chen Xuan: "Why don't you eat these first to see if it works. If it doesn't work, then we can only take them again." There are other ways."

Two days later, Chen Xuan's eyes still couldn't see what was nearby, and his eyesight was more degraded than before. Now Chen Xuan looks a little blurry even when he looks at his hands, but sees a cloud of white mist around him. , And sometimes even red cyclones appeared. Outside of his body, this was the power of the demon soul that Chen Xuan had inadvertently radiated.

  It can be said that Chen Xuan can't control the power of the demon soul that is exposed in his body now, but fortunately, Chen Xuan can still prevent the power of the demon soul from spreading.

   "No, now if the eyes are still invisible, then it is dangerous." Chen Xuan now feels that his temper is a bit grumpy, and the world that could have been seen has now turned pale.

And Chen Xuan also felt a little self-blaming. If it weren't because he took three pills in a row, I am afraid it would not have caused such strong side effects. Now Chen Xuan has lost his eyesight, let alone Chen Xuan is taking it. Those medicinal pills still don't know what terrible effects they will bring.

   "It seems that this kind of pill must be taken less, but now I am too late even if I regret it. I can only pray that I can restore my eyes to the past..." Chen Xuan thought to himself.

Right here, Chen Xuan heard a knock on the door. Chen Xuan knew that the person who knocked on the door must be Wang Lun or Yu Wenjing, so Chen Xuan stepped forward and touched the wall next to him, and came slowly. When I got to the door and opened it, I saw the voice of a middle-aged man coming from outside the door.

  Chen Xuan knew that this voice was a service worker in the Demon Hunter's Guild, but he didn’t know why he was coming now, but the middle-aged man said, “The president wants to invite you over now.”

   "President? Then please lead the way." Then Chen Xuan walked towards the top floor with the help of the middle-aged man.

Although Chen Xuan couldn't see what was in front of him at all now, with the help of this man, he could barely see what was near him. After several porches, Chen Xuan finally came here to hunt the demon. The office of the president of the union.

  The middle-aged man knocked on the door lightly, and then opened the door to enter. Chen Xuan couldn't see what was around him at this time, he just raised his head and looked around him.

  Then the president suddenly said, "Sit down, please!" Then Chen Xuan found that Wang Lun and Yu Wenjing were sitting beside them.

  (End of this chapter)

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