Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2495: Restore vision

  Chapter 2495 Restore vision

The president said again: "Chen Xuan, I have already heard about you. Since this kind of thing has happened, I must also help. After all, several demon hunters who are still staying in this black rock city at this time. The guild is already a great encouragement to me."

Wang Lun and Yu Wenjing both nodded their heads, and then the president continued to speak: "This time the above also gave me pressure. If I don't find out the reason why this monster became violent, I am afraid I will be given my position. It was withdrawn. This time you entered the forest, you must have learned some news."

  "When we entered the forest this time, we found some humanoid monsters, and there was also the man from the Pantheon who calculated our team last time." Chen Xuan replied.

  The guildmaster showed contemplation on his face, and then said: "If this matter really involves the Pantheon, then it is not our Demon Hunter Guild that can intervene."

"Don't worry about so much. This time, since the Pantheon dared to grow these monsters in this forest and become violent, it must have already thought that the news will be revealed. I am afraid that they will carry out the next action soon. I think it is dark now. I am afraid that Rock City is not safe anymore," Wang Lun said softly.

   "Yes, I am afraid that the city lord's mansion in Black Rock City has also become a mess. They must have received the impact of this incident, and it has also given them tremendous pressure." The president of the Demon Hunter Guild said.

"Before I heard that the people at Tianyuan Hall had already gone to investigate, but there was no news after that. I don't know if Tianyuan Hall will stand in a line to investigate the cause of this matter." Yu Wenjing replied. .

"So many things have happened now, and many of them are no longer for us. If the Pantheon really comes to Black Rock City by then, I am afraid we will not be able to get out. We must know that there is no shadow of the Pantheon in Black Rock City. They are really successful, I am afraid that the branch hall of the Tianyuan Hall in this city will be renamed the Pantheon." The president of the Demon Hunter Guild sighed.

  He naturally knew that the Pantheon desperately needed to expand his own strength, so the Pantheon was carrying out a very severe exploitation of them.

"It's mine. Now I'm telling you that these are very unsuitable. Now that we have some eyebrows and they are not something we can handle, it is better to show Brother Chen's injuries first." The Demon Hunter The guild president said.

Then Wang Lun replied: "We also went to the medical hall in Black Rock City to see it before, but that person does not seem to be in Black Rock City now. There is only one little girl in the medical hall, and that little girl is very I don't understand." Wang Lun complained.

   "Which little girl?" the president of the Demon Hunter Guild asked.

   "I don't know that I haven't seen that little girl when I went before." Wang Lun replied.

  Then the president of the Demon Hunter Guild suddenly laughed: "It turned out to be that little girl, I know, can't I see Chen Xuan's injury over there?"

  Chen Xuan nodded and replied: "This should be a side effect caused by taking a lot of pill. There is no way to solve this terrible effect of this pill."

Now Chen Xuan has nothing to do. He has also tried to refine some pill in the past two days, but now Chen Xuan can't see his surroundings completely, even when he controls the mysterious fire to refine the pill. Lost the accuracy.

But Chen Xuan was also unable to determine the pill that he would spend to restore his strength. After all, Chen Xuan now has no idea why his eyes became like this. Not only did they emit red light, but there was also a faint red color on the body. Lines.

  If you are a person who cultivates a demon soul, it is obvious that Chen Xuan now has demon soul sequelae.

It’s just that this kind of sequelae is generally caused by the wrong way of cultivation, so Yu Wenjing took the lead to rule out this possibility, because Chen Xuan has not systematically practiced the power of the demon soul, only using his own medicine. Temporarily improve yourself.

  If there are no mistakes in the way of cultivation, then you will not weaken your eyesight.

  You should know that Chen Xuan officially fought with the man in the Pantheon before discovering that his body had some side effects.

Although Chen Xuan knew that taking those pills would bring side effects to his body, he didn't expect it to come so quickly. Chen Xuan originally thought that he could take another pill to improve his strength, but Fortunately, Chen Xuan didn't do that.

  Otherwise, Chen Xuan still doesn't know what terrifying side effects he will endure, and it is very likely that Chen Xuan's body will lose strength.

  After talking with the president of the Demon Hunter’s guild for a while, they left the room. At this time, Chen Xuan, supported by Wang Lun, continued to walk forward.

  Chen Xuan suddenly moved Wang Lun's hand away and said to him, "I can do it."

  Wang Lun originally wanted to go and help Chen Xuan again, but saw that Chen Xuan slowly opened his profound power perception at this time, so he stood aside.

  During this period of time, Chen Xuan relied on his own profound power perception and constantly felt the faint light emitted by the objects next to him, so Chen Xuan could use his own profound power perception to make himself judge the direction.

  If Member Chen Xuan's perception of profound energy was not so powerful, I am afraid that he would have lost his way a long time ago, but it is precisely because Chen Xuan can rely on this power that he can simply walk.

   "No, now my power cannot be completely controlled by me. As long as I can completely control this power, then it will be fine." Chen Xuan said secretly.

  Although Chen Xuan feels a bit annoyed now, his eyes can't see the direction ahead, but Chen Xuan is already thinking about strategies, and now Chen Xuan doesn't know whether his eyes can be cured.

  If it can be cured, then it is naturally a gratifying thing for Chen Xuan, but it may be that the treatment is not good. If that is the case, then Chen Xuan will bear the pain of not seeing the object in front of him.

Not only that, it will also cause Chen Xuan to lose his combat effectiveness. If you can’t see what happened before, then Chen Xuan can’t judge the enemy’s attack. This is almost fatal to Chen Xuan, so Chen Xuan doesn’t want to let himself. Loss of combat effectiveness, after all, in this world without the ability to fight, it is almost equivalent to a cripple, but Chen Xuan does not want to be a cripple, this is indeed a very heavy blow to Chen Xuan.

Seeing that Chen Xuan was walking hard at this time, Wang Lun also said to Yu Wenjing beside him: "It seems that we have to find a way to see where we can heal it. Brother Chen’s eyes, otherwise he I’m afraid I’ll be short-sighted in the current state."

  Wang Lun naturally felt Chen Xuan's current mood extremely frustrated, knowing that the world that could have been seen suddenly disappeared, this was undoubtedly a huge blow to Chen Xuan.

Yu Wenjing nodded lightly and said, "I also know this, but we still can't find other places to deal with this kind of injury. If we can find it, then I will naturally take Brother Chen with him, but now his eyes are also Invisible, even if we take him over, I am afraid he will refuse."

"If you don't try to know, as long as we can find it, that's fine. If it doesn't work, we can only wait until the old guy comes back, but now it's been two days, and I don't know if he has come back." Wang Lun Said.

   "In this case, let's go over and take a look this afternoon to see if the old guy has come back now. Now we don't have so much time to wait for him to come back." Yu Wenjing said emotionally.

   "Okay, but don't tell Brother Chen about this in advance, he must be very depressed now, even if we tell him it will definitely make him even more disappointed." Wang Lun said.

At this moment Chen Xuan had returned to his room and looked at the ceiling above. Chen Xuan recalled that when he looked at this place last time, his eyes were still good, but after only more than a month, Chen Xuan’s vision is now Almost lost.

This kind of taste is really uncomfortable. If it were not for Chen Xuan's very strong tolerance, I am afraid that he would be crazy now, not to mention that Chen Xuan wanted to refine a pill to treat his eyes yesterday, and now he has lost his vision. Under the circumstances, it can't be done at all.

   "No, I still can't sit here and wait for death. I must find a way to heal my eyes." Chen Xuan thought inside.

Then Chen Xuan sat up slowly, recalling in his mind whether there was any pill that could restore his vision to the way it was before, but after Chen Xuan thought for a while, he didn't find any pill to treat a person's eyes. , Because Chen Xuan hadn't thought that one day he would lose sight of things, so he didn't know what medicine was used to treat eyes.

   "It's a pity that I can't see things clearly now, otherwise I have to look through the effects of the herbs recorded in this book." Chen Xuan thought to himself.

At this time, Chen Xuan was already holding a herbal medicine book in his hand. The effect of all the herbal medicines in the world was recorded on the book. Although Chen Xuan had read this book before, he did not go to those who treat eyes. Herbs, so now Chen Xuan can only despair to throw this book in the corner of this room.

Then Chen Xuan lay on the bed again, staring blankly at the ceiling. Now Chen Xuan not only feels a little lost, but also feels that his mood is a little out of control. People who have not lost their eyesight will not understand this feeling. .

  In just a few days, it was impossible to see what was happening nearby. This kind of blow was very heavy for Chen Xuan, and made people almost lose the feeling of living.

  Chen Xuan felt more weight-bearing in the first two days than he is now, but fortunately, Chen Xuan finally survived with his strong endurance. Although Chen Xuan feels very disappointed now, he will not miss it.

  The only hope Chen Xuan had during that time was that the old man in the medical hall could heal his eyes.

But Chen Xuan was also very clear at this time. It was not just injuries that made his eyes invisible, but also because of Chen Xuan’s power of demon souls. Under this effect, Chen Xuan It’s normal to see clearly in his eyes.

After all, Chen Xuan still has red lines on his body. These lines symbolize Chen Xuan's current body. The power of those demon souls still remains, and the power of these demon souls grows like a parasite in Chen Xuan's body. Above, although the color of the lines is much dimmer than before, the red lines on Chen Xuan's body can also be clearly seen.

"It seems that there is a problem with the use of the power of this demon soul. I don't know if I can use the power of the demon soul during this period of time to relieve it." Chen Xuan felt the profound power in his body, and now Chen The profound strength in Xuan's body is a little different from before, because Chen Xuan has now integrated part of the power of the demon soul in his body.

  (End of this chapter)

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