Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2511: The scabbard was successfully refined

   Chapter 2511 The scabbard is successfully refined

  Nangong Xiao watched from the sidelines, and Chen Xuan kept adding things to it.

  Chen Xuanshun took the pieces of lapis lazuli in his hand, and the top of the stone was also shining brightly, showing a strange brilliance in the alchemy furnace.

Obviously, Chen Xuan can practice several pills a day. It still takes a long time to practice the scabbard of the Liaoyuan sword. Nangong Xiao still keeps his tempering. The current method of making pills is extremely expensive. Said that if it were not for the power of the few lapis lazuli, then Chen Xuan would still not be able to maintain sufficient energy for the alchemy furnace.

  In this small room. Chen Xuan painted an extreme magic weapon on the scabbard he gave him, that is, the use of this formation. This formation can make the things refined by the alchemist have more aura effects. Within three hours, Chen Xuan Still slowly refining this scabbard.


  After several hours of characterization, the formation was completed. Before the scabbard was finished, the rough texture was gone. There were various feather patterns on it, which was very beautiful.

You can see that there are many traces of lightning and frost flowing along the lines. It can be said that Chen Xuan has added two attributes to the scabbard, one is the lightning attribute of the black dragon, and the frost of the frost wolf. Attributes. On that, Chen Xuan personally portrayed two tactics, one is a tactic that can make this Cambridge more stable, and the other is a tactic that can resist some damage.

  There is no doubt that this is a very powerful magic weapon. A small ice pier has been formed on it, and with a bang, the scabbard of the frozen Liaoyuan sword is released!

  The two pillars fell on Chen Xuan's hands extremely lightly, as if they had no weight. Obviously, this introduction also contained amazing power. The bridge is gentle and smooth, very quiet, and very luxurious. This can already be said to be the embodiment of the joint system technology to the extreme. The Cambridge of the Liaoyuan sword does not have a trace of rough texture.

All are primitive and natural auras, as if there is still a sense of vicissitudes pervading the sheath, like ancient weapons that have passed tens of thousands of years, Nangong Xiao’s face also showed a look of admiration, he knew that now Chen Xuan's technique for refining this thing can be said to have reached a very superb technique.

   "It seems that this is a perfect ancient magic weapon, good boy, I really did not expect that you, a special member of the Alchemist Association, really have two brushes." A look of admiration flashed across Nangong Xiaozhi's face:

  Chen Xuan was stunned for a moment, and then laughed a little happily. It can be said that Chen Xuan is very satisfied with the things he refined this time. It can be said that this is already an alchemy master level thing.

The two looked at each other at Nangong Xiao and said: "Since it's finished, let's leave. It's not a good thing to be too much here." Efficacy had already packed up before and was about to leave. He looked at Chen Xuan and seemed to be thinking about Chen. What else does Xuan have to do, because now Chen Xuan still wants to list some of the ammunition he needs. Before that, as a member of the Pill Alchemy Association, he would attach the scabbard to it.

Looking at the refined things, Chen Xuan felt very happy, and said, "Mr. Nangong has refined this thing now, but I still have one thing to do. I just bought some medicinal materials and pills in the Lingbao Pavilion in the north. Now I want to try something that I can practice, but I’m bothering you, let you temper and refine it again."

Chen Xuan didn’t know how to request it. After all, he had just used Nangong Xiao’s stove and asked Nangong Xiao to use his quenching to help refine the blade. If Nangong Xiao wanted to agree, he would naturally feel very happy. If he could refuse, he wouldn't say anything.

Nangong Xiao also seems to think that Chen Xuan already has some skills in alchemy, so he now looks at him with admiration, so he said: "If you want me to help you, that's okay, this time you have to slow down a bit, I See it clearly."

  Chen Xuan smiled and said, “Of course it’s okay, Mr. Nangong, my speed is already clear to my chest, so the speed will naturally become much faster, I believe you can see it too.”

Nangong Xiao appreciates Chen Xuan a bit more, so now he actually agreed to Chen Xuan and said: "Okay, then I will give up my life to accompany the hero today, I will see how strong your alchemy skills are, and you can get them. This is the laurel of a special member of the Alchemist Association."

  Chen Xuan skillfully picked up the materials with both hands, and instantly put them all in between the stove. The stove ignited a raging fire, and it almost didn't melt at the temperature of the flame.

Chen Xuan was a little convinced. After all, he had never seen that quenching can be burned like this in a furnace. It can be said that urging can be done, and it can be done without burning the Lingcai pill in the furnace. The kind of heat refining into a piece.

  It can be said that all alchemy in their Alchemist Association is burned with their own wood, and then the fire is controlled. The unique quenching aura of the Nangong family is self-cultivating by absorbing the aura between heaven and earth.

Therefore, the quenching of the Nangong family is the best way to practice aura and alchemy. Their family did not say anything, so now Chen Xuan dare not ask what happened to Nangong Xiao. Chen Xuan obviously knows that Nangong Xiao will Unwilling to let his sister Nangongxi learn the technique of refining.

  Even though Chen Xuan thought so, he still didn't stop what he was doing.

  All the spiritual wealth was thrown into the stove by him.

  The raging fire rising in the stove did not damage those things at all.

  "It is indeed the quenching of the Nangong family." Chen Xuan sighed.

For Chen Xuan, he had never seen what the quenching of the Nangong family was like, so now he opened his eyes wide and watched the continuous flame burning in the furnace, and the red flame was coming from the furnace. The pill-making furnace swelled continuously, and all of it turned into pill by pill in an instant. Under the furnace, Chen Xuan saw that the pill he had refined was round and round, almost like a piece. A piece of gemstone is average.

  It seems that he has all practiced all of his grass-to-flower pill.

  Chen Xuan felt a little happy, and felt a little grateful to Nangong.

So he said to him: "Mr. Nangong, these things of mine have been printed successfully, so now this thing is of no use to me, you can accept this thing." Then Chen Xuan took it from his arms. He handed the black dragon scale that came out to Nangong Xiao.

Nangong Xiao looked at the dragon scale but said for nothing, "No, I just admire you as a young man occasionally, so I don't want this thing," he continued, "Now I have quit alchemy. Just want to live your own life. You must do the things you promised me, otherwise I won't let you go."

   Chen Xuan did not continue to say anything when he heard it, but echoed: "Mr. Nangong, you have asked me many times about this matter. Since I have already agreed, naturally I will not break my promise."

  "Well, young man, you are also refreshing. Now I have other things. If you have nothing else, please return."

  Chen Xuan originally wanted to be grateful for Nangong Xiao in front of him. Seeing that now Nangong Xiao has nothing to say to him, it seems that he wants Chen Xuan to leave their home now.

  So there is nothing to say about the scene, it was the dragon scale that left the dragon scale silently, and then left with Nangong Xiao. Just when Nangong Xiao returned to the restaurant just now, he found that the restaurant was already crowded with people, and saw a man in armor, a man with a long sword, standing there and loudly said:

   "Nangong Xiao, I just seemed to hear someone say that you are hiding criminals here. I'll come over to see if you still don't know where you are going. I really don't know what you are plotting?"

Nangong Xiao looked at the man in front of him and knew that he was the eldest son of the current prime minister. Nangong Xiao had nothing to do with the imperial city, so when he saw this man, he didn’t say anything but looked at him coldly. , Did not speak

The man saw Nangong Xiao and ignored him, so he was a little angry. He pointed to the nose of the guide Gong Xiao and said: "I also admire you as a master, so I only talk to you now. Don't be too arrogant. Know us. The security of the Golden City is one of the best on the entire continent. If you hide any criminals here, you will have to look good later."

Chen Xuan in the room heard the movement of the meeting, so now Chen Xuan did not move, because he heard Nangongxi say next to him: "Big Brother Ye, what happened to the people you met? Are they? Looking for you?"

  (End of this chapter)

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