Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2512: Son of Santo

   Chapter 2512 The Lord's Son

  Although Chen Xuan heard the voice, he wanted to see what Nangong Xiao would do. If he was sad and needed to confess him, then he could go out to solve the problem with these people who passed by.

The previous man continued to say: "Nangong Xiao, don’t keep talking. I will send someone to search your restaurant now. I want to see where that kid is hiding now. Find him too. If I really find him, then you are an accomplice." Nangong Xiao was obviously a little angry.

  He said loudly: "Boy, I really gave you a face, you dare to search my place, thinking that when I entered the age of gods and demons, you kid still didn't know what you were doing."

After talking about Nangong Xiao’s aura already permeated his whole body, the man opposite seemed to be frightened. Listening to Nangong Xiaoli, you can also know that the man seems to have only the smell of Jinggan Qi, after all, Nangong Xiao may already be a master. The repair of the artifact, so when the spirits thanked the array, everyone in the scene became noisy

  It seems that some people are waiting for something good to happen in the future, and some people hurriedly left here, fearing that they might be involved.

The man saw that Nangong Xiao’s aura had gathered all over his body, and was a little scared, stepped back and said, “Nangong Xiao, you must know that you can open such a restaurant here now, but thanks to our family’s help. , Now you have turned into a white-eyed wolf. I think you are not a bad mess even in this golden city. You must know that if you dare to move me, the city lord will definitely not let you go." He still uses the sword. Pointed to the guide Gong Xiao.

   Nangong Xiao was also a little angry and said to him: "Boy, I see who you are looking for, you can pass my level first. I don't have any criminals here."

Chen Xuan saw this happening and felt that he could not stay here anymore, so he pushed out the door inside and said, "This lord, I think the person you are looking for is me. Your captain seems to want Take action against me, so I taught him how to be a man by the way."

After seeing Chen Xuan coming out of the inside, the young man also pulled from behind. A middle-aged man with a swollen nose and swollen nose asked, "Is this the man? He is the man who hurt you?"

  He didn't expect Chen Xuan to be here, and his own men reported to him that the young man who had just injured him was in this restaurant, but he didn't expect that Chen Xuan was actually sent here, why would he give up?

The captain of the guard straightened his armor and said to the man: "General Shao, this is this guy. After he beaten his home, he actually even threatened that he was number one in the golden city. With the help of him, he has reached the fifth level of cultivation of the gods and demons. For, I am bold! I am going wild in this gilded city, and I actually wounded my little wife."

The man looked at Chen Xuan bitterly, and said to the young man beside him: "Obviously that young man doesn't know the cause of the matter, so he pointed at Chen Xuan with a sword and said, "You are the one you are, you hurry up now. Come down to me from that place and go back with my young master. I will naturally have something to tell you. As for Nangong Xiao, you just harbored a criminal, I think you have nothing to say now. "

   Speaking of Nangong Xiao, he looked at Chen Xuan and said, "Is it true that he just said you are a criminal? Did you do those things?"

When Chen Xuan heard Nangong Xiao asking him, he also smiled embarrassedly and said: "Mr. Nangong, do you think I will do these things? His wife, I have taught him a lesson. As for him, he came to find me. Teach him a lesson, things happened too hastily, there are still many reasons for it, you have to know that I am not the kind of person who hits people casually. As for whether you believe me, then say another thing. ."

Nangong Xiao looked at him, and Chen Xuan, who looked at him sincerely, also said: "Okay, I believe it, you believe you are a special member of the Alchemist Association." Nangong Xiao actually took a step forward, right. The young man said, "I have a lot of doubts about the fairness of the Golden City. If you ask this young man to go back with you, I probably won't agree. If this is the case, let your father come and talk to me. ."

When people heard Nangong Xiao's words, they suddenly became angry. He pointed to the guide Gong Xiao and said: "Nangong Xiao, don't even talk to my father. You must know that when you first came here, you have forgotten all those things that happened. Already?!" When Nangong Xiao heard the man say these words, his anger suddenly rose, and the spirit of his body had spread. The entire restaurant was like a storm, and the man’s sword was already destroyed by Nangong Xiao. The spiritual power was shaken off.

The young man looked at Nangong Xiao with a panic on his face, but said with some horror: "Nangong Xiao, I advise you not to fool around. If you dare to fool around, I will inform my father and I will see if you can do anything in this place. Driven on?"

  Nangong Xiao was always irritated by the man's words, and the aura on his body was not attracted. The aura there had condensed into a small storm in the room.


  The few people were pushed across the door by a huge force in an instant. There was no one in this view, and none of them seemed to have seen such a power. This is the true God Emperor level cultivation base. People don’t seem to want to come to Nangong Xiao any more trouble, only the few people who ran back staggeringly, don’t know where they went, the young man was obviously going to find his so-called father. , As for his father now is the famous king of this gilded city.

  Looking at the few people who had been shaken back by his spiritual power, Nangong Xiao looked at Chen Xuan in front of him and said, "I can't deal with the king's family in this golden city."

   Chen Xuan heard what he said and guessed it, it seems that the lord of the golden city of Nangong Xiao seems to have something to do with him, and Chen Xuan did not take the initiative

I asked Nangong Xiao and said, "Mr. Nangong, it seems that now I can’t stay with that golden city anymore. Now I have nowhere to go. If I can, I plan to leave soon. Can I be with you today? Where to live?"

Nangong Xiao looked at Chen Xuan. He was also very unhappy with the young man and the guards of the Gilt City. But after seeing Chen Xuan and those people also quarreling, he now feels that he is on the same camp as Chen Xuan. Of it. Now for Nangong Xiao, he hasn't had much to arrange for Chen Xuan's residence.

So he said to Chen Xuan: "Of course it is possible. Now I don’t think it’s safe for you to go out. You must know that there are many conflicts between me and the King City Lord. If he didn’t guess wrong, he would come over tonight. ."

For Nangong Xiao, when he first came to this gilt city, he had met the city lord, but the city lord was very narrow-minded. He saw that Nangong Xiao already had the power of the god-powered system, so He was also jealous, after all, the lord of the gilt city had just entered the early stage of the **** emperor level, so he saw that Nangong Xiao could shake his position, and Nangong Xiao who was also in line everywhere. In fact, at the beginning when he didn't know that Nangong Xiao had high strength, he was also better with Nangong Xiao, but seeing that Nangong Xiao revealed his strength one day, the city lord began to crowd out Nangong Xiao.

Nangong Xiao, who was squeezed out by the villain, didn’t say a word, and just concentrated on doing his own things. In this case, even when he was squeezed out by the city lord everywhere, his restaurant could still be big. The scale.

  Even thinking of that, Nangong Xiao felt a little sympathetic to Chen Xuan.

"You can rest here with me. If you want to come tonight, something big will happen. If they want to catch you, they will have to pass me. I think I have been in this place for many years, and their Wang family dare not do anything casually. Move me." Chen Xuan felt a little grateful when he heard him say

So he hurriedly said: "That's really thankful to senior Nangong. I think I have not done anything when I came here alone. I have already borrowed your stove and many of your materials. Now I am still here with you. Many places have stayed overnight, thanks to Mr. Nangong."

Chen Xuan felt a little grateful for Nangong Xiao. After all, he thought that many of his requests would be rejected by Nangong Xiao. He did not expect that Nangong Xiao would not take his black dragon scale, but he helped Chen Xuan many things. Said that now Chen Xuan was a little grateful to Nangong Xiao but also a little apologetic, after all, the people who came were looking for him.

  But Chen Xuan could only watch those people run away. After all, he was alone now. He didn't have any status in the Golden City and had no good background, so now he can only lodge in Nangong Xiao.

  Tomorrow, he must leave the Golden City as quickly as possible to avoid getting involved in too many things.

  Chen Xuan obviously did not expect that Nangong Xiao could do justice. Nangong Xiao looked at Chen Xuan and said, "What I do are small things, and it's all a matter of effort. After all, you are also a special member of the Alchemy Masters Association. How can I give you some advice to those who have also worked in the alchemy world? Face it."

Hearing Nangong Xiao said, Chen Xuan touched his nose and smiled and said, "That really troubles you." Nangongxi also saw what happened, and ran over with his feet: "Father, those just now Have people come looking for us again?” Nangong Xiao looked at Xi'er and said, “These people have been uncomfortable seeing me lately. I think they might have been instructed by the city lord when they came over this time.” Nangong Xi was also before. Thinking, did those people follow Chen Xuan.

  (End of this chapter)

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