Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2517: Come to seek revenge

  Chapter 2517 Come to seek revenge

  Chen Xuan rushed there faster than usual, and found that the two people were really using their profound strength to hit him one after another, and they didn't seem to want to kill him immediately.

Chen Xuan saw a middle-aged man with black clothes and loose hair and said, "Wang Lu, after so many years, you still have this strength, haha! You are still in the age of gods and demons. When I leave, you are this strength. You are back now, you still!"

  There is another black suit next to him, but his belt is longer and he almost hit the ground.

   "I really didn't expect to hear my nephew say that you killed several members of our Pantheon one after another, and you were so presumptuous while we were not here!"

   "Moreover, with your Wang Lu's strength, how can you kill my brother?"

   "There are also those few old immortal elders, haha, they have all been eliminated by me now, I think the two elders of your Tianyuan Palace are also about to enter the stage of gods, what a pity, what a pity."

   Seeing this, Chen Xuan rushed out at a very fast speed, shouting "Get up!"

   Immediately afterwards, the group of profound energy surrounding him was beaten and dispersed.

  Looking at their surprised eyes, Chen Xuan slowly walked to his side and said, "Are you okay?"

   "Nothing, these two guys have no plans to kill me for the time being."

"I didn't expect them to come so quickly. I thought they were scrupulous about the agreement between the two and didn't dare to be too presumptuous. I didn't expect these two guys to sneak attack on us, and the elder, he had already been killed." Wang There seemed to be some tears flashing in Lu's eyes.

   "I see, I have been there just now and he is dead."

The two masters of the gods of the Pantheon showed a sly face and said: "It's ridiculous, you deceive people so much. My disciples have told us that you even killed several people of the gods and demons in my Pantheon. Your ambition is this. It’s so big, I think it’s not necessarily the first Tianyuan Palace in Black Rock City!"

The person next to him immediately set off and said: "The eldest brother said it is good, your Pantheon is so difficult, thinking that Black Rock City is the result of your Pantheon? I really took the leopard's guts, and now I am here, watching your Pantheon. How can the remnant go out alive!"

   Hearing what he said, Chen Xuan knew that the people in the Pantheon must have turned Lin's right and wrong, and let them lie that the Pantheon was persecuted by the Tianyuan Hall.

If he did not encounter Ling Batian and wanted to kill himself, Chen Xuan would not blind his eyes and almost lost his profound strength. If it were not for his luck, he must have been bullied by the Pantheon. speak.

  However, Chen Xuan knew that it was useless to explain now. In a big deal, he would fight with the Pantheon, and he would be sure to run away no matter what.

  He is also curious about how his demon soul has practiced so many times, if he takes the medicine, what is the difference between him and the master of the gods.

  While speaking, Chen Xuan didn’t say anything. Regardless of how the two gods and monarchs thought of him, they rushed forward directly, and approached Xie Zhong with their surprised expressions.

However, Chen Xuan’s eyes were sharp and he saw that Xie Zhong’s already raised hands had already gathered a lot of profound energy. If he was hit firmly by a person of the emperor’s period, he himself didn’t know what the consequences would be, and now he Can avoid, so there is no need.

  One dodged and avoided his attack, so Chen Xuan knew that he couldn't fight with them both.

Seeing that Chen Xuan had escaped his attack, Xie Zhong's violent and fierce profound energy immediately covered his whole body. He said to Xie Quan next to him: "This kid will be dealt with by me. Just look at it. See how I sacrificed his head to the third brother!"

  Before the words fell, the spiritual power burst out, and Chen Xuan who was next to him trembled. He was worthy of being a man of the emperor stage, and he had never seen this kind of profound power before.

   And even if I have seen it before, I can’t directly feel the violent aura as I do now. The violent profound energy is poured out without any reservation.

   Then he took out a pill from the ring, swallowed it quickly, and suddenly a cloud of spiritual power appeared on his body.

"Haha, kid, don't resist. In the face of my Xie Zhong, you will definitely lose. If you honestly hand over the head, maybe I won't have to brutally kill you!!" He stared at Chen. Xuan laughed loudly, as if he had a chance to win.

  Next, his hand followed the arc and struck Chen Xuan. At the moment of the impact, the sky and the earth trembled violently, as the aura on his hand became larger and larger. A huge storm of thousands of meters took shape in the collision, and rushed towards Chen Xuan like a beast, almost as if the sky was broken and the earth was cracked.

   "Not good!" Chen Xuan shouted.

  The aura he has gathered is so huge that Chen Xuan still dare not take over easily.

But the blue and red profound energy that was already in the emperor stage impacted Chen Xuan. The space in front was already broken like glass, and the blue and red giant palm also shook Chen Xuan back hundreds of feet. , Until a building collapsed before it could stop.

However, Chen Xuan was not idle when it was broken. Although Xie Zhong’s palm of profound energy was extremely powerful, he also mobilized the profound energy in his body at the moment of his death. A light green protection is formed outside.


Although    was shaken a long way away, he didn't suffer any injuries. The turquoise torrent of most profound power gathered in the midair, and it was completely resisted.

  But this angered Chen Xuan, he didn't expect that Xie Zhong would be a killer now. There is no plan for him to survive.

  As his profound power was released, the entire street was like a hurricane sweeping across the sky and the earth, constantly raging, and Wang Lu was also shocked to see it. This level of confrontation is really amazing!


   Chen Xuan's body was directly knocked out, and Wang Lu thought that Chen Xuan's death must be guaranteed by this blow. It is estimated that few people in the entire Black Rock City can bear his palm.

  Two pots of men were also immersed in their own remnants.

   "I just said how this kid has such great ability, it turns out that it is only so, this level is an insurmountable gap for Shenjunqi!"

  He gradually laughed and said: "Are you right! Wang Lu, you are despicable. Don't blame me for killing you today. I will kill you, the branch hall, and finally kill you!"

Talking that the person next to him also laughed, it seemed that they didn’t take Wang Lu seriously. It was already obvious that neither of them put Chen Xuan in their eyes because they felt that Chen Xuan had killed Ling Batian. Young people, no matter how they cultivate, at best they are only in the stage of gods and demons.

And the two of them, how to say, are the strength of the gods, and he secretly sighed, if Chen Xuan really entered the innate realm, and killed him by himself, it would only be bad luck for him. I can only say that their pantheon is hot. Annoying people. Tree the enemy who shouldn't be tree!

  However, they obviously did not see that Chen Xuan's dangling figure had come out of the ruins. While Xie Zhong was laughing, Chen Xuan had already approached him carelessly and locked him in.

"not good."

   Just when his profound strength had just formed a protective wall, he was also swept in front of him with monstrous spiritual strength, a light green profound strength that was extremely strong, and it was not what an ordinary **** and demon stage could possess.

A few dazzling lights appeared in an instant, and Chen Xuan also condensed a bright green light with only a few breaths. The phantom shadow turned into substance, a very large-scale turquoise green light composed of profound energy. The Law Body stood behind Chen Xuan.

  The two brothers Xie Zhong, Wang Lu, and the Pantheon disciples who were awakened by this movement were all surprised by this scene to the point of unhappiness.

   "It is said that this profound power transformation method requires at least the strength of the innate late stage to be successful in cultivation. This...impossible."

  He didn't know that the so-called profound energy transformation means that it needs a steady stream of profound energy as support, and Chen Xuan, after being nourished by a large amount of herbs, has now summoned the incomparably powerful demon soul in his body.

The power to control the demon soul was also inadvertently realized. Chen Xuan was also aware of the crisis he was facing now, but he had no other way. If the demon soul was not allowed to occupy his body, it would definitely not belong to these two people. opponent.

  Looking at his surprised look, the two Pantheon brothers began to pay attention to Chen Xuan.

  Wang Lu sighed after stroking his chest after being surprised. What surprised Chen Xuan was that he didn't know how he condensed into this law body. He only felt that he wanted to kill these two people as soon as possible, so that he was just constantly impacted by anger. This so-called profound energy transformation itself wants to cultivate and absorbs its spiritual power and merges with his own spiritual power, but Chen Xuan was able to do it by coincidence. Now, he has enough confidence to deal with these two. A master of the gods!

  Chen Xuan's had slowly turned red, slowly losing his consciousness, the powerful demon soul let out a hoarse voice.

   "You want to kill these guys, right?" said the hoarse voice.

  In Xie Zhong’s exclamation, Chen Xuan only slowly raised his head. The originally calm face now has a hint of madness in it.

  Xie Zhong stared at Chen Xuan solemnly, as if waiting for Chen Xuan to speak, because he was not sure now, and even suspected that Chen Xuan in front of him might have been completely occupied by the demon soul.

   "It's actually a demon soul, I don't know if this kid will use any weird moves." Xie Zhong said.

  A huge red figure stood behind Chen Xuan, following him with a finger to Xie Zhong and the two. Xie Zhong shouted: "I think his profound strength is still in the stage of gods and demons. If this is the case, maybe there is still a battle."

"it is good!"


   Before they finished speaking, Chen Xuan had already taken the lead.

  Just when Xie Zhong was about to attack Chen Xuan, it was too late. Before his spiritual energy converged, he was swept out by the monstrous spiritual power illusion. A bright turquoise light penetrated his body.

The condensed transformation image behind Chen Xuan shrinks continuously, and for a few breaths, those turquoise rays of light have already turned into substance. Behind the dharma body, Chen Xuan's appearance can be vaguely seen, but this The time phantom was already much smaller than before, but the phantom became more and more like an entity.

  The Law Bodies stood behind Chen Xuan, and they had just shot out the rays of light that swept the two of Xie Zhong, and they had turned into solid sword hilts as they approached them. On the hilt of the sword, there are countless ancient runes.

  The speed of those sword hilts was so fast that before Xie Zhong had time to react, they had penetrated his body. Then, Xie Quan's body had already softened in an instant and fell into a pool of blood.

  And the profound energy in Chen Xuan's body ran wildly, which made Chen Xuan's chest feel nauseous. He only felt that his throat was a little sweet, and he actually vomited a trace of blood.

  It seems that Chen Xuan’s profound strength is not enough to support such a huge virtual image, and this virtual image has almost turned into a physical

   Obviously, Chen Xuan's virtual image is not simple.

  Xie Zhong, who had escaped a blow, watched this scene with bated breath.

  He never expected that Chen Xuan's strength was hidden deep, and he just took the opportunity to hide from the hilt of the virtual image and survived.

  His hateful teeth creaked, and all the hatred was transferred to Chen Xuan.

   "It seems that the demon soul has taken over his body now, no, I can't continue to consume it with him."

   "No, this kid was actually injured." He saw the blood spilling from the corners of Chen Xuan's mouth due to excessive consumption of profound energy.

"If his strength is really strong to this level, it would be easy to kill him. Seeing that this kid is not doing anything, it seems... if I use my hole cards, I still have a chance to kill this kid. Killed! If this trouble is not eliminated, then our Pantheon will really have no peace! If this kid cultivates in the future, no one knows what will happen.

   "Take advantage of your illness, you will die!" Xie Zhong said silently.

  He practiced a sword technique called Thunder Sword Jue. As he said, he pulled out a half-foot-long sword blade behind him, looked at Chen Xuan coldly, and said, "Boy, it seems that you are also going to lose strength, now I will take your life Junior brother shame!"

  Speaking of his profound strength condensing continuously, all condensed on this dagger, and there was already a faint sound of thunder and lightning crackling.

  (End of this chapter)

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