Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2518: Resolve the crisis

  Chapter 2518 Resolve the crisis

  Thunder and lightning hit Chen Xuan directly, but the virtual image behind Chen Xuan has not disappeared, so it drives the red virtual image big hand column.

  Xie Zhong frowned when the offensive was blocked, and then the profound energy on his body swelled a little bit. Under the sound of crackling, the thunder and lightning in the sky changed again, and the long sword had become thunderous.

Suddenly, the beating light and shadow on the sword seemed to make a low roar, roaring like thunder. Under Xie Zhong’s thunder-colored palms, the sky suddenly became dark, like a few dazzling thunder lights like meteorites across the sky. , Blasted Chen Xuan overwhelmingly!


  A beam of thunder light directly hit the transformation profound energy above Chen Xuan, and several cyan lights alternated. Almost at the moment of the collision, it turned into two huge and incomparable rays of light.

  Several rays of light shattered directly, and the entire sky was filled with two colors.

  Chen Xuan only felt that even the space was violently distorted. The light made him close his eyes subconsciously.

  Under the bright color, what Chen Xuan didn't expect was the collision of the two offensives. The extremely violent lightning spirit power spread out directly, pouring into him from all angles.

  Chen Xuan hurriedly urged the profound energy in his body, trying to block the scattered profound energy, but it was obviously calculated by this Xie Zhong!

  Some of the Tianyuan Temple disciples who rushed over couldn't help but exclaimed. They saw that Chen Xuan's body had been pierced with a few small holes by a bit of thunder. Because it was swept by the golden light. Under the light of thunder, Chen Xuan's body was dripping with blood...

   "This Xie Zhong is worthy of the cultivation base of the gods, it really has some ability."

Chen Xuan has already seen the power of the gods stage. Although he was occupied by the demon soul just now, he burst out a powerful attack that did not meet his own cultivation level. In a short time, he killed Xie Quan who had not had time to respond, but it was also costly. Lost a lot of physical strength.

  So that the virtual image behind him is getting blurry now.

   "This kid's body is really too weak, he can't stand my strength." Chen Xuan looked at his body and said solemnly.

  Xie Zhong frowned when he saw that his offensive was blocked, and the terrible thunder light was raging in the sky again.

  The clothes on Chen Xuan's body have been stained red with blood. But no matter how fierce the red lightning attacked him, Chen Xuan never fell.

  The light of the pale green profound energy has never been broken by him.

  At this time, several disciples of the Tianyuan Temple who were watching were hit by thunder and lightning-like profound energy, and then they died in smoke.

  Chen Xuan's complexion finally became a bit difficult to look like: "Since this kid has handed over the body to me, he can't just run away casually. It's just a god-sovereign period, so he dare to scream in front of me!"

   Then Chen Xuan slowly gathered the profound energy in his body: "His body still has some profound energy for me to use, kid, I will help you once"

   "Don't watch you people here, leave as soon as possible." Chen Xuan said coldly.

  Wang Lu was slightly astonished, and immediately gave orders to the other survivors: "You have also heard, the situation is critical, everyone should find a safe place quickly, don't stay here!"

  But even though they heard the patriarch say that, everyone did not take a step back.


  Unprecedented unity!

  This is the dream of the Tianyuan Hall, that is, the people of the entire Tianyuan Hall can unite together, and when this critical juncture is reached, no one is willing to leave!

  There are many people from the empire in Tianyuan Hall, who usually gather together into their own circle, so they have always been unable to unite, and finally they have become a rope in the face of other people’s attacks.

These Tianyuan Temple disciples did not listen to Wang Lu's words, but chose to stay here, Xie Zhong finally sneered: "You have been given a chance, don't leave, the one who stared at you is your Pantheon family. Annihilated!"

  Almost all the members of the Tianyuan Temple, there are seven sections of Gods and Demons, four sections of Gods and Demons, and even one section of Gods and Demons. Everyone has not laughed at anyone's low level.

   Rather, they unanimously gathered their profound strength together and poured out towards Xie Zhong.

  Although these attacks were like raindrops to Xie Zhong, he is now doing his best to deal with Chen Xuan.

  The Tianyuan Temple disciples led by Wang Lu still caused him a little trouble!

  Chen Xuan looked at Xie Zhong and said, "Since you are finished attacking, let me come." After speaking, Chen Xuan squeezed out a smile, and his murderous intent became stronger.

   Immediately, Chen Xuan stepped out, his feet heavily stamped on the ground, and the red tower-like figure behind him suddenly became brighter, and his strength was a little bit stronger than just now!

The red profound energy swelled around him with a very amazing force, and in just a few breaths, it aimed at Xie Zhong who was not under the jurisdiction of Zuo Gu and attacked, and the red light and shadow shattered around him. .

  Chen Xuan’s eyes showed killing intent, and the scarlet light image was a toad with a huge mouth open. It actually sent out a substantive sound wave impact, like a storm, spreading around Xie Zhong.

  This time, all of Chen Xuan's profound energy has been exhausted, and all his hopes are pinned on this blow!

Facing the impact of the sound wave, Xie Zhong couldn't avoid it, because the speed was too fast. He trembled fiercely in the darkness of the green light, and actually sucked Xie Zhong directly into it. Then there was a wave of fluctuations in the green light, but it quickly disappeared invisible.

   "Give me in!"

  Chen Xuan shouted!

   Soon, Xie Zhong was finally sucked in with the huge scarlet shadow, and finally was shocked in the sky.

Under the horrified eyes, they disappeared into the sky together with the scarlet profound energy.

  But Chen Xuan, who had resolved the crisis of the Tianyuan Palace, couldn't help it anymore and fell to the ground.

   Casually Chen Xuan slowly opened his eyes. I saw a girl wearing a striped dress, her lavender hair shimmering in the sun.

  After Chen Xuan opened his eyes completely, he realized that it was Murongxi.

  At this moment, Murongxi was wearing a azure-breasted gown with his eyes down and a small golden bell hanging from Chen Xuan's horrified gaze. The red figure was constantly busy in front of Chen Xuan's eyes.

   Murongxi actually yelled when Chen Xuan was awake.

   "Wake up! Wake up!"

   "Chen Xuan is awake!"

  Nangongxi has not awakened any profound power, but her character is really pleasing to others.

  Chen Xuan sighed slightly. After all, he was late, and several elders in their Pantheon had already lost their lives. Among the several elders, only the elder of Tianyuan Hall really did it for the good of his own Tianyuan Hall. Although the elders of Tianyuan Hall might have some selfishness of their own, he believed that the elders of Tianyuan Hall also wanted to make the Pantheon wholeheartedly. Prosperous, under this concept, Chen Xuan believed that it would be good for him to let him go to Tianyuan Palace by Da Zhang.

   "Your body doesn't matter!" Nangongxi's soft voice pulled Chen Xuan back to reality, and he saw that Nangongxi's body had been close to him.


  I said that because Chen Xuan was a little uncomfortable with being so close to this girl. Maybe he didn't think so, but he was indeed too close to Chen Xuan.

  It feels that his face is about to stick to his body.

  At this time, he said: "Brother Ting, do you know that you have suffered multiple injuries!"

   "It's okay for me, I don't feel much pain now."

   "When they brought you, your body was full of blood."

  "And there are many small wounds, which are very difficult to deal with. But your profound strength is very strange. It is actually helping you to repair those wounds. When I followed, I had never seen such strange things."

Seeing that Chen Xuan did not speak, Nangongxi still said to himself: "Do you know where I have been recently? I am now studying in the largest medical clinic in Heiyan City, and my father sent me there. I don't want to go. , He insisted on sending me over, saying that I could have that long experience."

  Chen Xuan still did not speak, because he was thinking about why his profound strength could repair the wound.

Nangongxi said again: "Really, I'm almost boring to death here these days, and Black Rock City has been like a big enemy recently. It's been gloomy recently. You will have to heal here in the next few days. Then someone will speak with me!"

  Speaking, the girl laughed a little happily, her voice was like a soft veil, and it hit Chen Xuan's ear vigorously.

   Then Chen Xuan rushed to his body, a wave of heat spread throughout his body.

  This is what Nangongxi said that the profound energy is moisturizing his wound.

  The sound from the girl's mouth gave Chen Xuan a strangely soft feeling, but it was very powerful, and it seemed to have caused the profound energy in his body to recover from the wound. It was very loud.

  Because at this time Nangongxi is still talking endlessly.

   "I heard that you are studying medicine?"

  Seeing that Chen Xuan had just been silent for a long time, and suddenly he spoke, Nangongxi felt very happy and became obviously excited.

"Yes, didn’t you just hear what I said? My father asked me to go there, but I don’t want to go there. I have to sit in my carriage for a long time every time, and the road is still very bumpy. I really don’t know why the road can’t be repaired. Yeah!"

   "What's wrong with you? When I saw you before, I was covered in blood." Murongxi said.

   "I provoke people from the Pantheon before, so I now join Tianyuan Hall."

  "Tianyuan Palace?" The girl exclaimed. "I have seen the disciples of Tianyuan Palace, they are too arrogant, I don't like them at all."

   "I haven't been to the Tianyuan Palace in Jinluan City." Chen Xuan replied.

   "It's next to Jinluan City, which is above the mountain range we visited last time." Murongxi seemed to have thought of something, and said, "If you want to go, you can go with me!"

There was a smug expression on her face. For her, Chen Xuan was a genius who refined pill, so she looked up to Chen Xuan very much. Although Murongxi had awakened profound power, he had no pill and teacher to teach her. He, therefore, never went to practice, but followed her father to study herbal medicine.

  (End of this chapter)

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