Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2521: Depart for Lu Yucheng

   Chapter 2521 Depart for Lu Yucheng

  As Wang Lu retreated, Nangongxi seemed a little unnatural. Upon seeing this, Chen Xuan could only say: "If there is no accident, I will leave for Tianyuan Palace the day after tomorrow, and you still haven't come back."

"Yes," Nangongxi's face also showed a trace of anxiety, not knowing what he was going to do in Black Rock City. After all, Black Rock City is a famous blood **** sect on the mainland, and it hardly cooperates with other cities on the mainland. , And no information was revealed, it was like a formidable and mysterious place.

   "He said there was something he wanted, and he had to go there, so I let me stay here,... he has already gone, so he didn't come back..."

"Don't worry too much. You are in the realm of the gods and demons stage, and he was not the only one when you left. I asked the palace chief and he said that when you left, you also brought a few pantheon disciples in the profound strength stage. "Chen Xuan also felt a little strange. Even if he left, he would take care of him, and he shouldn't have been there for a long time without a reply. At this time, he could only comfort Nangongxi.

The silent night passed quietly. Soon, it was the day when Chen Xuan was about to go to Tianyuan Hall. When the sky was still dark, Nangongxi, who was still sleeping, was called by Chen Xuan, and Nangongxi suddenly opened. In his eyes, he hadn't changed much in the past two days. Even if he didn't reply, Nangongxi was born with an optimistic character, and he should go back to Lu Yucheng today.

After several days of rest and recuperation recently, Chen Xuan also felt that the medicinal power drawn from those pills in his body had played a role. He vaguely felt that he was about to enter the realm of the eighth level of gods and demons, but There is only a trace of heat, and every realm is not so easy to complete the promotion, and it is possible for some people to be trapped in the gods stage for a lifetime.

There was a trace of exhaustion in Chen Xuan’s eyes, because he had stayed up all night for the past few days, thinking about his dantian. He could already feel that when he was working on his profound energy, his body There are already five profound strengths surrounding his five dantians that are turning far away. Although his body is a bit tired, Chen Xuan still feels full of vigor and vitality under the influence of profound strength.

   The best time to practice fighting qi in the early morning and late night, and for those who are about to enter the stage of the gods, this is more like breaking through the water and sailing through the boat. If you don’t advance, you will retreat. Chen Xuan can persist, and he can be persevering. Only then can he have the opportunity to transform the cocoon of the city butterfly and successfully enter the gate of the gods. Retreat, after all, practicing profound strength is like riding a boat against the current!

  Before noon, Chen Xuan and Nangongxi had already got on the carriage of Tianyuan Hall and headed towards Lu Yucheng.

  Chen Xuan was full of curiosity about this Lu Yucheng. Although he had asked Nangongxi before, it was still not very clear, so he asked again: "Nangongxi, how long will it take to get to Lu Yucheng from here?"

   Seeing Chen Xuan asked him, he also said: “It takes a week to travel from Black Rock City to Lu Yu City by carriage. It is also on the west side of the Black Shadow Mountains, a city built next to the mountain.”

  "Tianyuan Hall is on Cangyuan Mountain..."

   Chen Xuan said. This is only to know that the Tianyuan Temple he is going to is in Cangyuan Mountain, and the entire Black Shadow Mountain Range stretches for hundreds of kilometers.

"The Tianyuan Palace is in the northernmost part of the Black Shadow Mountains, next to Lu Yucheng. Now we are past, we will definitely be able to catch up with the martial arts, and I am also very curious about what the scene is like, I am so old. I have never seen it before!"

  Nangongxi's face looked a little excited.

  Tianyuan Hall's martial arts competitions are not always there, and every year, the Tianyuan Hall's martial arts competitions will alarm every Tianyuan Hall on the mainland, as well as various forces. There are still many people staying in the city to watch, and at this time, Lu Yucheng is also the busiest time.

  Although Nangongxi seemed very excited, he did not feel excited for too long, and then he felt a little tired. Under the bumps of the carriage, Chen Xuan did not feel sleepy at all. So he gradually allowed his breathing to gradually stabilize, and his whole body began to work hard to calm himself in this space, like ripples splashed on a water wave, only to see a few faint waves rising, strands of profound energy. They all ooze out from his body.

After the exercise of those two pills yesterday, and Chen Xuan also went through a night of meditation, although he did not enter the god-jun stage, he also knew that he was still a little bit close, and he hoped that he could work hard in the past few days and succeed. Into the gods stage.

  With Chen Xuan's competitive and eager character, he hopes that he will get the first place in the Tianyuan Palace competition. He also told Chen Xuan before coming. Don't show your own strength too much, so as not to cause others to be jealous, Chen Xuan also firmly remembers these.

At this time, Chen Xuan’s skin was like a sea current, and a strange red color was exposed against the sun. If it were seen by some experts with extremely high profound strength, then you would know that Chen Xuan is already right now. Entered the realm of the gods stage!

Chen Xuan felt that he was extremely close to the profound energy hovering in his body. The countless pores on his body were breathing desperately, and now he would die if he didn't breathe. The curious red profound energy in his body became stronger. Then, on the surface of Chen Xuan's body, he was vying to open and close together. Under the action of strands of profound energy, he greedily ate the aura around Chen Xuan, and then slowly entered Chen Xuan's body. Those auras had been transformed into him Of profound strength!

Chen Xuan’s curious red profound energy became more real, and his pores greedily opened up. Now most of the profound energy in his body is following Chen Xuan’s breath into his body, and then follow Chen Xuan’s breath. As his breath slowly drained, especially after refining the five dantians in Chen Xuan's body and the specific veins of his practice, Chen Xuan stored those profound strengths in his five dantians.

  He has finished promotion.

  Looking at the pale orange profound energy floating around his body and the small cyclones hanging in his dantian. Chen Xuan knew that he had now entered the stage of the gods, and after all this happened, Chen Xuan found that Nangongxi had fallen asleep.

Only then did he remember that he was too focused on his profound strength cultivation, and he did not know it for nearly several hours. Thinking of this, he opened the window inside the carriage and looked at the dazzling sunlight through a layer of curtain. After his face was illuminated brightly, Chen Xuancai took a sigh of relief slowly, looking at the dull and muddy air that was spit out by Chen Xuan following his long exhalation.

Chen Xuan secretly thought: "I was promoted to the Eighth Layer of Gods and Demons. It only took a few months. The origin of this magical soul method is really mysterious. And this technique can also help me better absorb those herbs. He pill, not only that, but it can also repair one's own wounds."

After a while, Chen Xuan thought again: "If I follow this speed. I am afraid I will be able to become the realm of the gods in half a year, right?" Chen Xuan had not had a good rest two days ago, and passed by. Just now, in my own practice, I entered the Eighth Layer of Gods and Demons, and therefore consumed most of my energy. Now Chen Xuan only feels that his body and spirit are very exhausted, so he stretched his waist and listened to what came out of his body. With orange profound energy, Chen Xuan's face raised a satisfied smile.

  "In this competition, I must win the top three!"

  In the evening, Chen Xuan jumped off the bed in the carriage, staring at Nangongxi with some helpless eyes. He found that Nangongxi was still asleep. Thinking that he slept later than him, got up earlier than him, and he was still sleeping, Chen Xuan wanted to call him.

   shouted a few times but did not respond. Looking at Nangongxi’s reddish cheeks, Chen Xuan did not understand why. He called for a few more times before seeing his sleepy eyes opened loosely.

   "Ah! What's wrong?"

   "No, it just means you have been sleeping, and I don't know if you are sick. So I want to ask you."

   "No... I'm just too sleepy." The girl looked at Chen Xuan with a free look.

  His legs slowly curled up, Chen Xuan exhaled deeply, his palms were slightly bent, like eagle claws, firmly grasping the hilt of the sword, and stepping on the heavy ground with his feet, and he whispered: "Get up!"

   Chen Xuan couldn’t help but said, “It’s fine if you are okay. If you get sick on the road, I really don’t know what to do. It’s already evening. You can’t sleep at night, right?”

  Looking at the girl's somewhat dodging gaze, Chen Xuan also realized that under such circumstances, he shouldn't say such things, so he got out of the carriage and said to the coachman: "It's going to be night soon. Why don't we rest here."

  The coachman saw Chen Xuan poking out from the carriage curtain and said, "Okay, I'm going to prepare now."

  Said the coachman drove the horse to stop, first he fed the brown horse some feed, and he was at the place where he was going to live.

It is now approaching January, so the cool night breeze blew on his face, and the coachman said: "If we are fast, we can get there within a week as soon as possible. I see this spooky weather, it might snow. indefinite."

  Chen Xuan explained at this time: "No matter whether you can get there, you can do your best anyway. It is best if you can get there naturally."

  "I have seen the weather change rapidly in recent days. I don't know that the weather will definitely be affected. At this time in the past, the weather has not been so cold."

  Chen Xuan is not too anxious to get to the Tianyuan Hall. There is still more than half a month before the Tianyuan Hall contest. Now there is no need to worry about the time, because although the distance is far away, he still has a lot of free time to visit Lu Yucheng.

   Just when the few of them were happily talking to each other, a pair of **** red eyes in the grass had been observing Chen Xuan for a long time.

  I only heard people say: "Is that him?"

   A voice next to him replied: "Yes, it's him, the girl in the light red dress."

   "Who is next to you?"

   "It is said to be called Chen Xuan."

The man snorted coldly: "He has some strength. I can't see through his profound strength. He seems to be a tricky guy." He observed for a while, and continued: "Then it seems that the price we discussed before will be extra The fare has increased. If I deal with him, I will have to put in a lot of effort!"

Some sulky voices came through again: "No problem, as long as you give the girl to me, no matter how much money, how many things, and what you want, I can give you everything, provided that you want to give her to me. Hand. As for Chen Xuan, he doesn't care about his life or death. If he blocks it, it will take his life!"

"This is okay, it will only take me a little time. I believe that a mere divine monarch period can't do anything to me. You have to be prepared for my reward, otherwise." He snorted a few more times, no at all. Put the person next to you in your eyes.

  The man didn’t care how bad his attitude was, but said, “When do you want to act?”

   "At night, when they sleep, I never do things with full confidence. I don't do things easily." The figure in the shadow licked the blade in his hand playfully.

  The man did not speak any more, and the two disappeared into the shadows.

  (End of this chapter)

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