Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2522: Someone attacked

   Chapter 2522 Someone Sneak Attack

  As for Chen Xuan has not foreseen the imminent danger, he is now completely immersed in the joy of stepping into the emperor stage. And if possible, he would like to use his profound strength twice to see what kind of destructive power he has when he entered the Divine Sovereign Stage. After thinking about that Nangongxi and the old coachman were nearby, he suppressed his eagerness.

  When entering the night, Chen Xuan had already rested while cultivating profound strength, so there was no sleepiness, and now he was exploring several profound strengths in his body, feeling the difference between them. The girl Nangongxi fell asleep again, which made Chen Xuan also dumbfounded. He didn't expect that Nangongxi still had the intention to go to sleep. She had already fallen asleep during the day. How could she still be able to sleep now? With the face falling into deep sleep, Chen Xuan couldn't bear to make noise anymore.

  He couldn't sit still, and after staying next to him for a while, he finally walked to a position tens of meters away from them, running the profound energy in his body. Trying to see the difference in the power of his demon soul.


  Chen Xuan exclaimed, the profound strength attacked so fast that he was accidentally attacked by the group's sudden sneak attack.

  He was surprised, why there is a master in the realm of gods in such a wilderness, and this curious red profound strength. Could it be that which pantheon cultivator has returned? After seeing the person walking out, Chen Xuan dispelled his suspicion.

This person was wearing a jet black coat, which sturdyly wrapped his body, even his eyes could not see clearly, and his posture did not resemble that of a cultivator who was over a hundred years old in the Pantheon. appearance.

  "Who are you? Why did you attack me?" Chen Xuan shouted loudly, trying to wake up Nangongxi and the old coachman who were sleeping. Nangongxi and the old coachman fell asleep as if they hadn't heard them.

  The mysterious person in black clothes did not answer Chen Xuan's plan.

  At this moment, he saw that huge, strange red vigor gathered in front of him. It was a wave of profound energy, and it relentlessly hit like Chen Xuan and almost fainted him.

At this time, the man in black came over, and Chen Xuan also saw his face clearly. His inky black clothes and his hair were fluttering with the wind of the night, with a strong aura like an impossibility. Like a defeated evil god, he chuckled coldly: "Go!" Then his left hand followed and pressed again. Nangongxi's carriage was already floating in the sky. He looked at the carriage and said: " It's him? Right?"

A rickety figure walked out next to him and said: "He is not wrong. This girl has been caught in my ecstasy. This young man has a higher cultivation base than expected, so he has not caught my ecstasy. Now He will leave it to you."

  After hearing this, the man in black looked at Chen Xuan and said, "Boy, I will let you take action first to make up for my attack on you just now, so now let you do some tricks."

Absolute self-confidence made the man hardly put Chen Xuan in his eyes, because in terms of his strength, few people in this continent were his opponents. This mysterious man was already in the realm of the gods, and Chen Xuan wanted to defeat him now. It's almost impossible for him.

   "Who on earth are you?"

  Chen Xuan is only very curious about the origins of these people. He just guessed which Pantheon Divine Sovereign dual cultivator they are. It doesn't seem to be the case, then they are the enemies of the Pantheon? Then I thought about it, when did their Pantheon provoke such an enemy, it is estimated that there is only the Pantheon, and there will be no more.

Moreover, this person's profound strength is very weird, always revealing a bit of evil. Just when Chen Xuan was still guessing whether this person was a member of the cult in Black Rock City as he thought, the man said:" Seeing you are curious, then I'll tell you, our goal is only girls, and you are just killing them by the way. Is there anything else you want to ask?"

  Chen Xuan secretly shook his head and said, "No more."

He was thinking deeply, this guy didn’t seem to let him go, and Nangongxi had already been taken away by him. Their goal was Nangongxi. Is there something in Nangongxi that would allow them to catch a girl who only had three levels of profound strength. .

Chen Xuan can't think about that much, because he knows that even if he has entered the realm of the god-jun stage, he is not the opponent of this mysterious man now. It can be said that if he escapes now, he still has a chance, Chen Xuan's. With strong self-esteem, he was unwilling to run away, especially when he handed over Nangongxi to this group of people and fled by himself. This is not in line with Chen Xuan's belief.

  Thinking that Chen Xuan had gathered behind him a large expanse of profound energy like ocean waves. These profound energy slowly formed behind him, and it turned into a faint orange profound energy phantom with a brilliant glow.

   Then, after this virtual image condensed for a period of time, it stretched out a palm print to the mysterious man over there, which was as large as half a meter. There were also white runes entwined on it, and it contained the profound strength of five dantians. On the five fingers, it finally got bigger and bigger, and it blasted directly at the man.


   Hearing a loud noise, the palm hit him firmly, and the runes seemed to be about to condense, and there was only a gold word on it.

  A tiny ripple exploded on the head of the mysterious man.

   disappeared with the wind in a while.

The mysterious man was unmoved, and said with a hint of joking: "This is your full strength? What surprised me is that you have entered the God-Sovereign Stage, and I have not seen it. It is really weird. Let me See what you can do."

  As he said, the man's body shook a few times, and his own mysterious red power was also exuded around his hands.

  At this time, there was a weird dark cloud with bright and strange red profound power that appeared above his head. This mysterious dark cloud came fast and went fast.

   surprised Chen Xuan, because the dark cloud swelled hundreds of times in a while, and the moment it had just disappeared had already filled the sky.

  Under this dark cloud, the speed and strength of the mysterious man have been increased by dozens of times.

During that time, he contracted his muscles and said to Chen Xuan: "Use this trick to deal with you, but it's your honor, boy, I haven't used this trick to deal with a weak person of the gods stage. Even though you are about to die in my hands. Hahaha, you should thank me now."

The man with a rickety body beside him also agreed: "Yes, boy, this is not something you can usually see, although you have entered the god-jun stage at a young age, it is a rare seedling. It is a pity that you have encountered it. We can only blame you for your bad life."

  "If you let you go, I will shame our reputation. No one can go out alive in the business we take."

  As his sly red profound energy condensed into a fascinating red cloud in the sky, the man rushed over quickly, at a speed that even Chen Xuan could not see clearly. In his astonishment, the man had already arrived in front of him.

Its destructive power is surprisingly amazing. The eerie red profound energy on his fist is like a beast of magma bursting. Fragmentary profound energy splashes all over, and in the blink of an eye it floods Chen Xuan's surroundings, in most of the space near him. , Chen Xuan was also severely beaten by his blow!

  He didn’t stop there. At this moment, suddenly, deep in the sky, a violent trembling cloud of strange red dispersed, only to hear the man’s voice: "You are seeking your own death!"


  Chen Xuan even wanted to transport the profound strength in his body when he was not paying attention. The profound strength in his body had already fluctuated. He wanted to sneak attack on Nuan, the man did not succeed.

Then when the man’s voice just fell, a big hand appeared from the red mist. This big hand broke through the sky, descended from the emptiness, and grabbed Chen Xuan. He wanted to hold Chen Xuan. He wanted to grab the earth. His hands.

   "It's really the supreme powerhouse in the terrifying realm of God!"

At this moment, Chen Xuan's heart is almost suffocated. He knows that if he is caught by this big hand, he will feel endless pain waiting for him, and he may not be able to get out anymore, and once again lamented that his current strength still cannot be resisted. After his strength, it is true that the powerhouse in the realm of the gods in a city is so powerful. It is estimated that only this kind of powerhouse can have this kind of aura and this majesty, and the big hand in the red mist is facing Chen Xuanyi. How can he contend with it?

  Especially in the big hand, some chaotic storms appeared. The storm had already fixed on Chen Xuan and in an instant, Chen Xuan realized that his body could no longer move.

   "Damn it, is it so much different!"

"The person who is held by my hand of blood mist, no matter how powerful you are, even a strong man in the realm of gods can't get away. What's more, if you are a **** in this area, I think you'd better give up struggling, then I might pay. I can leave you a whole body so that you don’t die so ugly, and the people in the Pantheon will be able to recognize you in the future. Hahaha.”

As    said, the man laughed nonchalantly, as if he had a chance to win.

   "I see the head of the branch of your Pantheon, I can only blame you for showing up in my business, otherwise you won't be so unlucky and meet us."

At this time, Chen Xuan, who had fallen to the ground, stood up and shouted fiercely: "I think you are too happy too soon, although I don't know what your origin and identity are, I will kill if I get the chance. you."

  But Chen Xuan did not make a move, but waited for the changes. In fact, he is not the opponent of this mysterious man even if he does it now.

  Although he thought so, Chen Xuan would certainly not sit still, he wanted to do his best to fight this guy.

  When Chen Xuan said that, the man looked at him enthusiastically, just like watching an ant struggling aggrievedly. Instead, he was watching how this angry Chen Xuan boasted that he wanted to kill him.

  But at this moment, he suddenly realized that there was a huge vigor in front of him. This vigor was not like the normal cultivation base of the gods.

He had to pay attention to the distance between Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan. The air in front of Chen Xuan quickly shook with his profound strength, and then he saw a large swath of profound energy condensing behind him like a sea wave, and it had already turned into one behind Chen Xuan. The virtual image of the entity.

  Profound power transforms!

  He didn't believe that the man in front of him would also transform into a profound energy that could only be mastered in the realm of a god. And it seems that it has reached the point of being a physical entity. If it is someone else, it seems that he also knows how to transform profound strength, but he has also worked hard for a long time to find out.

   And he can already condense his profound strength into an entity, you know, this requires extremely large profound strength to be able to do it.

  Seeing this, a huge palm print was formed on the man's blood mist. This palm print was a bit thicker than just now, and it was as big as a house.

  (End of this chapter)

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