Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2523: The mysterious sect

   Chapter 2523 Mysterious Sect

  On the huge palmprint, another rune condenses into one word: blood.

   Chen Xuan saw this word, not only wondering what the relationship between this mysterious man and Black Rock City really is. He doesn't have the mind to ask the man's origins. He only knows that as long as he can live out of his hands is the last word.

  Otherwise, it’s useless to think too much!

The palm of the blood mist in between wanted to swallow Chen Xuan from the sky and formed a faint hole in the sky. The dark clouds above the hole were assimilated into the color of blood, the degree of the mysterious redness of this kind of vividness. It wasn't the profound power that ordinary people in the realm of gods could possess at all, but the profound power that was extremely demonic and evil. This time it did not disappear with Chen Xuan's blow.

   Rather, it is constantly absorbing Chen Xuan's profound strength, and it is also constantly growing.

"not good!"

   Chen Xuan said.

  He found that his attack had no effect on the sly red giant hand, and his profound strength would be absorbed by him every time.

  At this moment, the mysterious man looked at Chen Xuan condescendingly in the sky.

   "It's really unexpected. I advise you not to waste your efforts. Do you know how many people died in the hands of my blood mist? I really praised you for dealing with you. You are called Chen Xuan, right?"

Seeing that Chen Xuan did not reply to him, he continued: "You make me feel very surprised, if I can, I don't even want to kill you. Your dantian is very strange, ordinary people do not have such a huge emperor stage like you. With profound strength as support, your profound strength is very similar to our Pantheon’s technique for capturing the stars. There is one difference. I can’t tell you. If you tell me, I’ll consider letting you go, how about?"

   "Go to hell!"

  Chen Xuan was already rapidly gathering his profound strength when he was speaking. At this moment, after a period of blessing, the entity in the form of profound strength has formed behind him, resisting the attack of the strange red mist.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan yelled. There was already a wall formed by three profound strengths in front of him, and five sword hilts faintly appeared behind Chen Xuan's transformed entity. Behind him quickly rushed to the man in the sky.

  The man’s eyes were quick and his hands ran across him, and then a red mist appeared, blocking Chen Xuan’s five blurred sword blades with orange profound energy.

   "You can do this, boy, I'm really more and more curious about you!" The man looked at Chen Xuan and said.

   "Go back and be curious about your father!" Chen Xuan said.

   "Death!" He shouted, and said: "I wanted to keep your whole body just now. Now it seems unnecessary, boy, seek your own death."

Although Chen Xuan did not appear to be afraid of him, Chen Xuan was still very strenuous. He had already consumed most of his profound strength while fighting the eerie red mist. Now he has attacked the mysterious man several times. It was easily resolved. Moreover, the eerie red mist is still eroding Chen Xuan's profound strength.


  The sly red **** hands have overwhelmed the sky and left like Chen Xuan attacked. Chen Xuan's body was already shrouded in this bright and strange red blood mist. Chen Xuan felt that his consciousness had become increasingly blurred.

At this moment, the pores of Chen Xuan's body, which was grasped by the sly red giant hand, permeated an orange profound energy. Accompanied by a faint light, this light was like the bloom of a full moon, although it was not very It was not strong, obviously revealing that a trace of weirdness was wrapped around Chen Xuan's whole body, and in the end all was condensed in the palm of Chen Xuan's palm, forming a spherical entity. Even Chen Xuan didn't know why all his profound strength was condensed.

  After Chen Xuan's body swam for a while, he unconsciously read a few words in his mouth. Then a powerful profound energy shocked the mysterious man on the sly red giant palm, and even his face changed. He said in his heart: "How come the purity of this kid's profound energy has suddenly increased so many times, his own Why can't Red Mist absorb this profound energy at all? It's strange:"

  After a few strange sounds, the mysterious man strengthened Jiuding again, and shook his hands vigorously towards Chen Xuan.

  If it is a piece of rock, it will also be crushed by the rock that is held by this curious red giant palm!

   Although Chen Xuan almost lost consciousness, the sly red giant palm could not move forward, because Chen Xuan's rosary-like profound strength had actually protected his body.

  The orange profound energy enchantment has broken through the limit of the person of the god-jun stage. And let the mysterious man exclaimed: "This kid really gave me too many surprises. If I don't know, it's okay. Now that I see him, I don't want to kill him."

  He has already made enemies with him. If he doesn't kill him, he will have troubles in the future. Now he has this kind of cultivation base, and it will be fine in the future!

  Seeing that Chen Xuan had not been killed yet, the rickety old man also appeared out of thin air and said: "Isn't it done for a mere sage?"

   Talking about him, standing on his side, questioning the man in black.

   "I just didn't expect this kid's cultivation base to reach this level, and this kid's cultivation base has surpassed many people of the gods."

   "That's not normal. The average person who has practiced ancient exercises is much stronger than the average god-jun stage person. Doesn't your pantheon's practice make you stronger than the average person in the god-jun realm?"

Seeing the old man questioning, he didn't speak any more. Instead, he looked at Chen Xuan, who was already in a coma, and thought that he no longer had the ability to resist himself. Now the mysterious profound energy has been surrounding Chen Xuan as if he had his own life. general.

   "I have never seen such a profound strength. You see, the profound strength that revolves around him like a bead is like a life."


  The man pointed to him.

"It's just the protection of mystery. As for being so surprised? Our customers can't wait. You wasted a full hour. Don't you know? Our goal has been completed. We have gotten a little thief. You also spent so much time. If I didn't come here in person, I'll see when you can get it done!"

  "Isn't this done this kid? I can't kill him now. My red mist can't pass through his body anymore, so."

  He hadn't finished speaking, but was stopped by the old man.

   "Who is over there?"

   "I see, even you guys don't have to kill them all!"

   "Look at the way you talk, you should know who we are, what is your origin?"

  "You two said, I’m from Tianyuan Hall, and my surname is Li Mingyuan, so I call me Li Yuan."

   "It turns out to be a disciple of Master Lu. Disrespect, our Pantheon affairs, when did you come to the Tianyuan Hall to step in?"

"Don't worry, look at him, can there be a token of our Tianyuan Hall? To tell you, this child is a disciple of our Tianyuan Hall, and you should know the purpose of our Tianyuan Hall." Li Yuanfeng Qingyun Said lightly.

   "Of course I know that the disciples who enter the Tianyuan Hall are protected by the Tianyuan Hall. Those who are not outsiders will give them back a hundred times."

The old man snorted and said: "Since Mr. Li said that, you don't need to read the token. I will give you this kid." Then his words changed again: "Our Pantheon also has our purpose, this The kid doesn’t have to be killed, you also know the behavior of our Pantheon."

  Li Yuan smiled lightly and said, "It's easy to say, instead of taking this kid's life, I have a pill that my master personally refined here. It's called Jiuqu Ling Pill."

   "Nine Qu Lingdan? Why have I never heard of it?"

"This is a recently refined pill. I haven't named it yet. In fact, I added a name to it privately. It has a great effect. Just a few inferior medicinal herbs have used hundreds of copies, and each All kinds of medicinal herbs, as well as snake gu, blood lotus, and bone-setting ointment, it takes seven or seventy-nine hours to complete the practice." Li Yuan, who looked at the more he talked and improved: "If you say Its effect, you have seen this kid, before I saw him, he had only the strength of the seventh stage of the gods and demons stage. Now that he has eaten this nine song spirit pill, he has entered the eighth stage of the gods stage."

   "Is it really that effective? Then you have to take out at least a dozen of them before I can let the kid go."

  Li Yuan laughed after hearing it, but also felt a little wrong. Then he said: "It’s not that I didn’t give it to you, it’s really that I can’t take it out. Master of Jiuqu Ling Pill only gave me three pieces. There is only one pill now, and this pill is extremely effective."

   "Okay, just one for each, deal."

  Speaking, Li Yuan also took out a purple jade bottle character from his arms, and he took out a nine-tune spirit pill from the jade bottle character. Said: "That's it, you have to give me the kid first."

   "Yes, Hei Gu, give him the kid."


  After speaking, the two did not say much, but with the fluctuation of the air, the two disappeared quickly.

  The middle-aged man with a high crown took Chen Xuan straight to the Tianyuan Hall in the sky like a purple thunder. At this time, Chen Xuan had fallen into a coma, and he was now in a strange space. In this space, a huge eye was staring at him.

   These eyes made Chen Xuan's hair horrified, but he couldn't open his mouth to say a word. At this time, Chen Xuan felt that he was in a cold sweat, but he could only look at his eyes, suddenly! His eyes moved.

  Next, Chen Xuan opened his eyes. He still had lingering fears in the fear of a strange situation. But suddenly realized that he was already in a Kecun.

  At this time, Li Yuan was watching Chen Xuan's hand pressing his forehead, observing the changes in Chen Xuan's expression. Said: "Now your body is very weak, I know what you want to ask, I will tell you later:"

   Chen Xuan just wanted to open his mouth when he heard Li Yuan say that, so he closed his mouth.

"Your breath is really strange just now. Although you have fallen into a coma, your profound strength seems to be manipulated by someone, and although your strength is small, it is very overbearing and powerful, and even more detached." Although I was only exposed to it. Some, but it took a long time for my profound strength to calm down to eliminate the remaining profound strength in your body. "

  Naturally, he did not know that the power of the demon soul in Chen Xuan's body had begun to occupy his body just now.

   "Nangongxi? What are those two people?" Chen Xuan asked, dragging his tired body.

   "The two of them are the killers of the Black Blood Sect. You should know the Black Blood Sect, right?"

   "I know, it is said that they are a group of very mysterious guys, and they are extremely powerful. It is said that they have a deep relationship with the snake worship."

   "Yes, I don't know why they took the little girl this time. There are only two possibilities. One is that they were commissioned to catch the girl."

   "Is the Black Blood Sect really the same as the rumored one?" Chen Xuan was a little frustrated. He hadn't suffered such a fiasco since he had realized the five dantians, and he had almost no chance of winning with people in the realm of gods.

"Yes, this Black Blood Sect is doing something recently. The reason why I came out this time is not only to bring you Tianyuan Temple tokens to you who are competing in the Tianyuan Temple, and let me investigate the Black Blood Sect. Following a few people from the Black Blood Sect from Black Rock City, their concealment methods are very superb."

  At this moment, Chen Xuan's eyes were getting more and more blurred. He was thinking about the purpose of the two people he encountered to arrest Nangongxi. After all, her enemy is only the lord of Jinluan City. But the city lord would definitely not dare to arrest people so blatantly, it is very possible that these were all hired by him.

  (End of this chapter)

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