Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2524: Lu Yucheng Mansion

   Chapter 2524 Lu Yu City Mansion

  Chen Xuan has not healed because of the serious injury, and there is no way to think too much, so he asked Li Yuan, "Mr. Li, where is this place?"

  "This is Yinshui Town."

  "Silver Water Town?"

Chen Xuan thought that the place where the two Silver Moon Sect masters had fought was near Xu Kong Mountain not far from Black Rock City. He was really unfamiliar with this Silver Water Town. After all, Chen Xuan had just stayed in this world. A year's time.

  So he asked: "How far is Yinshui Town from Lu Yucheng?"

  "Lu Yucheng is only about thirty miles away."

   Above the mountain range of Bai Wu Yun Liao, a young figure in a black robe faintly appeared. Next to him was an old man with a childlike face and a crane bone.

  The young man in black robes looked down at Lu Yucheng below. Although it was far away, after his profound energy was drawn through his eyes, his gaze easily probed the surrounding hundreds of miles.

   "It seems that Lord Li has returned. And there is a young man next to him. I don't know where he came from."

   "That young man should be Chen Xuan, who is our candidate for the Tianyuan Palace competition this time."

   "Huh? My lord, how do you know his name and origin?" The black robe youth who was listening quietly beside him also sighed.

  On the other side, Li Yuan and Chen Xuan, who had just left Yinshui Town, were about to arrive at Lu Yucheng. Today's Chen Xuan has not been out of safety because he was just injured, so his body feels very weak, so that his strength is weak and he can't use his profound strength to cultivate. So he and Li Yuan spent three days from Yinshui Town to Lu Yucheng. And now there are still ten days to go before the Tianyuan Palace contest!

  Although Chen Xuan has recovered some strength on the road. The physical injury has not recovered at all. Chen Xuan also didn't know the reason. He had gone through the difficult times, but in normal times, there was already a demon soul method that would repair his wounds, but now there is no movement at all.

  This made Chen Xuan a little confused, and now he doesn't care about it, only hopes that he can reach Lu Yucheng smoothly.

  In a quiet residence in Lu Yucheng, the scenery of pavilions and pavilions is very beautiful. A middle-aged man is sitting on a chair made of gold, but there is no servant here.

  "Sit." The middle-aged Taoist sat down in a pavilion and smiled at a young man in the distance.

   "The younger generation is already sitting." At this time, the young man sat down.

The middle-aged man smiled and looked at him and said: "It is said that your Qiu Shuang Kingdom is a way of sword energy and has its own unique technique and profound strength. Although I have long admired your Qiu Shuang Kingdom's sword art, how can I return it? I didn’t see it with my own eyes before I knew that you were from the Qiushuang Kingdom, so I invited you over."

   "It seems that I can't hide from the predecessors." The young man felt a little surprised in his heart, and said quickly.

   "Don't worry, I don't have the idea of ​​spying on your Qiushuang Kingdom's exercises."

The middle-aged man said full of breath, "It's just that your body has a kind of escaping profound strength. I have never seen this kind of profound strength. You know, there are many strange auras of the profound strength of the Tianyuan Palace. Although it is very weak, I can be sure that it is your Qiushuang Kingdom’s profound strength. Speaking of which, I also visited your Qiushuang Kingdom’s sword master back then and wanted to worship him as a teacher. However, your Qiushuang Kingdom is too strict. I am a member of the Yunye Empire. , You can only look at it from a distance. This shake, more than seventy years have passed."

He sighed and continued: "Time flies so fast. I still remember that when I cultivated to the innate realm, no one could teach me, just the days when I was recklessly slaying demons and eliminating demons. I really miss it."

  The youth is still listening.

  He knows the origin of the person in front of him, that is, the current city lord of Lu Yucheng, but the young man is not clear about his origin.

  As the largest city of the Yunye Empire, Lu Yucheng was named precisely because of a dominant **** in the Tianyuan Temple. Although he didn't mention him too much, almost everyone in Lu Yu City firmly believed that Lu Yu was protecting their city.

  Li Yuan and Chen Xuan, who had already arrived in Lu Yucheng, were wandering in the street.

  Chen Xuan was also surprised by Lu Yucheng. He was in a small city called Black Rock City before, and he had never seen such a prosperous city. There is no change in my face, but my heartbeat is tingling.

   "Follow, walk forward and you will be at the place of an old friend of mine."

  As he strode forward, Chen Xuan followed quickly.

  As soon as Li Yuan walked to a gate, Chen Xuan raised his head and looked at "Lu Yu City Mansion". He was also surprised by these words. It turned out that the old friend Li Yuan was talking about was the city lord of Lu Yucheng. He was not familiar with Lu Yucheng at all, so he could only follow him, but he didn't expect to be brought here by Li Yuan. .

  Lu Yucheng was completely a strange place to Chen Xuan, and he had never been here before. Chen Xuan had only heard of a number one person like City Lord Lu Yu before, but he didn't expect to see it with his own eyes.

  Although there are only a handful of people who can enter the realm of God King, there are still so many! In this realm, there are also three, six or nine grades. Some people in the **** king realm and others in the same realm may be worlds apart!

Like Lin Yu, who was proactively named Black Rock City by the emperor, he had to have the strength of the Divine Sovereign Realm, and it was still in the central city of this larger country. Lu Yucheng was even more so. Then the strength of the city lord who wanted to come to Lu Yu City might be Very top-notch in the realm of the **** king.

  Presumably, the lord of Lu Yu City has already lived hundreds of years. Even the influence in a holy place is extremely large, even the emperor had to appease them, like the influence of the Pantheon in Black Rock City is extremely extensive.

  These characters are very important in any place.

So Chen Xuan asked, "Is this city lord also an old man with a white beard? I don't think you look like that old, so why would you be friends with him." Chen Xuan changed his mind and thought, they Black Rock City Lin Yu, the lord of the city, had already cultivated to the realm of God Sovereign in his middle age.

  Chen Xuan now doesn’t know exactly what age this Li Yuan is. Although he appears to be middle-aged on the surface, when he cultivates to their level, people will live longer than ordinary people! Just like the people in the Pantheon, they have also lived for more than two hundred years. For people in the realm of gods, if they want to enter the next realm, it is almost impossible to reach the sky.

  Under the recommendation of an old man, after Chen Xuan and Li Yuan walked a few distorted avenues, the old man said: "Mr. Li, the place in front of the city lord lives."

  Chen Xuan had heard the voice of a young man outside.

  "The road to practice is long. Compared with the predecessors, the juniors have only started to go." The young man said.

   "You have already cultivated to the realm of the emperor's stage at a young age. I remembered that I was at this time of your age, and I still don't know where to go!"

  Speaking, the middle-aged man looked at the young man and nodded and sighed, "Speaking of which, I was obsessed with one of you, so I must show it twice!"

  "Show? What to show?"

   "Li Yuan, why did you come in without knocking?"

  "Do I still knock on the door with you? Besides, you can't hear me even if I knock on the door from the mansion door to here!"

   "What is this little brother?"

   "This is Chen Xuan, from Heiyancheng."

   "Black Rock City?"

   "Of course? Don't you know where Black Rock City is."

   "I want to think about it." As he said, he thought about it carefully in his head. The name is really familiar. "

  Speaking, he muttered a few words: "Is it Black Rock City?"

   "As the city lord of Lu Yu City, you don't even know this."

   "I'm really sorry." As he said, he quickly walked to Chen Xuan's front.

   "Let me introduce each other, now here is the genius of the Tianyuan Palace of the Autumn Leaf Empire, Ouyang Yu, and his is the chief of the famous Qiu Shuang Kingdom, Ouyang De."

   "Ouyang De is your father?" Li Yuan said.

   "Yes, sir." Ouyang Yu raised his hand and said in a salute.

   "This Ouyang De's is really different from him!"

   "I have also been to Lu Haicheng. It has been more than a hundred years, and it has not changed. He directly blasted me out."

   "I'm going to accompany my father, right?" Ouyang Yu said.

   "It's okay, it's okay, I heard that you are now in the genius stage?"

   "Yes, I have now entered the stage of the gods, sir."

   "Don't call Mr. Mr., this kid is really different from his father."

  He continued: "It just so happens that you have heard this kid on my side. He is from the Tianyuan Palace. He is now in the realm of the gods. In the next few days of martial arts, I will definitely see each other."

  "Why don't we compare it now!"

   "Yuanju, if you want to see the Qiu Shuang Kingdom's sword art, just say directly, pick two children to compete with you, are you afraid to demolish your mansion?"

The Qiushuang Kingdom’s legendary sword fairy tactic has been in the world for thousands of years, and it has not been declining for hundreds of years. The Qiushuang Kingdom, an empire resounding throughout the continent, and it is because of the existence of the Qiushuang Kingdom that the people in Black Rock City dare not act rashly. After all, the strengths of the elders of the Qiushuang Kingdom and his branch chiefs should not be underestimated, but Ouyang De has already entered the realm of the **** emperor, and the strength of those elders is also unfathomable. He vaguely feels that the elders may already be We are about to step into the realm of transformation!

  The reason why the Qiu Shuang Kingdom is so famous is also because of the sword fairy of the Qiu Shuang Kingdom. The first to kill is to be good at slashing demons. In history, it is estimated that only Qiu Shuang can enter the profound strength with sword tactics. Even for Qiu Shuang, the ‘sword tactic’ they master is stronger than others. It stands to reason that with his talents and qualifications, it is no longer necessary to come to the Tianyuan Palace. It is just that the assets and unique skills of the Qiu Shuang Kingdom, as well as this Ouyang Yu's talent, should be a very easy thing to become the realm of the gods.

What Chen Xuan didn’t know was that even though Ouyang Yu had entered the stage of the Emperor of God, he, like Chen Xuan, had not traveled anywhere before, so this time he came out to travel by the way, and it happened to be in the Tianyuan Hall for three years. There was once a competition, so he came to participate in it, hoping that he could improve his realm as soon as possible.

  And he also knew that their Qiu Shuang Kingdom did not condense the method of the soul in order to practice sword art.

   "Each generation of the Autumn Shuang Kingdom has introduced good seedlings." Seeing that neither of them had any intention of fighting, the city lord could only exclaim, he suddenly thought of something, and suddenly looked at Chen Xuan. Said to Chen Xuan: "Did you just say that this young man is also a god?"

   "It's true."

"What's going on now, because of blue is better than blue? How can you cultivate to this level at a young age?" The city lord sighed annoyed as he said, and continued: "If I hadn't wasted so much time back then, I may have entered the God-Sovereign stage a long time ago."

  At this moment, the city lord suddenly asked, do you know that Silver Moon Sect is already about to move?

  Li Yuan said: “I went there once a few years ago, and it was not like this time. It was completely out of my expectations.”

   "Then what did you see?"

"When I arrived in Black Rock City, it was dark and dense, so I didn't dare to go too far. I just watched their whereabouts from a few hundred meters away. After the great war decades ago, their leader was already The whereabouts are unknown. Now it suddenly appears. Something bad will happen, but I can’t tell. Those people’s clothes only see the serpentine totem of the Silver Moon Sect. Only the high priest in Silver Moon Sect. There are black clothes. Generally, the silver-moon sect’s white clothes can’t be the whole body of black robes. And even if they are from the silver-moon sect, it is unreasonable. There are always not so many people in the silver-moon sect. So many people?"

   "There is something wrong, I think Black Rock City has long been infiltrated by Silver Moon Sect, and the city lord must be inextricably related to Silver Moon Sect. Now we can only watch the changes. What do you say?"

  (End of this chapter)

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