Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2525: Silver Moon Sect

   Chapter 2525 Silver Moon Sect

"I haven't reported it yet. I think the Silvermoon Sect dominated the Black Rock City once, and it had already confronted the Pantheon hundreds of years ago. It was still gaining momentum more than a hundred years ago, and it's just right now. Can help us block the limelight. Now, I am just a little worried about the secret realm..."

   "This period is indeed strange." City Lord Zhang said: "Think about it, the city lord of Blackrock City also invited several of us to a banquet together. We all know that the emperor is going to us to the banquet now."

"Now the world is not as good as it was in the past, and the Black Feather Empire is no longer under the jurisdiction of the Pantheon. Moreover, the city-states under the emperor’s jurisdiction, like ours, have gradually been out of control. Although our cities are every four years There will be a meeting. Obviously the rules of the year are no longer valid. We have not held a decent meeting together for more than 20 years."

  "I have heard about this. Now the adult just asks me to investigate, but he has no intention of interfering in this matter."

"Tianyuan Hall has always had huge differences." Zhang Chengzhu changed his mind and said again: "It's been a bit horrible recently. I don't know what will happen to me. Therefore, when you return to Tianyuan Hall this time, you must ask the Hallmaster for your instructions. It is under the emperor's jurisdiction on the face, but in fact, we all know very well that Tianyuan Palace is a three-handed one, and each empire is for their own interests. Although it exists on the face, it can only be maintained by the union of these countries."

   "This is certain, even if I don't say it, I will ask the adults."

   "Speaking of this, I have one more thing to ask you." At this moment, City Lord Zhang looked at Li Yuan motionlessly and said, "I'm afraid there will be some changes, so now Lu Yucheng's defense is much tighter than before."

"what's up?"

  "I'm afraid something has changed. Lu Yucheng has been seriously insecure recently, so I implore you to tell your lord when you go back. Allow you to lead a group of people to assist me and arrange manpower at the South Gate."

   "This is inevitable. Every year, the entire Lu Yu City will be a mixture of dragons and snakes. There are all kinds of people."

   Soon, the night had already enveloped Lu Yucheng, but Lu Yucheng did not fall into darkness, but was brightly lit.

This year’s Tianyuan Palace contest is to continue to maintain the union of the various sub-temples. On the surface, these sub-temples are closely united, but in fact they are all working independently and only acting for the benefit of their own empire. Now the Pantheon has a desire. They swallowed their thoughts, so these people also rarely gathered together to participate in this competition.

  After all, Lu Yucheng also exists as the largest commercial center of the Yunye Empire.

  Ouyang Yu and Chen Xuan had already arranged their accommodation in a verdant place on the east side of Lu Yu City Mansion under the arrangement of the city lord. Chen Xuan obviously had no intention of falling asleep.

  He secretly operated the exercises in his body, and cultivated the profound strength in his body without disturbing others as much as possible. Chen Xuan felt very surprised. If he was injured in normal times, it would only take three days, and the demon soul method he had cultivated would cultivate the trauma it suffered.

  This time it was beyond his expectation. When he was fighting against the few Silver Moon Sect masters, he was already seriously injured or unconscious. If it were normal, he could already see that his wounds were healing at a speed that was visible to the eye. But this time, it was uncharacteristically.

  Chen Xuan dare not ask Li Yuan now. After all, the demon soul method he cultivated was just a secret to him, and no one else knew it yet.

  But Chen Xuan felt that Li Yuan knew something. And when he was fighting against the silver moon sect masters, he mentioned that Chen Xuan's profound strength had something to do with one of their silver moon sect exercises.

  These guys are the most beautiful and rampant in the southernmost continent of the Black Rock World, and they are found almost everywhere.

  After repeatedly running the profound energy in his body to no avail, Chen Xuan was about to give up temporarily.

  Even if he converges the profound energy in his body into his dantian outside his body, he can't let himself repair his wounds like before.

   "If it can't be cured in a few days, it will definitely affect this competition." Chen Xuan said.

  Chen Xuan’s character is not a **** character. After confirming that he can’t help it, he has entered a rest.

  In the early morning of the next day, Chen Xuan was just about to stroll around Lu Yucheng, when he heard Li Yuan's voice and Zhang Chengzhu's voice.

   "Tianyuan Temple is said to be omnipotent, can't they do it?" Ouyang Yu asked

  "Tianyuan Hall?" City Lord Zhang shook his head, "You don't need to look at Tianyuan Hall too high, it's just a name."

   "When I was young, I also came to this place alone to participate in the competition." He paused after speaking, "Now think about it a hundred years ago."

"City Lord Zhang doesn’t know that even though the Qiu Shuang Kingdom’s sword art technique can be more powerful than others in the realm of God Sovereign, in fact, I also have another purpose when I came out this time. There is a flaw, that is, I cannot condense my soul, and all the strength of the sword art is in the dantian. If I can’t condense, then even how I practice in the future, it will be difficult for me to move an inch after entering the transformation realm." Ouyang Yu's gaze stopped. On the face of City Lord Zhang.

"Can you tell me this, it means that your Qiu Shuang Nation is already facing this kind of situation now?" City Lord Zhang looked at Ouyang Yu, who was dressed in plain white clothes, and said, "I'm afraid your Qiu Shuang Nation has been in the realm of emperor for a long time. I can't bring my cultivation to a higher level anymore."

   "You tell me, like this."

  Three days later, the majestic Tianyuan Hall was full of people. On the top of the Black Shadow Mountains. A man in white clothes stood on a high platform. Seeing this man, Li Yuan stepped forward and said, "The day after tomorrow is the contest of Tianyuan Palace. I just came back from Zhang Yuanju. According to him, Lu Yucheng is understaffed. , So I hope our Tianyuan Palace can support him."

"What is Zhang Yuanju?" The man was obviously angry: "This guy who betrayed Tianyuan Palace, if someone else came to invite us to Tianyuan Palace, then I might still agree, if it was him, then I would never agree, Li Yuan, you I also know what the guy did to our Tianyuan Palace, if you have contact with him again..." Then, the man gave Li Yuan a stern look.

  "You are not alone in this matter. Today's Tianyuan Palace Tournament has already shocked the continent. Everyone has gathered in Lu Yucheng. Have you forgotten what happened eighty years ago?"

The white-clothed man snorted coldly and said, "Of course I will not forget it. As you know, it is mostly because of Zhang Yuanju. Don’t forget, he is a sinner who betrayed us. And his nature really doesn’t fit our Tianyuan Temple. Concept, our Tianyuan Palace does not ask anything about the world, even if that person has become the lord of Lu Yucheng, he has nothing to do with our Tianyuan Palace!"

  Said that he had already left in his sleeves, and no longer wanted to talk to Li Yuanduo about City Lord Lu Yu.

Seeing his senior brother said that, Li Yuan didn’t have to say it any more, instead he muttered to himself in disappointment: “His temper is too strong.” Li Yuan also felt that he shouldn’t mention Zhang Yuanju’s name, otherwise he might return it. Will mobilize some disciples in the sect, now it is only on their own, that has always been the only way to ask the Lord of the Palace. "

  Thinking about this, Li Yuan has already set off for a palace on the highest mountain in Tianyuan Hall.

  In a legend of Tianyuan Palace. The Yunye Empire once had a master of Taoism and stepped into the realm of eclosion, and no one has entered the realm for thousands of years.

  Zhang Yuanju asked Li Yuan to invite the people of Tianyuan Hall this time, because he was the only one who had the right to mobilize the disciples of Tianyuan Hall, except for the three Supreme True People.

  Because his senior brother has had more than 30 years of qualifications in the Tianyuan Hall, and it has been more than two hundred years since he entered the realm of the **** king, it can be said that his senior brother has almost entered the realm of transformation.

   And his brother now also manages the big and small affairs of the competition, now Li Yuan can only pin his hopes on his master Lu Master.

After walking through several complex houses, in the depths of a deep temple, an old man with a long white beard, wearing a purple gold crown with hair inlaid on his head, and a childlike old man with crane hair and big red arrow sleeves with a golden butterfly Sitting on a tall connecting platform.

   "Master Lu," Li Yuan said.

  The old man did not pay attention to Li Yuan's meaning now, but continued to talk with the old man next to him. Seeing this situation, Li Yuan was no longer able to say anything, so he stood beside him without saying a word, quietly waiting for the two of them.

The so-called Master Lu is exactly the head of the Tianyuan Hall of the Yunye Empire. He once practiced in retreat for decades when all the disciples of the Tianyuan Hall knew it. After an accident in the mainland, Master Lu also suffered a great loss. As for the accident, Master Lu has only been out of the customs for a few decades now. Although Master Lu did not teach Li Yuan too much, he did not. Played a vital position.

At this moment, there is an old man next to Master Lu. His hair is very strange. It is bright silver. As far as Li Yuan knows, his cultivation has no signs of aging. His hair has always been this silver. It can only be attributed to its own color.

  "My lord, the second master." Li Yuan asked for instructions.

   "I'm back." The old man said lightly.

   "Yes, the apprentice has just returned to Lu Yucheng."

   "How is the matter I asked you to investigate."

   "Back to Master, when I went to Black Rock City, I really saw something about the secret realm, and the whole Black Rock City has never been as lively as it is now."

   "Okay." He touched his white beard and said, "Hundreds of years have passed. Master once told us when he was emerging, I think the time is coming."

   "I have calculated this. This time it is very dangerous. The Silver Moon Sect must have heard about it. I believe they will not let it go, and they must not be allowed to succeed this time."

   "Nevertheless, if the secret realm is in Blackrock City this time, it would be inconvenient for us to participate."

  "After all, the regulations are only stipulations. Although our Tianyuan Temple does not ask about world affairs, this matter is unusual. Master once said that the world is turbulent beyond the secret realm. If our Tianyuan Temple does not take care of it, who else can manage?"

   "Senior brother said that, but the Silver Moon Sect will not let us easily get involved."

   "Silver Moon Sect has been very dynamic recently, and they are now expanding their power, not only that, in the last few days." Master Lu looked at Li Yuan and said, "How are things I asked you to check?"

On one side, Li Yuanjian, who was at a loss, was asking him, so he said: "Elder Hui, when I arrived in Black Rock City, I saw the crowds there constantly shuttle back and forth, I just looked around, and then I found that someone came out over there, and their whereabouts were very high. Then I followed them. The Yinyue Sect’s method has always been mysterious, and I don’t know how it disappeared. I followed them all the way behind and saw that they caught a little girl."

  "Girl?" the two real people asked in unison.

  "Yes, the two masters. Then he continued: "I am a girl, and there should be no life-threatening danger now. They didn't want the girl's life. Instead, she made her unconscious and taken away. "Li Yuan's eyes flickered a few times.

  (End of this chapter)

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