Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2527: Trial Stone

   Chapter 2527 Trial Stone

  Everyone knows what the origin of this man in white is, but if they don’t know him, they must have heard of this man.

  , Chang Qi, the great apprentice of Master Lu, is said to be about to step into the realm of a **** emperor, and they didn't expect that they would have shocked such a person.

  People who had just started making noise closed their mouths tightly, never daring to say one more word.

"I want you to be clear that Tianyuan Temple is Tianyuan Temple, whether you have passed this competition or not, but here! Everyone must obey the rules, that is, your Tianyuan Temple is a royal family, and here is also subject to various regulations. !" Now the man in white is no longer taking it seriously.

   "If there is no objection, let your senior sisters tell you how to complete this competition in a proper manner!"

   "No objections!" At this moment, people who didn't know each other shouted in unison.

The white-clothed man was satisfied and said to the white-clothed beautiful woman: "I will leave it to you here. After the first round of martial arts is completed, it will be over. Tomorrow you will go to Master Lu. They want to watch tomorrow's events in person. Contest."

   "Yes, I see." Qiu Lei said.

  When he saw the white-clothed man dragging his body to the top of the mountain with a light body, there were clusters of whispered discussions.

   "As expected of the realm of the **** emperor, this ability to fly in the air with profound strength is really handsome. If one day I can be in the realm of the **** emperor, no, I will be satisfied with the **** emperor stage."

   "Bah, the king of God? You are too spineless."

   Listening to the comments of people around them, Chen Xuan and Ouyang Yu smiled at each other. They all knew that the other party was already a master who was about to enter the God-Sovereign Stage, and for both of them, whether they could get the ranking this time was not important anymore.

  "Since Master Lu has already said so much, I won't be chatty anymore. I will go over there to participate in the first round of competition in the order of the list below!"

  Lu called the names of the contestants one after another.

  When the few people heard their names were called, they all stepped forward, raised their palms, and pressed them **** the trial stone, and they could raise their cultivation level by force.

  As a trial stone, it is certainly not that vulnerable. It can be said that this trial stone is refined by the ancient dragon stone, and can even withstand the attacks of experts in the realm of the gods.

  And this kind of trial stone is also extremely precious. Chen Xuan knew that besides one piece of this demon soul in the imperial city, and nine pieces of such demon soul in the Tianyuan Hall, it was enough to see how rich the treasures of the Tianyuan Hall were.

  The first person to touch the demon soul was a little frustrated, and Chen Xuan looked at his data. Still did not meet the selection criteria of Tianyuan Palace.

  Tianyuan Hall is divided into the inside and outside of the hall. If it is a disciple in the hall, it is equivalent to having a position in the empire. If it cannot be taken as the main entrance by the Tianyuan Hall, then there is only one choice, and serve as a handyman in the Tianyuan Hall.

  The standards of the Tianyuan Palace competition are strict and needless to say, one more reason is that the current manager is always the one who is in charge, that is, the big apprentice of Master Lu can basically be said to be a person who can't get in.

  Because of this, the disciples of Tianyuan Hall did not pass the competition, they would go back in despair.

  "Shenjunqi!" At this moment, hearing the noisy voice over there, Chen Xuan turned his head away.

   "It's the age of gods and demons."

   "It seems that he is about to enter the Eighth Layer of Gods and Demons, he is a genius. I haven't seen anyone who can enter the God and Demons stage at such a young age!" The man let out a few sighs. I didn't expect to meet a person with eightfold gods and demons here.

  Many people here have not entered the gods and demons stage, and the reason why they want to participate in the Tianyuan Palace contest is because they want to try their luck.

  Moreover, there is a rumor in Tianyuan Hall that the elders of Tianyuan Hall in Tianyuan Hall now, that is, the hall master at that time only had four levels of profound strength entered Tianyuan Hall. And it's just a rumor now.

  But many people believe it. And they all believe that this is true, after all, no one will be unwilling to believe that they will have the opportunity to enter the innate realm in the future. In this world, strength is everything.

  If you say that your strength is already in the realm of gods and demons, then basically his future will be settled. Although there are too many people in the realm of gods and demons, they are still a small number for the huge population.

Following the exclamation of the previous few people, Chen Xuan ignored the meaning of those people. Instead, he said to Ouyang Yu: "Brother Nangong, I know that your cultivation has entered the God-Sovereign Stage. There are several realms that can reach the stage of the gods."

   "I think there will be no more than five."

   "How do you tell?"

"According to the information from previous years." Looking at Chen Xuan's curious eyes, he explained: "In the past years, there would be some lists for participating in the Tianyuan Palace contest. I accidentally turned over it when I was young. Although we Qiushuang country is not very keen Tianyuan Palace’s martial arts competitions are always concerned, and some people are sent to inquire."

   "You are not hiding from Chen, I still told the elders in the family this time. Only I know about this."

   "Then what realm are the elders in your family now?"

   "I don't know this very well, the elders are already in the realm of realm respect, right."

   "Jie Zun Hua Jing." Chen Xuan also exclaimed in his heart.

  Sure enough, the name of the Yuan Palace on the first day: "It's really well-deserved."

   "What I said to Chengzhu Zhang that morning, you probably heard it, so that's my purpose this time."

  Chen Xuan was a little surprised. He just happened to pass by the room where they were talking that day, and how could he be sure that he was outside the room?

  This kind of cultivation is not something he can do if he is about to reach the stage of the gods. Unless it was the City Lord Zhang who told him, or that their Qiu Shuang Kingdom possessed extraordinary profound strength. Therefore, the perception ability can also be stronger than ordinary people's cultivation.

  Chen Xuan's temperament is relatively stubborn, and his own demon soul method has made him feel a lot of profound strength, and he also has the ability to repair his own physical injuries.

  Chen Xuan has never seen Ouyang Yu use his profound strength, so he is also very curious about the profound strength of Qiu Shuang Kingdom.

   "Then I am really more and more curious about the profound strength of your Qiushuang Kingdom."

   "Since Brother Chen wants to know, I can satisfy your curiosity."

   "Why do you call me Brother Chen? I don't know your age yet."

  After speaking, Ouyang Yu smiled awkwardly: "I don't know how old you are this year, so I can only call you Chen Xuan."

   "Twenty-two." Chen Xuan said.

   "Twenty-two, only that big can enter the realm of the eightfold gods and demons."

   "Then, Ouyang Yu has not entered the stage of supernatural emperor at a young age."


   "Where is it different?"

   "I am already eighteen years old, and I can enter the prince stage not entirely on my own."

"how to say?"

   "I treat you as a friend, so I am not afraid to tell you."

Ouyang Yu saw Chen Xuan's gaze revealing a somewhat curious look, so he said: "My Nangong family's profound strength is very strange at first, and our main practice is not profound strength, but sword tactics. I was originally a very lazy person, and only the pill that I relied on in the past can enter the god-jun stage."

   "Then, I also rely on pill medicine for cultivation."

   "I was wrong, I have no other meaning. I am the only aunt in the family. So the elders are also very good to me, and basically everything that can be improved is given to me."

   "Speaking of which is also the family affairs of our Qiushuang country."

Ouyang Yu talked for a while, and said: "I once heard my grandfather say that long ago, I don't know how many years it was. About that time my grandfather provoked an ancient sect. No matter how I ask, my grandfather doesn't say anything. , I only know that at that time, everyone in our Qiushuang country contracted a strange disease. Either died or the newborn died."

"Is there such a thing?" Chen Xuan stared at Ouyang Yu tightly, feeling that Ouyang Yu didn't seem to switch and joke to fool himself, so he said: "Ouyang Yu, after all, this is the matter of the entire empire. I am an outsider. Don't you know."

   "Where, I still really want to make friends with you."

  Chen Xuan secretly thought that as a very powerful empire, Qiu Shuang Nation would actually provoke such powerful enemies. I really don’t know how powerful the people they provoke were.

  So Chen Xuan said, "No matter what you think, if you have any difficulties in the future, just come to me. I will agree to help you. It is better to have a reference in this Tianyuan Palace."

  Chen Xuan was also thinking, if I could get to know this Ouyang Yu, maybe it would help me. This feeling is actually very strange, even Chen Xuan doesn't know what he can predict. I think this Ouyang Yu can save his life in the future...

  Chen Xuan and Ouyang Yu had been talking for a long time, and finally came to Chen Xuan to exercise the trial stone. Prior to this, none of them could reach the stage of the gods on the trial stone.

Chen Xuan looked at it and said that it was big or small. The demon soul was only as tall as Chen Xuan, and slightly wider than Chen Xuan. The demon soul was glowing red, and it faintly gave out some faint light. .

  On the top of the demon soul, there is still a tester's profound strength. Chen Xuan looked at it and can already conclude that it was left by a cultivator in the **** and demon stage.

  There is another reason why the trial stone is necessary to compete in the first match of the field, because the trial stone can test the potential of the tester!

  If a person’s talent can reach the realm of a god, then the trial stone can also show the color that appears in the profound strength. After a while, it will show how high the potential of the tester is on the other end.

  If the red profound strength appears on the trial stone, it means that he can enter the realm of the gods at most in the future. The realm of this god-sovereign realm has also been beyond the reach of many people...

  If a person can reach the realm of the **** king, then the trial stone can also tell you. The premise is that you can successfully cultivate to the realm...

   Although Chen Xuan did not dare to say that he was the highest level person in the competition, the strength of the gods could also be said to be proud of the heroes.

  Chen Xuan was already standing under the trial stone under the cries of the martial arts personnel in charge of the Tianyuan Hall. Chen Xuan's mood did not appear to be very calm.

  Everyone is curious about the degree of profound strength they will reach in the future, and there is a trace of fear in this curiosity. After all, who doesn't want to hear bad news, and before that, people who had already had a god-devil stage were told by the trial stone that they could reach the realm of the **** king realm.

  Many people are even limited by their talents, so that their potential can only reach the gods stage at most. It can be said that talent is always unfair, and it still plays a vital role for everyone who cultivates profound strength.

   "God of the king?"

   "This guy seems to be only a teenager, how could it be the strength of the gods?"

   "It's someone who is not a human being. I thought it was already difficult for someone to be better than me."

  Ouyang Yu looked at this situation with a playful smile on his face. , There is already a lot of people who can reach the stage of the gods at this age. Ouyang Yu used to test his strength on the test stone of their empire when he was young, so he is very clear about his potential, so now his eyes Staring at Chen Xuan's trial stone fiercely.

  After a while, the noise of the crowd rang again, and the other people from the trial stones were attracted by this side.

  "What's the matter?" At this moment, another person from Tuchacheng asked.

   "If you see no one, it's the boy next to the trial stone."

   "A man in brown clothes?"

  (End of this chapter)

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