Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2528: Start the competition

   Chapter 2528

  The trial stone is not only a test of the talent of a cultivator, but also allows the Tianyuan Temple to collect these people who participate in the martial arts to reach my cultivation level in the future.

   "Let’s lie, how could it be possible, I know what is after the realm of the King of Gods, and there have not been many people in thousands of years. I guess you think too much."

  Chen Xuan has obviously become the center of discussion, almost passed on from one generation to another. Now everyone who participated in this competition knows the name of Chen Xuan.

  And Chen Xuan also became the focus at this time. When he withdrew from the trial stone, everyone's eyes were looking at him, which made Chen Xuan feel very uncomfortable.

  Chen Xuan now knows that he shouldn’t say more, now he doesn’t want to deliberately cause a big sensation, otherwise the secret of his demon soul method may be revealed. And Chen Xuan didn't know whether it was his true strength displayed on the trial stone, or whether it was because he had the help of the demon soul method.

   "Next, Ouyang Yu." The white-robed disciple shouted.

   "Ouyang Yu, is it Ouyang Yu?"

   "If it is really him, it would be extraordinary. People from the Qiushuang Kingdom will also participate in this competition.

   "It has always been heard that the people of the Qiushuang Kingdom have their own cultivation techniques, and they basically have no common origin with the Tianyuan Hall. How come they come?"

   "Look at this person's strength first, if it is a real person from the Qiu Shuang Nation, then I think how his strength compares to that of Chen Xuan just now?"

  Ouyang Yu became a little shy after hearing that he had become the focus of this group of people. Shanshan's walked over.

  Although Ouyang Yu himself had given gifts to many occasions alone, it was the first time that so many people looked at him. He had already faintly wanted to compare him with Chen Xuan. In this case, Ouyang Yu tried his best to keep his face unchanged.

  At this moment, Ouyang Yu is still a little nervous. Although he has traveled to some cities on the mainland before. Also accompanied by members of his own Tianyuan Temple.

  This Ouyang Yu also traveled alone. I haven't seen the scene of the tsunami in the lives of tens of thousands of people.

  At this time, the disciple of Tianyuan Palace had already given up the position to Ouyang Yu.

  Before Ouyang Yu, Chen Xuan, who was also in the emperor period, did not change his face when he saw that he was in the emperor period. And the handsome young man in front of him was even more unchanging, even though he could see that this young man was a little panicked now, and he knew everything about himself as a god.

  Ouyang Yu is a veritable cultivator who has reached the level of a god, but Chen Xuan only relies on two profound strengths in his body to reach the level of a god.

   "It's really incredible, this disciple of Tianyuan Palace who is in charge of the martial arts has never seen such a situation before." The man sighed secretly.

   Suddenly Chen Xuan and Ouyang Yu became the focus of all attention. Naturally, the Tianyuan Hall where Ouyang Yu is located does not need to be said much. They also searched for Chen Xuan's Tianyuan Palace in their minds.

  Chen Xuan didn't get too many hints. The royal family in the imperial city had to share a thin face with the Qiushuang Kingdom. It can be said that the Qiushuang Kingdom has been on the mainland for thousands of years.

  Under everyone's discussion, Chen Xuan said to Nangong.

   "It seems that both of us have become the focus of this time."

  Ouyang Yu nodded nonchalantly. Said: "I also entered the Divine Demon Period when I was very young, and only entered the Divine Sovereign Period last year."

  Chen Xuan is becoming more and more curious now, what kind of realm can Ouyang Yu's potential be cultivated?

  Because, at this moment, it is on the Lingshi Lingshi next to Ouyang Yu. Chen Xuan had already seen the demon soul showing Ouyang Yu's future cultivation level, and he could also reach a very high level like him.

   is the realm of Jie Zun!

  There are still very few people who can enter this state. Chen Xuan also lamented once again that Ouyang Yu's strength was beyond his expectations.

  Looking at the heroic figures of the two of them, there are already some girls who are constantly hovering beside them.

  Because they also know that they can enter this state at this age. It's definitely not a general generation, and there must be a huge family behind it. If you can get to know both of them, then your own value will also increase!

  After the silence, those people have returned to the usual plainness. It was not until another master of the emperor stage appeared, that they were not as enthusiastic about Chen Xuan and Ouyang Yu as they were just now.

After three hours of competition, the woman in the Tianyuan Hall who was in charge of the competition said: "In this case, our test will be temporarily ended. Today is just collecting everyone’s information. The competition will start tomorrow, so everyone When you go back, you must take a good rest to prepare for tomorrow's competition." So Chen Xuan and the others have now decided to return to their place of residence.

  After the woman finished speaking, these people were no longer as arrogant as they were at the beginning, but after the woman had finished speaking, they had all honestly returned to the residence arranged for them in Tianyuan Hall.

  Tianyuan Hall arranged a row of residences among Lu Yucheng. After the first round of competition, those who are left are no more than three hundred people, and these remaining people will all have tomorrow's competition. The second round of tomorrow's competition will be an aura duel...

  It can be said that their potential opponents, as for the third round of Tianyuan Palace competition. This is to be tested on the Cangyun Mountain Range.

  When I hear it now, the first thing that needs to be considered is tomorrow's second round of competition.

  For him, tomorrow’s competition will also have a certain amount of pressure. After all, if he and Ouyang Yu are not assigned to a team, then they are destined to have a fight.

  In fact, in the first round of exams in Tianyuan Hall, hundreds of people have already been removed. At the beginning, there were only a few hundred people from those thousands of people. It can be said that among these hundreds of people, the lowest is also the seven-fold gods and demons.

  If you say that he is already a person of the emperor stage, what Chen Xuan can know is that only four of the three hundred people have reached the stage of the emperor, and half of them.

  Tianyuan Palace is also very famous in the entire continent. After thinking about it, he also took a lot of pills and immortal grasses so that he could step into the realm of the gods and demons stage steadily. But these people can't come from some big Tianyuan Palace, then their talents may be really good.

   After all, if Chen Xuan hadn't had the magic of the demon soul before, he might have just stepped into the realm of the gods and demons stage.

Just like this Ouyang Yu, although he told Chen Xuan that his cultivation level was partly due to the cultivation of him by the Tianyuan Palace, which allowed him to take a lot of pills to assist his cultivation when he was young, Chen Xuan knew , Ouyang Yu's personality is very small, he must be humble, he must also work very hard.

   "Unexpectedly, there will be a lot of talents." At this time, the white-clothed man stood far away on a high cliff and said to the old man beside him.

  The night is silent, and I have already spent three hours in the competition without knowing it. Chen Xuan and Ouyang Yu are in the same room. It can be said that although there are only more than 300 people, the room provided by Tianyuan Palace is still not enough.

  In the room where Chen Xuan is located, there are four people living, but the space is only a dozen square meters, and it only has three beds. And it seems that no one has lived in for a long time, so Chen Xuan can only squeeze on the bed with Ouyang Yu. And the person who led them to the room said that the place where they live was formerly where the disciples from outside the family lived.

  There are tiny lights in the room. Chen Xuan heard the two people in their room chatting to Tianyuan Hall.

   "When I was young, I used to go to the main hall of Tianyuan Hall, which is located at the east end of the world, once when I was young." The person next to Chen Xuan said

Although various empires established Tianyuan Hall to fight against the ideological rule of the Pantheon, Tianyuan Hall established a central area in the easternmost Linshui Empire. This place is where all the Tianyuan Hall issued orders and held meetings, but This is just a name, and he didn't seriously obey his orders, and the Lingshui Empire had already become defeated.

   "Oh?" Another person said

   "You came to Tianyuan Hall when you were young."

   "Isn't it a retreat long ago? How could you see him?"

   "I really don't want to lie to this Xiongtai, I am the tiger's family in the imperial city."

   "Hu's family?"

"Yes it is."

  The man also smiled when he heard it: "What am I? It turned out to be the Hu family."

   "I heard that your Tianyuan Palace has served as guards for various royal families for generations. I don't know if it is true or false."

"Indeed, this is also the honor of our family. After all, not everyone can be the royal guard. Let's just say, we are indeed the personal guards of the royal family, and we have the privilege of entering and exiting with the emperor." said Afterwards, he looked at Chen Xuan and Ouyang Yu and said, "The other two brothers, what are your backgrounds?"

  At this moment, the two people turned their eyes to Chen Xuan and Ouyang Yu who were silent

  Chen Xuan obviously didn't want to pay attention to these two people, but continued to cultivate the profound strength in his body.

  Ouyang Yu said slightly at this time: "My surname is Ouyang."

   "It turned out to belong to the Ouyang family, are you the Ouyang Yu of today's Shenjun period?"

  Autumn Frost Country! The two of them stared at the moment, looked at Ouyang Yu incredulously and said.

  He also seemed a little unbelievable, looked at Ouyang Yu, and then said, “It seems that if I can’t be grouped with you tomorrow, then I’m in danger.”

  This person said this because he is already in his 20s and 30s this year, and the age of the members recruited in the Tianyuan Hall will not be more than 25.

  His feet were not idle, and hurriedly ran to Ouyang Yu by his side. Said to him, "Little brother, I actually, in fact, haven't seen a master at the God-Sovereign Stage. I was also born in a small city. Only I have entered the realm of the God-Devil Stage in our family. So, I need more Take care of me."

  (End of this chapter)

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