Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2533: The prince is coming

  Chapter 2533 The prince is coming

  Ouyang Yu took a step back, he was responding to Yu Chiling's fierce attack at this moment, while Ouyang Yu continued to retreat, and fell into the cusp of the storm.

"I was restrained by other people's profound energy..." Chen Xuan saw this moment, all his eyebrows frowned. Ouyang Yu Tianbin was indeed very good, and his precious top-grade profound energy had long been considered a top-level profound energy in the Yunye Empire. Strength, it is very easy to cultivate and gain a foothold in the profound power continent, so Ouyang Yu did not have the same skills as Yu Chiling, who possessed many techniques and profound strengths in the Yunye Empire. Therefore, Ouyang Yu seemed a little weak, and Yu Chiling also had his own ancient profound strength. Of course, those techniques are unlikely to be the profound strength passed down by many of their dragon blood tribes!

  Many people with high observation ability can see Ouyang Yu’s plight at the moment. Many people see that if Ouyang Yu’s profound strength can reach the realm of the gods, perhaps the situation has to be reversed. But this may be a luxury!


  On the stone platform, two fast figures moved and dodged.

Ouyang Yu didn't say a word. At this moment, he was suppressed by Yu Chiling. He pressed the sword tactics to mobilize the profound energy in his body, but he couldn't hit that Yu Chiling. Ouyang Yu just avoided the attacks. .

"Huh, how can Tianbin be good? You can enter the emperor stage at a young age. In my eyes, you are just a waste with resources. It is self-defeating to challenge me! You are in the Yunye Empire. People like this!" Yu Chiling smiled grinningly as Ouyang Yu was continuously suppressed by him.

  "Do you think it is unreasonable? The difference between you and me has long been final! No matter how hard you are, you can't surpass the cultivation level between you and me!"

  Wei Chi Ling was already holding the winning ticket, with a bitter smile on her mouth, and said, "Only high-grade profound energy can make you embarrassed."

   "I can defeat you without sending the Cthulhu, I think you are not as good as Chen Xuan yesterday!"

  Ouyang Yu's eyes were also full of coldness, and Yu Chiling completely defeated Ouyang Yu's confidence. In this way, Ouyang Yu said that no psychological trauma should be left, and future training would also be blocked.

  This is Yu Chiling's method. He likes to mentally disintegrate a person's heart over and over again.

  This way, it cannot be said that it is not vicious.

  Ouyang Yu didn't sit still. Originally, he wanted to ask Yu Chiling for advice, but he didn't expect his strength to be beyond his expectation. With their Ouyang family's sword tactics, it would do no harm to this guy.

  Ouyang Yu's back figure stopped suddenly, but he saw that he held his hands, and sword auras whizzed from him. The crazy cohesion of profound strength and sword aura in his palms turned into a wind blade in the end.

  The wind blade vibrated, a sharp sound was heard, and the gas continued to explode.

   "Blue Feather Blade!"

At this time, Ouyang Yu also had a ruthless look in his eyes. The palm of his hand slashed against Yu Chiling's face, the wind blade roared, and with a sigh, it was to tear the gas away and irradiate it to Yuchiling. In front of Ling.

  Look at this moment, the scene is full of crashes, and Li Yuan has already prepared to obstruct the exit in advance.

Yu Chiling didn't feel the slightest sensation in his eyes, and was not affected at all. At this moment, he stared at the scarlet wind blade that was shot by the violent fire. The sharp aura, even if separated by tens of meters, made his skin sting. pain.

  But Yu Chiling still didn't avoid it.

He stared at the exhausting Ouyang Yu, his mouth slightly opened: "Your Qiu Shuang Kingdom's sword art is full of lethality, and you, the Tianyuan Temple disciples in the empire, also have a lot of resources. We, Yu Chiling, really don't have that many. The pill helps me to practice. How can you know my diligence? The gap between you and me cannot be filled."

  The clothes on Yu Chiling's body had torn apart, and Chen Xuan's eyes widened as he saw the wounds all over Yu Chiling's body.

  Yichiling's hands slowly closed, forming a section of profound strength wind wall in front of him. In the next instant, a bluish-yellow profound energy struck, and the profound energy of Ouyang Yu's sword tactics had been completely blown away.

The red brilliance also appeared by Yu Chiling's side, and it floated along his palm with Yu Chiling. Its length was only half a finger up and down, but when it stretched and contracted, the blue light floated, and even the gas was cut. open.

  This shows its shocking destructive power. All the people present could see at first glance that this somewhat reddish glow is so loud and predictable.

   is suddenly the head of the dragon blood tribe’s top profound strength, the profound strength technique of its own clan. The lethality of this technique is extremely terrifying, and ordinary people are afraid of head-to-head with it. Therefore, when Yu Chiling uses this technique, relying on the strength of his gods, he can rival him at this level. There are almost no people.

  Wei Chiling saw it for herself, and it is estimated that only Chen Xuan could pose a threat to him!

Yu Chiling has completely suppressed Ouyang Yu: "You can push me to that step, Ouyang Yu, I recognize you are very powerful, I can't think of it, although you are also the strength of the king, you can cause such a big threat to me. Haha, I didn't want to use this trick."

After speaking, Yu Chiling braved the intent to kill. He stared at Ouyang Yu and said deeply: "You give me the feeling that I have come to a very big threat. It would be better if I abolish you now! Now I definitely won't If you do that, you have to be careful in the future!" As Yu Chiling exposed her front teeth, she smiled hideously.

Ouyang Yu stared at the glowing glow of Yu Chiling's palm, and a strange color flashed across his eyes. He couldn't think that this Yu Chiling had cultivated his clan's profound power so skillfully that he had never thought of this Yu Chiling before. Hidden his strength, thinking that he could defeat this Yu Chiling by relying on his Qiu Shuang Kingdom's extremely lethal sword tactics, now it seems that it is obviously a miscalculation!

After coming over for a while, the radiant light on Yu Chiling's body began to become extremely light, and there was a certain amount of high and low profound strength around him, and it took a lot of money to come to Yu Chiling to release this technique. Of profound strength!

But this is the case. The lethality of this brilliant light is far beyond what Ouyang Yu can bear now. Now Ouyang Yu feels that his profound strength is almost exhausted, and his sword art is not right. What kind of damage this guy caused, his defense is too strong!

"I and you happen to be the other way around." Ouyang Yu looked at Yu Chiling, who was full of murderous intent, and said in a faint tone: "But I never regarded you as a threat from beginning to end. In my eyes, You are just a reckless man from the Dragon Blood Tribe."

Yu Chiling's eyes shrank, and she smiled angrily. How can she say that Yu Chiling is also a favorite of heaven in his own tribe. Now he is said that by someone younger than him, and now he is regarded by the Yunye Empire in his eyes. The waste was called just a little brat in his eyes, which really made this Yu Chiling feel that he had never been insulted like this.

"I can make you kneel on the soles of my feet now, don't you know if you can still say this kind of thing!" Yu Chiling's killing intent reached the end, his whole body was fierce like a wolf like a tiger, and the palms of his hands were rushing with golden glow. , The foot board was stamped, and the bluestone board was broken.

  In countless high voices, he shot away at Ouyang Yu. The air was swept across the palm of his hand, and the thin blue light radiated extremely sharp shocks.

  Yichiling was made of fierce spirit, while Ouyang Yu stayed in place, so it seemed to everyone's eyes to be frightened by Yu Chiling's boldness.

  And a man above the stands also clenched his fists, his complexion tense, and stared at the stone platform without blinking.

Prince Lu came to Tianyuan Hall a few days ago. Lu Qingyun was unwilling to say anything to the prince from this imperial city. After the prince’s repeated persuasion, he only arranged for the prince to watch this time on the high platform. Let's talk about the contest of Tianyuan Palace. Prince Lu stretched his body forward, vaguely possessing profound strength surging, obviously he was preparing for the final key rescue, saving Ouyang Yu from an accident.

   Right below it, Yu Chiling apparently showed that he had a chance to win. Suddenly, he whispered under the situation he heard, and said, "Is the profound strength technique of my clan very powerful?"

  But Ouyang Yu no longer had the strength to condense the profound energy in his body, and those scattered and disorderly profound energy hit Yu Chiling's body, but they didn't work at all.

   Chen Xuan saw this situation and jumped onto the competition stage. The profound energy in the body quickly condensed, and a blue-orange profound energy transformed in front of him, blocking Yu Chiling.

   Li Yuan saw that the form was not good, so he shouted: "Ouyang Yu lost, don't compare it anymore."

  Because, as he said to Ouyang Yu, Yu Chiling still took back the palm of Ouyang Yu who had just hit Ouyang Yu. In Yu Chiling's eyes, Ouyang Yu was not a powerful threat.

Seeing Ouyang Yu, who had already lost, walked down, Chen Xuan didn't know what to say. After all, Ouyang Yu must be in a very bad mood.

He recalled what Ouyang Yu and Huai Ke had talked about, Qiu Shuang Kingdom and the imperial family had a good relationship, and they said that the prince of the imperial family has also come to the Tianyuan Hall of Lu Yucheng at this moment, and there is about to be a change in the world of Black Rock today, Yun Ye The imperial royal family wanted to unite Tianyuan Temple against the Pantheon.

  As for Prince Lu on the stands, he has also noticed that Chen Xuan was in the palace, the inner hall a month ago.

  Prince Lu walked into the hall, he looked at the emperor behind the table and said: "Father, are you looking for me?"

  The emperor raised his head and smiled, and said: "How is your practice recently?" "Very good, I should be able to enter the Emperor's stage soon." The prince replied.

   "It seems that you are still cultivating diligently day and night, and you are not far from entering the Emperor's stage. The emperor nodded with satisfaction, it seems that the battle was won."

   didn't let this big prince get overwhelmed and relax his practice.

   "The Dragon Blood Tribe attacked the frontier defenses of the Yunye Empire, but thanks to you, otherwise we are afraid that it will be difficult to escape the Dragon Blood Tribe people."

Thinking of the previous battle, the emperor was still a little frightened, and couldn’t help sighing: “As a member of us, naturally, I have to do something, but I’m also worried about your safety. Don’t rush ahead next time. , If I die, I have to accuse you as the heir!"

  The prince hurriedly knelt down and said: "The father is already in the realm of the **** emperor, how could it be easy to die."

The emperor smiled and said: "Your brother died in the battle of the good dragon blood tribesmen. I don't want to lose you anymore. It has been decades now. Now you are my only hope. Old fellow Tuoba Tao is now But I hope I die very much."

  "Now that the Pantheon has taken action, and there are still many people who are not optimistic about our Tianyuan Temple, those old guys are rarely sitting together now, and began to discuss how to make the shop more united."

  Although he said that, the smile on the emperor's face became more relieved, and he said slowly: "They won't give up easily if they want to come."

  "Father, this dragon blood tribe is a malignant tumor. If we want to grow the empire again, this malignant tumor must be eliminated." Prince Lu said with cold light in his eyes.

The emperor nodded and said: "This Tuoba Tao I naturally want to get rid of it all the time, but the strength of the dragon blood tribes today is not weaker than ours. If there is a war, the result will be a loss for both, not to mention that there is a pantheon. Looking at us with stern eyes, unless...".

  (End of this chapter)

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