Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2534: Li Qiushui meets

   Chapter 2534 Li Qiushui meets

   "Unless what?" Prince Lu was startled.

The emperor whispered: "The situation is very unfavorable for us. The dragon blood tribes colluded with Black Rock City, Silver Moon Sect and several countries in the south. Now they have disobeyed the jurisdiction of our Tianyuan Palace, and now we are unable to regain it. Our Yunye Empire is not as good as it was before, and the general has a different mind. He is now wavering and he is not so loyal to us. If he can stand firmly on our side and help us deal with the north, then we have Be sure to unite the entire Tianyuan Hall."

  "General?" Prince Lu's heart moved, obviously he was very familiar with the name. The emperor nodded slightly and said, "In the Yunye Empire today, there are actually three strongest forces. One is the area under our imperial family, the other is the Pantheon, and the third is the generals’ troops. The generals’ troops come from all over the world. The elite who came and gave him tremendous power when they trusted him a few years ago. Now it's different."

  "General Wei himself is also a strong man, and he also has an army under his command, which can be said to be one of the five major forces in our Yunye Empire."

   "Father, this great general, shouldn't he also have different intentions?" Prince Lu frowned.

  Emperor Lu shook his head and said: "Even when I fought against the Dragonblood tribe, General Wei still followed me, so he is not the kind of person who has different intentions. In fact, I can't say it to him."

   At this point, the emperor's expression was also a little sad: "What's the matter?" Prince Lu asked in confusion.

  The emperor stood up and pointed to the map hanging on the back wall. At the border of the northeast, there was an area. There was actually an untouched land, like a continuous abyss.

  "Do you know this place?" The emperor pointed to the continuous dark land on the map, and said with a solemn expression: "There is...the place where the secret realm opened last time?"

Prince Lu's complexion changed slightly. This secret realm is almost a fierce land known for the Yunye Empire. There are countless demon beasts and extremely cruel. Therefore, no power can occupy this area. After hundreds of years, it will be It gradually faded out of people's sight. The secret realm last time was right next to the Dragonblood tribesmen, so the place where they are now is very dangerous. Many treasures have been formed in the secret realm. It is said that there was a relic left over from the ancient continent. "

"Back then, when the secret realm was opened, I ignored the general's suggestion, so I stubbornly let him guard the border, so that his brother died in the second war. So I have always felt very guilty for him, so I stubbornly let him guard the border. Increased his power..."

   "In that case, why did the father want me to go to the Tianyuan Hall, it is better to let me go to the general's place directly!"

   "Now I faintly feel that the secret realm on the Black Rock Continent is about to open again. It has been closed for hundreds of years. Presumably the old guys in the Tianyuan Palace have also felt it, so I want you to go to the Tianyuan Palace and find them."

  The competition in Tianyuan Palace is still going on, and Chen Xuan has no intention of fighting talents. After watching Ouyang Yu go through the battle with Yu Chiling, Ouyang Yu has completely lost to Yu Chiling this time.

And Chen Xuan was even thinking about competing with Yuchiling. No matter what, although he won inexplicably last time, he just lost a lot of profound power. He is now facing the monsters and strange voices he saw at the time. All feel inexplicable. And Chen Xuan did not tell Ouyang Yu about this.

  There are also rules on the competition field. The person who wins is a member of the equivalent level of another team that can continue to challenge the opponent. Therefore, Ouyang Decai wanted to play the duel with Yu Chiling, but it was a pity that Ouyang Yu failed.

   "This guy is really vicious. As expected, he is from the Northern Dragon Blood Tribe!"

  The girl's voice rang in Chen Xuan's ear. The girl was named Li Qiushui, and he and Chen Xuan were both divided into seventeen groups. After several days of understanding, Chen Xuan discovered that Li Qiushui was not from a prominent family.

  Although this Li Qiushui can use the peak profound strength of this lower level, he can actually be counted as a genius, because this Li Qiushui has reached the stage of **** and demon almost by his own strength. He was not like those who came to Tianyuan Palace, who had the pill and resources of his own sect to support him, just relying on his own efforts.

  The next game will be the Li Qiu Water Field. Chen Xuan has played a game today, but people have already abstained, so if Chen Xuan has no accidents today, he can go back to rest.

  "The next game is Ying Li Qiushui and Huan Hyuk."

   "It's the kid from the Huan family." The prince above the stands whispered.

  This Huan family is also a large-scale Tianyuan Palace of the Linshui Empire, and it also has some intersections with the royal family.

  Li Qiushui and the man in blue and white clothes on the opposite side looked about 21 years old. The way he boarded the martial arts stage was also different from others. He mobilized the profound energy in his body, suddenly turned into a whole scarlet light spot and climbed up.

  Li Qiushui saw it and snorted softly. He still held his fist at that Huan Hyuk, and said to Huan Hyuk that the game had started.

   Obviously Na Huan Hye didn't pay attention to Li Qiushui.

  At this moment, Li Qiushui condensed the profound energy in his body, and instantly turned into a crimson light to attack that Huanhe. There was another sneer at the corner of Huan Hyuk's mouth, and his somewhat disdainful eyes for Nangong Xi seemed to say that this was too pediatric for him.

   "Impossible!" Li Qiushui's eyes were widened, and when he saw this scene, his cheeks became warped and said coldly.

  She couldn't firmly believe that the innate profound energy he used would be rid of by Huan Hye with a very casual defense.


Only Huan Hye didn't give her time to be surprised. When her body moved, she irradiated away. Li Qiushui saw this scene and hurriedly adjusted her pace so that she could hide away without exposing her body, and her body continued to retreat rapidly. .

But the previous Huan Hyuk could rely on his own dexterous pace, and the ancient pace of the Huan family, to catch up with Li Qiushui in an instant, and Li Qiushui was even faster, but now Huan Hyuk is already in the magical stage. Much deeper than Li Qiushui's cultivation base, he has passed the Seventh Level of Gods and Demons, and his overall level is one staircase higher than Li Qiushui's. Therefore, Huan He only takes a few breaths to get close to Li Qiushui.

   "Little girl, do you want to hurt me too?!"

   Seeing Li Qiushui’s pretty face is cold, Huan He is very stern.

  Li Qiushui's pretty face changed, revealing a trace of disdain: "Don't be proud of it too soon!"

What responded to him was Huan He’s lightning-triggered red profound energy. The gas broke under his fingers, and finally fell on Li Qiushui’s shoulders. Blood water surfaced on Li Qiushui’s body. Li Qiushui screamed and threw it out. , Make long and thin marks on the pavement.

  Li Qiushui took a few steps, even though Li Qiushui was already humiliated, and did not intend to give up, at this moment, a group of pale green profound energy appeared in Li Qiushui's body.

   The cold light shining in his eyes made Huan He shiver.

  The profound strength in Li Qiushui's body became more dazzling than just now, and Huan He pretended to look calmly at Li Qiushui, as if he had already won victory.

  Chen Xuan looked at her curiously.

The blood-red profound strength suddenly formed in front of him and turned into a posture of a month and a half and rushed towards Huan Hyuk. After Huan Hyuk saw it, he recited a few spells silently, and put his hand in front of him, beside him. , At this moment, a few erratic water drop-like profound energy had been condensed in the flick of a finger.

  Li Qiushui’s blood-red profound strength rushed towards Huan Hyuk! Obviously, Huan He's face was already struggling, he hadn't come to this little girl first to use a set of such exercises. In his mind, this little girl named Li Qiushui could use such a technique.


  Huan He's body was knocked out, and Li Qiushui's face flashed with pride as he looked at Huan He who had already been beaten off the competition stage.

"That's right! I really don't have your family background. Only, I can use the skills and diligence that I have, and what can I do to be proud of this diligence!" Li Qiushui stared at Huan He with a white tooth. Tight road.

  After finishing speaking, there was a sensation in an instant. Thousands of shocked sounds, one after another with shocking eyes, cast on the beautiful, intelligent, but elegant **** the stone platform.

  No one thought that she reversed the game.

  All the people watching below stood up and cheered, and there was a cheering sound, and. Staring at Li Qiushui’s vision, admiration is even greater. Although such a girl has no outstanding family background, she is as tenacious as a flower swaying in the hurricane. Even facing the hurricane, she did not give up and still bloomed without fear .

   "This little girl is pretty good." At the moment on the high platform, Prince Lu in the stands also felt that this trip was worthwhile. I couldn't help but praised it.

  He can see with great self-confidence. Before that, Li Qiushui was forcibly charging the peak. To do so in combat would undoubtedly take a huge risk, but Li Qiushui’s courage and determination is eye-catching.

  Chen Xuan also sighed, looking at Ying Li Qiushui who had won on the competition stage and was smiling like a peach blossom in front of him. Chen Xuan knows that a person's cultivation level is not completely achieved by his own family. If this Li Qiushui can be born in a good family, he may already be that kind of Tianjiao, and maybe he can also enter the god-sovereign stage. Realm.

The bang and cheers of all the venues continue, because there are still many people here who are not from the Tianyuan Temple. Now they see Li Qiushui saying these words, they are also impressed with admiration. Its this girl.

  (End of this chapter)

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