Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2535: Imperial conspiracy

   Chapter 2535 Imperial City Conspiracy

Li Qiushui ignored these cheers, just glanced at those people with beautiful eyes, and then he looked in the direction where Chen Xuan was, and at this time Chen Xuan was also behind Li Qiushui's thumb up, so he watched Li Qiushui had already approached Chen Xuan, and the other two people in the team cheered away, as if they were welcoming a hero!

  At this moment, Li Qiushui saw Chen Xuan. Only then did his lips bend slowly, and then a ray of triumph flashed across those eyes.

   "How about, I also won one point for us in the first seven teams."

  Chen Xuan pretended to make a strong face and smiled, anyway, the girl also started to look differently.

   Then Li Yuan’s vigorous sound rang out: "Li Qiushui wins!"

  In the evening, Chen Xuan was going to the place where Ouyang Yu lived to see how his injuries were.

   In the rush of the night, he has not seen Ouyang Yu again since the grouping, and Tianyuan Palace really has a machine-scale building complex, and the place where Ouyang Yu lives and Chen Xuan are separated by only a short house.

  As soon as Chen Xuan approached the house, he heard the voice of a young man inside.

   "Grand Prince, why are you here?"

   "I came to Tianyuan Hall by the order of my father now."

   "What happened?" Chen Xuan heard that the voice was Ouyang Yu's, so he stopped outside the door for a while.

   "My father asked me to come here to find Mr. Lu Qingyun. What my father wants to do now is to win over General Chang. You know, General Chang and our royal family are at odds. So I came here and wanted to find Lu Qingyun."

At this moment, Ouyang Yu's laughter came from inside: "I almost thought you came to the Tianyuan Palace to compete. After all, your Yunye Empire's royal family is no better than our Qiushuang Nation. I will travel this time and it won't work if I put it on you. After all, you are the one who wants to inherit the throne."

   "There, there!"

  The young man's voice suddenly changed, and he asked, "Speaking of which, how is your injury?"

   "It's not very heavy, you can see it too."

   "Yes, I saw it. I almost don't need to look at it to know that he is from the Dragon Blood tribe."

  "Dragonblood tribesmen must come to Tianyuan Hall. There must be something wrong. Normally, they do business with us at best. Dragonblood tribes are very bloodthirsty!"

  At this moment, Chen Xuan heard that Yu Chiling was approaching, so he moved his body slightly closer to the door wall.


   "What's the situation? Your Majesty" Ouyang Yu looked at Prince Lu's face and asked involuntarily.

   "I heard someone just now."

   Chen Xuan saw that he had been heard whereabouts, so he was not secretive, but came to Ouyang Yu's house.

   "It's me, Brother Nangong."

   "It turned out to be Chen Xuan." Ouyang Yu's face also showed joy.

   "This is Chen Xuan, the descendant of the Pantheon of Black Rock City."

   "Pantheon?" At this moment, the prince suddenly saw that this person was just the young boy who rushed to the competition stage to help Ouyang Yu dissolve the trick of Yu Chiling's seven-color palm.

   "It turns out that it was Chen Xuan who rescued Ouyang Yu today. How I say I want to thank you too." The prince bowed to Chen Xuan.

Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan hurriedly said to the prince: "You are the prince, how can you bow to me? Ouyang Yu and I also met, and Yu Chiling also forged a lot of hatred with him. "Speaking, Chen Xuan recalled the mysterious demon god.

   "No, Brother Chen Xuan just call me Lu Yun!" He said that he looked at Chen Xuan.

  After finishing, Lu Yun said to Chen Xuan: "I also saw what Chen Xuan brothers did today, so today I actually have something to discuss with the two of you!"

He took out a map with blinking eyes, then stared at which area of ​​the secret realm on the topographic map, and slowly said: "Some time ago, I received a bit of information that some people in the secret realm discovered the ghost rock city on the other side. "

  "Ghost Rock City?" Chen Xuan was startled, the secret realm was extremely vast.

Prince Lu’s eyes became more and more hot at this time, and he whispered softly: "Every strange plant has been discovered in Ghost Rock City, and the color is like red fire. It is sucked in the mountains and grows, and its seeds are like The fire crystal is average."

   "Which are it?" Chen Xuan said. Lu Yun said: "If we didn't guess wrong, this is Huo Ling Sui, almost a seven-level pill!"

   "Seventh-level pill?!" Chen Xuan finally felt interested when he heard this.

   is only a second-level pill, but despite this, it also had a huge effect on his opening, and it was used to win many talents. Regardless of the fourth-level pill, it is impossible to imagine a rare item, and only their profound strength continent can have the fourth-level pill "Blood Flood Barley" in their heyday.

  If they can have a burning spirit spike, then their strength will also increase, and they will even be dangerous to the Yunye Empire in the future.

   And when Chen Xuan heard the fourth-level pill, he could figure out why Prince Lu was so impulsive: "This fire spirit spike must fall in the hands of everyone Yunye Empire." Lu Yun preached.

   looked at them, "This thing can quickly improve the cultivation level of many people. If the Dragon Blood tribe people get it, then we are not safe. Do you understand."

  It is impossible to imagine that if this thing falls into their hands, then the strength of Tuoba Tianyuan Palace will definitely enable him to quickly become and improve his cultivation in the next two years, and it will be even more difficult for Tianyuan Palace to gather strength. "Ouyang Yu said.

Lu Yun nodded. He glanced at Ouyang Yu a few times and said again: "And apart from this fire spirit spike, it seems to be in the ghost rock city. There is this kind of jade like a towering tree, and the big tree is born with jade. fruit."

  The Emperor Ying stared at Chen Xuan slowly and said: "This is a nine-turn pill, which can increase longevity."


Ouyang Yu’s skull seemed to explode in an instant, and his deep breath became thicker and heavier. His eyes were red. His father, the emperor, used to save him at the time, which wasted his lifespan. Now his life span is less than 50 years. This is from beginning to end. A thorn in Ouyang Yu's heart, he tried every means to increase his lifespan.

But it’s so strange to be able to choose Shouyuan’s Fangchen Dibao. Even if they Qiu Shuang tried their best to search for it, they never had a hint of information. He didn’t know that Ouyang Yu, he could not think of it, and it would be in Lu Yun’s place today. There is a bit of information.

"It's really necessary." Prince Lu gave a heavy nod. If it weren't for Ouyang De, Ouyang Yu would have been torn down by the snake venom on his body for so many years, so he abandoned his cultivation base and saved him. With Ouyang Yu, he injected Ouyang Yu's body with his own innate essence, so he lost his life.

  This way, Ouyang Yu will feel guilty from beginning to end. Therefore, now that he has finally obtained this kind of information about Fang Chen Dibao, who can still be selected for his life, of course he is not willing to admit defeat casually: "His Royal Highness, is the information true?"

"Look, you have called me your Highness again. Based on our relationship, don't call me your Highness." Ouyang Yu's magnificent mood gradually recovered, and he asked in a deep voice: "Conforms. Many people have entered inadvertently. Arrived at that ghost rock city.

   Seeing "Huosui" and "Nine-turned Medicine Pill", only the Ghost Rock City seemed to have a strong monster at the station. I had heard before that there was already a master of the realm of gods to check it out. The man had to run away in a hurry. One can imagine what kind of strength those monsters are! "

Prince Lu said: "If the information comes, maybe the Dragon Blood Tribe doesn't understand it." At this moment, the prince frowned. If the spike of fire fell into the hands of the Pantheon, the prestige against our royal family would be great. . "

  It is a real material, and it is also the most indispensable thing in the Tianyuan Palace. With this thing in hand, it is an extremely effective bargaining chip whether it is to cultivate the camp or win over the hearts of the people.

   "Yeah." Prince Lu paused, his expression became more and more cold, and said: "So I am going to send the Ministry to take people there. Now we are not sure about it, and the manpower is also faintly lacking."

   With Lu Yun's strength, his current strength has opened the divine emperor realm, and he is waiting to enter the divine emperor realm, and if he enters the divine emperor realm, then he can also be regarded as a master. After all, in the Yunye Empire dynasty, there are very few who can enter the realm of gods before the age of thirty. At the peak of the gods stage, the heavenly barriers to be broken are extremely difficult, and it is not so easy to break through the heavens and enter the gods realm, even if it is the core superior ability.

  And the strength of the realm of the gods, put in the troops on the side, can also be a heavy burden.

   So Chen Xuan also said: "Since I can enter the realm of the gods faster, even in the north, I can quickly enter the realm of the gods, and now I have passed the Tianyuan Palace competition, it is inconvenient to leave."

Hearing what Chen Xuan said, Lu Yun said: "Brother Chen Xuan blamed me. I didn't mean that, but said that if Brother Chen Xuan needs it in the future, I can share the medicine and the three of us equally with Chen Xuan and Ouyang Yu. Ganoderma."

   "I intend to go" Ouyang Yu said.

Seeing Ouyang Yu's active and perseverance, Prince Lu also smiled: "What I said to the two of you this time doesn't have much meaning. I can help them enter the realm of gods faster, and I also have A very small premise is that the two can help our royal family at the time. After all, if they rush into the Yunye Empire, it will be a big problem for all of us! If we can, we can do it now A plan."

  Chen Xuan didn't hesitate when he heard Lu Yun say that. After all, he would not know what happened afterwards, and with such a temperament of Wei Chiling, he and him would definitely have already forged an enemy. So Chen Xuan said, "Okay, I agree."

  "Okay" Ouyang Yu said.

  Lu Yun looked at Chen Xuan at this moment.

   "Then I agree."

  Seeing what Chen Xuan and Ouyang Yu said, Lu Yun said: "Ouyang Yu, now I also have a vital goal to hand over to you."


Prince Lu sighed and said: "This time I will go to Qiushui City first. If I don't make Mr. Lu Qingyun change his mind, then, if you can... I hope you think about the method as much as possible and see if you can let it go. Lu Qingyun went back to see General Chang. Now for our royal family, we still need to win over the hearts of the garrison troops. Can he help us make the royal family and treat the dragon blood tribe?"

   Then, he paused and continued: "At least, you can't let General Marshal Chang pull towards the Dragon Blood Tribe."

  Ouyang Yu paused slightly.

  (End of this chapter)

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