Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2540: See who is longer

   Chapter 2540 See who is longer

  It is obvious that the disciples of Tianyuan Palace are more and more optimistic about Li Dan and them. His strength can be said to despise anyone.

  While Chen Xuan’s strength is not advancing and retreating now, how does it compare with him?

  In front of the waterfall in the Yungu Mountains, Chen Xuan and Li Dan decided to make a bet. The atmosphere suddenly became more and more popular, and more and more disciples from the Tianyuan Hall of Tianyuan Hall heard the wind.

  If someone can win, they can get time to practice in the waterfalls of the Yungu Mountains. It should be understood that although the waterfalls of the Yungu Mountains cannot allow the masters of the realm of gods to improve their strength. With the cooperation of the demon pattern, this waterfall in the Yungu Mountains can also make one's own profound power more refined.

   Seeing that the gambling between Chen Xuan and Li Dan had begun, the ancient charm eyes looked at this moment, and a hearty smile suddenly appeared on his mouth, as if he had already seen Chen Xuan's bewilderment after his defeat.

  Before, Gu Mei also saw Chen Xuan staying in the waterfall in the Yungu Mountains for an hour. She believed that Li Dan could stay in the waterfall for two hours.

   And there was also a hint of coldness in Gong Shuyu's eyes. Chen Xuan really thought that he performed well in the waterfalls of the Yungu Mountains here, and thought that it was really innocent to be able to compete with Li Dan.

He also knows that he can only let this brother on weekdays. When they entered the Tianyuan Hall together, this Li Dan showed extremely high talents, and the time spent here for the first time has been reached. Dozens of minutes.

   Therefore, in response to the training time of the Black Rock City branch hall, Gong Shuyu also took him as his bag.

  After all, Gong Yuyu also needs to rely on this waterfall in the mountains to make his profound strength that has just entered the realm of the gods more stable. This right is in Lu Qingyun's hands, and he has now begun to practice in retreat. Therefore, Lu Qingyun's disciple Li Dan stepped forward and was naturally happy to lose.

Many disciples of Li Dan and their Tianyuan Temple in the surrounding area were all a little shocked by Li Dan’s gambling game, but they became excited afterwards. They also understood Li Dan’s strength, so this time it was not true. The battle with swords and guns, but for them, it still makes them very interested.

  To be objectively speaking, for Chen Xuan, practicing waterfall is still too difficult for Chen Xuan to persist for more than an hour.

  Compared with the full confidence of Li Dan and the others, the atmosphere here in the Black Rock City branch hall is much heavier. Although it is just a small game, it is a matter of how much time their disciples can have to practice in this cultivation waterfall. So many of the disciples under the sect were all depressed, after all, it was because Li Dan's past prestige was too strong.

   "Chen Xuan, are you unsure?" Li Yuan asked in a low voice with some worries in his eyes.

   "Let's do what you can." Chen Xuan smiled.

  Li Yuan saw that he smiled calmly, and his emotions all eased a little bit. This Li Xuan obviously came prepared.

  At this moment, Li Qiushui also waved his hand at Chen Xuan, and cheered at Chen Xuan: "Brother Chen, I believe you, you can definitely win."

  The Gu Mei over there heard Li Qiushui say that, obviously showing a sly smile, and said in secret: "Li Xuan is here with complete preparations. It seems that they will lose this time!"

   "Chen Xuan, the future of our Black Rock City's development after the branch hall is up to you! You must win!" Ling Xia looked at Chen Xuan wistfully and whispered.

In the current confrontation with Li Dan and the others, their disciples in the branch hall of the Black Rock City have already fallen to the bottom. If they lose this time, then they may be deprived of their time to practice at the waterfalls of the Yungu Mountains. Nothing left, however, none of their old disciples in the Black Rock City Branch Hall can surpass the ninth level of the Divine and Demon Stage.

   And he and a few seniors only have the strength of the sixth level of the Divine Demon Stage. The speed of Chen Xuan's progress made these people dumbfounded.

   Therefore, in this gambling game, Ling Xia said that it was not an exaggeration to say that it was about the development prospects of the disciples of the Black Rock City Branch Hall.

   Seeing the hopeful and restless eyes of many disciples in the branch hall of Black Rock City, Chen Xuan didn't look any more, just nodded slightly.

  Under the gaze of many eyes, Chen Xuan and Li Dan came over and set off together towards the waterfall in the Yungu Mountains.

  The waterfall is still torrential, and the impact is the strength of the god-sovereign realm, and you can't use your profound strength in it for long.

"I see, Chen Xuan, if you regret it now, you can concede as soon as possible to prevent you from being forced to suffer. I still give Master Li Yuan a lot of face, so now you still have a chance, lest you have to wait until your whole body is I admit defeat only when I am injured, so what are you asking for?" Li Dan smiled while sitting watching Yunjuan Yunshu.

  Chen Xuan didn’t even look at him before, and said coldly: “Dog-barking language, I think what you said is also suitable for you.”

"In this case, you are embarrassing me. After all, it's only a godly monarch period. I have not come to Tianyuan Hall for a year. I see when you can sneer!" A sneer and contempt flashed out of Li Dan's eyes. .

  At this moment, Chen Xuan didn't say any more, but a little heel, his body shape fell into the other direction of the waterfall in the Yungu Mountain.

  Thirty minutes have passed.

   Despite the impact of the flowing water, the two of them stayed still.

At this moment, Chen Xuan closed his eyes slightly, and the innate demon pattern faintly visible on his forehead trembled, and some cognition of the demon pattern was released, and it was formed by absorbing the aura of the surrounding flowing water. Chen Xuan also quickly mobilized the profound energy in his dantian, and created a protective effect on his side.. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? It relieves the severe pain caused by the impact of running water on the body.

On the other hand, behind him, the congenital soul pattern on Chen Xuan's heart also faintly began to shine, and it was much more spiritual than the demon pattern that just started. It began to release shallow light when Chen Xuan entered the waterfall in the Black Shadow Mountains. The gloss, cold and hot iron lingering, quickly absorb the aura.

The absorption rate of    is far stronger than the average soul pattern.

   "This innate demon pattern is really useful!" After realizing this change, Chen Xuan praised it twice in his heart.

  Majestic, the running water roared down, the backs of Chen Xuan and Li Dan were faintly visible in the waterfall, and outside the waterfall, no one looked at it without blinking.

"Then Chen Xuan's past strength was that he could stay in the waterfall for an hour at most, but at this time Li Dan could indeed do it for an hour and fifty minutes. And with his strength, he could stay inside for two hours. Yes, it's just a little hurt!" Gu Mei looked at the famous back in the waterfall, and sneered: "You just have to look at it again, after an hour, the winners and losers will only be divided."

In Li Dan’s eyes, Chen Xuan was obviously a faint genius. He naturally knew Chen Xuan’s current strength. He thought that Chen Xuan was similar to those who had just entered the divine emperor stage, only relying on his physical strength to be able to reach the waterfall. It's just that time inside, and maybe it's no different.

   "This Chen Xuan thought it was too smooth in the rounds of martial arts and started to swell. Does he think Li Dan was someone he met in the rounds of martial arts?" Gu Mei said on one side.

  Gong Shuyu next to him also nodded slightly. The two of them are very confident in Li Dan. After all, they are the strength of the realm of gods. After all, the strength of Chen Xuan, who has not yet entered the stage of gods, can not be compared with him! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? And Li Dan has already been familiar with this waterfall in the Yungu Mountains.

The disciples of the Tianyuan Hall standing next to the ancient charm also smiled, while the disciples of the branch hall of Heiyan City on the side of Chen Xuan stared at it very nervously. After all, Li Dan's prestige among the newcomers of the Tianyuan Hall was too strong. , Compared with Chen Xuan, it is not a level.

  Chen Xuan and the others here are all anxious and anxious. At this moment, Li Qiushui, who had already followed him, glanced at Li Qiushui, whose jade hand was clenched, and said with relief: "Don't worry, Chen Xuan will not lose. The demon pattern I gave him is not simple, it is the demon pattern I have recently broken through. No one has ever had this demon pattern in Tianyuan Hall."

Li Qiushui’s demon pattern shaping ability is so strong that perhaps no one in the entire Tianyuan Hall can match it. Therefore, Da Zi can find that Chen Xuan is relying on the energy of the demon pattern to absorb the energy of aura in large quantities, plus his own profound energy. With the help of his strength, Chen Xuan can basically spend his time in the waterfalls of the Yungu Mountains.

   And looking back at that Li Dan, it is true that only with the arrogant physique, no matter how strong the body is, in the continuous bombardment of the waterfalls of the Yungu Mountains, it will be slowly consumed until it finally reaches the ultimate.

  Although Li Qiushui didn't know why she was so affirmed, she also released a little pressure, and both bright eyes looked at the waterfall without blinking.

  Staring, time began to fade quickly.

  One and a half hours passed...

  Time quickly began to approach for more than an hour. What surprised many people was that Chen Xuan's back figure was still standing firmly under the waterfall, as if he were relaxed and happy, without reaching the limit.

Gong Shuyu's eyes began to be a little surprised and uncertain, and her eyebrows frowned slightly. After seeing Gu Mei a few times, Gu Mei also felt a faint pain on her cheeks, her expression was unpredictable, and she was afraid to say anything more, because she had already I felt that many disciples of Tianyuan Palace looked at him with weird eyes.

"Is this stinky kid going to keep going? I think he won't be killed in a while!" Gu Mei was also a little flustered at the moment. He didn't expect that Chen Xuan could persist in the waterfall for such a long time now, and it was out of her. Surprise!

  In this waterfall in the Yungu Mountain Range, Li Yuan also felt Chen Xuan who still insisted. He insisted that even his whole body began to have severe pain flashing through, but he had to bear the scope.

  "Wait a second time, I want to see if he pretended to be." Gu Mei said.

  (End of this chapter)

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