Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2541: Start to fight

  Chapter 2541 Competition begins

  Li Dan became a little impatient. In his plan, Chen Xuan could only persist for an hour at most. He looked at Chen Xuan's side.

  But Chen Xuan still did not move.

  At this moment, Li Dan's face was very ugly. This boy who was only a teenager, and did not have the strength to enter the realm of gods, made him so embarrassed now.

  What Chen Xuan can do now is that his dantian can provide more sufficient strength. If it is practiced in a waterfall on the Cangyuan mountain level than here, then Chen Xuan has sufficient self-confidence.

  Chen Xuan believes that he is not afraid of Li Dan.

  Now Li Dan is clearly prepared, and although Chen Xuan’s current strength is not as good as Li Dan, Chen Xuan also has the power of a demon soul. But Li Dan is a god-level cultivation base, and Chen Xuan must not underestimate Li Dan.

  Li Dan coveted the training time of the Yunye Empire in the waterfalls of this mountain. Chen Xuan also felt that the time here was too short.

  As the Tianyuan Temple disciples of the Yunye Empire, the combined time they spent cultivating here was only a few months.

  If the time is up, the waterfall will close, and everyone will have to return to their country at that time.

  If Chen Xuan is allowed to stay here for a little longer, then Chen Xuan may be able to quickly gain the strength of the Eighth Layer of Gods and Demons with the innate spirit pattern that the male loses to him now.

  With his physical strength plus the power of the demon soul, he has not tried how long he can stay in this waterfall.

Chen Xuan did not expect that Li Dan gave a big gift suddenly. Chen Xuan didn’t need a reason at this moment and said, “Okay! If we lose, then promise your terms. However, then you lose, too. Give our people half a day!"

  The chance of getting practice in this spring is very small. This spring will only open for a few months every year.

  Moreover, people from the Pantheon will also come here to practice, and now only some new disciples in Tianyuan Hall are eligible to enter.

Most of the disciples of Tianyuan Hall are elites selected by various empires. This waterfall is located in the western part of the Yunye Empire, and it is also a rare training treasure.

  Not only this waterfall, but also the cultivation mountain range next to it contains a lot of heaven and earth spiritual power.

   "In a few months, the people of Tianyuan Palace will withdraw from here."

  Although it belongs to Tianyuan Hall, the number of disciples who come here to practice is very large every year.

  The only thing that can fight against the Pantheon is the Tianyuan Hall. However, the Tianyuan Palace is now incomparably serious, and people from all empires are not dealing with each other. This Li Dan squeezes out Chen Xuan and them everywhere.

  Li Dan's expression was slightly stagnant at this moment. It was obvious that he hadn't expected Chen Xuan to think about it so decisively, but he directly used his last card and involuntarily passed the vicious and full color in his eyes.

  As soon as his voice fell, the disciples in the surrounding Tianyuan Palace made a low bang, directly cheering up.

Now here, the Yunye Empire and Li Dan have begun to hit Maimang again... It can be said that everyone is not optimistic about Chen Xuan, because after all, he is only an eight-fold power of the gods and demons, and Li Dan has entered The level of gods has long been known to everyone.

  Chen Xuan practiced demon soul backlash, so that his cultivation base would not advance and retreat, otherwise it could be called a god-level cultivation base now.

  In each empire, all the disciples who have just entered the Tianyuan Temple will come to this waterfall to practice, which is also a symbol of friendship and alliance.

  Chen Xuan only recently learned that the last time he participated in the competition was the newcomer competition held every four years.

Obviously, the disciples of Tianyuan Hall are more optimistic about Li Dan. Since Li Dan is the only disciple of the newcomers who have connected to the second-level Tianyuan Hall of the God Realm, his strength can be said to be contemptuous of any of the disciples in this period. people.

  And Chen Xuan is only eightfold of gods and demons, how does it compare with him?

  In front of the waterfall on the Cangyuan mountain layer, Chen Xuan and Li Dan decided to make a bet. The atmosphere became more and more popular. More and more disciples from various empires came and blocked the area.

  After all, the gambling game between each other is really too big.

  If someone can win, they can get time to practice in the waterfalls of the Cangyuan Mountain. You must know that the waterfalls of the Cangyuan Mountain can't let the masters of the realm of gods improve their strength.

  However, with the cooperation of spirit patterns, this waterfall on the Cangyuan Mountain level can make one's own profound strength even more pure.

  At this moment, seeing that the gambling between Chen Xuan and Li Dan had begun, the ancient charm looked at them with a smile on his mouth, as if he had already seen Chen Xuan's defeat after a certain bewilderment.

  Before, she saw Chen Xuan staying in the waterfall on the Cangyuan Mountain for an hour, but she was confident that their imperial Li Dan could stay in the waterfall for two hours.

  At this moment, there was a hint of coldness in the eyes of the father-in-law Li on one side.

   "Then Chen Xuan really thinks that he performed very well in the waterfall on the Cangyuan Mountain layer here. It is really innocent to actually fight Li Dan this guy."

  You must know how difficult it is to stay here for two hours. When they entered the Tianyuan Temple together, Li Dan showed great talent, and the first time staying here has reached dozens of minutes.

   Therefore, for the training time of the Yunye Empire, Gong Zuli also took him as his bag.

  After all, he also needs to rely on this waterfall in the Cangyuan Mountains to make his profound strength that has just entered the realm of the gods more stabilized.

  However, this right is in the hands of the Yunye Empire, and the people of the Yunye Empire obviously value their people very much.

  That’s why Chen Xuan and the others can spend such a long time in this waterfall.

Although the Tianyuan Hall is nominally referred to as the temple, it is actually a place used by various empires to cultivate elites.

  It's just that the gods believed by the many disciples of Tianyuan Hall are different from the Pantheon, and the gods believed by the Tianyuan Halls of different empires are also very different.

  The Tianyuan Temple of the Yunye Empire believes in a **** called Lu Yu. It is said that his cultivation has reached the dominance level, has mastered the power of time and space, can live forever, and above it is the real god.

  The power reaches the sky and the earth is full of urging, whether it is the people of the Pantheon or the Tianyuan Hall, they all recognize the main god, and no one dares to question its existence.

  Although no one saw it with their own eyes, because thousands of years ago, this continent was still integrated. The powerful empire almost unified the entire Black Rock world and established the belief of everyone.

   However, Tianyuan Hall is playing a big role in the demigod. Almost every empire’s Tianyuan Hall believes in the founding monarch of the country.

  The disciples of the other Tianyuan Palace also have their own affiliations. Seeing that the Yunye Empire has a longer training time, they are naturally very upset.

  So, now that Li Dan has stepped forward, the father-in-law Li is naturally happy.

  The many disciples of Tianyuan Temple around, although they were all a little surprised by Li Dan's gambling game, but there was some excitement afterwards.

  They also understand what kind of strength Li Dan has, so even if this contest is not a battle with real swords and guns, it still makes them very interested.

  Objectively speaking, for Chen Xuan at the practice waterfall now, it is obviously still too difficult for Chen Xuan to persist for more than an hour.

  Compared with Li Dan’s full of confidence, the atmosphere here in the Yunye Empire is much heavier. Although it is only a small game, it is a matter of how much time their disciples can have to practice in this cultivation waterfall. So now, for the many disciples under his school, the expressions are all depressed, after all, it is because Li Dan's past prestige is really too strong.

   "Chen Xuan, are you unsure?" Li Yuan asked with some worry in his eyes.

   "Let's do what you can." Chen Xuan smiled.

  Li Yuan saw that he smiled calmly, and his emotions eased a little.

  Li Xuan obviously came prepared, and it was very obvious that this guy must not give up unless he achieves his goal. At this time, Chen Xuan could only work hard to win the game.

  At this moment, Li Qiuyu waved his hand at Chen Xuan, and cheered at Chen Xuan: "Brother Lin, I believe you, you can definitely beat him."

  The Gu Mei over there obviously showed a sly smile when Li Qiuyu said that, and said in secret: "Brother Li Dan came here with complete preparations. It seems that they are defeated this time!"

   "Chen Xuan, the name after our Yunye Empire is up to you! You must win!" Li Qiuyu looked at Chen Xuan and said in a low voice.

In the current confrontation with Li Dan and the others, the disciples of the Yunye Empire have already fallen to the bottom. If they still lose this time, then the time to practice in the waterfalls of the Cangyuan Mountain may be deprived of one point. Not left.

  However, no one of their Yunye Empire can surpass the strength of the Nine Gods and Demons.

   And she and a few seniors only have the eightfold cultivation base of Gods and Demons.

   "I heard that there are a few people who joined with you. One of them is named Wang Lun. Hasn't his cultivation level reached the cultivation level of the gods?" A disciple of the Yunye Empire asked.

  "He has gone out to perform the task now, and he has not returned yet." Chen Xuan replied.

  In this gambling game, Li Qiuyu said that it was not an exaggeration to say that it was about the development prospects of those Tianyuan Temple disciples in the Yunye Empire.

   Seeing the hopeful and restless eyes of many Tianyuan Hall disciples in the Yunye Empire, Chen Xuan didn't look any more, just nodded lightly.

  Under the gaze of many eyes, Chen Xuan and Li Dan walked by and set off together towards the waterfall on the Cangyuan Mountain.

"I see, Chen Xuan, if you regret it now, you can concede as soon as possible to prevent you from being forced to suffer. I still give you a lot of face, so now you still have a chance to avoid hurting your whole body. Just admit defeat, what are you asking for?" Li Danyun said with a smile.

  Chen Xuan said coldly without even looking at him. "I think what you said is suitable for you."

"In this case, don't blame me. It's only a **** and devil, and there is no one-month-old boy in Tianyuan Palace. I see when you can sneer!" Li Dan flashed a hint of sarcasm and contempt. .

  Chen Xuan didn't say much anymore, but with a little heel, his figure fell into another direction of the waterfall on the Cangyuan Mountain layer.

  Thirty minutes have passed.

   Despite the impact of the flowing water, both of them remained motionless.

  Chen Xuan closed his eyes slightly at this moment, and the congenital spirit patterns faintly visible on his forehead trembled.

A little bit of spiritual pattern recognition was released, and it was formed by absorbing the aura of the surrounding flowing water. At this time, Chen Xuan quickly ran the profound energy in his dantian, creating a protective effect around him. , To alleviate the severe pain caused by the impact of running water on the body.

  On the other hand, behind him, the demon soul above Chen Xuan's heart faintly began to shine, and it seemed much more spiritual than just now.

  From the beginning, when Chen Xuan entered this Cangyuan Mountain waterfall, she began to release a shallow luster, the power of the demon soul radiated, cold and hot, and quickly digested and absorbed the aura.

  The speed of digestion and absorption is far stronger than ordinary soul patterns.

   "This innate spirit pattern is really amazing!" After realizing this change, Chen Xuan praised it twice in his heart.

  Majestic, the running water roared down, the backs of Chen Xuan and Li Dan were faintly visible in the waterfall, and outside the waterfall, no one's eyes were blinking.

"The strength of Chen Xuan is that at most, he can stay in a waterfall for an hour, but at this time Li Dan can indeed do it for an hour and fifty minutes. Moreover, with his strength, he can stay in it for two. It’s okay to be young, but it’s just a little bit hurt!" Gu Mei looked at the back in the waterfall and sneered: "You just have to look at it again, after an hour, the winners and losers will be separated."

  In Li Dan's eyes, Chen Xuan casually burned a faint genius, but she naturally didn't know that Chen Xuan had the eight-fold power of gods and demons.

  He thought that Chen Xuan was similar to the waste that had just entered the Eighth Layer of Gods and Demons, only that he could stay in the waterfall for so long with the strength of his body.

   "This Chen Xuan thought it was a few rounds of newcomer competitions that were too smooth, so he started to swell. Does he still think Li Dan is someone he met in the rounds of competitions?" Gu Mei said.

  (End of this chapter)

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