Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2542: Sinister villain

  Chapter 2542 Sinister villain

  The father-in-law Li who was next to her nodded slightly. Both of them were very confident in Li Dan. After all, Li Dan's strength in the realm of gods, after all, can not be compared with the strength of Chen Xuan, the eighth level of gods and demons!

  Moreover, Li Dan has long been familiar with this waterfall on the Cangyuan Mountain.

  The many disciples in the Tianyuan Hall standing next to Su Yun'er also smiled, relaxed and happy.

  The disciples of the Yunye Empire on Chen Xuan's side stared at it with very nervous expressions. After all, Li Dan was too prestigious in the Tianyuan Palace, and Chen Xuan was not at the same level as him.

  Compared with people in other empires, the Yunye Empire looks anxious and anxious here.

However, at this moment, Gong Shuying, who had already followed him, glanced at Li Qiuyu, whose jade hand was clenched, and said with relief, “Don’t worry, Chen Xuan won’t lose. The spirit pattern I gave him is not simple, it’s me. The recently broken orange-level spirit rune, this spirit rune, no one has ever had it in the Tianyuan Palace."

Gong Yuying’s ability to shape the spirit pattern is so strong that no one in the entire Yunye Empire can match it. Therefore, she can feel that Chen Xuan is relying on the energy of the spirit pattern to digest and absorb a large number of spiritual energy, and add With the help of his own Dantian profound strength, Chen Xuan can basically continue to persist even with the consumption of this waterfall on the Cangyuan Mountain layer.

   Looking back at that Li Dan, it is true that only relying on the arrogant physique, no matter how strong the human body is, in the continuous bombardment of this Cangyuan Mountain waterfall, it will slowly be consumed until it finally reaches consumption.

  Although Li Qiuyu didn't know why Gong Shuying was so sure, she was also infected and relieved a little pressure, but both bright eyes looked at the waterfall without blinking.

  One and a half hours passed...

  Time quickly approached for more than an hour, but what surprised many people was that Chen Xuan's back was still standing firmly under the waterfall, as if he was still very relaxed and happy, not reaching the limit.

  Gong Zuli's eyes began to be suspicious, his brows frowned slightly, and after seeing Gu Mei a few times, Gu Mei felt a faint pain on his cheeks, and his expression was unpredictable.

  She was a little afraid to talk nonsense again, because she had already felt that Li Dan, who was on the side, and many of the disciples of Tianyuan Palace looked at her with weird eyes.

"Is this stinky kid going to keep going? I think he won't be killed in a while!" Su Yun'er was a little panicked at the moment. She didn't expect Chen Xuan to be able to persist in the waterfall for so long now. To her surprise!

In this waterfall on the Cangyuan Mountain level, Li Yuan and the others also felt Chen Xuan who was still insisting, frowning, and insisting on this situation, even his whole body began to have severe pain flashing, but Still within the scope of commitment.

  "Wait a second time, I want to see if he pretended to be." Gu Mei said.

  As for Li Dan, some became impatient. In his preparations, he thought that Chen Xuan would only last for an hour at most. He looked in the direction of Chen Xuan.

  As for Chen Xuan, there is still no movement.

  "This kid, how come I feel that he actually agreed so happily, I want to see if this kid has taken a pill to increase profound strength!" But no, this kid originally had a reserved profound strength pill. "Li Xuan's eyes are gloomy at this moment, and a glimmer of gloom flashes in his heart when he glances at Chen Xuan.

  Li Dan felt that his profound strength was almost exhausted, and his ability to withstand it was almost at its limit.

"But, I thought I clearly proposed this kind of gambling, would I not prepare in advance?" Li Xan closed his eyes slightly at this moment, waiting for the passage of time, unknowingly, at this moment, it has reached one hour and fifty minutes, and he has also done it. The limit assumed by Christmas.

  Li Dan opened his eyes and eyes, cold wings flashed in his mind,

   "This Chen Xuan can last for so long. I really don't know how to praise! If Li Dan loses to you, then what face do I have to mess with here!" His face gradually became filthy.

  Li Dan took advantage of the gap and took out a few invisible silver needles from the wet placket, looked at Chen Xuan's side ferociously, his hands formed profound strength and attached to the silver needles.


  Chen Xuan's legs suddenly felt a sharp pain, and then Chen Xuan opened his closed eyes, seeing that his legs were already bleeding out with blood.

   Actually, strands of ghost short needles changed by the innate soul pattern burst out, and the innate soul pattern short needles crossed the heavy water flow and shot directly at Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan did not slack in the slightest, because this innate soul pattern attack did not seem to have much momentum, but it did harm to the body.

  Innate soul lines were injured, and it was very difficult to rest.

  Chen Xuan didn’t need to think about it at this time, but the sinister villain Li Dan did it.

   "Really a guy who can't afford to lose." Chen Xuan cursed secretly.

   Then he used his profound energy to gather on the wound. At this moment, Chen Xuan's dantian was running wildly, but he did not stop the wound.

  Now the momentum of the waterfall has made Chen Xuan stretched out, but fortunately, he finally relied on the demon soul to separate the profound energy, because Chen Xuan's demon soul seemed to have the ability to heal his body. But the pain cannot be avoided.

   Li Dan over there saw Chen Xuan kneeling on the ground, and became proud. He had carefully considered Chen Xuan's cultivation level yesterday, so he made full preparations with both hands.

  If anyone in the Yunye Empire is willing to fall into his gambling game, if they also take Xuanli Pill, Li Dan has obviously stored the pill in his clothes, and this is the silver needle he specifically asked Gu Mei to select.

  After all, the color of the silver needle looks exactly the same as the water droplets of the waterfall, and with the blessing of profound energy, the speed is so fast that no one can tell.

  At this moment, the people on the shore saw Chen Xuan suddenly kneeling down. They were all shocked, showing two completely different expressions.

  Besides, the people headed by Gu Yun seemed to gradually become proud of their expressions.

"I didn't expect that Chen Xuan could hold on for so long. Yesterday he asked me to find some silver needles. He didn't expect to spend so much time and trouble. Now it seems that Chen Xuan can't clean up without the silver needles. Little bastard." Finished.

   Li Dan smiled wickedly and said: "Chen Xuan, my silver needle will disappear with your wound. I won't admit it at that time. I'll see what you do."

But at this moment, Li Yuan, Ouyang Yu, Li Qiuyu and others were nervous. It seemed that they didn’t know why Chen Xuan suddenly knelt at the bottom of the waterfall. You must know that the waterfall’s momentum is extremely powerful, and it is very likely to be Was rushed out.

  Now Chen Xuan has their only hope!

Chen Xuan quickly mobilized the profound energy in his body. Now that most of his profound energy has been consumed, a small part has been separated to stop the bleeding from his wounds. It can be said that Chen Xuan did not sneak attack on Li Dan. Falling from the waterfall has shown that his willpower is amazing.

   Profound power swam and walked over the wound, Chen Xuan didn't seem to feel any tingling, but the innate spirit pattern on the top of Chen Xuan's head suddenly shined brightly, and then, the water wave-like spirit pattern profound energy suddenly emerged.

  At this time, Gong Shuying is the only person who knows Chen Xuan's situation.

   "He seems to be injured."

   "Injured?" Li Qiuyu who was beside Gong Shuying blinked and said.

   "Yes, there is my profound energy in the spirit patterns on Chen Xuan's body, and I can feel that my profound energy is not absorbing that spiritual energy just now. His body is now injured."

   "That must have been done by the **** Li Dan!" Hearing Gong Shuying say that, Li Qiuyu said with anger on her face, as if she wanted to go up to the Li Dan theory, but she was stopped by Gong Shuying.

"Don't worry, he is not in serious trouble now, he is just injured a little bit, but he can continue to hold on. I can feel that Chen Xuan still has a lot of profound energy in his body now, and if possible, he can hold on for another half an hour. "At this moment, Gong Shuying was a little excited.

  Just when Li Dan thought he was about to end the gambling game, more than ten minutes passed.

   However, Chen Xuan seems to have recovered from his sneak attack just now.

  At this time, Li Dan could no longer let his profound strength support his protective layer.

   "It seems that only the power of the pill to replenish profound energy can make me stick to it."

  Li Dan took advantage of the waterfall to slide down, his mouth turned, and a few brown pills from the inside of his clothes fell into his mouth, and he swallowed it with one mouth.

  The brown pill was swallowed into his belly, and Li Dan suddenly felt that a cold aura appeared, and then rushed straight into his forehead.

This pill is called Lingwen Pill, and it is said to be refined by a person at the level of alchemy master. It can develop and strengthen the soul in a fleeting time. It can increase your strength and profound strength for a certain period of time. .

  It’s just that this pill has some complications. After using it, his spiritual power will feel very scarce, and he can no longer use spiritual power.

  But in this case, Li Dan obviously can't take care of this side effect.

  Innate soul patterns increased, and Li Dan's forehead was faintly shiny. At this moment, his profound strength had recovered a lot.

   seems to have turned into a halo of nothingness, and even more of its innate soul patterns. Obviously, relying on the medicinal effect of the pill, Li Dan's innate soul patterns have entered a stronger state.

And then the innate soul pattern entered a stronger state. Li Dan immediately felt that he had come to a situation that he could not detect beforehand. He could feel a ray of spiritual energy in the waterfall on the Cangyuan mountain layer. Continuously surging directly at the angle of Chen Xuan.

   "It turns out that this is the case! The reason why Chen Xuan can be in a waterfall... can support a long time in this waterfall on the Cangyuan Mountain layer is actually due to soul lines!" Li Dan's pupils narrowed.

  At this moment, he finally discovered Chen Xuan's secrets. He noticed the faint spirit patterns on Chen Xuan's body, and Li Dan thought about it.

   "I have never seen this pattern of spirit patterns. How could this kid have such a strange pattern. Fortunately, I have been prepared recently, otherwise, it would be really unfair to this kid!"

Li Dan's face was gloomy, and a soul pattern flashed across his forehead. This soul pattern was called Hui Ling Run. It was a spiritual run that he specially made for him. Its function is to accumulate innate soul runes. Become a needle, and then attack.

  But that Chen Xuan's spirit pattern can actually help him absorb the aura around him, which is really weird.

  That aura seems to be spiritual, and people without auras can’t see it.

  Li Xian watched the bluish-white aura flying towards Chen Xuan.

   Therefore, Chen Xuan immediately abandoned the digestion and absorption of the spiritual energy, and the innate soul pattern was gathered, producing a heavy defense.

  (End of this chapter)

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