Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2548: Li Dan seriously injured

  Chapter 2548 Seriously injured Li Dan

  He had already exerted his strength to the extreme, and such an offensive made the disciples feel numb.

  Faced with a violent offensive like Li Dan, even Chen Xuan's expression changed slightly, as if being enveloped by the opponent's offensive, he could not avoid it even if he exerted his profound strength.

  Chen Xuan was shocked, but not in a hurry.

"It seems it's time to use this demon soul!" At this moment, Chen Xuan's eyebrows and the demon soul flashed lightly, and the perception spread. With the demon soul's perception, Li Dan's every offensive track was It became extremely clear in his eyes.

Above Chen Xuan’s fists and feet, the aura roared. His counterattack was not as vicious as Li Dan. On the contrary, it seemed a bit slow, but he let it out like this slowly, every time it happened to fall on the weakest part of Li Dan’s offensive. Just a little bit, that is, to solve the ferocious force.

  Li Dan’s complexion became more and more ugly. His attacks seemed fierce, but he could not break through Chen Xuan’s defenses from beginning to end. The latter seemed to resist randomly and appropriately solved all his offenses.

  Chen Xuan blasted out another heavy fist and landed on Li Dan's body. With a fierce force, Li Dan's arm was shocked, and his attack seemed to be blocked.

   "Eat me!"

   Chen Xuan's eyes flashed, and his palms suddenly changed into pats. In an instant, the spiritual energy in his body surged and flowed along the meridians into the palm of his hand. At this moment, the air around him buzzed and shook.

  A shocking flame aura spread from Chen Xuan's body.

   "Mysterious Fire Palm!"

  This is the exercise that Chen Xuan only practiced some time ago, and it is the first time he has used it.

   Accompanied by a deep shout, Chen Xuan slapped out his palm, the bright flame of his palm appeared, and the air around him roared out with condensed fire.

  This palm, shoot Li Dan.

  And Li Dan's face suddenly changed at this moment. It was obvious that Chen Xuan's palm technique was so powerful that he was shocking. His arms were intertwined in front of him, and his aura was wrapped around his arms.


  In spite of the fierce and unparalleled attack, Chen Xuan slapped Li Dan's arms with a heavy palm, the sound burst, and a fierce force burst out.


   With a palm bang, Li Dan was hit hard, his arms trembled, his feet stepped on the ground, and he shot backwards embarrassingly, smashing the slate into pieces with one impression on each foot.

   There was an uproar in the audience, and with Li Dan’s steps, he was shocked!

Li Dan stabilized his posture. He heard the full uproar, and water dripped from his face suddenly. He looked at Chen Xuan furiously, and let out a low cry full of murderous intent from between his teeth. come out.

   "Chen Xuan, you are dying!"

  Chen Xuan once again attacked Li Dan, and amazing spiritual power bloomed from the long sword, which directly knocked him out.

   Li Dan spit out a mouthful of blood, obviously no match for Chen Xuan.

   "No, Chen Xuan can actually defeat Li Dan." A disciple onlookers said.

  Neither of them thought that Chen Xuan would actually defeat Li Dan, but now the facts are in front of them. Everyone saw that Li Dan was knocked into the air by Chen Xuan.

   "Chen Xuan! I will definitely not let you go!" Li Dan said grimly.

  Seeing that Li Dan, who had been shot down to the ground, dared to speak harshly, Chen Xuan raised the blade in his hand and directly attacked him.

Above the stands, several elders realized that Chen Xuan was actually going to kill him, and immediately wanted to stop Chen Xuan in the past, but Chen Xuan was so fast that he had already stab Li Dan in the blink of an eye.

  "Stop!" an elder said.

His cultivation is very powerful, and he appeared on the competition stage in an instant, but it was still a little late. Chen Xuan had already cut off Li Dan’s arm, and a lot of blood spewed from Li Dan’s arm. Li Dan attacked, but was stopped by the elder.

   "This time it's just a test! You can't take this cruelty!" the elder said angrily.

  Chen Xuan knew that this was an elder of the Yunye Empire, and had a certain relationship with Li Dan.

After    was stopped, Chen Xuan slowly walked off the competition stage.

  Although he has won the game, he was disqualified from the first place because he injured too much. Even Chen Xuan was expelled from Tianyuan Palace.

This is irrelevant to Chen Xuan. He came to Tianyuan Temple because he wanted to avoid the Pantheon’s pursuit, and he didn’t have any other purpose. However, Wang Lun and Yu Wenqiu are now being looked at by the Yunye Empire seniors and don’t know what they are doing. Kind of task.

  Chen Xuan was looking at the token in his hand. Li Qiuyu next to him was following. After Chen Xuan was suspended from the Tianyuan Palace, Li Qiuyu also took the initiative to follow him, which also moved Chen Xuan a little.

  Li Qiuyu said, "Brother Chen Xuan, are you really going there?"

"I still have to improve my strength... there are still a few things I need to do, so it's okay for me to leave the Tianyuan Palace, but you are also leaving with me, which I didn't expect." Chen Xuan I feel a little moved now.

Li Qiuyu watched Chen Xuan say that, and said, "Don't say that. If you break Li Dan's arm, I think he will definitely get back with revenge. It would be nice to come out with you now! And, I am now on my body. There is also the spirit pattern that Senior Sister Gongzuo carved for me. I haven't been in vain for so long in the Tianyuan Hall."

  Chen Xuan nodded softly: “The soul-refining tower, this kind of cultivation tower, used to be practiced by the Liu family themselves. Now the son of the Liu family is willing to let it go.”

  At the beginning, they met Princess Yuchi in the Cangyuan Mountains, and they also got the token of the soul refining tower.

Li Qiuyu smiled, and said: "After all, he stuffed it for us, and the soul refining tower will be quite good for us! Maybe it can make your strength closer to one level. And there may be very good for your demon soul cultivation. Good!"

  Hearing this, Chen Xuan's expression was condensed. It has been almost a month since his strength reached the realm of the gods, but it was difficult to step into the first level of strength from the beginning to the end. It is not easy to plan to let his demon soul step into the next time.

  If you can really step into it, Chen Xuan can study the triple soul pattern. By that time, his combat power will increase a lot, that is, facing the people of the four levels of gods, Chen Xuan has the ability to fight.

  The Soul Refining Tower is in a small city between Silver Moon City and Dragon Sparrow City, and there are many guards there. It is not far from the Dragon Blood Tribe, and many people who practice demon souls are familiar with it.

After leaving Lu Yucheng, they continued to head north.

  Chen Xuan's strength training in the past few months has not stopped, nor has he let himself relax, but the results obtained are unsatisfactory.

   "Let's take a look at that time. Since he gave this to us, then the Liu family shouldn't stop us." Li Qiuyu's tone was casual, and he didn't really show too much scruples.

  Chen Xuan felt a little warm in his heart. Li Qiuyu was willing to take such a risk, obviously because he could cultivate stronger in strength.

   "If there is a problem then, let's go straight ahead." Chen Xuan said.

  Li Qiuyu took a sudden step and said: "Who is she?"

Chen Xuan was taken aback and looked back along her eyes. She was a woman in a long robe. Even though it was approaching dusk, she could see her skin exposed like snow outside her sleeves, but now it is ghostly. Follow behind.

   "Haha, what a coincidence."

  Discovered by the two of Chen Xuan, the woman in the robe jumped up with a smile, and said to Li Qiuyu: "Both, how are you guys."

  Li Qiuyu cast a bewildered look at Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan rubbed his eyebrows, and said, "I saw it before, and I plan to buy Princess Yuchi, Yinhuo Guo."

  Li Qiuyu looked at Princess Yuchi, and said slowly: "It's the woman from last time."

   Princess Yuchi smiled, her cheek changed slightly, and she stared at Li Qiuyu a little alertly. It was obvious that she was the first time she was seen by others.

   Seeing Li Qiuyu's beast, Princess Yuchi asked with obvious interest.

  "It's a monster," Li Qiuyu reported the monster in his arms.

  "Why is the Warcraft so close to humans. Girl, do you have animal heart too?"

  "Bright animal heart?" Chen Xuan made a bewildered voice, obviously never heard of such matters...

"Simply put, she was born to be able to unblock the heartstrings of the beasts, can manipulate the beasts, and can use the power of the beasts, don't you think that she is just an ordinary eighth level of the gods and demons. Even you are definitely not her opponent." Princess Yuchi said quietly.

  The expression in Chen Xuan's eyes towards Li Qiuyu changed a little, and he could not think that this girl was buried with shocking spiritual power.

   "Little girl, you are really interested." Princess Yuchi murmured, and she looked at Li Qiuyu a little scrupulously. She planned to leave, but her eyes couldn't help looking at Green Rabbit Monster.

   "Can you sell this little monster of yours to me?" Princess Yuchi said.

  Chen Xuan was a little helpless at the moment, this princess Yuchi really wanted to buy everything she saw. However, she didn't do anything excessive, so Chen Xuan couldn't say anything.

  "Not for sale!" Li Qiuyu said decisively.

   "The Green Rabbit Monster is free. If you let it go with you, I won't stop it."

   "Really?" Princess Yuchi's eyes lit up.

  Li Qiuyu put his arms on his chest and nodded.

   "Then you don't regret it!" Princess Yuchi turned her eyes and jumped in front of Li Qiuyu. She looked at the lazy Green Rabbit Monster in Li Qiuyu's arms. She stretched out her hand carefully, and the mysterious pattern on the back of her hand was glare.

  She can communicate with the monsters, and Princess Yuchi can also interact with the monsters, and she has never seen a monster that resists her. Therefore, she can run around in the Cangyuan forest where the monsters dominate.

  So she believes that as long as she can flow with the little demon in front of her, it will definitely go with her.

  Princess Yuchi was draped with a strong light on the palm of her hand, shining on the forehead of the Green Rabbit Monster, turning into a pattern similar to the back of her hand.

  Looking at the pattern forming, Princess Yuchi's pretty face showed joy.

  However, the pattern on the eyebrows of the Green Rabbit Monster suddenly cracked and burst, and the Green Rabbit Monster still had that lazy appearance, but the animal eye glanced at her sideways.

   "Ah? How is this?" Princess Yuchi was dumbfounded. This was the first time she had encountered such a situation.

  She didn't believe in evil, she bit her fingertips suddenly, and the red appeared. She swiped her fingertips to form a bright red glossy pattern. The pattern fell off and fell on the eyebrows of the green rabbit beast.

  But this time, the pattern did not last long, but it broke and cracked again.

   "Why is this." The next few frustrations made Princess Yuchi angrily said.

   "It is not a normal monster, but a mutant monster." Li Qiuyu said calmly.

  Chen Xuan looked a little surprised at the Green Rabbit Monster in his arms, and seemed to realize what Chen Xuan thought, the Green Rabbit Monster raised his head, and the expression in the beast eyes seemed to say that you only know it now.

Princess Yuchi on the side looked listless, "The Green Rabbit Monster allows you to draw two lines on its skull. It is already very friendly to you, otherwise, it will eat people." Li Qiuyu smiled. Tao.

"Really?" Princess Yuchi's small mouth slumped, but she also recovered from the sadness immediately, looked at Li Qiuyu, laughed and said, "Well, that's it, but thank you too, unexpectedly Let me try if this spirit run can control this little monster."

  She looked back at the two bronze medals in Chen Xuan's hand, and said, "Are you going to the Liu Family Soul Refining Tower?"

  Chen Xuan nodded and said, "I want to try."

   "I want to go too, my uncle Yuchilin insists on letting me go!" Princess Yuchi said.

  Chen Xuan grinned, she was indeed extraordinary.

  (End of this chapter)

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