Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2549: Princess Yuchi

  Chapter 2549 Princess Yuchi

   "So, let's make friends with the two of you. My name is Yuchiran." Princess Yuchi said as she looked at Chen Xuan and Li Qiuyu with bright eyes.

  Chen Xuan looked at Li Qiuyu, the latter nodded slightly, she could feel that Princess Yuchi in front of her had a savage character, but she did not hold any dissent towards them.

   "I am Chen Xuan, this is my friend, Li Qiuyu." Chen Xuan smiled.

   "Chen Xuan, Li Qiuyu, it seems that in a few days we can go to the soul refining tower together, maybe I will let Uncle Yuchi protect you at that time." Princess Yuchi smiled.

   "Protection?" Chen Xuan's eyes flashed, and said: "Isn't the soul refining tower a place to hone your strength? Isn't something sinister happening?"

Li Qiuyu blinked, a smile floated in his eyes, and said: "Who knows, the soul refining tower is only opened once in many years, and many practitioners in the demon soul are enthusiastic about it. We should always be careful. Click it?"

  Chen Xuan was startled, the Liu family released the soul refining tower this time. Although the quota is limited, for many people, if they can be promoted, there is no doubt that there will be a big competition.

The so-called soul-refining tower is a place where you can cultivate demon souls. The unique demon soul cultivation method of the Yuchi family will certainly not let go of this opportunity. This kind of tower that borrows foreign objects to hone its strength is all the demon soul cultivators. The people who are working tirelessly want to go, which is especially precious to those who practice demon souls.

"it is good."

  Chen Xuan smiled. Although the girl in front of her seemed to make friends naturally, she obviously hid her thoughts. Who knows if Princess Yuchi has other plans.

  In a farm in the center of the city.

  In the secret room, the lights are dim and yellow, and the atmosphere is very secret.

"It's all done?" In the secret room, a dumb sound rang out. Under the light, a figure looks like a middle-aged person, but his face is thin, but at the center of his eyebrows, the light is shining, emitting a strong faint. The strength of the person.

   "Yes, father."

  Beside the figure, a young man in white nodded, and it was Liu Deyu.

The thin-faced middle-aged man nodded, his eyes stern, and said: "I have discussed with the Yuchi family, and they agreed to assist us. Once we extract the strength of the current casual practitioners, my strength should be fine. Stepping into the next realm, when the time comes, the power of our Liu family will swell again."

   "I will sit down with the two elders later."

Liu Deyu nodded, and took out a stack of bronze medals from his sleeves. On the bronze medals, the portraits that were ready to appear were remembered, and said: "Father, people have been selected. As long as they enter the soul refining tower, they can become us. Food in your mouth."

  He flicked the bronze medal slightly with his fingers, his eyes were playful, staring at the middle two pieces, and seeing the portraits above, it was Chen Xuan, Li Qiuyu, and Ouyang Yu.

  The next day, Ningkang City became extremely noisy, and many people rushed towards the city, just because today is the time when the Liu Family Soul Refining Tower opened.

  Ningkang City is not far from Dragon Bird City. It is precisely because the Soul Refining Tower is about to open now, many practitioners have emerged.

The Soul Refining Tower stood on the north side of Ningkang City, and because the Liu family's influence in Ningkang City was really strong, they actually built their Liu family mansion next to the tower.

Among all the casual cultivators who practice demon souls, who is not familiar with the magical use of the Liu family’s soul refining tower, it is precisely because of this soul refining tower that the Liu family has just become a prominent family in Ningkang City. Weak strength.

  Therefore, every year when the Liu Family opens the Soul Refining Tower, many people come to it.

  Obviously, they intend to borrow the magical effect of the Soul Refining Tower to increase their strength.

  In the city, the large farm opened, and some of the ghost spirit practitioners who had received the invitations immediately walked in.

  Chen Xuan and Li Qiuyu came together and saw the princess Yuchi named Yuchiran not far away.

  Chen Xuan and Li Qiuyu walked along the flow of people to the middle of the farm.

   "Hello, two." Princess Yuchi greeted like Li Qiuyu and Chen Xuan.

  "Have you not started yet?" Chen Xuan went straight to the subject.

   "No, but you better be with me now."

  Chen Xuan did not refuse, he also vaguely felt that it was safer for him to be next to this Yu Chiran.

  At this moment, in the wide open ground, a large black stone tower stands upright, on the tower body, bearing in mind a large number of old patterns, gleaming light.

   "Is this the soul refining tower?" Li Qiuyu asked curiously.

  Chen Xuan stared at the black stone tower, frowning slightly. For some reason, Chen Xuan was vaguely aware of some conspiracy.

  In Chen Xuan's heart, a figure in white clothes came to the black tower. It was Liu Deyu who had seen him a few months ago. Nothing has changed for this guy.

  Liu Deyu saw Chen Xuan and the others, and it is correct to say that what he saw was actually Yu Chiran. As for Chen Xuan, he just swept it away and obviously did not take it to heart.

Liu Deyu smiled slightly at Yu Chiran, and then said loudly: "As you all know, today is the opening date for the soul refining tower. This soul refining tower has the effect of demon souls. I guess you all understand. "

  Everyone looked at the soul refining tower with fiery eyes.

  Liu Deyu saw this, smiled again, and said: "But you should also speak first. There are many dangers in the soul refining tower. You have to be cautious."

  Liu Deyu smiled, and there was a touch of sullen expression in his eyes.

   "Open the gate of the tower!" Liu Deyu shouted loudly, and the gate of the soul refining tower opened slowly with a thud.

  Following the opening of the tower door, there seemed to be a whistling sound in the soul refining tower, which made people shudder a little.


  When the gate of the tower opened, those people immediately crowded into the tower of soul refining.

  Chen Xuan did not act, but looked at Li Qiuyu and whispered: "How?"

  Li Qiuyu's eyes stared at the old patterns on the tower's body. Hearing Chen Xuan's voice, his eyes moved, and said: "Somewhat strange" She said with interest: "Let's go in and take a look."

   Seeing her say this, Chen Xuan naturally had nothing to say, so he smiled at Yu Chiran and said, "Shall we enter now?"

  "My uncle, they haven't arrived yet...but we can enter first. Let's go"

  After finishing speaking, Princess Yuchi didn't say anything, she took the lead in the soul refining tower.

  Li Qiuyu looked at her and said, "Let's go!"

  In the tower, the eyes are wide, as if it is a hidden secret.

  The three of Chen Xuan walked inside the tower, walking on the ground like a desert, and from time to time, several figures who had entered the tower of soul refining could be seen.

   "I haven't seen anything to hone the demon soul?" Li Qiuyu's bright eyes swept toward all sides, stroking the Green Rabbit Monster in his arms, and asked with a little bewilderment.

  And not long after Li Qiuyu finished asking, there was a light haze in the tower suddenly overflowing, the fog appeared pale black, and it seemed to be a whistling sound.

   Chen Xuan looked at the pale black haze, his eyebrows suddenly frowned, he felt that the demon soul was shaking strongly at this time, as if it had been subjected to some fierce sensation.

   "Not good, kid! Get out of here!" The demon soul in his mind reminded Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan naturally heard that the demon soul was reminding himself, but this power was constantly attracting his attention.

  This feeling is like a hungry person seeing bread and wishing to eat it in one bite.

"This is the Xingyue Mist, you can hone your strength after inhaling it!" In the distance, a man's voice sounded. At this moment, Chen Xuan also saw those people. Now he has sat down and moved the Demon Soul Xuan in his body. Power, sucking those mists one after another.

"Xingyue Mist?" Chen Xuan was slightly surprised. He had heard of this stuff, but it was made with the blood of many monsters, and it was extremely difficult to make, and the price must be extremely expensive. Now this Liu family is willing to use it. Is it used in this soul refining tower? Chen Xuan faintly felt that something was wrong.

   "What is this." Li Qiuyu said in surprise.

  "Don't smoke." Chen Xuan suddenly said.

  Yi Chiran's heart sighed, decisively aroused the aura, covered the body, and blocked all the smog.

  Li Qiuyu sprayed a cloud of cold air on both shoulders, and surrounded his body.

  Chen Xuan raised his hand and summoned a group of spiritual power. After meditation and observation, he slowly said, "The bad hand is broken."

   "What's going on?" Chen Xuan asked quickly.

  Wei Chiran dismissed the smog and said: "These smogs are a kind of star-moon mist, but they have been added with some stuff. If they absorb it, they will slowly be immersed in it, fall into hallucinations, and cannot extricate themselves."

   "Go ahead and take a look."

  Li Qiuyu started and walked over. A figure sat cross-legged on the floor, with an expression of forgetfulness on their faces. At the bottom of their eyebrows, a faint black air entangled.

  Chen Xuan's walking pace suddenly stopped, his eyes looked at a figure in front of him in surprise, his face changed drastically, and he fell to the ground not talking.

   "His profound strength is gone." Chen Xuan said solemnly.

   "What a weird soul refining tower." Li Qiuyu's face changed slightly, and she seemed very dissatisfied with this soul refining tower.

  Chen Xuan looked at the black haze and said, "It seems that I was right."

   "What's wrong?" Li Qiuyu and Yu Chiran both looked at him.

  Chen Xuan smiled and said: "It was a bit strange to see the pattern on the body of the tower at the time. Come in and take a look now..."

  This Liu family really made a good strategy. Didn't those who practice the demon soul find out when the soul refining tower was opened before?

Although it can greatly increase the strength of their demon souls, they are at the expense of their own profound strength. Moreover, opening up once every so many years is obviously to allow them to cultivate their own profound strength. Snatch it over.

   "No wonder this Liu family is not weak," Li Qiuyu said...

  At this moment, it is heavy on the top of the tower.

  In front of a light mirror, Liu Deyu, covered in white clothes, stared at the wall, and the view inside the tower appeared in the wall.

  A black crystal ball is next to it. The crystal ball is adjacent to the tower. The black energy is tumbling, and in a vaguely inexhaustible profound energy pours into it.

  Behind Liu Deyu, on the three stone platforms, three figures were sitting cross-legged, and the foreheads shook their strength.

  Liu Deyu looked at the mirror with a smile, and suddenly thought of the person, he immediately pointed his finger on the mirror to avoid the glare, and a scene appeared.

  At this moment, the smiling face on Liu Deyu's face instantly condensed.

  He saw that the three Chen Xuan in the mirror did not absorb the overflowing star and moon mist!

  Furthermore, that girl is actually Yu Chiran.

   Chen Xuan realized it, and suddenly raised his head, his brows were filled with profound energy shaking, dispersing the scene on the mirror.

   "What's going on?!" Behind Liu Deyu, the patriarch and several elders of the Liu family, as well as several people from the Yuchi family, were also aware of this scene at this moment, and left immediately with a cold expression on their face.

  An elder even more solemnly said: "What did you do! I didn't see Princess Yuchi in it!?" At this moment, the elder's expression seemed to kill him.

  Liu Deyu's complexion was dark, and he couldn't imagine that Princess Yuchi would enter this tower with Chen Xuan and the others.

   "What should I do?! Don't think of a way," an elder said.

The patriarch of the Liu family had gloomy eyes, passing the killing intent in his eyes, and then calmed down, saying: "If this is the case, let those guys die in it. I think this guy has discovered the secrets of the soul refining tower, but , We must ensure the safety of Princess Yuchi."

In the soul refining tower, Chen Xuan, Li Qiuyu, and Yu Chiran walked among the pale black mist.

  Li Qiuyu's pace suddenly stopped, her red lips opened slightly, and she said: "I just wanted to find out something, they should be hand to us."

  Chen Xuan's eyes dazzled, his whole body surged.

  And Li Qiuyu's eyes were slightly bright. The three stopped and waited for a while. Then they saw the light black mist rushing from the front line, and the three figures slowly landed and landed in front of them.

  The one who was the first, with a thin face, was the patriarch of the Liu family, Sun Qingyun.

   "Unexpectedly, someone can peep through the mystery of the soul refining tower of my Liu family." Sun Qingyun's deep eyes, like a ghost, stared at Li Qiuyu, slowly.

   "Using this method to promote cultivation, are you not afraid of being held accountable?" Chen Xuan said calmly.

  Sun Qingyun turned over her eyelids, and said in a dark voice: "Princess Yuchi, please get out of the way, naturally someone over there can save you."

  (End of this chapter)

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