Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2559: Leave the forest

  Chapter 2559 Leaving the forest

  Now he is obviously no longer Chen Xuan's opponent, and now it is a problem to get away.

Chen Xuan yelled, and then another sword stabbed in the past. At this moment, he only saw the weak sword shadow facing him and came over. He saw the shadow of a few ice blades, and he desperately poured out his own. All the exercises.

  "Small Fire"

  Chen Xuan also knew that the person in front of him was obviously a cultivating technique with fire attributes. However, Chen Xuan obviously also has his own techniques. In addition to the Vermillion Bird technique, there is also the thunder attribute technique that Prince Lu gave him. It can be said that Chen Xuan has now cultivated two profound strengths, so it is the same as other techniques. Fa is obviously impossible to defeat him.

However, even if the person in front of him is a fire refiner, he can't cause any harm to Chen Xuan. When those few were sent to Chen Xuan, it just caused Chen Xuan's armor to be blown away. However, he was completely unable to harm Chen Xuan's body, so now Chen Xuan began to feel confident.

  Now his profound strength instantly blasted the place where his armor was opened to fill it back.

  But now Chen Xuan also feels that he has nothing to do with this person. Although he can't be killed right now, it can be said that this person is the best person Chen Xuan has encountered recently.

  When people see their fire attribute, they can’t let the armor of Chen Xuan’s profound strength break it, so at this moment, that person has no good way.

Chen Xuan saw a fierce flash on the man's face, and immediately saw that he suddenly bit his finger, and then the blood on the finger appeared. The blood suddenly showed a grimace, and the grimace saw Chen. Xuan unexpectedly bit him directly.

Seeing the grimace, Chen Xuan did not expect that the ice crystal bird would suddenly fly over. At this moment, Chen Xuan was frightened by the sudden grimace. He didn't know what the strange technique was, but since it looked like a scarlet grimace, he was a cultivator. It must be a kind of demon soul.

Although Chen Xuan had practiced demon souls, he had never seen such a weird technique, but at this time he only saw the ice crystal bird **** the grimace into his body, and then the ice bird’s body flashed a lot of strangeness. Strange red, the ice crystal bird's body wobbly in cyan and red.

  The man was obviously frightened by the action of the ice crystal bird, so he didn’t know where to go.

  But Chen Xuan had spotted the gap, raised the sword in his hand and ran towards his neck.

  Chen Xuan’s profound energy had been around him for a long time, and the man in black only felt that his body had lost consciousness. Soon, the man could only open his eyes wide, but he could not move a step further.


  The head falls to the ground.

  Chen Xuan looked at the blood-stained blade at this moment, and dissolved the profound energy in his body, and then the blade disappeared. Chen Xuan became curious about the ice crystal bird.

   "It's weird, this little bird dared to eat, and he actually ate it. I don't know what will happen."

  Chen Xuan looked at the ice crystal bird at the moment, and didn't know what the bird was doing. It was like eating a lot of peppers. Now the entire bird's face was red, just motionless inside.

  Chen Xuan didn't know what to do. After watching the bird for a long time, the ice crystal bird suddenly called a few times.

  Although Chen Xuan heard the cry of the ice crystal bird, he did not rush over, but looked at him from a distance.

  At this moment, the ice crystal bird seemed to have recovered from the profound strength it had just received. At this moment, it was also looking at Chen Xuan. Now Chen Xuan felt that the bird was a little weird, so it was not very close to him.

  Ice Crystal Bird watching Chen Xuan deliberately watched it far away from it, unexpectedly flapped its wings and flew over. When Chen Xuan saw the ice crystal bird flying over, he hurried back a few steps, although the red on the ice crystal bird's face had now receded. But no one knew what he would do after eating a grimace.

It can be said that when confronted with the man just now, Chen Xuan was frightened by the sudden grimace, but the speed of this ice crystal bird is really fast, and it can actually come to Chen Xuan's side at the moment of electric light flint. Eat the grimace!

   Seeing that nothing happened to the ice crystal bird now, Chen Xuan also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

  He thought that the ice crystal bird that ate the grimace could do something beastly, and Chen Xuan did not want to kill the ice crystal bird.

   "I don't know if this ice crystal bird is the same one I met before?" Chen Xuan showed curiosity.

  This ice crystal bird did many things for Chen Xuan, completely different from the one he met last time.

"Unexpectedly, this guy is not a white-eyed wolf. Although he ate a lot of my beast meat yesterday, he actually knew that the body of a beast was killed by my side this morning, although the place made me feel very unhappy. , But it's repaying me. Just burn the meat of the monsters that are now grilled, this ice crystal bird eats the most." Chen Xuan said secretly.

  At this moment, the ice crystal bird called to Chen Xuan a few times. Flitting his wings, he came to Chen Xuan's side. Then it spit out a bead from its innermost side.

   is a black stone bead with a rustic texture.

   Chen Xuan saw this bead and discovered that the grimace just now was probably due to the power contained in the bead. Chen Xuan did not look at the ice crystal bird anymore, but put all his thoughts on the bead.

  The beads were shining and translucent, and there was a hint of weird busyness, but the light made Chen Xuan faintly worried. This bead is obviously not a righteous thing.

  It seems that he might have hidden in his mouth just now, so he wanted to sneak attack on Chen Xuan at that time!

  But he obviously didn't expect that there was an ice crystal bird beside him, and that ice crystal bird could actually swallow something.

  Ice Crystal Bird looked at Chen Xuan with nothing happened before, Chen Xuan just put his thoughts on top of the beads. So now I haven't looked at the ice crystal bird.

  The ice crystal bird seemed to be interrupted by those people when it was eating, and seemed to want Chen Xuan to help him raise the fire.

  After these people's assault, Chen Xuan now has no thoughts to eat. But fiddling with the beads carefully.

  Only heard the sound of a few drops of water coming from the beads, and then nothing happened, and the light on the beads disappeared.

   "It's weird, let's put it away first." Chen Xuan can't figure out how the beads are used when he sees that now, so now he can only put him in his pocket.

Now Chen Xuan doesn’t plan to see what the beads do, so now I see the ice crystal bird hanging a piece of monster meat next to Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan also looked at the campfire he made, and felt that Some want to cry without tears.

  It's hard to get it out, but it's gone now!

  Chen Xuan looked at the corpses, some of them had already been cut off by him, which was terrible.

   But he couldn't help it. Chen Xuan also felt that his methods were too cruel, after all, if he didn't kill those people. Obviously those people would also kill Chen Xuan.

  After all, this is the way of a strong man.

  Now Chen Xuan feels that his cultivation level has improved a bit. The insects have already killed these people without much effort.

It can be said that in addition to the fact that the two-tiered god-sovereign man made Chen Xuan take a certain risk, the two-tiered gods and demons that were just now obviously could not withstand Chen Xuan's several attacks, so for now, Chen Xuan is also confident to be able to deal with The third highest person in the last realm of the gods.

  Furthermore, with his current steady flow of profound energy, although Chen Xuan could not beat the strong in Dragon Sparrow City, Chen Xuan had ample opportunity to escape.

  Now as long as Chen Xuan can freely control the power of the demon soul, then he is now sure to fight against the strong in Longque City.

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan mobilized the profound energy in his body at this moment, feeling the feeling of the trace of profound energy passing through his dantian. Chen Xuan is now carefully aware that his Vermillion Bird power is gradually returning. Up.

  Furthermore, not only could Chen Xuan use the power of the Vermillion Bird freely, the purity of his profound power had obviously become very high.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan was also curiously watching the ice crystal bird eating the barbecue of Warcraft.

   "You, come here a minute." Chen Xuan pointed to the ice crystal bird and said.

  Ice Crystal Bird can clearly understand Chen Xuan's meaning.

  Looking at the ice crystal bird in front of me, it looks like it is only about one meter in size. If it is really an ice crystal bird, then this is obviously not an adult.

  The ice crystal bird that Chen Xuan encountered last time is very different from this one, except that it looks like a bird, the others are different.

  If it is a real ice crystal bird and let him grow to an adult, the bird's strength will be very powerful, and this is only the strength of the ice crystal bird estimated by Chen Xuan.

However, now Chen Xuan found that his current demon soul cultivation had reached the first bottleneck, so he did not dare to let his demon soul use it. After the last use, Chen Xuan already felt that he might be backlashed by the demon soul. , So now Chen Xuan can only condense his demon soul while groping.

  (End of this chapter)

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