Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2560: Two fights

   Chapter 2560 Two Fighting

   Seeing the ice crystal bird continue to surround her, Chen Xuan pondered for a moment, and then continued to cultivate his profound strength.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a movement in front of him. He was wondering where the movement came from and discovered that a powerful monster suddenly appeared from the front.

   "It's actually an iron-backed bear!" However, the cultivation of this iron-backed bear clearly surpassed Chen Xun's imagination.

Ironback Bear's body is draped with heavy iron armor, and his cultivation level has reached the level of a god. Chen Xuan has just stepped into the realm of gods since his cultivation was backlashed by the demon soul. The real strength he can display can even be comparable to the cultivator at the peak of the gods.

  Ordinary monsters have a heavy defense power, once they reach the same level of human cultivators, they will be even stronger.

Although the iron-backed bear’s attack was very fierce, it took only half an hour for Chen Xuan to deal with the iron-backed bear, took out a spar from its body, and Chen Xuan left. Here.

Dragon Sparrow Forest, this is a desolate area to the west of Dragon Sparrow City. Few demon hunters here will kill Beasts here. At this moment, in the middle of this forest, there is a man shirtless and upper body. I ignited a raging profound strength, and he was walking towards the top of a cliff.

This man is Chen Xuan. The reason why he has his naked ankle upper body is because the heavy rain has wetted his clothes, and Chen Xuan is now climbing towards the top of a cliff with a kind of herb on it. Chen Xuan felt very interested.

  Millennium Ganoderma lucidum grows in this forest. When it rains, some candle gas can gradually settle, so that Chen Xuan can see the appearance of Ganoderma lucidum.

  After several battles, Chen Xuan urgently needs a thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum to refine the pill. As long as he can refine the healing pill, most of her physical injuries can be recovered.

  Chen Xuan cautiously climbed towards the top of the cliff. This cliff is very steep, and it sometimes grows up from time to time, and it will cut his skin if he is not careful.

   Stepped on, Chen Xuan found a good place to stay. He observed underneath himself and found that he had climbed a few hundred meters, and Chen Xuan's heart began to agitate.

  Chen Xuan stared at the top of himself, and continued to crawl towards the front. He found that there was something like a black disc sticking to the cliff in front of him. This was the thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum.

  Climbing Chen Xuan while cursing the Ice Crystal Bird. He originally wanted this Ice Arrow Bird to help him collect the Millennium Ganoderma lucidum, but the Ice Crystal Bird was not a bird at all.

Fortunately, he was about to climb now. Forbearing his excitement, Chen Xuan slowly climbed from the top of the cliff. It didn't take long for Chen Xuan to pull out this year's Ganoderma lucidum from the top of the cliff, looking at the palm of his hand. On this thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum the size of a washbasin, Chen Xuan could feel the strong profound energy contained in the Ganoderma lucidum.

  The thousand-year-old Ganoderma is very big. Chen Xuan can only pick it with one hand, otherwise he is likely to fall off the cliff. An ordinary thousand-year Ganoderma can buy dozens of purple crystal nuclei.

Chen Xuan, who was walking in the forest, suddenly saw a gorge in front of him, and then Chen Xuan immediately walked forward, following the gorge Chen Xuan went all the way to the bottom. He originally just wanted to gather some herbs. , But now he had lost his way, so Chen Xuan quickly skipped to the front. After walking for about half an hour, Chen Xuan saw a cave appeared in front of him.

   "Why there is a cave here too." Chen Xuan felt a little weird, but he didn't think much about it, and immediately walked into the cave.

  As soon as he walked out of the cave, Chen Xuan felt a little strange. There were many spars growing in the cave. These spars were colorful and exuding a touch of profound energy. Chen Xuan did not think about it, and then continued to walk forward.

There was a voice in Chen Xuan's heart, which seemed to be calling him to keep walking forward, but Chen Xuan also knew that there might be a huge danger hidden in this cave. Maybe some powerful monster is hidden in this cave, waiting. He, but Chen Xuan always felt that he couldn't control his body.

  After walking for more than an hour, Chen Xuan walked out of this cave. Just walking out of the cave, Chen Xuan suddenly saw another canyon appear in front of him.

   Seeing the canyon in front of him appeared in front of his eyes, the sun actually fell in the corner of his eye along the green trees.

At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly saw a black altar appear in front of him. With a curious look, Chen Xuan walked towards the black altar, walking fast, and Chen Xuan came to the black altar in the blink of an eye. Below.

This black altar is very big, as high as Chen Xuan's two people. With a light leap, Chen Xuan found that there was a broken sword in the center of the black altar, and the blade was inserted in the black altar. Chen Xuan walked over and found that this black blade was actually engraved with a strange rune. Chen Xuan couldn't understand what the rune was engraved on.

   "What the **** is this? I didn't expect this place to be able to find the broken sword here." Chen Xuan was curious and touched his breath with his palm, but he didn't expect the broken sword to shake.

Chen Xuan thought he had hallucinations and touched the blade again with his hand, but the broken sword shook again, and the rune on it actually lit up with a purple light, right after the blade. The profound energy above continued to emerge, and then it was absorbed by Chen Xuan into his body. Chen Xuan's face was full of curiosity. He hadn't seen anything just now, just felt that he was affected by a wave of energy. It filled the body, and then the short sword on the black altar disappeared.

   "No, what happened just now." Chen Xuan felt a little strange, and then heard a vibration from the earth.

The vibration came quickly, and disappeared quickly. After a while, it disappeared. At this time, Chen Xuan suddenly realized that a broken sword appeared on his left arm, just like the sword on the black altar just now. The blades are almost the same.

   "Did the black broken sword just got into my body?" Chen Xuan said with eyes wide open in disbelief.

   And the earth trembles just now, obviously because this broken sword seals a very powerful monster, but now there is no movement. Chen Xuan felt that this place was very dangerous, so he left here quickly.

  Chen Xuan didn't know that what was carried on this blade was the divine vein. The rune of the divine vein was engraved on the broken sword, and Chen Xuan absorbed the broken sword into his body along the broken sword.

In the previous world, the Suzaku Shrine cultivated by Chen Xuan was of fire attribute. Because of this, Chen Xuan quickly realized that the mysterious fire tempering, the Suzaku Shrine, which contains the profound flame power of Pang Tuo, is very useful for refining pills. Great help, since Chen Xuan's exercises were banned, he never used it again.

However, after the black blade appeared on his body just now, he suddenly found a familiar feeling. Chen Xuan now found that he could use the Suzaku technique again. The Suzaku technique naturally possessed a kind of mysterious fire power. Chen Xuan could condense a burst of flames through the profound fire in his body, and use this ability to refine the pill.

   "It seems that part of my practice has returned." Chen Xuan said excitedly.

  The ice crystal bird has been following Chen Xuan's back. Obviously, this ice arrow bird wants to eat and drink after him.

  After getting the Millennium Ganoderma lucidum, Chen Xuan directly took out the alchemy furnace from his storage ring, and then put the Millennium Ganoderma lucidum into the healing pill.

After more than ten days, Chen Xuan's injury has almost recovered. The experience of this period of time gave Chen Xuan a deeper understanding of the world of Black Rock.

  When he was in the Tianyuan Palace, he had already faintly heard that there was a more powerful space world in this black rock world, and that was the place where the powerhouses lived.

Moreover, the world of Black Rock is also very large. The average cultivator cultivates in places with very strong spiritual energy. There are usually many powerful monsters in that place. The strong are as dangerous as clouds. If there is no certain strength, it is simply Not being able to go to such a place, Chen Xuan also feels that he is too small. Now his cultivation is only the realm of the gods he has just stepped into. If he really reaches the realm of the legend, I am afraid that he will definitely die with his strength. over there.

  There are five big countries in the world of Black Rock, and there are many powerful islands. Not to mention that in this endless world, there are many hidden realms and undiscovered spaces.

  He can only survive in this powerful world like a forest if he constantly improves his strength.

During this period of time, Chen Xuan discovered that there was a pool of white light in the Dragon Sparrow Forest. This pool of water contained ample spiritual power and was also very useful for him to heal his injuries. However, this place is often haunted by monsters, but With Chen Xuan's current strength, but not afraid, the cultivation base of the monsters that haunt here is not very powerful. With Chen Xuan's current cultivation base reaching the level of a god, it is enough to deal with these monsters.

As soon as he entered the water pool, Chen Xuan took off his clothes and threw them into the water pool, which meant that the white profound energy continued to flow into his body, and Chen Xuan was running his dantian, feeling With a wave of power, he squeezed his body from all directions.

  Powerful spiritual power poured into his body from time to time, impacting in her pill orifice, Chen Xuan now felt that his body was about to explode, and some blisters began to appear in the pool.

  I don’t know how long it took before Chen Xuancai walked out of the pool. He now obviously feels that his body is much more comfortable. Although he has not entered the next level, he has already laid a solid foundation.

Now Chen Xuan only feels that the profound strength in his body is very full, and his mental strength has also increased a lot. Now he can use the power of the demon soul more freely. After several days of cultivation, Chen Xuan also feels that his physical body is powerful. He has almost reached the limit of the mortal body, all because of his continuous tempering of his body during this period of time.

"It seems that there is still a huge secret hidden in this Dragon Sparrow Forest. There is actually a natural training place here. I am afraid it was left by an ancient sage." Chen Xuan sat on the ground, closed his eyes, and ran the spiritual power in his body. .

Behind him, there were bursts of fire from time to time. Even the ice bird next to him looked at him with surprised eyes, only to see that behind Chen Xuan's body, bursts of flame wings appeared, just like that of a phoenix. General wings.

   "It seems that my Vermillion Bird technique has now been completely searched back." Chen Xuan's face showed a confident expression.

  Now if he is asked to fight the man again, Chen Xuan is confident that he will be beheaded in just one round.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly heard the sound of fighting in the distance, and not far away from him, Chen Xuan immediately rushed over and found that several men were fighting in the Dragon Sparrow Forest.

  (End of this chapter)

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