Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2572: Li Zhuoqun

   Chapter 2572 Li Zhuoqun

Chen Xuan’s power of the demon soul has not dissipated yet. Although Wang Lu’s speed is very fast, Chen Xuan is faster than it. Just now he noticed that the Internet had plans to plot against him, so Chen Xuan had already done it. Got ready.

  Chen Xuan's fingers stretched out like lightning, and a fiery flame emerged from Chen Xuan's palm, directly burning the silent poison needle.

Seeing that Wang Lu had actually used the poisonous needle, Chen Xuan snorted coldly. In the face of such a person, Chen Xuan must not leave him behind. Once Chen Xuan releases him, he will kill himself. The curse.

  Chen Xuan looked at Wang Lu murderously on his face, and once again dialed out the Liaoyuan Sword. Stabbed at Wang Lu's head.

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly heard a loud shout coming from under the martial arts stage. Everyone saw a man suddenly stood up from under the stage, and it was Li Qing who was speaking. .

  However, Chen Xuan moved very fast, and cut off Wang Lu's head in the blink of an eye.

  Wang Lu was killed by Chen Xuan before he could react.

Li Qing shook his head helplessly. He also knew that it was allowed to kill his own enemy in the battle of life and death. Seeing Wang Lu's body lying straight on the ground, there was no more movement. Li Xing could only follow Walked down on the competition stage.

Chen Xuan's face was calm and he killed Wang Lu. It didn't change at all for him, and there was no sympathy for him. From the beginning, Wang Lu made things difficult for her and continued to bully Chen. The disciple in the Xuan Sect, not to mention that he wanted to plot against Chen Xuan just now. Chen Xuan had long thought that Wang Lu deserved to die, but he didn't have a chance to kill him.

Just when Chen Xuan tried to get rid of Wang Lu, this Wang Lu suddenly ordered a life-and-death battle against Chen Xuan. This was just right for Chen Xuan. If it weren’t for him, he would have been prepared just now. Now he’s lying on the table. The one above is probably him.

   "Wang Lu was really killed, this can only be regarded as he asked for it."

   "However, Chen Xuan's shot was too harsh, and he cut off his head directly."

  After Wang Lu was killed, although many disciples were surprised, almost no one took pity on him.

  On weekdays, Wang Lu relied on the background behind her, so she liked to bully other disciples, and just now they could see that Wang Lu wanted to plot against Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan was only forced out.

At the same time, Li Qing's face became more and more hateful, and he looked at Chen Xuan sinisterly and said, "Chen Xuan, although you killed Wang Lu in a life-and-death battle, your shots were too vicious. He didn't even leave him a whole corpse. I think the demon soul you cultivated is indeed a demon style, completely inconsistent with the style of our Yunye Empire. Today I will walk the way for the sky and kill you. Drop!"

  Li Qingyi said righteously, thinking that he was standing on the commanding heights of morality, and Chen Xuan was taken down. The next moment, a blue fist suddenly condensed on the palm of his hand, and he attacked Chen Xuan.

  With his cultivation base, Chen Xuan didn't know his opponent at all. If Li Qing showed his full strength, he could easily gan the Chen Xuan.

  Fortunately, Chen Xuan was already prepared. At the moment Li Qing attacked him, he directly displayed the power of the Vermillion Bird, and a flame was launched from the palm of Chen Xuan's palm, colliding and opening in the air.

  Then Chen Xuan's body was shocked and flew out. Even so, Chen Xuan was also surging with blood from Li Qing's powerful fist.

  Li Qing's cultivation has reached the sixth level of the god-sovereign realm after all, far surpassing Chen Xuan.

   "No way, I actually saw Li Qing make a move. His cultivation ranks among the top geniuses of the Yunye Empire. I didn't expect that now he would kill Chen Xuan with his own hands."

   "It looks like he and Chen Xuan have a deep hatred. Did you have anything to do with Wang Lu, who was just killed by Chen Xuan?"

   "They were clearly fighting a life-and-death fight just now, but now Li Qing intervenes but it is not in compliance with the rules."

  Many people began to exclaim. They did not expect that Li Qing would actually take action in person. It was originally a life and death battle between two newcomers, but they did not expect that Li Qing, a genius who had completely entered the royal establishment, would also take action.

Chen Xuan was also a little angry. Li Qing made a very heavy shot. From his appearance, it was obvious that he wanted to kill Chen Xuan, and there was no room left. How could this make Chen Xuan not feel angry, and Chen Xuan could be obvious Li Qing really wanted to kill him.

  I saw that Chen Xuan had also competed with him. Chen Xuan had fought against Li Qing before, but Li Qing did not intend to kill Chen Xuan at the beginning, but since Chen Xuan and Wang Lu killed Wang Lu after a life-and-death battle, all signs indicate that, The reason why Wang Lu would challenge Chen Xuan was definitely because of Li Qing's backing behind him. Otherwise, only relying on lines, one person's strength is definitely not enough to deal with Chen Xuan.

   "Chen Xuan, not only did I see that you used the power of the demon soul, but you also bullied the same tactics. It is very vicious. I must kill you today!" Li Qing said coldly.

Chen Xuan felt more and more suspicious, Li Qing's eyes showed a strong killing intent, obviously trying to put him to death, and Chen Xuan increasingly felt that Li Qing must have other purposes, and even Wang Lu is very likely. He was instructed to come here.

The profound strength of the six-fold peak of the gods was completely released, and the powerful profound strength suddenly occupied the air, and a sound to the back was like a wave, completely locked in Chen Xuan's body, although Chen Xuan relied on the power of the demon soul to make His speed became faster, but Wang Lu was still chasing him.

  Wang Lun and Li Qiuyu who were under the stands suddenly got out from under the stand.

"Li Qing, what are you doing? They were fighting a life-and-death battle just now. The outcome of the two people's victory and defeat has already come to fruition. Now you actually want to fight Chen Xuan, what are your goals?" Wang Lun said solemnly.

   There was another loud bang, and Li Qing did not answer Wang Lun’s question at all, and once again shot at everyone.

   "Since you want to protect this guy, I will clean up the door today, otherwise our Yunye Empire will rot from the foundation!" Li Qing said coldly.

Although the three of them together can barely fight Li Qing, the swordsmanship that Li Qing suddenly displayed has changed everyone's expressions. Even Chen Xuan's ultimate move that Li Qing is currently displaying cannot resist even Chen Xuan. Live, after all, Chen Xuan's current cultivation base is only the pinnacle of the gods, and Li Qing's cultivation base is several levels higher than Chen Xuan's. The gap between the two of them was too great, and Chen Xuan was not his opponent at all.

   "I didn't expect to see such a lively battle today is really worthwhile." A disciple said.

They never thought that they would be so confused. At first, it was just that Chen Xuan and Wang Lu were fighting, but after concentrating on killing Wang Lu, Li Qing actually started attacking Chen Xuan, and finally let Wang Lun he Li Qiuyu all joined the battle and attacked Li Qing together.

  After a few people fought for more than ten minutes, a white-haired old man stepped in mid-air, and instantly came to the top of the competition field.

  This white-haired old man was naturally the old man who took Li Qing away last time. Chen Xuan also knew that he was the elder of the southern branch of the Yunye Empire, and he was very powerful.

"Look, it's actually Elder Nangong. Among the four great elders, Nangong elders are not comparable to ordinary elders in terms of status and status. Even if our palace lord meets him, he must be courteous for three points!" The disciple said.

The Tianyuan Hall of the Yunye Empire was once divided into four fiefdoms, and as the elders of the Tianyuan Hall, they would directly receive the privileges granted to them by the royal family, so their cultivation base was very strong, and this Nangong elder, in all The cultivation bases in the elders are all very powerful.

Moreover, the Nangong elder’s technique of refining pills is also very powerful. In the world of Black Rock, a strong alchemist will be admired by others wherever he goes, so it is not only the original palace lord, but the current Yunyemen’s The sect master must give him a bit of face. Even the imperial family of the Yunye Empire must give three points of courtesy to the white-haired old man. After all, they have received the favor of the old Nangong man, and most of them have received some from him. Pills, although he had no contact with him on weekdays, no one would offend an alchemy master.

  Since the cancellation of the Tianyuan Hall, the Yunye Empire has reset a sect and used this sect to train the talents of the empire, so the elders of Nangong came to Lu Yucheng.

  But many disciples had heard of his name, even the very arrogant Li Qing had to respect him when he saw him.

  It was the second time that Chen Xuan saw this elder. No one thought that Elder Nangong, who had never asked anything, suddenly appeared and blocked Li Qing's attack.

   "I already told you last time, didn't you hear it!?" The white-haired old man said coldly.

  Chen Xuan immediately held a fist at the white-haired old man, don't hold Li Qiuyu and Wang Lun, and said: "I have seen Elder Nangong!"

Elder Nangong ignored Chen Xuan, snorted and continued, and said to Li Qing: "You are now killing your fellow sect. I heard that this is the battlefield for life and death. Now that they have decided the victory or defeat, you You shouldn’t shoot anymore, and you’re still the leader of our southern region, and you are not ashamed to shoot a newcomer.

Li Qing respected the white-haired old man very much, but he was not very afraid. He stepped forward and said, "Elder Nangong, why did I kill the same door? This kid, just killed Wang Lu and burned their residence. Beating the same door, even this kid has also cultivated the power of the demon soul. He is already considered a man in the magic way. Shouldn't I get rid of it? I just helped our Yunye Empire get rid of a malignant tumor!"

  Li Qing still exudes a strong murderous aura, constantly suppressing Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Li Qing was still in such a prosperous age. In front of Elder Nangong, he didn't put away the profound strength of his body. Let alone the identity and status of Elder Nangong in the Yunye Empire, It was just his cultivation base, and he wanted to defeat Li Qing with only half a stroke, but Li Qing actually dared to confront Elder Nangong, which surprised Chen Xuan.

  Although Chen Xuan was not clear about his previous identity, other disciples knew that Li Qing’s uncle was also an elder in the Yunyemen.

The white-haired old man said to Li Qing: "The two of them are fighting on the stage of life and death. How can you go and join in? The Internet is killed. It can only be said that he is not good at learning martial arts and cannot blame others. , But you are not persevering. Isn't it a loss of face?"

However, Li Qing still refused to give in. He has made up his mind today to get rid of Chen Xuan. If Chen Xuan is not removed now, it will be difficult for him to find a righteous opportunity in the future like today, and Chen Xuan His performance really made him very angry, and winked at him. If Chen Xuan is not removed, then Chen Xuan's future cultivation base will grow up, and he can't deal with it.

  At that time, his status will even be threatened. As a genius of the Yunye Empire, he will not allow it. There are other people with better talents than him.

Seeing that Li Qing was still unyielding, Elder Nangong directly released his profound energy, and the powerful profound energy instantly filled the competition field. Li Qing suddenly paled with fright. He naturally knew that Elder Nangong was really angry now. , And with his cultivation base, he is not an opponent of Elder Nangong at all.

  (End of this chapter)

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