Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2573: Elder Yunyemen

  Chapter 2573 Elder Yunyemen

Originally, Elder Nangong just wanted to dissuade Li Qing from returning, but he also saw that Li Qing had a strong killing intent, and Li Qing had no respect for him at all, so Elder Nangong directly released himself. The powerful spirit suppressed the murderous aura exuding from Li Qing. If it hadn't been for the slightest scruples about Li Qing's uncle, he would never save Li Qing any face.

At this moment, another elder suddenly appeared from a distance. He appeared next to Li Qing in the blink of an eye. This old man was wearing a white robe, and his body also exuded a strong aura. It was obvious that this appeared. The old man is also one of the elders of the Yunye Empire.

  Chen Xuan's face became cold, and now he finally knew where Li Qing's confidence came from. It turned out that Li Qing had such a strong background. His uncle was an elder of the Yunyemen who was in charge of the western part of the palace.

   "Second Uncle!" Li Qing's face showed excitement, and he saluted the elder who had just arrived.

  This elder is actually Li Qing's uncle, but his face is very old, and he looks almost as old as Nangong elder.

   "I didn't expect that today's affairs would be such a big deal, and the two elders actually appeared. This is just a life and death battle between the two of them. I am afraid it will be difficult to clean up now."

The reason why Elder Nangong wants to keep Chen Xuan is because Li Yuan and Elder Nangong have a very good relationship, and Li Yuan also told Elder Nangong that Chen Xuan is a talented and outstanding genius, and he is also an alchemy wizard. Elder Nangong is right. Chen Xuan was very curious, so he didn't want Chen Xuan to be in trouble.

The name of the newly arrived elder is Li Zhuoqun, and his cultivation is even more terrifying, even stronger than that of Elder Nangong. Others are afraid of Li Zhuoqun, but Elder Nangong is not afraid, although his cultivation level is lower than that of Li Zhuojun. , But his true strength is not weaker than him at all, and the alchemy skills of Elder Nangong also made his identity very special in the Yunye Empire.

  Now Chen Xuan also knows that the reason why the Internet has issued a life-and-death battle to him must be because Li Qing is behind him, but he did not expect Li Qing to have such a big background behind him.

  As the elder of the Tianyuan Hall of the Yunye Empire, his power is not even weaker than that of the generals of the empire.

   After Li Zhuoqun knew what had happened, he slashed at Chen Xuan's eyes, revealing a faint murderous intent. Although he covered it well, Chen Xuan keenly caught it.

  Chen Xuan felt that a wave of nameless anger rose in his heart, he could not think that he actually provoke Li Zhuoqun's murderous intent.

Li Zhuoqun looked at Chen Xuan and said coldly, "Boy, I heard that you have cultivated the power of the demon soul, and you also killed people in the same family. I think you have violated the laws of our Yunye Empire. People like you Should be executed immediately!"

   Elder Nangong continued to step forward and round the scene and said: "They were just participating in a life-and-death battle just now, and it cannot be said that he was killing his fellow students."

Li Zhuoqun said with an indifferent expression: "Nangongbai, both of us are elders in the Yunye Empire. I sent Li Qing to you to train him. I didn’t expect you to stand now. On the side of this kid, in order to avoid hurting the harmony between you and me, the two of us retreated at the same time. How about letting them solve their problems?"

  Although Elder Nangong usually has a very gentle personality, he also knows that what Li Zhuoqun is saying now is to put Chen Xuan to death.

"As an elder in the Yunye Empire, I must plan for the fairness of all my disciples. Otherwise, how can we be called an elder now? Li Qing's current cultivation level has reached the sixth level of the gods, and this Chen Xuan's little brother's strength has just entered the first level of the realm of gods. Of course, he is not Li Qing's opponent. Although you and I also have a certain friendship, I will never give in in principle." Elder Nangong said.

   Li Zhuoqun's face showed a trace of anger: "Then what do you think?"

   At this moment, a powerful breath suddenly uploaded from the sky, and the golden light shot from a distance to the middle of the competition field.

  The golden light suddenly came to Chen Xuan's side, and the surrounding trees were suddenly chopped up, and a powerful aura radiated from time to time. When everyone saw this figure falling on the competition platform.

  Elder Nangong!

  Everyone opened their eyes wide and watched this golden light come to the top of the competition platform.

  The visitor is the former head of the Tianyuan Palace, and he is the lonely place with an incomparably lofty identity in the Yunye Empire.

   "Door Master."

Elder Nangong and Li Zhuoqun bowed to the direction of Duguyuan at the same time. Just now, this golden light was the current gatekeeper of the Yunye Gate. As the boss of the Yunye Gate, he was also one of the most powerful people in the Yunye Empire. One, no one dares to neglect his dignity.

   "I didn't expect the sect master to appear. This is a duel between the two of them. It will attract both of the sect masters. It seems that this has already become a big issue. If the sect master hasn't come forward, there must be no way to join them."

   "It seems that Chen Xuan really got into a big trouble today. Now that the sect master has come out, I don't know how he will deal with this matter."

  Everyone is very surprised, because Duguyuan has a lofty identity in the Yunye Empire, which is almost equal to the supreme existence.

On the martial arts field, all the disciples bowed and saluted her, even Elder Nangong was no exception. If the most mysterious figure in the Yunye Empire is him, he almost does everything in the Tianyuan Palace. Rarely show up, even if the royal family encounters difficulties, they have to ask him.

  Duguyuan's face was very calm, looking at them and saying: "What is the reason for the noise here."

"Master Dugu, this kid Chen Xuan has no laws and regulations. He not only bullies his fellow disciples, but also ignores me. There has never been such a crazy person in the history of our Yunye Empire. Today I just want to We must teach him a lesson, if we don’t get rid of it, it’s really hard to calm people’s minds, and this kid’s methods are very harsh, and he has also cultivated a demon soul. I’m afraid he was swallowed up by the demon soul just now. It's getting rid of it, it really hurts the majesty of our Yunye Empire." Li Zhuoqun said in a long speech.

  Duguyuan put his gaze on Chen Xuan's body.

   "You are Chen Xuan, aren't you? I've heard of you before. Your talent is very outstanding. How do you explain it now."

  Chen Xuan respectfully said: "Sect Master, I have nothing to explain. I believe the Sect Master has his own arbitrariness in this matter."

   Although Chen Xuan used the demon soul, he now has complete control of the rock and roll power, and he will not be swallowed up by the demon to his senses.

  Moreover, the many disciples watching here had also seen very clearly just now, as a life-and-death battle, he killed Wang Lu under reasonable circumstances.

   "Sect Master, this kid not only killed Wang Lu in this life-and-death battle, but he also burned Wang Lu and their residence beforehand and collected their medicine." Li Qing said.

However, at this moment, Wang Lun suddenly stepped up and said to them: "Sect Master, please give your advice. A few days ago, many disciples on our side were bullied by them, and Wang Lu also charged them with a large amount of spar. After hurting many disciples, Chen Xuan only taught him a lesson. As a result, Wang Lu fought a life-and-death battle against Chen Xuan. Many people can witness it." After finishing Wang Lun looked under the martial arts platform.

Several disciples of the onlookers also testified one after another.

   "This is indeed the case. Chen Xuan was only helping us get justice, and did not violate the rules. He also killed Wang Lu in this life and death battle."

   "Wang Lu's death is simply to blame. If he doesn't issue a life-and-death battle to Senior Brother Chen Xuan, then he will not be killed, and in the end he will use hidden weapons to plot against Chen Xuan."

  Many disciples began to tell what happened, which made Chen Xuan feel very comfortable. If these disciples pretended not to know, then he had nothing to do, but these disciples have now stood up and made clear their positions.

Elder Nangong said: "Dugu Sect Master, what these disciples say is definitely not wrong. How can I say that I am also one of the four elders of the Yunye Empire. I must ensure the fairness of all the disciples, otherwise how about our Yunye Empire? To be strong?"

   Hearing many people help him round the field, Chen Xuan stopped talking. The explanations of these disciples were much stronger than Chen Xuan's personal explanations.

Seeing Chen Xuan’s confident face, Elder Nangong also showed a look of admiration. He had heard Li Yuan tell him long before that Chen Xuan’s talent was very outstanding, and he was able to do so in this situation. Calm and free.

   "Sect Master, can you make a decision just by listening to the one-sided words of these disciples? And you don't know that this kid Chen Xuan cultivates a demon soul?" Li Qing said.

  Duguyuan frowned and said, "Do I still need you to teach me about my affairs?"

   "The disciple dare not!" Li Qing said.

Seeing Duguyuan's slightly angry look, Li Qing hurriedly saluted Duguyuan.

   "Okay, I have already understood what happened today. The two of them fought in a battle of life and death. Don't continue to investigate this matter. Chen Xuan, let's not take it as an example."

  Dugu Yuan finished speaking, the person suddenly disappeared in mid-air, at this speed even Chen Xuan blinked.

Even Chen Xuan’s eyes couldn’t catch his body at all. The words of loneliness made everyone stunned on the spot, especially Li Qing and Li Zhuoqun. The two of them looked at Chen Xuan and wanted to talk, but After a while, he was speechless.

  Li Qing's face was very ugly. He didn't expect Duguyuan to let Chen Xuan go, and he had no choice but to take Chen Xuan now.

Many of the disciples who watched on the competition platform opened their mouths in surprise. They were all seeing the Dugu Sect Master for the first time. They did not expect that the Dugu Sect Master’s style of handling things was so unique, so he let Chen Xuan go directly. Did not ask other things too much.

  They thought that after the Dugu Sect Master appeared, they would make a big move. In the end, the verdicts were repeated one by one, but they didn't expect to leave here after leaving a sentence.

  "I see, the owner must be guarding Chen Xuan, otherwise he would definitely not leave here after leaving a sentence."

Many disciples now think that the sect master is favoring Chen Xuan. After all, Chen Xuan’s talent is very powerful, and he can enter the realm of gods at a young age. Moreover, he cultivates profound strength that has never been experienced in the world of Black Rock. Li Qing certainly has no problem, this kind of genius, Du Guyuan will naturally not be punished easily.

  Although Duguyuan is not involved in world affairs, he has heard of many things, especially Chen Xuan's talent, which he has also heard of. Having such a genius is undoubtedly a benefit to the rise of the Yunye Empire.

  Now the result has been dealt with by the sect master, no matter the fairness or unfairness, as long as it is the decision of the sect master, no one dares to change it easily.

  Li Qing looked at Chen Xuan grimly, like a poisonous snake, but he looked at Chen Xuan, did not say anything, but turned his head and left here.

Chen Xuan naturally saw Li Qing’s gaze, although he didn’t know why Li Qing wanted to kill him over and over again, but if Li Qing provoked him, then Chen Xuan would definitely find a way to retaliate against his enemies. , He has never been soft-handed, and those who are enemies with him have no good end.

  (End of this chapter)

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