Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2574: Tiandi Lingquan

  Chapter 2574 Heaven and Earth Spirit Spring

Li Zhuoqun snorted coldly, and turned to leave with Li Qing. They originally wanted to take this opportunity to kill Chen Xuan, but they didn't expect that the Dugu Sect Master would appear in person, and they let Chen Xuan go, a shock. After reading the entire Yunyemen incident, I understand it lightly, and what happened today will definitely not let Li Qing let Chen Xuan off easily.

   "Great Brother Chen, I didn't expect the Dugu Sect Master to be so fair." Li Qiuyu said with a happy smile.

This time, many disciples were grateful to Chen Xuan. After all, they were often bullied by Wang Lu before. Now Chen Xuan helped them get out and killed Wang Lu, and the Yunye Sect had not been established for a few days. Duguyuan was actually covering Chen Xuan.

  This kind of ability makes all the disciples admire very much, and Chen Xuan is indeed very affectionate and righteous, if they are bullied by others, then Chen Xuan will definitely find them.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan was cultivating in the north of Lu Yucheng, and all the first animals who saw Chen Xuan stepped forward and greeted respectfully.

  Wang Lun laughed and looked at Chen Xuan and said, “I didn’t expect your status to rise so fast now. These guys will all greet you when they see you.”

  At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a breath of profound energy coming from a distance. Turning to look around, Chen Xuan found that Li Qiuyu's body was covered with a powerful aura of spiritual energy.

   "Li Qiuyu's cultivation base has been improved." Chen Xuan's eyes lit up.

   With a bang, a powerful vigor had already spread, and then a young girl was seen walking out of Xiao Xiao’s profound strength.

   Seeing Chen Xuan, Li Qiuyu's face bloomed with a flower-like smile, and he jumped to Chen Xuan's side.

   "My cultivation base has been improved now, and I have reached the ninth level of the gods and demons."

Chen Xuan’s face was surprised. He could naturally see that Li Qiuyu’s current cultivation level was further improved, and it was only one level away from him, and although Li Qiuyu’s current cultivation level was the ninth level of God and Demon, it was completely comparable. A cultivator at the level of gods.

"Yes, I feel that I'm going to improve in the past few days, but I haven't refined the profound energy in my body yet. If I completely refine the profound energy in my body now, I will soon be able to further improve to the realm of God Sovereign. "Li Qiuyu said happily.

   "But you still can't control your profound energy freely now. Just now you sent out the kind of explosion that blasted all the trees next to it." Chen Xuan said helplessly.

  Seeing Li Qiuyu’s improvement in cultivation level, Chen Xuan also wanted to find Elder Nangong on this day. That day, Elder Nangong made an action out of justice to ensure fairness and justice. Chen Xuan really felt very grateful to her.

  Not to mention that Chen Xuan has never seen Elder Nangong at all, but this Elder Nangong actually favors Chen Xuan.

   "I am very curious about how strong this Nangong elder's alchemy technique is." Chen Xuan secretly said in his heart.

  If he wanted to hit the next level, he would definitely have to refine a pill that strengthened his roots, but Chen Xuan still didn't know how to refine this pill.

Among the Yunyemen, the place where Elder Nangong lived was filled with strong medicinal fragrance. Chen Xuan discovered that Elder Nangong was planting some medicinal materials. Chen Xuan’s eyes were shining. These medicinal materials are very rare. If you can take them The last one, then Chen Xuan could refine the pill he wanted.

  The Yunye Gate was built in Lu Yu City, and it was still in the inner mountain of Lu Yu City. This inner mountain had a beautiful environment and the place where Elder Nangong lived was rich in medicine. Just a gentle smell made Chen Xuan feel relaxed and happy.

  Chen Xuan obviously found that the profound strength here is much stronger than that in other places. If you can cultivate here for a day, it will definitely be comparable to cultivating outside for several days.

  Outside the house where the elder Nangong lived, there was also a table made entirely of spar. On this table there was a group of spiritual powers, which was obviously not an ordinary table.

   Seeing Chen Xuan come to his residence, Nangong elder laughed and said, "Little brother Chen Xuan, how come you have time to come to me today."

  Chen Xuan hugged his fists directly at Elder Nangong: "Thanks to Elder Nangong who helped me get ahead that day, if it wasn't for you, then I would be really troubled."

"What can I say, as an elder in the Yunye Empire, I must ensure the fairness of all my disciples, and I have heard Li Yuan mention your name before. Now Li Yuan has gone to the Qiushuang Empire. He asked I'll take good care of you." Elder Nangong waved his hand and signaled Chen Xuan to be polite.

  After a while, Elder Nangong suddenly said: “But I discovered that the sect master actually favored you that day. Even I did not expect that the sect master would actually protect a disciple. This has never happened before.”

"But I'm very curious why Li Qing wanted to kill me. I still just came to the Cloud Yemen. I certainly won't offend his dignity, and I think the reason why Wang Lu always wanted to kill me must be because of Li. Qing's instructions." Chen Xuan said.

  Elder Nangong frowned: "I don't know this, but I think you should be more careful, or else the things that Elder Li entrusted to me will not be completed, and I will be very self-blaming."

  After finishing speaking, Elder Nangong gently waved his sleeve, and suddenly an extra jade bottle appeared on the table made of this spar, and then 4 wine glasses appeared.

In the blink of an eye, I saw that the fragrant jade liquor had appeared in the cup, and there was a hint of spiritual power in the liquor. Chen Xuan just took a sip and felt that he was The body has increased a bit of vitality.

   "Come, everyone, since you have come to me, drink this glass of wine." Elder Nangong said.

  Chen Xuan and the others were not polite, they directly raised the glass and drank it inside.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly thought of something, and took out a jade bottle from his storage ring.

  Next, Chen Xuan opened the mouth of the jade bottle and poured a stream of clear spring into the cup.

   "This is actually the spiritual water of heaven and earth?" Elder Nangong's face was surprised.

  He didn't expect that Chen Xuan could actually possess this kind of thing. Heaven and Earth Spirit Springs are very rare, and just a drop of it can strengthen one’s body.

   After drinking this cup of heaven and earth spring water, their bodies suddenly felt a trace of spiritual power flowing into their limbs. In a blink of an eye, the exercises in the body were circulated to channel this source of energy. When these spiritual powers were all gathered in the dantian, everyone's faces were lightened.

   "It seems that this is indeed a spiritual spring from heaven and earth, and it is indeed a good thing." Elder Nangong exclaimed.

  Wang Lun had naturally heard of the Heaven and Earth Lingquan, so he drank it cup by cup, and black lines appeared on the face of Elder Nangong.

Drinking like the two of them is nothing short of a violent rash. Tiandi Lingquan is not only very noble, but it is also one of the best materials for refining the pill. It just drops a drop when refining the pill. , It can improve a lot of medicinal effects, just cite a drop, it is worth thousands of spars outside, but Wang Lun actually drank it one cup after another, but after all, Chen Xuan took it out of the heaven and earth spirit spring, so he couldn’t tell. what.

   Elder Nangong’s face was obviously curious: “Where did you get this heaven and earth spiritual spring from?”

  "I got it from a cave, but also by chance, but now the spring water in there seems to be almost exhausted. If Elder Nangong wants to go there, I can naturally help you get it." Chen Xuan said.

   "Say, where!" The face of Elder Nangong showed excitement.

  Chen Xuan smiled slightly, and then took out a cyan jade bottle from his storage ring.

Elder Nangong’s eyes lit up, and when Chen Xuan unscrewed the mouth of the bottle, a burst of profound energy emerged from it. This kind of heaven and earth spirit spring not only prolongs life, strengthens the body, strengthens the body, but also refines. Pills can also increase the curative effect a lot. For the alchemy masters like Elder Nangong, this kind of heaven and earth spiritual spring is very useful.

   "Elder, I came here this time just to give you something." Chen Xuan said.

Elder Nangong originally wanted to refuse, but his eyes had been fixed on the blue jade bottle. Obviously, he needed this heaven and earth spiritual circle to help him improve the efficacy of the pill, and he couldn’t bear Chen Xuan’s sincere expression. So he collected the spring water.

  Moreover, Elder Nangong accepted the spring water very quickly, and gently waved his robe, and the cyan jade bottle disappeared on the table.

   "Elder Nangong, I have something to ask for today." Chen Xuan said.

   "Oh, what's the matter?" Elder Nangong said.

  Chen Xuan said: "I want to refine some pills recently, but I haven't found any of these medicinal materials. I don't know if Elder Nangong has them here."

   "What medicinal material? As long as I have something here, I will definitely give it to you." Elder Nangong said.

   "I need five kinds of spiritual materials, and these five spiritual materials must all grow under the ground, such as Xuanhuang grass, green tendon grass, five mysterious grasses, and thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum."

  "Xuanhuang grass, green tendon grass, five profound grasses, and thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum, what do you want to refine with these things." Elder Nangong showed a curious look on his face.

Of course Chen Xuan knew what Elder Nangong was thinking, so he said directly: "Naturally, it is to refine the Five Spirit Pills that strengthen the body and cultivate the vitality. This kind of pill can not only temper the five internal organs of the body, but also increase the lifespan of oneself. Now I want to hit the next level, so I need this kind of medicine to help me strengthen."

Elder Nangong showed a dignified look on his face: "It is very difficult to combine the medicinal effects of these kinds of herbs, and this is also a very rare pill. I want to make these kinds of medicinal effects fully effective. It is very difficult to merge together, even a person who has been studying alchemy for decades, dare not try to refine this kind of pill."

  Speaking of this topic, Wang Lun and Li Qiuyu were at a loss, so they gave way to Chen Xuan and the elder Nangong, and went around in this manor.

  This kind of pill is very difficult to refining, even if the elder Nangong wants to refine it, he will face certain failures.

  "I want to ask the elders if there are these medicinal materials. If Elder Nangong can provide some medicinal materials, then I can naturally refine this kind of medicine." Chen Xuan said confidently.

   Elder Nangong showed a look of surprise on his face. He didn't expect Chen Xuan to be able to refine the Five Spirit Pill. You must know that the alchemists in the Black Rock world are not as young as Chen Xuan.

  (End of this chapter)

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