Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2581: Wukang Town Crisis

  Chapter 2581 Wukang Town Crisis

This small town is dozens of miles away from Black Rock City and its name is Wukang Town. It only took more than half an hour for Chen Xuan and the others to get here, but when they first entered this small town, they only saw many dark shadows in the town. Shuttle constantly in the middle.

  This town is still late at night, but the middle of the town is burned by the blood demons, like daylight.

   "I didn't expect this group of guys to be so cruel that they would burn all these houses. You must know that although the population of this town is small, there are still tens of thousands of people." Chen Xuan said.

This is the only way to Lu Yucheng. Chen Xuan has passed through this small town many times, but he hasn't stayed in this small town for long, but he can't see the blood demons kill indiscriminately here. innocent.

  As soon as they entered the town, they heard a miserable cry, which came into their ears from the middle of the town.

  Although there are some cultivators in this small town, most of their cultivation bases stay in the realm of gods and demons. Facing the attacks of these blood demons, they have no power to fight back.

  Chen Xuan saw a cultivator in front of him, and his head was bitten off by a blood demon. These blood demon cultivators needed the blood of other people very much, so a cultivator was very important to them.

  There are densely packed people in the middle of the town, and a man has a solemn look on his face.

  Although there are many cultivators fighting against them, they are obviously not the opponents of the blood demons. From time to time, there are cultivators fleeing from the middle of the town, and they also know that they cannot deal with the blood demons.

In the middle of this square, there are a few very dignified men holding various weapons in their hands. It is obvious that they are the main force against a few blood demons. Standing in the front is a white-haired old man. , The aura on the body is the strongest, and the old man's cultivation has also reached the level of a god.

It is the only one among this group of people who can enter the level of the gods, but at this time they can only watch the blood demons continue to destroy their houses. The place where they originally lived was submerged in the sea of ​​fire in an instant, and the blood The demons laughed constantly. The destruction of this small town made them feel like a knife. Although there was endless anger in their hearts, they were helpless.

   "No, none of you can fight the evil demon, you are not his opponent at all!" the mayor said loudly.

  However, there are still some sturdy men with weapons in their hands and face flushing toward the blood demon attacking. Although the mayor wanted to stop him, it was obviously too late.

  The blood demons are all over this town. I am afraid there are more than a dozen. It is obvious that they want to establish a stronghold in this town to resurrect the black blood demons.

  Standing at the forefront are a few blood demons who have reached a very powerful level, watching this group of people who want to resist them with enthusiasm.

  The mayor’s voice is very loud and loud. He has cured many people’s impulses. Although this group of people wants to fight the blood demon to the end, the mayor understands very well that these people are not the opponent of the blood demon at all.

  Sure enough, the man who rushed up just now was broken his neck by the red big Zhang of the Gorefiend in the blink of an eye, and blood flowed from his neck.

The mayor also understands that there is no way. If he is worried too much, it is very likely that these people will receive other WeChat messages, and he is now ready to gather all the power of all cultivators together. Only in this way can he Fight against the siege of the Gorefiends.

  Otherwise, their strength is simply not enough to deal with the Gorefiend. But now the power of the blood demons is very scattered, and many blood demons are still chasing and killing other people.

Although many people living in this small town have become lambs to be slaughtered, they have now gathered all their power in the middle of the town. Only by keeping this group of cultivators can they fight against these blood demons. Helpless, he has to choose between the two, otherwise he will directly ruin the town.

Chen Xuan was still rushing towards the middle of the town, and in the square in the middle, a gloomy laugh came from the sky, and then he saw a very tall man appearing in the sky. on.

   "It actually appeared again!" A man's face showed a panic.

  It was the blood demon who appeared above the midair, and his cultivation level had reached the third level of the gods.

The cultivators in the middle of the town showed panic on their faces, especially the mayor’s pupils shrinking. He knew very well that the blood demon in front of him had a cultivation level that far surpassed them, almost cut off their hopes. He lives now. In the small town, there is only one master of the double peak of the gods and monarchs who can withstand the blood demons in front of them, but this is of no avail.

"This is really finished. This guy's strength has reached the triple level of the gods. Even if we add them together, we are not necessarily his opponents." Many people in the town shed tears, thinking about the people in their own town. It is about to be refined by this group of blood demons and used as a sacrifice.

  The white-haired old man who stood in the middle was heartbroken, and his face showed sorrow.

  This white-haired old man is the mayor of the town, but now he can’t stop the blood demons from slaughtering their town.

   "We really don't know what evil we have committed, and we will actually attract these guys!" The mayor showed a sad expression on his face.

Just when they saw the red giant palm of the Blood Demon God grabbing one of the men, a flame suddenly spread from a distance, and then they saw the brilliance rising to the sky, illuminating the entire seat. Small town.

Including the residents of the small town and the Gorefiend in the air all raised their heads at the same time, and then they saw a young man with red light on his body and red lines on his face, holding a handful of flames in his hand. The blade of the sword flew towards them unexpectedly.

  At the same time, they also saw a man's body exuding a terrifying aura, holding a huge sword in his hand that was bigger than his own body. This man was Wang Lun.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Xuan directly killed a blood demon on the ground. The blood demon's cultivation had reached the peak of the first stage of the gods, but Chen Xuan just gently waved the Liaoyuan sword in his hand and took it. Gone the life of the Gorefiend.

   "You guys are making too much noise, and it has already shocked the Yunye Empire. If you are caught now, maybe I can spare you not to die." Chen Xuan said solemnly.

  People on the square heard Chen Xuan mention the Yunye Empire. Now their only life-saving straw is that the royal family of the empire can value them, but they did not expect the royal family to send reinforcements so quickly.

  "Great, it seems that the empire has not forgotten us. It seems that the royal family has sent people very timely this time. If it is later, I am afraid we will all be buried in the hands of this group of blood demons."

Chen Xuan directly killed a few blood demons. Their cultivation level only reached the realm of the gods. There were even a few blood demons who had not yet entered the realm of gods. These people were basically a sword to Chen Xuan. One, Chen Xuan didn't take much effort to deal with them.

Although Yunyemen is not well-known right now, everyone is very clear about what Tianyuan Temple is. For almost everyone in the Great Shadow World, Tianyuan Temple is equivalent to the governing institutions of various empires, spread all over the world. Small cities, and when a crisis occurs in a city, Tianyuan Palace will promptly arrange people to help.

The people who had already begun to despair suddenly became excited, and Chen Xuan's cultivation was still very strong. They killed several blood demons in the blink of an eye. They felt Chen Xuan's strength, and they decided that Chen Xuan was strong. Xuan can rescue their small town.

Miserable screams continued from the middle, but this time the bodies of several blood demons were chopped in two by Chen Xuan. Although the blood demons were very violent, Chen Xuan’s actions were completely more violent than them. , The aura on Chen Xuan's body is really too strong, now Chen Xuan also displays the demon soul, and the demon soul he displays is more advanced than the blood demon soul they cultivated, and what Chen Xuan cultivates is the demon soul pattern. , Now Chen Xuan can control the power of the demon soul freely, without being backlashed by the power of the demon soul, as long as he is hit by Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword, then Chen Xuan can directly beheaded.

  Wang Lun is also very tough. For these Gorefiends, they are almost desperate to see Wang Lun, because Wang Lun can kill a Gorefiend almost every time he slashes the black giant sword in his hand.

  The black-robed gorefiend who was planning to do something to other people suddenly felt like sitting on pins and needles, and they thought that they would kill several men halfway through, massacring his companions one after another.

  The black goblin snorted coldly, and immediately rushed towards Chen Xuan. There were several white goblins behind him, but they were blocked by Wang Lun.

The black-robed Gorefiend's body exudes a strong murderous aura. The red palm suddenly came out and grabbed Chen Xuan directly. Chen Xuanwei was not afraid, and directly released the power of the Vermillion Bird in his body, a burst of flames. It spread out from Chen Xuan's body, and directly hit the body of the black robe gorefiend.

Under the blessing of the power of Vermillion Bird, Chen Xuan's speed increased even more, and he actually directly smashed the palm of the black-robed gorefiend. Moreover, Chen Xuan's shot was very cruel now, and his speed was not reduced at all. Vigorously hit the past.


  A flame suddenly smashed toward the black-robed gorefiend, but when he reacted, Chen Xuan had already knocked him out.

  The leader of the blood demon originally thought that Chen Xuan would not be able to break through his red giant palm at all, but he obviously underestimated the strength that Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan had displayed, far exceeding his estimation.

After being hit by Chen Xuan, the black robe gorefiend's face was shocked.

The faces of the people in the small town were filled with joy. They didn't expect Chen Xuan's cultivation base to be so strong. Although Chen Xuan looked very young, and the cultivation base that bloomed out was only the first peak of the gods, he could actually be able to. Repulsing the blood demons that have reached the peak of the God Sovereign's Triple Level is enough to show how powerful Chen Xuan's cultivation is. As long as Chen Xuan can also reach the God Sovereign Level 3, I am afraid that he can directly kill the blood demons in front of him.

"Boy, I don’t know who you are, but since you provoke me today, then I will absorb your blood. I think you are also cultivating demon souls. In this case, the energy you can provide Then there are more." The black robe gorefiend laughed loudly.

   "I think you are really naive, and you thought you could beat me. If that's the case, then I will let you see what strength is." Chen Xuan said coldly.

In the blink of an eye, the power of the Vermillion Bird on Chen Xuan's body floated out again. Chen Xuan's speed was too fast, and he was already close to her body before the blood demon could react, and Chen Xuan had already used it. After the Liaoyuan Sword came out, fire suddenly appeared from his body. This Liaoyuan sword is a magic weapon at all, although the black robe gorefiend is very powerful and has reached the limit of the mortal body. But still unable to resist Chen Xuan's weapon, a wound was cut directly by Chen Xuan's people.

   "His cultivation base is really terrible. It seems that the formation of the Yunye Sect is indeed time, and I am afraid that the Yunye Sect has already been incorporated into the royal family. It is really great!"

   "Kill him, kill him!"

  Many men on the square showed excitement. Chen Xuan did what they couldn't, and also rescued their small town and saved their lives. How could they not be grateful.

  (End of this chapter)

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