Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2582: altar

  Chapter 2582 Altar

Many men now watching in the center of the square have allocated their weapons. They are all cultivators. Although they can't help Chen Xuan kill the black-robed demons, the white-robed blood demons have become him when their strength is slightly lower. The goal.

  Although many of the white-robed blood demons have reached the realm of the gods, most of them stayed at the first level of the realm of the gods. Under the siege of dozens of them, even these white-robed blood demons could not deal with them.

  Wang Lun got rid of the several white-robed golems in front of him, and rushed towards Chen Xuan's direction. With Wang Lun's help, Chen Xuan added his wings and suppressed the black-robed golems in a blink of an eye.

Just when the black-robed gorefiend was about to chop a sword aura towards Chen Xuan, he saw Chen Xuan’s body appear behind him in a blink of an eye. Chen Xuan was not only fast, but also carried the Liaoyuan sword. The power of the Vermillion Bird can easily cut his body.

The black-robed gorefiend's face was full of horror, and in the next second he saw Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword directly pierce his Hun's mouth. The black-robed gorefiend had an incredible look on her face. She couldn't think of Chen Xuan. He could actually appear behind his body in the blink of an eye, and Chen Xuan's attack was so strong.

You must know that his body is much stronger, but he was cultivated with the blood of many monsters, almost equivalent to the same level of monsters. You must know that the strength of the body of the same level of monsters, but far exceeds that of humans, and this The cultivator of the Gorefiend can make his body as strong as the monster, but Chen Xuan can actually pierce his body completely, all thanks to the merit of the sword in Chen Xuan's hand.

   "Kill me!" Chen Xuan shouted loudly.

  Many unarmed people who were still onlookers all moved toward the attack of this group of blood demons, and in a blink of an eye they reversed the offensive, all because of Chen Xuan alone.

  The group of men who had been suppressed by the blood demon just now began to slay the blood demon frantically as if they were beaten with chicken blood.

At this moment, Chen Xuan felt a bitter wind coming from his back, and then saw a gorefiend rushing behind him, Chen Xuan snorted coldly, and immediately raised the Liaoyuan in his hand. Sword, he had already noticed that there was a Gorefiend who wanted to sneak attack, and the Liaoyuan sword was very sharp.

  The blood demon was chopped into two pieces by Chen Xuan before he screamed, and he was killed directly.

Since Chen Xuan absorbed a blood demon's inner alchemy last time, he dare not continue to absorb it. Although this method can quickly increase the power of his demon soul, it is also accompanied by a huge threat. If one is not careful, It is very likely to lose reason.

  Chen Xuan has already experienced what it feels like to be occupied by a demon soul, so he is very careful now to avoid letting himself be taken over by the power of the demon soul.

   After more than an hour, the few remaining blood demons were killed. The group of blood demons suddenly began to mess around, and fled one by one towards the outside for a while.

But they obviously think too simple. Chen Xuan and Wang Lun can deal with them, not to mention that there are still a group of desperate people. The whole town is tracking the blood demons, leaving them without Retreat.

This battle lasted for more than three hours. When they killed the last Gorefiend, the sun had already risen from a distance, and the fire continued to burn for several hours, until it burned. At dawn, when they turned around, they found that most of the ways and buildings above the town had been burned down, and the floor was full of corpses, and many people had tears on their faces.

They did not expect that just overnight, the original happy life would have slipped away from them. Many of the corpses in the town were their companions and even their relatives, but now there are two lives and deaths, and they will never again. Can't see it anymore.

  While wiping tears, one of the men vented his breath while holding the corpse of a gorefiend with the blade in his hand.

   "These guys are too much." Chen Xuan said solemnly.

   "There is no way, we are too late, it seems that these guys really shocked the Yunye Empire, I am afraid that another fishy storm will be set off." Wang Lun said.

Although they are very sad, they are also very lucky, because Chen Xuan and Wang Lun, two of them happened to come to this small town, otherwise, their cultivation base is likely to be occupied by the blood demons. Even use their bodies to summon the black blood demon.

It took a long time for them to gather the corpses of the Gorefiends on the square, and there were also many gan corpses whose blood had been refined by the Gorefiends. They were already dead long ago, not at all. Back, the blood in the body was used by the Gorefiend to improve his cultivation.

They gathered all the corpses together. Underneath these corpses, piles of tall timbers were piled up. Everyone surrounded the town square. A man held a piece of wood in his hand, and Chen Xuan's heart moved. A fire suddenly rose on the piece of wood.

  The man hurriedly threw the wood on the bonfire, and the fire suddenly burned. Hearing the fire crackling, many people showed different emotions on their faces.

  The look of resentment on some people's faces was obviously trying to find the blood demons and kill them, while some people only felt powerless, so they actually lay on the ground and started crying.

In this world, the power of the blood demons is stronger than them, and they can naturally slaughter them recklessly, but it is extremely difficult for them to surpass the blood demons. The blood demons are not only very powerful, but also They have to belong to the Black Blood Sect, which is also a very old school.

"You are from the Cloud Yemen, this time thanks to you. Not long ago, I heard that the Tianyuan Palace was going to be dissolved. Now the name has been changed to the Yunyemen. We didn’t believe that the Yunyemen could be established. What it looks like, I didn't expect to meet you today, and also helped our town resolve the crisis, but thank you so much!" said an elderly man with white beard.

   Suddenly, many residents surrounded Chen Xuan and Wang Lun for a while.

  The faces of this group of people showed respect and gratitude towards Wang Lun and Chen Xuan. If it weren't for the timely appearance of Wang Lun and Chen Xuan, I am afraid that they would not even have a chance to survive in the end.

It can be said that Chen Xuan not only saved their lives, but also made them the entire town. There are only a few thousand people left in the town now, and the others have been killed by the blood demons. Look. Arrived at the altar standing in the middle.

The mayor’s face was full of anger, and he stepped towards him. There was also a statue on top of this group. The eyes of this statue were red, and there were huge horns on the head. , Obviously this is the legendary black blood demon.

"Let's not say so much. Now this group of blood demons have only been temporarily driven out, and they will definitely make a comeback. We must be careful now, otherwise if the blood demons come back, it is very likely that your town will suffer. "Chen Xuan said.

Mayor White Beard nodded. He also knew that with their strength they could not resist the dazzling attack. Moreover, these guys were very cruel. They lost two altars in just a few days. They would definitely think The way to revenge again, if they come, it is likely to be even stronger.

  And the residents in this small town are simply not enough to fight them.

   "Then what should we do now."

  "Now you don't have to worry too early. I will let my friends inform the people of the Yunye Empire. Before that, I will stay here to help you." Chen Xuan replied.

  Chen Xuan originally wanted to complete this task and return directly to Lu Yucheng, but now this town has been attacked by the blood demons, which means that there are things the blood demons want in this town.

Moreover, this place has become one of the battlefields. As long as he does not destroy this altar, I am afraid that other blood demons will find this place. At that time, Chen Xuan will not only be able to complete the task brilliantly, but also may get the master of the door. Appreciation, for Chen Xuan, this is also an opportunity for cultivation.

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan was ready to stay in this small town temporarily. As long as he could hold the small town, attract the attention of the blood demons, let them rob the altar above the small town, and then guarantee the vicinity of Black Rock City. Other places will be safer.

   These blood demons also know that Black Rock County is almost the weakest county in the Yunye Empire, so they will brew in this place and build the altar.

But Black Rock City is not so easy to provoke. Black Rock City’s city lord’s cultivation level has also reached the realm of God Sovereign, and it is the fourth peak of God Sovereign, and there are many powerful families in the city, and the blood demons want to move Black Rock City. Weigh and weigh.

But other small towns near Black Rock City are very dangerous. The slightly more powerful cultivators in the town have gone to other places, leaving most of them old, weak, sick and disabled, and their cultivation level is also not good. Not tough, if the Gorefiend returns, it will disintegrate in an instant with the defensive power of this town.

Hearing that Chen Xuan was about to stay in the town temporarily, their faces showed surprise. These people also knew exactly how powerful Chen Xuan's power was. If Chen Xuan could stay here, he could guarantee this. The safety of this small town.

"We must obey Lord Chen's orders now. From now on, all of us will fight side by side with Chen Zhan. If this group of blood demons dare to come over and take them, we will not keep the pieces of armor they killed. Even I will follow Master Chen's dispatch now!" said the mayor.

  The Yunye Gate directly belongs to the royal family, and it also has great power. Being able to enter the Yunye Gate of Lu Yucheng means that the cultivation base is definitely above the realm of the gods.

After all, Lu Yucheng is the center of the original Xiantian Yuan Palace, so most of the Yunyemen in Lu Yucheng have reached the realm of God Sovereign. For them, Chen Xuan was appointed by the imperial family, not only the strength is very powerful, And the status is also very lofty.

  Under the leadership of Chen Xuan and others, the residents of this small town were immediately calmed down. They have been very confident since the beginning of their worry.

  There is a building in the middle of this small town. Originally, there were many flowers and plants planted next to where I lived, but now it has been burned by a fire, and it looks very dilapidated.

  An old man is sitting on a chair whose legs have been burned out. Although the chair can still sit on, it looks shaky.

  Now this place has been transformed into a temporary meeting hall. If nothing happens, they will discuss the attack direction of the blood demons and the defense of the town.

  Besides, there was a man in a black robe who was tilting Erlang's legs, exuding a powerful aura, and Chen Xuan sat in the middle position.

"Now this town is riddled with holes, and many places have been burned by fire, and the blood demon will definitely not be the same place to attack. Now we must strengthen our defense in an all-round way. If the blood demon attacks from one place , We will bring all the staff back, look here." Chen Xuan pointed to the map.

"If these guys want to attack from here, then I will block them at this intersection. Now we have to send people to patrol every day to prevent the blood demons from attacking the town. If they do sneak attacks, they will directly crush them. This bead, we will receive the message at that time." Chen Xuan took out a black bead from his storage ring. This is the signal bead.

This kind of bead can burst out a very obvious profound energy fluctuation at the moment of the moment, and then Chen Xuan will be able to feel this profound energy to go to support, and hand this bead to every man in charge of patrols. , Chen Xuan continued.

  (End of this chapter)

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