Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2583: Dark Shadow

  Chapter 2583 Dark Shadow of Gods and Demons

   "It's not wrong, but we still want to prevent the blood demons from coming to the altar in the town." A man said.

"If these blood demons attack at night, then we are also very dangerous, but I am already envisioning the attack route of the blood demons. Since the altar is in the middle of the town, it means that they must have a purpose and we only need to Put a lot of manpower in the middle of the town, and then you can defend against the attack of the blood demons." Chen Xuan replied.

"It's very reasonable, but I am very worried about whether we will attack at night. After all, we have to rest at night, and the blood demons don't need sleep. If they attack, it is very likely that we will be caught off guard." Long said.

Chen Xuan had already thought of this question, so he replied: "So we must patrol continuously, especially during this period of time, it will definitely be very dangerous. If I didn't guess wrong, this group of guys is likely to be there. A few days later, we will attack our town."

  There are several large and small towns surrounding Black Rock City. Now Chen Xuan also makes people rush to Black Rock City and ask the city lord to send guards to protect these small towns.

The strength of these small towns is simply not enough to fight against a large number of blood demons, and the methods of blood demons are extremely cruel, they will not leave the lives of these residents, on the contrary, they will use the bodies of these residents to refine other medicines. .

"Now just relying on our strength, I am afraid it is not enough to make this small town safe, so I want to let a person go to Black Rock City to find the city lord, then I will only say that I am from the Cloud Yemen, and I don’t have to say it directly. My name, they will naturally send someone over." Chen Xuan said.

  After leaving the conference hall, Chen Xuan returned directly to his residence. He still has a question now, why did the blood demons choose to gather in this place.

  Know that this is just an ordinary town that can’t be more ordinary. Although the strength of this town is very weak, this is not the reason for the gathering of blood demons, unless this place has something they want to get.

  The next morning, Chen Xuan was wandering around in this small town. First, he wanted to patrol, and second, he wanted to find out why the blood demons gathered in this small town.

Now Chen Xuan’s spiritual perception is already very powerful. When he came to a corner, Chen Xuan directly unlocked his power of the demon soul. Now he can very keenly feel the aura within a radius of hundreds of miles. At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a shock from under the ground.

  It was not that the ground was really shaking, but Chen Xuan felt the sound of breathing under the ground, and it was the ground that was breathing.

   "There must be something underground." Chen Xuan thought inwardly.

  But the underground mountain range seems to be the only thing that can spread this kind of movement underground. This kind of underground mountain range is connected to the ground, and contains very powerful power. As a kind of spiritual veins, generally there will be heaven and earth auras under this kind of mountain range, and only underground mountains can make the surroundings exude more powerful auras. , Precisely because of this, several large sects in the Yunye Empire are all established in places with spiritual veins.

After pondering for a day, Chen Xuan did not find the entrance to the underground. To release the seal, he had to find the entrance to the underground mountain range. Although Chen Xuan could hear the movement from the underground, he could not be sure that this was really a spiritual vein. .

   Another day later, the man who went to Black Rock City to ask for rescuers only brought a young man in a white robe. After seeing Chen Xuan, the white robe youth showed a smile on his face.

"I thought it was, it turned out to be Young Master Chen. I had heard that you were very talented and entered the realm of God Sovereign at a young age, but I remember you are now in Lu Yucheng, why would you come here? "The white robe youth said.

   "I don't know who you are?" Chen Xuan's face was puzzled.

   "My name is Liu Tianming, and I am also from Tianyuan Hall. Oh no, I should say that it is from the Yunyemen. I was sent by the city lord." The white robe youth said.

  The young man in the white robe is respectful to Chen Xuan. Although his qualifications to enter the Tianyuan Palace are much longer than those of Chen Xuan, he also knows that Chen Xuan's talent is very outstanding, and even surpassing him is just around the corner.

Moreover, Chen Xuan’s cultivation base has just entered the realm of the gods, but his cultivation is very strong. Even a strong person who has reached the triple peak of the gods cannot necessarily defeat Chen Xuan, and he also heard about Chen Xuan at the beginning. He even dared to challenge Li Qing, so he also had some admiration for Chen Xuan.

"This time I was here to investigate the action of the Gorefiend. I didn't expect to encounter the siege of the Gorefiend in this small town this time, so I just stood by here by the way, waiting for these guys to join the trap." Replied.

   "It turns out that this is the case, I said how could you be here alone, hey, no, how could you come here to perform the task alone?" Liu Tianming's face was puzzled.

He wasn't worried about Chen Xuan's life, but he felt very curious. Generally speaking, when Yunyemen went to perform tasks, there were a few people as a team, and basically there would be no one person situation, and the blood demon Almost all activities are on a large scale, and Chen Xuan alone is not an opponent of the Gorefiend team.

   "Are you worried that I am not the opponent of these blood demons, not only will I be killed by the blood demons, but I am afraid that this town will also be in crisis." Chen Xuan said straightforwardly.

A trace of embarrassment appeared on Liu Tianming's face.

Chen Xuan continued: "May I tell you that this time I came out to perform the task is actually the punishment of the sect master, but if I hadn't rushed to this town in time, now this town has been slaughtered and dealt with. The Blood Demon is not just my business alone, I am afraid that it will not be long before the Yunye Empire will take it seriously, and you will all come to defend each town at that time."

It has become a reality to protect this town safely, and since Chun has come here, it means that he must have some means, otherwise Chen Xuan must not be able to hold the town, he found that the town has been It started running in an orderly manner.

  There are many men patrolling the streets, and the spiritual barrier has been established again.

He had just arrived in this small town and saw that the faces of these people showed self-confidence, as if they had not been attacked. Now he also admired that Chen Xuan's abilities were indeed very powerful, and he could condense in a few days. All the inhabitants of this small town jointly fought against the attack of the Gorefiend.

  Furthermore, Chen Xuan did not show any tension in the face of the blood demon's upcoming attack, as if he did not put the blood demon in his eyes at all.

Liu Tianming has naturally heard of Chen Xuan's name. As a person who has joined Tianyuan Hall a long time ago, since Chen Xuan won the first long sword in the rookie contest, he knew that Chen Xuan would definitely reach one in the future. Very powerful strength, maybe Chen Xuan can really resist the attack of this group of blood demons, and even the resurrection of the black blood demons.

"I think it’s very simple. The blood demons attacked this town a few days ago and left an altar here. This altar is the place they used to resurrect the black blood demons. If I were here waiting for them, to It is possible to attract some blood demons’ attacks. As long as we can concentrate our strength, they can come back and forth. For us, if we can get rid of the blood demons all at once, it is definitely very beneficial. "Chen Xuan said.

"Although we all know that the blood demons are very cruel, we don't know how many people there are in this group of blood demons. Since the war a few decades ago, their forces have all been scattered to various places, and dozens of them have disappeared. Years, now suddenly appear, as long as we can bring them all here, we can also reduce the number of blood demons in other cities." Chen Xuan continued.

Liu Tianming's face showed a look of sudden enlightenment: "I only realized it when I heard you say that. In this case, I will gather the power of Black Rock City as soon as possible, and let the guards guard the town closely, as long as you have anything. If you want, just let me know."

"I don't have any requests. Now I have asked a friend of mine to go to Lu Yucheng to find the sect master, but I don't know when the blood demon will attack this Wukang town. Now I hope that the sect master can disperse part of it. Strength, to the various towns, especially Wukang Town, after all, the blood demons will definitely come to Wukang Town, looking for their altar." Chen Xuan said.

  "Anything else?" Liu Tianming continued to ask.

"I hope I can investigate the current movement of the blood demons more. My task this time is to investigate the location of the blood demons. However, I only noticed their movements in the Dark Shadow Forest, but I did not expect the blood demons to act so quickly. They have reached other places in just a few days," Chen Xuan said.

Although Black Rock City is no longer the strongest place, but their strength is not small, they can disperse several pairs of guards to protect the safety of other towns, and now Chen Xuan wants to temporarily borrow the power of the Black Rock City Lord Come and help him.

The blood demon's body is very powerful, and it may be a nightmare for other cultivators. However, Chen Xuan also cultivated the power of the demon soul, and he also has the Liaoyuan sword in his hand. For the blood demon, Chen Xuan is their nightmare. , Because Chen Xuan can easily break their physical defenses.

  Afterwards, Liu Tianming returned to Black Rock City. A few days later, he returned to Wukang Town, and he also brought several pairs of guards to fight alongside Chen Xuan.

Liu Tianming is the son of the city lord of Black Rock City. His talent is also very strong. I think he was also one of the geniuses in the Cloud Yemen back then. Few people at the same level are his opponents, and his cultivation is also very strong. After Liu Tianming is here, Chen Xuan can naturally worry less about something.

  It was getting late, and Chen Xuan had already arranged the defenders a few days ago. Even at night, there were still many people patrolling the dilapidated streets.

The street is not as good as it used to be, and there are many traces of scorching. In the south of Wukang Town is a forest. This forest is connected to the Dark Shadow Forest. Although there are certain monsters in action, other demon hunters Unwilling to come to this place.

Chen Xuan discovered by accident that this place actually had an entrance to below the ground. Since he felt the existence of spiritual veins under the ground, it means that there is a spiritual energy magnetic field in this place, precisely because of the spiritual energy. Because of the limitation of the magnetic field, the spiritual energy in this place cannot be emitted. Chen Xuan's perception is very strong, and now he has determined that there are spiritual veins in this place.

  So Chen Xuan kept walking around the forest. Since he realized the power of the Vermillion Bird, now he can clearly feel what is happening nearby.

  At this time, Chen Xuan felt a sharp aura approaching here from a distance.

   Feeling the constant movement of this spiritual power, Chen Xuan directly hid behind a tree.

   Then Chen Xuan saw a black shadow, and suddenly walked over from a distance, but the black shadow suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

   "Why is that guy missing?" A curious expression appeared on Chen Xuan's face.

  (End of this chapter)

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