Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2584: Heaven and Earth Spiritual Vessel

   Chapter 2584 Heaven and Earth Spirit Vessel

When he arrived at the place where the shadows disappeared, he discovered that there was a pothole under the ground. Chen Xuan immediately entered the pothole. As soon as he entered, he didn't feel any movement around him, but he immediately felt the forward pass. At the sound of footsteps, Chen Xuan immediately stopped breathing. After the footsteps stopped, Chen Xuan continued to walk forward.

Entering this void, Chen Xuan couldn't see clearly in front of him at all. He only perceives the surrounding scenery. When Chen Xuan walked several hundred meters, he suddenly found that several bright rays of light were continuously rotating in front of him, and this ray of light It was actually plated on top of Silverstone.

   Seeing a man standing next to a transparent pillar like a crystal, Chen Xuan immediately hid the breath emanating from his body and hid it in the dark.

The crystal is very transparent, you can even see the spiritual energy mixed in it, and it is also surrounded by blue air currents, and the heaven and earth aura emanating from that air current is very abundant. When Chen Xuan just entered this pit When I was inside the cave, I found that there was a spirit around her constantly.

   "I didn't expect that I actually discovered the spiritual veins here." Chen Xuan's face showed joy.

When he was in the Cangyuan Mountain Range, there was such a kind of spiritual vein below. It is precisely because of the function of the spiritual vein that the water in the waterfall has sufficient spiritual energy. If Chen Xuan can completely occupy this place, At that time, he had a place where he could practice stably. If Chen Xuan could absorb this spiritual vein, his cultivation could even be raised several levels.

  Although the spiritual vein of Wukang Town is not as long as that of the Cangyuan Mountain Range, it is enough for Chen Xuan.

"This kind of aura from Heaven and Earth Spirit Vessels is indeed very powerful. If the magnetic field in this place is removed by me, it is very likely that other people will come over. No wonder this group of blood demons want to occupy Wukang Town. They are for this reason." Chen Xuan finally knew why the blood demon had attacked Wukang Town in the first place. There is such a spiritual vein near Wukang Town, which is also of great benefit to their cultivation.

  However, Chen Xuan must fill the hands of the Black Blood Sect to **** this spiritual vein. If he had this spiritual vein, Chen Xuan could steadily improve his cultivation.

We must know that there are still many places where spiritual veins exist that have been occupied by powerful sects, and there are many people who practice in that place, and their spiritual power is relatively loose, and if this spiritual vein is given by Chen Xuan, It is very likely that he is only cultivating in this place alone, and Chen Xuan still understands the benefits.

   "Who?" The black figure in front seemed to hear a movement from behind.

  Chen Xuan was not hiding either. He had discovered just now that Sombra’s cultivation was only the duality of the gods and monarchs. For Chen Xuan, it was only the duality of the gods and monarchs, and he could easily solve them.

  Chen Xuan did not speak, he walked directly out of the shadow, and the black shadow also saw Chen Xuan, with a trace of murder in his eyes.

"Unexpectedly, you also discovered this place. Since you discovered it, then I can only kill you, so that I can swallow this spiritual vein by myself!" A hideous expression appeared on the top of the black shadow. The color.

  In the blink of an eye, he saw that he suddenly took a sharp blade and rushed towards Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan immediately displayed his Vermillion Bird's power, and a flame rose into the sky, illuminating the inside of the pit.

  At this time, Chen Xuan saw the scene around him, but before he could think about it, the black shadow had already rushed in front of him.

  But the black shadow suddenly disappeared in the air, Chen Xuan was very surprised, but the black shadow suddenly appeared behind him, and the sharp blade pierced Chen Xuan's back.

  Chen Xuan immediately shook his arm and blocked him, but the black shadow had already pierced Chen Xuan's arm, leaving a sword mark on his body, and blood flowed from Chen Xuan's arm.

   "How is it possible?" Chen Xuan was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that the black shadow could suddenly become invisible in the air, otherwise Chen Xuan would definitely not be hit by the black shadow, but this also made Chen Xuan discover that the black shadow was a little weird, he didn't seem to belong to the black blood sect. .

  Black Blood Sect does not use this technique, and Chen Xuan has never seen such a weird move.

So Chen Xuan could only pay attention to the man in front of him. He was chasing him in a dark robe and was very dark in the cave. Chen Xuan could not see exactly what she looked like, and could only rely on his own spirit. Try to perceive his location, otherwise Chen Xuan would have been attacked by him long ago.

  The black shadow did not stay in place for too long, and in a blink of an eye, it continued to attack Chen Xuan. Suddenly a group of red spiritual power rose above the blade, and suddenly it pierced towards Chen Xuan's head.

  If Chen Xuan was stabbed in the head by her sword just now, I am afraid Chen Xuan would be killed directly by him.

  Chen Xuan felt the mighty courage emanating from the Black Shadow Blade. Although his cultivation level was only the duality of the gods and monarchs, Chen Xuan was very surprised by the power that radiated.

  Even Chen Xuan has now fully displayed the power of the Vermillion Bird and the power of the demon soul, but it is difficult to resist its attack.

A firelight rose again from Chen Xuan’s Liaoyuan sword, and the dazzling firelight immediately condensed a long snake, attacking towards the black shadow. The black shadow has already noticed Chen Xuan’s attack. I entered the sharp blade in my hand and turned towards As Chen Xuan stabs in the past, his body condenses into a red light in the air, directly breaking through Chen Xuan's defense, and continuing to rush towards his body.

Chen Xuan noticed the mighty spirit emanating from Black Shadow, as if it were a fierce poisonous snake, and generally bit at him. Chen Xuan let out a low roar, and all the lines on the body of the demon soul bloomed out, reaching the second level. After the Level Demon Soul, Chen Xuan's physical strength and speed were improved compared to before, and his body moved to the side slightly to avoid the dark shadow's sneak attack.

But the black shadow's body disappeared again. Chen Xuan stared at his left and right alertly, but he didn't notice the black shadow reappearing. It was too late for him to discover that the black shadow appeared. The black shadow appeared very quickly. When Chen Xuan was alert and set aside his sword to fight back, he was already stabbed by the black shadow.

  Fortunately, Chen Xuan was not seriously injured when he evaded just now. Now Chen Xuan only felt that his left arm was very sore. He did not expect that the black shadow's blade was carrying toxins.

Chen Xuan's body exuded a strong fire, and the black shadow who continued to chase over was repelled by two steps, but the black shadow's body only paused, and continued to attack Chen Xuan like a giant snake. Come.

In this dark cave, Chen Xuan's vision is limited, but the black shadow can clearly see where Chen Xuan is. This makes Chen Xuan want to hide, and this black shadow's attack becomes difficult. Some, although Chen Xuan could perceive that the black shadow was staring at him closely, the blade in the black shadow's hand was silent and barely radiating a trace of spiritual power, which made Chen Xuan avoid his sneak attack. Very difficult.

   "This guy is so difficult to deal with. If I continue to fight with him in this cave, I won't be his opponent." Chen Xuan's expression changed drastically.

He had already missed the two confrontations with Sombra just now, and now her left arm felt very sore, so Chen Xuan directly took out a healing pill. He couldn't care about the pill that he got so many now. He swallowed it all in his stomach.

The effect of the medicine diverged directly. Now Chen Xuan felt that his left arm was no longer so sore as before, so Chen Xuan watched the dark shadow in front of him with caution. The dark shadow’s attack methods were very neat and would kill with one blow. He doesn't look like a member of the Black Blood Sect. Judging from his attack methods, the black figure in front of him is more like an assassin.

  Now Chen Xuan doesn't dare to underestimate the enemy at all. If he relaxes his vigilance a little now, the shadow is likely to come over.

  The dark shadow is now seizing the opportunity. He is waiting for the moment Chen Xuan relaxes. As long as Chen Xuan's muscles relax, the dark shadow will rush forward without hesitation and kill Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan already understood his plan, so he stared at the black shadow closely, and completely released the power of the Vermillion Bird in his body, and the fire light illuminated the entire cave.

At this time, Chen Xuan could see exactly where some black shadows were. The black shadow’s body was completely lying on the rock wall. It seemed that he was trying to attack Chen Xuan, and he saw the flames coming out of Chen Xuan’s body. , Sombra immediately covered his eyes.

  It was precisely at this opportunity that Chen Xuan immediately attacked. Sombra obviously did not react. He was directly hit by a fire dragon, and the name was suddenly blown out on the wall.

  The flames shot in all directions, and directly shot the black shadow down to the ground.

  The shadow fell on the ground and gave a soft drink. It was obviously painful. Chen Xuan refused to let go of this opportunity and continued to chase the past with the Liaoyuan sword in his hand.

   Just now, Sombra was sneak attacked by Chen Xuan, and now it is obvious that he has suffered some minor injuries last time. Chen Xuan's demon soul is now fully opened and the second-level demonic soul has increased a lot of speed, so Chen Xuan can barely keep up with Sombra.

  The speed of the black shadow is also very fast, even if it is not much lower than Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan relies on the majestic spiritual power in his body to directly suppress the black shadow.

   Feeling that he is no longer Chen Xuan's opponent, so the black shadow suddenly stabbed at Chen Xuan, and even disappeared suddenly in the air.

  When Chen Xuan opened up his perception, he could not find the shadow, and in the next moment he saw that the shadow had escaped.

   Seeing the dark shadow escape, Chen Xuan did not continue to chase him. He knew very well how fast the dark shadow was, even Chen Xuan might not be able to catch him.

   "Who is this guy, he will actually appear in this place, and he seems to be familiar with this place, but he can find it directly, because it is not a demon soul that he is cultivating." Chen Xuan's face was puzzled.

But he did not continue to waste too much time on this matter right away. Now there is a spiritual vein in front of him. Although Chen Xuan is very curious about the identity of this man, he has now escaped, so Chen Xuan does not have it. Keep thinking about it.

Although Chen Xuan saw the black shadow fleeing out of the pit, he still did not relax his vigilance. Chen Xuan didn't know if the black shadow would suddenly turn his head and kill him by surprise. After all, the black shadow could hide his figure. Ability, this ability is very powerful, especially in this dark scene, Chen Xuan has already hit twice, and he has cut two holes in his arm. Now Chen Xuan still feels his arm It was very painful, if it weren't because he had swallowed two pills in time just now, I'm afraid Chen Xuan would not be the opponent of that shadow.

Chen Xuan walked into the crystal, his body constantly moved towards the top of the crystal, and the spiritual power in his body was constantly welcoming it, quickly condensing the aura of the world around him, Chen Xuan unfolded his own formation and took this place. The spiritual veins were wrapped in his own spiritual energy, and it took Chen Xuan more than half an hour to complete it.

   Feeling that the magnetic field of this spiritual vein has been completely destroyed, Chen Xuan clearly saw that the visible spiritual power is actually constantly flickering, radiating from the center of the crystal to the surroundings.

  Chen Xuan's fingers exudes light, these are strong spiritual auras of heaven and earth.

  (End of this chapter)

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