Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2589: Level 2 Hexieweave

  Chapter 2589 Level 2 Demon Pattern

He didn't expect that Chen Xuan would actually increase his strength to a level in such a short time. When Chen Xuan returned to Wukang Town, everyone here felt that Chen Xuan's aura had changed. In Chen Xuan's body The power emanating from above was even stronger than before. They all knew that after Chen Xuan's current cultivation level had been upgraded to the second level of God and Sovereign, the faces of many people showed joy, and they looked even more excited than Chen Xuan.

Now Wukang Town has become the primary target of these Black Blood Sect’s remnant attacks, and Chen Xuan is one of their only support. As long as Chen Xuan’s strength increases, their attack against the blood demons will naturally be greater. Odds of winning.

At this time, the vermilion inner pill in Chen Xuan's body was beating constantly. Then, Chen Xuan saw a trace of flames surrounding the inner pill, and the inner pill had changed a little. Chen Xuan ate the pill. After the medicine, he absorbed more heaven and earth aura, and he directly further stabilized his cultivation to the peak of the second layer of the gods.

At this moment, the inner alchemy in Chen Xuan's body exudes a round luster, this luster is very round, and there is a trace of flame around it, Chen Xuan waved his arm casually, the heaven and earth aura was like tide, The inner alchemy in Chen Xuan's body emerged.

Now Chen Xuan can grasp the power of the Vermillion Bird's fire freely, and the flame aura it emits is stronger than before. There are flames dancing around Chen Xuan's body, burning the surrounding things with a fiery aura. , Chen Xuan immediately retracted the power of the Vermillion Bird from his body. If he left this power alone, he would most likely burn the house.

After entering the Divine Sovereign Second Layer, Chen Xuan's power has been improved. In addition, Chen Xuan now has a demon soul, so his physical strength has also reached the limit of the mortal body. Now Chen Xuan has the confidence to deal with a Divine Sovereign Fourth Layer realm Of the strong.

   clenched his fists, Chen Xuan's face showed a confident expression, his joints made a creaking sound.

"But it will definitely be very difficult for me to continue to improve my strength now. The speed of Suzaku's power increase is slower than that of other cultivators, and I am basically increasing the power of the demon soul. I am afraid it is not that simple. I am afraid that I will need a lot of monster blood to do it to the triple demon soul, and now I still need to condense a large amount of demon patterns, otherwise I will not be able to upgrade to the third level of the demon soul at all. With a cry, he also knew that it was very difficult for him to continue to improve his cultivation level, and he wanted to condense the third demon soul pattern, which would consume a lot of Chen Xuan's energy, and even needed a lot of monster blood.

In recent days, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun have been secretly practicing in the spirit veins. The mysterious man has not appeared in the past few days, but Chen Xuan still hasn’t let his guard down, and he doesn’t know when it’s your man. Appeared, if Chen Xuan was cultivating at the time, he would most likely be attacked by a mysterious man. For several days, there was no blood demon attacking Wukang Town. Chen Xuan was about to forget the blood demon, and this It was also very calm for a while, calm back to calm, but Chen Xuan found it interesting, not a sense of crisis.

  After all, they are now in the bright place, and these people from the Black Blood Sect are in the dark. If they suddenly come over to attack Chen Xuan, they can't deal with it.

Just as he and Wang Lun had just returned from training and returned to Wukang Town, they suddenly felt a burst of blood-red smoke coming from the front, and then a strong breath came from the south, and felt the breath. After that, Chen Xuan's expression suddenly became nervous.

   "It's not good, it seems that we are being targeted by the blood demon again." Chen Xuan said nervously.

Wang Lun also felt a powerful aura coming from the front. They didn't expect that these blood demons would actually dispatch so many people. Chen Xuan only saw a black cloud blocking the top of Wukang Town, and the sky was white. A piece of pressure, constantly flooding around the entire town.

A gloomy voice came from their mouths. Several white-robed blood demons continued to float in the sky with hideous looks. The leading black-robed blood demons had reached the sixth level of the gods, except for him. In addition, there are several black-robed blood demons whose cultivation bases have reached the fourth level or higher of the gods. They did not expect that this time the Black Blood Sect would send so many blood demons to attack them.

One of the Gorefiend leaders showed a hideous look on his face, and looked in the direction of Chen Xuan. Everyone in Wukang Town showed panic on their faces. There are overwhelming gorefiends. I don’t know how many gorefiends there are, but this is rough It’s almost reached hundreds, and the cultivation bases of these white-robed blood demons are very fierce. Even the weakest white-robed blood demons can reach the realm of gods and demons. For this small town, This kind of power can destroy them in a few seconds.

Fortunately, the Yunye Empire has now begun to attach importance to Wukang Town and has sent a large number of guards to protect the town inside and out, especially the altar above the center of the square. Liu Tianming is guarding the center of the square. There.

  Liu Tianming's face was obviously a bit ugly. He also saw the overwhelming white robe gorefiend rushing towards Wukang Town, and this time there was more than one black robe gorefiend leader.

  At this moment, two figures suddenly appeared in the center of the square in Wukang Town, and the golden figure rushing to the front was Chen Xuan, and the black figure of Wang Lun closely followed him.

  Chen Xuan and the others have discovered that the blood demon's battle was not small this time, and hundreds of people were dispatched. In previous years, the White Demon had also dispatched so many people, but that was to deal with a more intense war.

But now this group of blood demons actually dispatched hundreds of people to a small town, which shows that they are bound to seize the small town from the hands of the Yunye Empire, and their purpose is the powerfulness emanating from this small town. Breath, because this small town has the spiritual veins of heaven and earth, so they built the altar here.

At this moment, Chen Xuan has already developed his power of the demon soul. The demon soul is **** and fierce, and Chen Xuan always feels that there is a very powerful force in his body that wants to attack, although Chen Xuan has now mastered the demon soul. The power, but the power to live is still there, and Chen Xuan's personality has changed from before. After displaying the demon soul, Chen Xuan is best at fighting.

  Everyone was holding weapons in their hands, looking nervously at the white-robed gorefiends all over the sky.

There were bursts of golden light radiating from Chen Xuan's body, like a killing god, issuing orders to everyone. Now these guards obey Chen Xuan's orders. At this time, Chen Xuan asked many guards to stand up to the limit. Ahead, guarding the edge of this small town, and some guards guarding the altar in the center of the square, so as not to let the altar fall into the hands of the Gorefiends. I am afraid that their purpose this time is to **** the altar back. Chen Xuan naturally does not Will make them do what they want.

   "We rush out now, Wukang Town can no longer withstand the attack." Chen Xuan said.

At the same time, Chen Xuan gave orders to everyone that they were about to go out of the city. After several battles, this small town could not live at all. If they fight here again, it is very likely that they will Destroyed the town directly.

   "Brother Liu, you and the guards go to deal with the other black-robed leaders, and the strongest guy will be handed over to me and Wang Lun." Chen Xuan said.

Now Chen Xuan wants to keep Liu Tianming in the center of the square, because there are too many white robe gorefiends, and although Chen Xuan and the others have many guards and practitioners in Wukang Town, their strength is not. Far inferior to the White-robed Gorefiend, so Chen Xuan would let Liu Tianming guard the square so that they could have a certain chance of winning.

Liu Tianming nodded slightly, and then ran towards the center of the square. He slammed a huge palm out in the air. The palm exuded powerful spiritual power, and directly attacked a white-robed gorefiend. The blood demon's cultivation base had just reached the third level of the gods and demons. After being hit by Liu Tianming's palm, the blood demon in the white robe fell directly on the ground.

   Accompanied by a scream, he has already killed several white-robed gorefiends in succession.

Chen Xuan yelled, and a powerful vigor was forwarded from his body, and he slammed directly into the sky. There was a burst of fire above Chen Xuan's body, which burned to a nearby white-robed gorefi who wanted to sneak attack him. physically.

After being burned by the flames above Chen Xuan's body, the white-robed gorefiend was instantly burnt into charcoal and fell to the ground.

  They are now rushing out of Wukang, and now Wukang Town can no longer accept their battle.

  It was already evening at this time, the sky had gradually dimmed, and the only light was blocked by black dark clouds, and another fight was staged in Wukang Town.

And above the air, Chen Xuan was fighting with a black-robed goreman, only with Chen Xuan's power alone, he was definitely not his opponent, so Wang Lun was besieging the black robe with Chen Xuan from the left to the right. Gorefiend leader.

  The black robe gorefiend leader's cultivation level reached the sixth level of the gods, and the eyes of Chen Xuan and Wang Lun showed bloodthirsty killing intent.

He had already heard that several blood demons who had fled back said that there was a kid in Wukang Town who was sabotaging their plans time and time again, and there was still fire from his body. After seeing Chen Xuan, he confirmed that Chen Xuan was the one in the legend. The man said cruelly on his face: "Boy, you have stopped our Black Blood Sect plan over and over again. I think you are really tired of living. Today I will take your skin off and then **** your blood. By the way, I have to crush your bones so that you can no longer resist our Black Blood Sect."

But before she could finish her words, Chen Xuan's body disappeared in the air. When he reacted, he found that Chen Xuan had appeared behind him. Chen Xuan was thinking of Xuan Li Jue, and there was a hint of bloom on his body. Silk sparks slammed into the black robe leader like lightning.

The status of the black-robed leader in the blood demon is higher than that of the white-robed blood demon. Chen Xuan is not clear about the rank ranking in the black blood sect, but this time, the black blood sect has dispatched three black-robed leaders, and their The strength is not weak.

  Chen Xuan can only drag a black-robed leader with Wang Lun. However, Liu Tianming dragged the two black-robed leaders alone, his cultivation level had reached the fifth level of the gods, and he had not lost his way against the two black-robed leaders.

On the other side, Chen Xuan felt a blood demon next to him suddenly rushed towards him. Chen Xuan bombarded the blood demon with a fist, and directly smashed the head of the blood demon. Before the cry came out, he saw that his hands had been separated.

  (End of this chapter)

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