Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2590: Fight against Gorefiend

  Chapter 2590 Fight against blood demon

Chen Xuan’s attack was indeed very powerful. They never thought that Chen Xuan’s Suzaku fire was so strong. The Suzaku flame burned their bodies directly, and the guards who were fighting with these gorefiends only felt that this group of white-robed gorefiends The strength of their bodies is very strong, almost invulnerable. However, their physical strength is pediatric to Chen Xuan. Just scratching their bodies with a prairie sword directly burned their bodies.

  In a blink of an eye, they had already been fighting for half an hour, and the scene had reached the hottest moment. Chen Xuan and Wang Lun both dragged down the blood demon leader who had reached the sixth level of the gods.

After more than two hours, Chen Xuan felt that the Vermillion Bird's fire within his body had changed for a while, and then Chen Xuan noticed that a flame suddenly burst out, and suddenly he attacked the leader of the black robe gorefiend. Of the past.

After so long of fighting, the black-robed Gorefiend leader had several more wounds on his body, and there was even one that was hit by Wang Lun. Wang Lun’s attack was very fierce. The black giant sword in his hand was normal. At that time, the body of the white-robed blood demon could be cut off directly, but his black giant sword chopped off the body of the black-robed blood demon leader, and actually only knocked his body away. I am afraid that the black-robed blood demon leader in front of him The strength of the body has surpassed that of the ordinary body.

   "I'm afraid this guy has exceeded the limit of the mortal body, but ordinary attacks can't break his defense. If we want to kill it, we can only think of other ways." Chen Xuan said.

  Wang Lun nodded. Just now when he concentrated the black giant sword in his hand on the body of the black-robed gorefiend leader, he had already discovered that his defense power was amazing. It must take a lot of effort to kill it.

However, Chen Xuan's Suzaku fire has not completely melted away. As long as he is stabbed by Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword, he believes that he can use the power of Suzaku to burn the body of the leader of the black robe gorefiend, and it can delay time at the worst. .

  I am afraid that these people from the Black Blood Sect did not expect that the Yunye Empire would attach such importance to Wukang Town. There are thousands of guards inside and outside, and they are still fighting against the White-robed Gorefiend.

  The fire light on Chen Xuan's body emerged once again, and bursts of golden light on his Liaoyuan sword were constantly swimming. Since Chen Xuan's Suzaku power entered the second stage, this situation has never happened.

Seeing the abnormal movement of the Liaoyuan Sword, Chen Xuan has already discovered that the opportunity has come before his eyes. Just now, Wang Lun dragged the body of the leader of the black robe gorefiend. With Wang Lun's current cultivation base, he has reached the fourth level of the gods, and Wang Lun The cultivation technique he cultivates is also very powerful. Wang Lun's physical strength can reach the limit of the mortal body without relying on the power of the demon soul. This is a very rare technique.

It is precisely because of this that the two of them were able to hold the leader of the black-robed gorefiend, and Wang Lun actually blocked the attack of the leader of the black-robed goreman with the black giant sword in his hand. Chen Xuan spotted the opportunity and stared at the Liaoyuan in his hand. The sword approached the leader of the black robe gorefiend in an instant.

   A sword pierced out, and Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword immediately pierced into the mouth of the head of the Gorefiend.

The leader of the Gorefiend was obviously Chen Xuan who underestimated him. Although he felt that Chen Xuan was very fast, he was confident that Chen Xuan would not hurt him. He had escaped Chen Xuan's attack several times just now, but this time his There was surprise and regret in the corner of his eyes.

He thought that his defensive power could withstand Chen Xuan’s Suzaku fire, but now he only found that the flame was constantly burning his skin, and it could not be extinguished. The Suzaku fire could burn everything in front of him. And Chen Xuan couldn't control this kind of flame freely, so if he wanted to stop the Suzaku's fire, he had to cut off his limbs, otherwise he would not be able to stop the spread of the Suzaku's fire.

Sure enough, the look of horror on the black robe leader's collar, he also felt that he couldn't put out the Suzaku fire at all. There was an amazing look in the corner of his eyes, and he saw that his body was constantly burning by the flames. The leader of the black robe slammed into Chen Xuan, and directly knocked Chen Xuan away.

  The flame burned on Chen Xuan's body, and the black robe leader showed a squalid smile on his face: "Hahaha, even if you kill Lao Tzu, I will die with you!"

   Chen Xuan showed a sneer on his face, gently waving his palm, and the flames burning on his body was extinguished.

This flame can only be controlled by Chen Xuan, and no one else can control it freely. In order to extinguish the flame on his body, in addition to cutting off his own limbs, there is also to let Chen Xuan personally take the flame back. This Suzaku fire is actually It was the profound energy in Chen Xuan's body that formed this amazing flame after layers of transformations.

Chen Xuan’s speed was too fast just now. Although he also wanted to guard against Chen Xuan’s attack, Wang Lun in front of him had already stuck him firmly, which caused him to be stabbed by Chen Xuan’s Liaoyuan sword. There was a screaming scream from the mouth of the Chinese and Hungarians, and the leader of the six-layered black-robed gorefiend of God Sovereign was immediately killed.

  Chen Xuan's speed was so fast, the Liaoyuan Sword appeared in his hand again in the blink of an eye, and instantly attacked the other blood demons, directly splitting their bodies in half.

  As for the other blood demons who have reached the fourth level of the gods, Chen Xuan did not take the time to deal with them. Liu Tianming could kill them, so Chen Xuan immediately assisted other cultivators.

  The two Gorefiend leaders of the four gods and demons saw their eldest brother being killed by Chen Xuan and Wang Lun, their faces were surprised, and they couldn't believe it for a while.

At first, they only felt the strength of Chen Xuan and Wang Lun’s five-fold strength not higher than that of the gods, but now they can actually display such a high combat power, far exceeding their original estimates. Xuan’s current cultivation level is probably very close to the fourth level of the gods, especially the flames of the Vermillion Bird above Chen Xuan’s body can burn their bodies. Originally, the blood demon souls of their cultivators absorbed a large amount of monster blood to obtain The bones and defensive power of a monster, but Chen Xuan's flames can burn directly to their bodies, making their defensive power not worth mentioning in front of Chen Xuan.

All kinds of changes made them worry again. They thought that if a few hundred people were dispatched this time, they could easily take down Wukang Town, but they did not expect that there were many guards in Wukang Town. Most of the guards came from Black Rock City, and now Black Rock City has set Wukang Town as a key guard place, so the group sent thousands of guards.

Not to mention that there are several very powerful masters here. Chen Xuan's strength alone has reached the level of the gods, and Chen Xuan's real cultivation level can even reach the four peaks of the gods, and Wang Lun's cultivation is also the same. He has reached the strength of Shenjun and Chen Xuan.

Not to mention that there is also Liu Tianming on their side. Liu Tianming is also a very talented generation in the Yunye Empire. They can reach the five-fold realm of the gods at a young age, so they have completely gained the upper hand. Basically, not one blood demon with combat effectiveness was left.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan's body swiftly shuttled and came directly to the side of a white-robed blood demon. The tyrannical aura was pressed on the body of the white-robed blood demon like a mountain.

After seeing Chen Xuan coming, his face suddenly changed, but he had no time to dodge. Chen Xuan brought a burst of flame power when he shot it, and it spread over his body in the blink of an eye, and his heart I was very shocked, as if he had fallen to a low point. Facing Chen Xuan’s attack, he couldn’t avoid it at all, not to mention that Chen Xuan had completely suppressed him before he displayed his strength. In his eyes, Chen Xuan was like a **** of war, and he didn't dare to touch it at all.

The earth-shaking voice came from above Wukang Town, and Chen Xuan's profound energy exploded, directly burning the body of a white-robed gorefiend. Suddenly Chen Xuan approached the next target and directly took the other one. The body of the famous White-robed Gorefik was knocked out, one after another, causing the White-robed Gorefi to flee when seeing Chen Xuan.

  This is Chen Xuan's current strength, and the ordinary god-sovereign realm is not his opponent at all.

Wang Lun also waved the black giant sword in his hand, constantly shuttled in the crowd, every time he waved the black giant sword in his hand, he killed a white-robed gorefiend. Most of these white-robed gorefiends were powerful. Above the five layers of gods and demons.

And most of the strength of these guards stayed around the second layer of the gods and demons. Seeing Chen Xuan and Wang Lun as if they were in a man’s realm, they were immediately attracted by Chen Xuan and Wang Lun. The bodies of the two people above the sky are constantly changing, and it takes only one move to kill a white-robed gorefiend. For them, as long as they can reach Chen Xuan's current cultivation base, they will feel extremely proud.

   Chen Xuan's current strength is very powerful, and the Liaoyuan sword is constantly slashing, killing a dozen white-robed gorefiends in a blink of an eye.

  The most powerful blood demons in black robes have been dragged by them, especially Chen Xuan and Wang Lun together to kill the most powerful blood demons who reached the sixth level of the realm of gods.

As soon as he joined the battle here, he immediately reversed the situation. After more than two hours, Chen Xuan continued to behead the White-robed Gorefiend, seeing that his leader had been killed, this group of white-robed goblins. The blood demons dispersed immediately, and the scene now was almost exactly the same as when they attacked Wukang Town last time. All the leaders were killed, and this group of white-robed blood demons could not resist Chen Xuan and Wang Lun's pursuit.

  However, the location of the battle this time was at the outermost periphery of Wukangzhen. Just now, Chen Xuan had told them to fight outside of Wukang Town to prevent the center of the town from being affected.

After several battles in Wukang Town, it was already ruined. It couldn't stop the battle between them. Especially Chen Xuan's Suzaku fire could burn everything in front of him. If you didn't pay attention to Chen Xuan, it would be very bad. It is possible to burn this small town, especially when he was fighting, he didn't notice what was happening around him at all, maybe he accidentally burned the mysterious fire to Wukang Town.

   Seeing Chen Xuan easily slay these white-robed monsters, many guards suddenly became excited. Although they were not the opponents of the white-robed goblins in front of them, they still rushed away without hesitation.

  Chen Xuan had established full prestige in their hearts, and saw that Chen Xuan had rushed forward, and the guards behind Chen Xuan followed closely behind them, launching a final fierce attack on the white-robed gorefiend.

  As if to feel that he has gone, the remaining white-robed gorefiends began to escape.

  After more than half an hour, after seeing that the White-robed Gorefiend had all been killed by them, Chen Xuan once again used the fire of the Vermillion Bird to burn all the blood-dead's corpses.

The blood demon souls they cultivated are very weird, and there are even a few demon beasts that can even leave a trace of consciousness after being killed, but this consciousness is not themselves, but the power of the demon soul, and The power of this demon soul is even more cruel. If you don't kill them, it will definitely harm other people.

  (End of this chapter)

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