Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2592: Nangonghan

   Chapter 2592 Nangong Han

  Many disciples are observing Nangong Han, and there is a trace of respect in the corner of their eyes. In this world, everyone only respects the strong. As long as you are strong enough, others will respect you.

  However, everyone in the Yunyemen has heard of the name Nangonghan. He had been in retreat a few months ago, and he had also been transferred from the western part of the empire to Lu Yucheng.

  At this time, Nangong Han slowly stretched out his arms and gave birth to a lazy waist. The light flicked through the corner of his eyes. Then, he saw that many disciples were staring at him closely.

  Now Nangong can still fully feel the changes that have come from within a few miles. When he slowly opened his eyes, he found that three spiritual powers were coming from a distance, and Nangong Han immediately moved in that direction.

  Li Qiuyu saw that he did not attack Li Qing, and rolled on the ground, avoiding Li Qing's palm.

  Li Qing showed a smirk on the collar, and slapped Li Qiuyu away with a palm.

  Li Qiuyu's Hungarian mouth is constantly ups and downs, and now Li Qiuyu's cultivation has just entered the realm of the gods, facing Li Qing's attack, Li Qiuyu can't resist at all, and looks very miserable.

   "Little girl, I have told you not to try to challenge me. Now Chen Xuan has been killed. If you don't listen to me, you will be over." Li Qing said grimly.

At this moment, a figure suddenly drew across the sky. A young man dressed in a light blue robe stood on a house. There was a hint of cold air on his body, faint. The ice blue light radiated from his body.

  "Stop it to me, our disciples in the Cloud Yemen can't fight each other, have you forgotten? Li Qing?" Nangong said coldly.

   Immediately afterwards, she saw an icy breath lingering on his body.

Nangonghan is also a genius in the Yunye Empire, and Li Qing has also dealt with Nangonghan, but Nangonghan’s current cultivation has already surpassed Li Qing. Although Li Qing is very jealous, he can’t do anything, because Li Qing now He is directly affiliated with the royal family and has more power than him.

   "Nangong Han, I didn't expect that you have been in retreat for so long, and your strength has only increased by two levels, but I advise you to leave it alone. You'd better leave it alone with my Li Qing."

There was a hint of coldness on Nangonghan’s face. He also knew that Li Qing’s uncle was Li Zhuoqun, who was also one of the elders in the Cloud Yemen. He could run wild in the entire Yunyemen, and he would not treat others at all. In the eyes, Nangonghan was also attacked by him at the beginning, but fortunately, Nangonghan's talent was so outstanding that he was finally appreciated by the master, and Li Qing did not continue to entangle him.

"Let’s not say that our disciples are not allowed to fight with each other, not to mention that you, as a man, would bully a woman. It’s really embarrassing." Nangonghan was full of righteousness, and there was a wave of icy air. Constantly surrounding her body.

Now Nangonghan is very angry. Although he and Li Qing also have some holidays, Nangonghan has long been unable to understand Li Qing's consistent arrogance and domineering. As soon as he came out of retreat, he felt Li Qing's powerful spiritual power continue to bloom. So he followed all the way, never expecting to see Li Qing bullying a woman here.

As Nangonghan arrived here, many other disciples came to this mountain one after another, but they did not dare to contact Li Qing. They all knew that Li Qing had a bad temper. If they were too close, it was very likely. court disaster.

Li Qing squinted her eyes, her body suddenly released a spiritual power. She did not expect that Nangonghan would directly suppress his actions with spiritual power, and after Nangonghan left the customs, her strength did not improve much, but this The force of extreme cold made Li Qing feel very dangerous.

Although Li Qing is very jealous of Nangonghan's power, he can't get rid of Nangonghan now. After Nangonghan was in retreat, he has never found a chance. Now that he sees Nangonghan coming out of the retreat, his strength has increased so obviously. Now he I have already thought that I must find an opportunity to get rid of Nangong Han.

  "Don't worry too much about this matter. Although you are directly in charge now, you are not a member of our Yunye Empire after all. The royal family has to weigh and weigh if you want to use you." Li Qing said coldly.

  Many onlookers' disciples saw Li Qiuyu lying on the ground, so this group of disciples began to talk a lot.

   "Look, isn't that Li Qiuyu." A disciple said.

   "Really, but how could Li Qiuyu get hurt? Could it be that Li Qing was injured?"

"This Li Qing usually relies on his own power to go wild. I am afraid that he wants to be as angry as Li Qiuyu, but he was discovered by Brother Nangong. If Brother Nangong did not find out in time, I am afraid Li Qiuyu would be in danger. "The other disciple said.

At the same time, Chen Xuan was ready to go to the Black Rock Forest to search for the whereabouts of the White Demon, but now he suddenly felt a bad feeling surrounding him. Chen Xuan couldn’t say this feeling, but just let him. He felt uncomfortable.

  Because of this, Chen Xuan was still absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, but he suddenly stopped his movements and turned his gaze to the north, where it was Lu Yucheng.

  Chen Xuan did not know why this feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.

   "This feeling is really weird. I have never felt this way before." Chen Xuan said inwardly.

Chen Xuan frowned tightly. After so many things, Chen Xuan could already be like a rock, but he didn't expect such waves to appear in his heart. This feeling he has It hasn't appeared for a long time.

  What Chen Xuan didn't know was that he could slightly perceive the changes in the world, but Chen Xuan did not.

Two cold glows appeared in Chen Xuan's eyes. It originally wanted to go to the Black Rock Forest to search for the whereabouts of the White Demon, but Chen Xuan was in a very bad mood now. This feeling of restlessness made Chen Xuan very uneasy. Chen Xuan only felt that something very bad was happening, but Chen Xuan didn't know where it came from.

Wang Lun felt the change in Chen Xuan’s expression. The two of them had been working together for nearly a year. It was the first time that Chen Xuan had such an expression. In his heart, Chen Xuan was sometimes very belly. He was dark, but he handled things in an orderly manner. Even in the face of the attack of the Gorefiend, Chen Xuan did not read obvious tension on his face. Even no matter how dangerous things were, Chen Xuan could face it calmly, but today The muscles on Chen Xuan's face seemed to condense together, which was obviously different from the past.

   "What happened?" Wang Lun asked.

  Wang Lun now thinks that Chen Xuan is worried that he can't deal with the white devil. After all, the white devil's cultivation is very strong. They and Yu Wenqiu have also encountered the white devil in the forest, but they were almost crushed by the white devil.

  Chen Xuan shook his head gently, and did not answer Wang Lun’s question. Even Chen Xuan himself did not know where this feeling came from.

  Wang Lun suddenly said: "No matter what, we still have to go to the riverside forest to find the trace of the White Demon, otherwise we will have no chance."

"It's not wrong. If the White Demon is not found, it will allow him to successfully summon the Black Blood Demon. By then, his cultivation level will be improved, and it is very likely that other Blood Demon will be summoned by him. , And their summoning rituals require the efforts of many people. If we don’t find it, the neighborhood of Black Rock City will be integrated into a slaughterhouse. Now our only chance is to go to the Black Shadow Forest to treat them The nest has been found." Chen Xuan said.

  Although he said that, Chen Xuan's mood was still very messy, which prevented him from calming down.

  Chen Xuan knew very well that this was not because of the White Devil, but Chen Xuan always felt that this feeling made him feel very strange.

  The next morning, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun flew directly in the direction of Black Rock City, rushing to Black Rock City at their speed, and it only took more than half an hour.

  In the city lord’s mansion in Black Rock City, a middle-aged man was pacing back and forth in the hall with anxiety on his face. It took a few minutes before he saw a servant rushing to him.

  The middle-aged man immediately walked up to the servant: "Hurry up, are they there yet?"

   "It's here!"

The middle-aged man’s eyes suddenly brightened. They have already prepared the personnel for this operation, but they are the only ones who lack Chen Xuan and Wang Lun. Their achievements in Wukang Town have long been heard in the dark. In the rock city, and now in the black rock city, there is very little manpower, only Chen Xuan and Wang Lun are very powerful, and he is not fully sure, and he will definitely not go to the forest to search for the trail of the white devil.

  Because he had sent several guards a few days ago, but not many have survived now, only a dozen people are left.

Not long after, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun walked in toward the center of the hall, and the middle-aged man and several servants immediately stood up to greet each other.

   "You are Chen Xuan and Wang Lun, right?" the middle-aged man said.

  Chen Xuan nodded and said: "Yes."

"I've heard of the names of the two of you a long time ago. At the beginning, the monsters in the Black Shadow Forest became violent. It was because you went inside. Later I heard that both of you participated in the Tianyuan Palace. I did not expect that now I am I just saw you. To make a long story short, we have now found out that the White Demon is indeed in the forest, and in a few days he will perform sacrifice rituals in the Black Rock Mountains. It is very likely that he will launch attacks on other towns. We have already prepared the manpower, just waiting for you two." The city lord said.

The city lord was very solemn when he spoke. He also knew that Chen Xuan and Wang Lun already had a certain reputation, and that Chen Xuan's own cultivation was not weak, not to mention that Chen Xuan still had very deep potential, he naturally I really want to meet Chen Xuan.

  After a while, Liu Tianming walked out of the next room. After seeing Chen Xuan, his eyes lit up and he immediately walked towards the two of them.

   "Now our people are ready, let's go to the Black Rock Mountains now." Liu Tianming said.

"Okay, I guess the number of blood demons this time should be small. As a captain of the Black Blood Sect, the White Demon is already thinking of ways to summon the dark blood demons. We must hurry up and find him now, otherwise it is true. Let him summon the Dark Gorefiend, then we are in trouble." Chen Xuan said.

  Liu Tian couldn’t wait to wait, and it was almost noon now, so they stopped talking nonsense and walked directly towards the Black Rock Mountain Range.

  The number of people they launched this time is not many, only Chen Xuan, Wang Lun, Liu Tianming, and three masters who have also reached the fourth level of the gods.

Chen Xuan had already been to the Black Shadow Mountains before, and naturally knew how to go in the Black Rock Mountains. Moreover, the Black Shadow Mountains were located on the border of Black Rock County. There were not many beasts living nearby. They prepared this time. Detouring from the Black Shadow Mountains to the Black Shadow Forest was much faster than if they entered directly through the entrance of the forest.

  (End of this chapter)

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