Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2593: Destroy the White Demon Altar

   Chapter 2593 Destroy the White Demon Altar

However, it is not easy for the Black Shadow Mountains to reach the inside of the Black Shadow Forest, because at the junction of the Black Shadow Mountains and the Black Forest, the terrain is very sinister, and the atmosphere is filled with evil all day long. There are no trees in that place. Growth has almost become a Jedi. Ordinary people can’t survive in that kind of place at all, and Warcraft rarely go to that kind of place. Now there are not many people who dare to pass. When Chen Xuan and the others walked around this canyon In the past, they suddenly felt a cold murderous aura flowing into their bodies.

"This place is indeed likely to be the hiding place of these guys, but we are still looking ahead. I haven't noticed any breath just now. If they really hide here, I can definitely feel their body emanating. Spiritual power." Chen Xuan said.

   Looking far away, there is a black haze entwining here above the canyon. If it is a weak person, it may not be able to bear this biting breath.

   "How can this place be so weird." Chen Xuan asked.

   "It seems that you don't know something. This was the place where the Black Blood Sect was slaughtered back then. Thousands of people were killed here. I didn't expect them to make a comeback in this place." Liu Tianming said.

In this barren land, flowers and plants do not grow, everyone feels that the body is very cold, but this has almost no effect on Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan has now understood the fire of the Vermillion Bird, the spiritual power in his body is surging, and every piece of body is surging. The muscles are full of Suzaku fire, and every breath on the body is very strong and yang.

  However, Wang Lun was obviously affected by these auras. Fortunately, they were so fast that they had already passed through the canyon in the blink of an eye.

  When they came to the inside of the forest, they directly felt a cold breath coming from a distance, so everyone directly followed this breath to the past.

  However, they have been searching in the forest for many days, but they still haven’t found any traces of the gorefiend, but they will not question the authenticity of the news.

  Chen Xuan had already been here before. At the beginning, he met the White Demon in the cave and stole one of his pills.

While on the road, Chen Xuan's heart was always very disturbed. He always felt that the demon soul in his body had something to do with the white demon. Although Chen Xuan did not want to admit it, when he recalled that his demon soul appeared in his body, it was him. When coming out of the cave.

  This kind of coincidence made Chen Xuan have to wonder whether it was because he had eaten that pill that he had the power of the demon soul in his body.

  As they continued to look forward, a powerful breath suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

  At that moment, they saw a very large monster. This monster was not only huge in size, but also the aura exuding from its body was very terrifying.

   "No way, it seems that we are lucky enough to be able to meet a beast that has reached the level of the Sixth Lord of God in this place." A man said.

  Chen Xuan carefully looked at the monster in front of him. The fangs of this monster had grown out of his mouth, his nostrils were turned outwards, and his huge eyes were like lanterns. Lord-level monsters were obviously not that easy to deal with.

At the same time, on a rock in the Black Shadow Forest, a very tall man with a terrifying breath exuded his body. A pale-skinned man was standing on top of an altar, and around the altar there was still a body draped. Gorefiends in white robes are around his body.

Moreover, they are rushing in the direction that exudes a strange aura. Chen Xuan's spiritual power feels very accurate. He can clearly perceive a strange aura interspersed in the forest. This aura makes Chen Xuan feel in the mood. Very dignified, so he greeted everyone to walk towards the inside of the forest.

At this time, Chen Xuan and the others were still walking forward, and they had been deep into the forest for dozens of miles. Before that, Chen Xuan hadn't entered the forest so deep, but this time the black air was permeated in the Dark Shadow Forest, and there was a faint strangeness. The breath of's passed into their nostrils. After smelling these breaths, everyone's body revealed an unnatural state.

  This kind of aura seems to have been arranged by the people of the Black Blood Sect. The closer they get to the interior of the forest, the more they feel the black mist thicker.

   "Well, these are probably not ordinary mists. If we inhale it, it is likely to cause a burden on the body." A man said.

Chen Xuan nodded, and he also found the black mist that filled the forest, revealing a weird aura, but Chen Xuan couldn't avoid inhaling the gas into his body now, I am afraid they have not yet reached the altar. , The spiritual power in the body is about to run out.

  "Quickly expel these gases, otherwise it is very likely that they will discover our existence." Wang Lun said suddenly.

  Chen Xuan nodded again, and directly expelled the black gas. Then Chen Xuan took out a few pills from his storage ring. When they saw the pill that Chen Xuan took out, they showed a hint of curiosity on their faces. None of these people thought that Chen Xuan would actually refine them. Elixirs.

   "If you take these pills, you will be able to resist the black gas." Chen Xuan said flatly to everyone.

Wang Lun did his part, so he grabbed the pill in his hand and ate it. We trust Chen Xuan's alchemy technique very much. He had eaten the pill made by Chen Xuan before, and that kind of pill can make Wang Lun also Condensed the power of the demon soul, and the side effects of this power brought her significantly reduced.

  The pill that can improve the cultivation base does not have such a big side effect, and Wang Lun only knows Chen Xuan.

  After seeing Wang Lun taking the pill, everyone else took the pill in their own hands and ate it.

  After they took the pill, they suddenly felt that there was a shocking profound energy coming from their bodies. This power only took the black gas that permeated them and expelled all of them out of their bodies.

Everyone looked at Chen Xuan’s eyes with surprise. The ability to refine this kind of pill is enough to show that Chen Xuan’s alchemy techniques are already very powerful. They have only seen Chen Xuan’s ability to refine a gas-repelling pill. Xuan can do it.

  A few people continued to walk forward. Chen Xuan walked in the forefront. Now that Chen Xuan had completely concealed the Vermillion Bird's land within his body, he didn't know whether the White Demon could discover his aura.

The last time he and Wang Lun were performing the mission of the Demon Hunter Guild in the forest, they were discovered by the White Demon. At the beginning, Chen Xuan was very curious about how the White Demon locked him. Although the White Demon did not continue to appear later, Chen Xuan did. Never relaxed.

The journey was fairly calm. They didn’t encounter any beasts, and the blood demons did not appear in the middle of the forest. So they went straight into the forest. Chen Xuan had never walked this road before, so he walked cautiously. At the forefront, at this moment Chen Xuan turned around and said to everyone.

  "Did you see the cliff in front? As long as we turn over from this place, we can directly enter the interior. I feel that breath is emitted from the front."

Everyone nodded one after another. They all condensed their breath and walked forward step by step. When they reached the top of the cliff, they saw a path leading to the depths of the forest, so they continued to move forward. walk.

Now it’s late at night, in the Dark Shadow Forest, you can’t see your fingers, the towering trees block all the light, and Chen Xuan now dare not use the power of the Vermillion Bird to illuminate his surroundings. If he displays the power of the protagonist, it is very It may attract the attention of this group of blood demons. If this group of blood demons discovers the full strength of Chen Xuan's body, they will encircle Chen Xuan.

  This is what Chen Xuan didn't want to see. Just as Chen Xuan continued to walk forward, he suddenly felt a force radiating from a distance, and everyone took their breath.

   Seeing the flames coming from the front, Chen Xuan immediately mobilized his profound power perception, realizing how many blood demons there were in front of him.

Although the blackness of the forest is heavy, but under the firelight ahead, a black altar stands in the middle. These people of the Black Blood Sect bow down on the ground according to their strength levels. Everyone dare not look up, and On the altar, Chen Xuan saw a familiar figure, it was the white demon.

However, there was a man beside the White Demon. Chen Xuan couldn't see his face clearly. Today, she can only see clearly that she is wearing a large red robe. Against the backdrop of the night light, the surroundings of this altar look terrifying. There was tension on everyone's faces.

The white demon on the altar was sitting cross-legged, closing his eyes tightly, and a trace of red profound energy exuded around her, which looked very strange, and there was a blush on his lips, which was directly blushing. He put the body of a woman next to him in the air.

  The girl seemed to have lost her consciousness, and her body slowly floated on the altar. Chen Xuan looked at them without blinking.

At this time, there were many sacrifices beside the altar, all of them were young girls, but there was a faint red smoke on their bodies. The smoke wrapped the bodies of these young girls, and they were now in a coma. status.

   "When shall we do it?" Wang Lun said suddenly.

  Everyone's eyes were placed on the group of girls, and they all knew that these guys from the Black Blood Sect would sacrifice the blood of these girls to the Black Blood Demon.

  However, Chen Xuan has not acted rashly yet. He still does not know what realm the White Demon's cultivation has reached.

After a full ten minutes, he saw that the white demon's body suddenly appeared with red blood vessels, and the body exuded a terrifying aura. Chen Xuan clearly felt that his strength was even higher than before. Some, but Chen Xuan couldn't stop the White Demon's cultivation level.

   "The White Demon is difficult to deal with, and we are not sure that we can defeat him now. Rushing shots will definitely bring us danger, so we can only wait a little longer." Chen Xuan replied.

There was a hint of killing intent in Chen Xuan’s eyes. He wanted to kill the White Demon now, but he was often not sure that he could defeat them. After all, there were hundreds of people in this group of Black Blood Sect, and their strength was not bad. Not to mention, Chen Xuan felt that the strength of the man next to the White Demon was also very strong, and Chen Xuan's current cultivation base was not enough to deal with the two of them.

  What's more, the black atmosphere is permeating in the forest now. For Chen Xuan, fighting in such a place will greatly reduce his cultivation.

But everyone was staring nervously at the girls who were about to be sacrificed. Chen Xuan also knew that if you delay any longer, it is very likely that these women will be killed, but these hundreds of white robes The blood demons were densely arranged in front, making Chen Xuan's scalp feel numb.

   "I'm afraid they haven't discovered our existence yet, and I'm afraid this group of blood demons have not yet begun to sacrifice. This is an opportunity for us." Chen Xuan said.

  (End of this chapter)

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