Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2594: The sacrifice begins

  Chapter 2594 Sacrifice begins

Chen Xuan knows very well that now they do not have the advantage, so if they want to win, they cannot defeat them by force. Now they can only rely on strategy to win. If they go up and fight with them, it is very likely that Chen Xuan will be able to win. Burial here.

"That's not wrong. We must not act rashly now. Since we have now discovered that the White Devil is here, we have enough time to figure out a way to deal with him. Moreover, if we act rashly now, it is very likely to cause their siege." Liu Tianming said.

During their conversation, there was already a trace of red spiritual power flowing out of the bodies of several girls, and then the bodies of these girls instantly shriveled, and the blood gathered in the air, condensed into a sphere, and finally fell. On top of the black altar.

   "It seems that they want to summon the Black Blood Demon and need a lot of girl's blood. Now we can only wait a little longer." Chen Xuan said indifferently.

Sometimes someone has to make sacrifices. For Chen Xuan, life is no longer that important in his eyes. Although the lives of these young girls are very precious, Chen Xuan has always had a bigger task to do. If Chen Xuan rashly attacked him, it would very likely cause Black Rock City to fall into crisis.

  For the current Black Rock City, if any of them is killed, it will bring disaster to Black Rock City. Not only did they fail to kill the White Devils, but they would also be buried here.

  Chen Xuan is now the captain of the team, and everyone is convinced by him. It is precisely because of Chen Xuan's calm and powerful strength shown in Wukang Town that he can win everyone's respect.

If Chen Xuan was only a divine monarch with dual strength before, many people would obviously not obey Chen Xuan’s orders. However, what Chen Xuan said now is indeed correct. They suddenly rushed over, and they are likely to be attacked by the Black Blood Sect. People are killed.

  They were observing the sacrificial activities in the dark, and Chen Xuan could hear the breathing of a man next to him began to become a little fast.

  Wait for more than an hour, it was midnight, and now they couldn't see what happened before, and the black mist completely covered their eyes.

  "We are walking forward. Otherwise, we can't see exactly what they are doing." Wang Lun said.

  Chen Xuan nodded. They could not see clearly what was happening ahead, which was very unfavorable for them.

When Chen Xuan and the others walked to a stone, they found that the man next to the White Demon was actually a skeleton, with no skin on his body. Then the White Demon slowly opened his eyes, the black mist in the entire forest. Suddenly it spread, and there was a gloomy wind.

  Chen Xuan clearly saw that the sky was covered by black clouds, and finally stayed on top of the black altar, setting off the White Demon to be very strange and gloomy.

The white-robed blood demon originally knelt on the ground, and seeing the moon’s gradually changing color, these people’s faces were all surprised. They all stood up from the ground and started cheering. For the white-robed blood demon, this kind of breath The best practice for them.

The White Demon’s thick voice suddenly came out, and then the White Demon slowly shook his arm, a black smoke burst out of his body, and merged with the dark cloud above his head, followed by Chen Xuan saw a terrifying face appeared on his body.

Chen Xuan obviously felt a few winds blowing from her ears, and now several girls have been sacrificed. Chen Xuan and the others raised their heads and looked at the strange big face emerging next to the white demon, and they suddenly turned towards Two steps back.

There was a strange body on the faces of these gorefiends who stood up, and then they condensed a drop of blood from their palms. These blood is their condensed menstrual blood. I saw these menstrual blood constantly in the air. Floating, finally gathered with the blood of these girls, condensing towards the center of the black altar.

The blood floated continuously. The white demon waved his hands. The blood floated continuously in the air, and finally all gathered in the center of the black altar. Now the black altar has completely turned blood red. Against the background of the smoke, it looked terrifying.

  The big face behind the White Demon also made a few gloomy laughs.

   Chen Xuan looked like a sword, and noticed the smile on the black face.

The black blood demon was one of the captains of the black blood sect, and the white demon was also the captain of the black blood sect. Now he is using this method to resurrect his comrades of the year. This is a very cruel method. These guys actually need so much human blood to resurrect.

Chen Xuan's face suddenly became gloomy. He had never seen such a cruel way before. He could only be described as frenzied. The entire forest was filled with black smoke. In this case, everyone was They began to feel nervous, and they didn't know if they had been discovered by the blood demons.

  The white demon's face showed a hideous color, and the blood directly gathered in the center of the altar.

  At this time, the White Demon suddenly closed his eyes, and a rain of blood suddenly fell in the sky. There was a buzzing sound on the altar. All the blood demon knelt down again, muttering words.

   Chen Xuan felt that he could not wait any longer. He originally wanted to wait for the blood demons to disperse before launching an attack, but he did not expect that they were resurrecting a black blood demons.

"Now we have only one way. I am afraid that we can no longer save these people. For now, let alone the life and death of these women. I am afraid that they cannot completely resurrect the black blood demon on the altar. Now we will destroy the altar first. If it can’t be destroyed, we have to find a way to attract the White Demon. I feel that the strength of the white skeleton may also be very powerful. You will deal with the white skeleton first.” Chen Xuan said to the other three men.

The three of them nodded, and then Chen Xuan said to Liu Tianming and Wang Lun: "You two will follow me, and we will deal with the White Demon together. Although the White Demon’s cultivation base is strong, the three of us do not add up. He will definitely be defeated, and he is currently busy offering sacrifices, and I am afraid he can't spare his hands. This is the best opportunity for us.

After   's command was completed, Chen Xuan's body was the first to rush out. In the blink of an eye, the power of the protagonist on Chen Xuan's body filled his body, and the sound of howling came from his body.

   A roar suddenly sounded, and the powerful spiritual power seemed to be overwhelming, generally bombarding the top of the black altar.

The   Liaoyuan sword was exerted to its extreme by Chen Xuan. A fiery red sword aura drew a dazzling light in the dark forest, directly attacking the top of the altar.

  The white devil cannot move his body now. If he does move, it is very likely that the sacrifice will be interrupted forcibly, and it will even cause some damage to his body.

  Chen Xuan spared no effort to display his most powerful attack, and the power of the demon soul was also fully displayed, and a fire light directly hit the top of the black altar.


The response of the altar shattered, and the White Demon opened his eyes and saw Chen Xuan, with ferocious anger in the corner of her eyes.

   "It's you!?" The White Demon screamed out of anger and rushed towards Chen Xuan with a palm. The red palm was like a big mountain, and Chen Xuan couldn't dodge and was blown out.

"Boy, I didn't expect that I would still meet you here. I let you go, but now you are still looking for my troubles. It's really hard to live and die, and you actually ate my pill, you Do you know what the pill you ate? I will refine your body today!" The White Demon said grimly.

  Although Chen Xuan was knocked out just now, but after passing, the body tempered by the demon soul was already very powerful, so the body was not traumatized.

  The corners of his eyes were filled with spirits, Chen Xuan's aura was like a rainbow, and the Liaoyuan Sword suddenly appeared, and once again attacked the White Demon.

   "Kill him for me!" The White Demon roared angrily

   Suddenly several white-robed blood demons surrounded Chen Xuan, but the cultivation of these three white-robed blood demons had just entered the realm of gods.

There was a sneer on Chen Xuan’s face, the power of the demon soul in her body was constantly agitating, and the power of the Vermillion Bird radiated a ray of intense fire from Chen Xuan’s Liaoyuan sword. The realm of ordinary gods is not at all. Chen Xuan's opponent.

Moreover, although the cultivation bases of these white-robed gorefiends are very powerful, they can easily burn their bodies against Chen Xuan's Vermillion Bird's power. Between the electric light and flint, Chen Xuan took these three Gorefiend was killed.

Both Wang Lun and Liu Tianming followed up quickly. The weapons in their hands cut out bright arcs and launched a fierce attack towards the surrounding white-robed gorefiends. Wang Lun’s attack was the most fierce, and his body was very strong. Majestic, rushing into the middle of the white-robed gorefiend, as if no one is in a realm, continuously beheading the surrounding enemies.

  Wang Lun was holding a black giant sword in his hands and ramming, and he could kill a white gorefiend with one arrow.

  The White Demon obviously didn't expect that they would be killed in the middle of the road, and all this happened too suddenly.

  Not to mention these white-robed gorefiends. They thought their boss White Demon was here, and no one would dare to find them, but Chen Xuan really dared to come to this place to kill them.

  You must know that they have a large-scale influence here, and there are thousands of them, but Chen Xuan and the others really dare to come to this place to challenge them.

   "These guys are so tired of their lives, they dare to come to this place to challenge us, wait a minute to see how Lord White Devil killed it!"

  These white demons all yelled, with soaring anger on their faces and attacked Chen Xuan. Under Chen Xuan's leadership, they immediately attacked the white-robed blood demons.

Wang Lun kept slashing and slashing the black giant sword in his hand. Astonishing profound strength was transmitted from his black giant sword. The average gorefiend was not his opponent at all, as long as he was hit by the black giant sword in his hand. When he arrives, he will be cut in half directly, not to mention that those white-robed blood demons whose strength is only reached the realm of gods and demons.

   Suddenly, the battle became anxious, and the corner of the white demon's eyes was filled with violent killing intent.

The white skull next to    also showed a hideous color, but he couldn't use facial expressions to describe the white skull. From his voice, it could be heard that the white skull was also extremely angry.

A miserable scream cut through the night sky. A white-robed gorefi who had just entered the realm of God Sovereign died under Chen Xuan’s Liaoyuan sword. After a few breaths, Chen Xuan had already killed several people. White robe gorefiend.

Chen Xuan’s attack caused a hint of panic on the faces of this group of blood demons, and even the other three men showed a look of surprise. They did not expect Chen Xuan’s cultivation to be so powerful, although one At first they heard about Chen Xuan’s glorious history in Wukang Town, but they had not personally seen Chen Xuan’s cultivation base, and they were only aware of the profound power emanating from Chen Xuan’s body, and only stayed at the second god. Heavy realm, but he can easily kill blood demons of the same level, which shows that Chen Xuan's grasp of strength has far surpassed them.

  (End of this chapter)

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