Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2599: Good harvest

  Chapter 2599 A bumper harvest

  Now Chen Xuan's physical strength has reached the limit of the mortal body, while Wang Haotian's physical strength only stayed at the peak of the mortal body.

Under the back shock, Wang Haotian's body was actually knocked out by Chen Xuan. Although Chen Xuan was also knocked into the air, Chen Xuan's body was calm and composed, but Wang Haotian was different. Just now, Chen Xuan approached him. By his side, he didn't react at all, and now he only felt that Chen Xuan's attack shook his arm numb.

"This kid's physical strength is actually so strong. I don't know if it is because of the demon soul's cultivation. Now that I have already had an enemy with this kid, I should kill him as soon as possible. He will kill him, and then this kid will grow up to a very strong point." Wang Haotian's eyes showed strong killing intent.

At this moment, Wang Haotian's face suddenly changed, because he felt that his arm was not only sore, but when he lowered his head, he saw his palm, which was actually burned by a faint flame. , These green flames continued to fill his arm like a spirit snake.

   "How can this kid's flames be so weird." A very surprised expression appeared in the corner of Lu Haotian's eyes.

  Wang Haotian hurriedly ran the spiritual power in his body, trying to expel the Vermillion Bird's fire, but he found that there was nothing he could do.

Is the fire of the Vermillion Bird a mortal thing, and Chen Xuan now combines the power of his Vermillion Bird with the spiritual power in his body. Now Chen Xuan has burned Wang Haotian with the flame. Even if Wang Haotian's cultivation is thinking about it, it is also very It is difficult to escape the attack of this profound fire, after all, Chen Xuan's Suzaku Fire's strength has reached the second level.

  Although Wang Haotian can expel the Vermillion Bird Fire, it cannot be removed in a short time.

   "Boy, you are so insidious!" Wang Haotian scolded angrily.

   However, Chen Xuan has always treated his enemies very cruelly. Even the master of the six-fold peak of the gods will be killed by Chen Xuan's Suzaku fire.

  Chen Xuan showed a faint smile, and his body was shocked.

In the blink of an eye, he rushed towards Wang Haotian again. Wang Haotian is now being burned by Chen Xuan's Suzaku fire. Even if he is immortal, his combat power will definitely decrease sharply, and Chen Xuan does not intend to let Wang Haotian go. Wang Haotian has provoke Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan will definitely find a way to kill it. In the Yunye Empire, Wang Haotian is also a rare genius. He can reach the six-fold realm of the **** at a young age. He may be able to further improve his cultivation and enter the gods at a young age. In the seventh level, once he really entered the seventh level of the gods, even Chen Xuan and Wang Lun would not necessarily be his opponents.

  So Chen Xuan would definitely not let it go. After all, letting him go would definitely leave him a disaster.

  Chen Xuan's body suddenly flew into the air, and layers of fire radiated from his body.

  A layer of formidable fire light radiated from above Chen Xuan's body and rushed directly towards Wang Haotian's body.

It can be seen that Chen Xuan already has a wing behind him, and this is Chen Xuan’s innate supernatural power. Now Chen Xuan has awakened Suzaku’s bloodline, and this supernatural power will continue to grow with Chen Xuan’s cultivation. It will become stronger and stronger, and the power of this flame is also hard to resist.

Wang Haotian's face changed drastically. Not only did he use half of his spiritual power to resist the erosion of the profound fire on his body, but also resist Chen Xuan's attack. What's more, Wang Lun was trying to use the black giant sword in his hand to activate him. Sneak attack.

  At this moment, his body flickered, and there was a golden scene in his hand. This long sword exudes a powerful force, which is hard to resist.

   Liu Tianming, who was watching the battle from a distance, also changed slightly. He did not expect that this would appear in Wang Haotian's hands.

It's no wonder that Wang Haotian is one of the geniuses of the Yunye Empire, and he can actually take out the high-grade long sword, but Chen Xuan is not worried, the weapon in his hand is not comparable to the Liaoyuan sword in Chen Xuan's hand.

But Liu Tianming felt very surprised. He would never have thought that Chen Xuan and Wang Lun could actually stop Wang Haotian. Although Chen Xuan’s cultivation and combat power seemed very inferior, Chen Xuan always had Unimaginable methods, it is these techniques that have given Chen Xuan the upper hand many times, and now Chen Xuan and Wang Lun seem to have signs of killing Wang Haotian.

  If Wang Lun and Chen Xuan could kill Wang Haotian today, it would be too shocking for him.

Lu Haotian yelled, waving his hand and saw that the blade in his hand sparked a silver-white light, blocking Chen Xuan’s flames outside, and Chen Xuan also felt the sword in his hand. Qi was sealing his Suzaku's fire, and in the blink of an eye he saw that the Suzaku's fire that Chen Xuan had just blasted out was knocked out.

  This is when Chen Xuangang wants to attack Lu Haotian, but he sees his body suddenly fleeing into the distance.

Lu Haotian actually ran away. Chen Xuan did not expect that he would run so fast. If this news spreads out, it would ruin Lu Haotian's reputation. After all, Lu Haotian is also one of the geniuses of the Yunye Empire. The two people who were not as good as him were scared off.

But Lu Haotian must run now. Lu Haotian's condition is very poor, and he also feels that Chen Xuan's cultivation is far beyond his imagination. If he does not run away, he will most likely be buried here, let alone Said that he still had flames in his hand, slowly burning his body, and now she only felt very painful, and the flame hadn't even reached his arm. He wanted to quickly remove the flame on the palm of his hand.

  When he was fighting Chen Xuan just now, he had been using his profound strength to resist the Vermillion Bird's fire.

However, Chen Xuan's speed is not vegetarian. The power of the demon soul has increased Chen Xuan's speed to the limit of a mortal body. In the blink of an eye, I saw Chen Xuan's body catching up with the fleeing Wang Haotian, and in Chen Xuan's hands, starting a prairie fire. The sword bloomed with dazzling light again.

The flames on the Liaoyuan Sword flickered and slashed towards Wang Haotian. If it were Wang Haotian in his heyday, he would certainly not be afraid of Chen Xuan’s attack. Now it’s different. He has received some minor injuries, and the flames are still burning him. In the palm of his hand, his combat effectiveness was no longer as good as before, and Yan Ran could no longer stop Chen Xuan's attack.

Wang Haotian was helpless, so he could only hold the long sword in his hand to block Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword. The powerful fire produced after the collision of the two weapons made the earth tremble and sent out a lot of sparks, forming a sea of ​​fire around them. .

  Wang Haotian's body seemed to be broken, and he flew out into the distance, spitting out a mouthful of blood. Wang Haotian felt that her current state was obviously not as good as before. Even Chen Xuan was able to knock her body away.

Now Wang Haotian feels very desperate. He originally wanted to teach Liu Tianming a lesson today, but he did not expect to encounter Chen Xuan, a metamorphosis whose strength far exceeds the same level, and he is actually suppressed by Chen Xuan. Lived, let alone Chen Xuan's speed so fast, he could catch up with her.

   Chen Xuan's speed increased again, holding the Liaoyuan Sword in his hand, and in a blink of an eye he rushed to the body of Wang Haotian who was knocked out by him.

  Wang Haotian felt that he could no longer escape Chen Xuan's attack range, he roared loudly, and then turned around. All the profound energy in his body once again gathered on the long sword in his hand, blocking the blade that Chen Xuan attacked.

With a bang, Wang Haotian and Chen Xuan's bodies both receded.

Immediately after Chen Xuan's face showed a strong killing intent, Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword launched a fierce attack against Wang Haotian. Under the battle of attrition, Chen Xuan has gradually taken over. The upper hand, and Wang Lun has also rushed over now and used the black giant sword to help Chen Xuan block Wang Haotian's desperate rebuttal.

  In the end, Wang Haotian couldn't resist Chen Xuan and Wang Lun's fierce attack. There were wounds all over his body. Now his breath had begun to scatter, becoming the end of the force. Facing the siege of Chen Xuan and Wang Lun, he was obviously no longer an opponent.

What's more, Chen Xuan’s Vermillion Bird's fire had already burned onto his arm, making his left hand unusable. Chen Xuan jumped to Wang Haotian’s side, and the Liaoyuan sword burst out with a faint light of fire and placed it on Wang Haotian’s neck. Above, as long as Chen Xuan exerts a little force, he can chop off his head.

  Liu Tianming also followed closely, and now his heart was extremely shocked, and he was shocked by the stormy sea.

He never thought that Chen Xuan and Wang Lun could defeat Wang Haotian. Although he had seen Chen Xuan and Wang Lun’s cultivation level before, surpassing practitioners of the same level, Wang Haotian’s cultivation level had been reached after all. Shenjun six peaks.

There is a level difference between the cultivators, and that is almost crushing each other. Although Chen Xuan and Wang Lun are two people, they are certainly not Wang Haotian’s opponents, not to mention that Wang Haotian himself is a member of the White Cloud Sect, in the world of Black Rock. Inside it is also a very powerful sect, and the cultivation techniques will definitely surpass other cultivators of the same level.

  But now Chen Xuan and Wang Lun have far exceeded his estimates. Liu Tianming knew that Wang Haotian must be finished now, and Chen Xuan would definitely kill it with his character.

   And this genius who has a certain reputation in the Yunye Empire, he definitely cannot escape here today. Chen Xuan will not let him go. Liu Tianming already knew Chen Xuan's methods in the previous battle.

Although Chen Xuan looks very easy-going on the surface, his mind is very meticulous. If someone provokes Chen Xuan, then Chen Xuan will definitely not let him go, and the most important thing is that the program's combat experience is still very good. The abundance can accurately estimate the gap between the enemy and ourselves.

  However, this kind of talent appeared in Chen Xuan's body. It is really hard to say what realm Chen Xuan's cultivation level can reach in the future.

  Furthermore, Chen Xuan's attack on Wang Haotian just now was all in his eyes. If it weren't for his experience, he would definitely not believe that Chen Xuan's Vermillion Bird's fire could actually cause damage to the masters of the Sixth Peak of God Sovereign.

  Even if he reached the sixth peak of the gods, he could not resist the burning of the Suzaku fire, which gave him a new understanding of Chen Xuan's Suzaku fire.

Forced into desperation, Wang Haotian spit out his painstaking efforts, looking at Liu Tianming behind him, and said, "Liu Tianming, it seems that I made a mistake in my estimation today. I didn’t expect you to hide behind these two boys. Hahaha, that’s true. coward."

   "You have too many words." Chen Xuan said coldly.

  The sharp blade slashed directly across Wang Haotian's neck, and blood flowed out of his body like a fountain. Chen Xuan slowly turned around, and then dried the blood on the blade.

   Liu Tianming showed a very surprised look on his face. He couldn't think that Chen Xuan actually killed Wang Haotian. Now Chen Xuan's reputation will definitely be passed on to the Yunye Empire again.

  Now Liu Tianming feels that Chen Xuan’s cultivation is comparable to the legendary first genius of the Yunye Empire. Of course, he just put this feeling in his heart and did not say it.

After killing Wang Haotian, Chen Xuan found the storage ring from his body, and then Chen Xuan opened the storage ring and found only a large number of crystal nuclei.

   Liu Tianming did not participate in this battle, so the contents of the storage ring were equally divided by Chen Xuan and Wang Lun.

  (End of this chapter)

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