Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2600: Extremely angry

  Chapter 2600 Extremely angry

But Wang Haotian never thought that he would die in this place as a generation of genius. Before he came, he would definitely not have thought that he would be killed by Chen Xuan. It would actually end in such a way that things are impermanent. Chen Xuan has long been Understand this truth.

  However, Chen Xuan and Wang Haotian are different in that Chen Xuan does not despise each of his opponents. If he ignores his opponents, it is likely to cause terrible consequences.

For example, Wang Haotian didn't put Chen Xuan and Wang Lun in his eyes at the beginning. He only thought that Chen Xuan's cultivation was still at the peak of the second stage of the gods, and Wang Lun's cultivation was not much higher than Chen Xuan's. He wanted to kill Chen Xuan and Wang Lun with his strength, it was definitely easy.

   But since he fought with Chen Xuan and Wang Lun, he found himself outrageously wrong.

Chen Xuan's thoughts penetrated directly into the storage ring. Chen Xuan discovered that his ring had not only a large number of crystal nuclei, but also a lot of magical elixir in it. Chen Xuan roughly calculated it and found that there are enough inside. With hundreds of thousands of crystal nuclei, this fortune exceeded Chen Xuan's imagination.

  Chen Xuan can refine a large number of pills with these crystal nuclei, and there are many elixir in his ring.

After all, Baiyun Sect is also good at refining pills, and the disciples among them know some alchemy. Chen Xuan met an elder of Baiyun Sect at the beginning, so he also knew that Baiyun Sect had a mountain specifically for planting pill. Wonderful grass.

  Not to mention that there were hundreds of thousands of purple crystal nuclei inside, which made Chen Xuan's face burst into laughter.

At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly saw more than a dozen precious medicinal materials in the corner of his storage ring. These medicinal materials are hundreds of years old, and their value must be very expensive, so Chen Xuan also took these The medicinal materials are in his storage ring.

  Wang Lun did not take the medicine, so Chen Xuan naturally took all these medicines back.

   "I didn't expect this guy to have so many things, he deserves to be one of the geniuses of the Yunye Empire, and getting these things will allow me to refine a lot of pills." Chen Xuan secretly said in his heart.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly discovered that there was a white book in it. When Chen Xuan took it out, he found that it was the Baiyunzong technique recorded on it.

  So Chen Xuan handed this technique to Liu Tianming. Liu Tianming originally wanted to refuse, but seeing Chen Xuan's serious look, he could only take it from Chen Xuan's hands.

  This exercise is basically useless for Chen Xuan and Wang Lun. Most of the exercises of Baiyunzong use swords, and although Wang Lun uses swords, its use of swords is different from others.

As for the strength of the Vermillion Bird that Chen Xuan cultivated, he couldn’t use this kind of technique, and the technique of Baiyunzong was just right for Liu Tianming. The weapon he used was almost the same as that of Wang Haotian, and Chen Xuan also held Wang Haotian in his hands. His very powerful weapon was also given to Liu Tianming.

  Therefore, Liu Tianming was also a little grateful to Chen Xuan. After all, Wang Haotian came to trouble him this time. However, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun not only helped him resolve the disaster, but also gave him many precious things.

   "Brother Chen, now you kill him, presumably the people of Baiyun Sect will definitely not let go." Liu Tianming showed a worried look on his face.

Chen Xuansi was not afraid, and said: "It can only be said that his luck is bad. If it weren't because he came to provoke me, then I would not kill it, let alone the people of Baiyun Sect didn't dare to come blatantly. To provoke us, although the Baiyun Sect is equally powerful in the Yunye Empire, our Yunye Sect is under the jurisdiction of the imperial family, and they have to weigh it if they want to move us."

  At the same time, the reputation of Chen Xuan in Lu Yucheng had already spread. Many people had heard that Chen Xuan had killed the Blood Demon and also killed the White Demon.

What kind of person is the White Demon? His reputation had been established hundreds of years ago, and he was also a captain in the Black Blood Sect, but now he will be successfully beheaded by Chen Xuan, and the crisis near Black Rock City has also been lifted. Now the disciples in the entire Cloud Yemen already knew that Chen Xuan had completed this task, and it could basically be said that he had created a miracle.

  Before Chen Xuan accepted this task, they all thought it was a quest to die. But now Chen Xuan not only completed the task brilliantly, but was also able to kill the Gorefiend. Now they don't even know what level Chen Xuan's cultivation level has reached. They can only classify Chen Xuan as a genius of evildoers.

As early as half a month ago, they heard that Wang Lun came to Lu Yucheng to rescue soldiers, and this time the blood demons' team was still very large, but Chen Xuan was actually able to resolve the crisis, which was enough to show Chen Xuan's strength during this period of time. Improved again.

   "I'm afraid Li Qing will worry about herself." A disciple said.

   "Yes, Li Qing also bullied Li Qiuyu some time ago. I don't know if Chen Xuan will fight him after he returns." Another disciple said.

  Many disciples were talking about Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan killed the White Demon, and even shocked the imperial family of the Yunye Empire.

  At the same time, in a luxurious hall in Lu Yucheng, the two men looked gloomy.

"I didn't expect this kid to be able to kill it from the hands of the White Demon. How did the White Demon say that he was a man with a face hundreds of years ago, and now he will be killed by a hairy boy. It's incredible." Li Zhuoqun's expression was grim. Said.

Li Qing suddenly leaned to Li Zhuoqun's side and said to him: "I don't think I need to worry. Chen Xuan's cultivation level will definitely not improve too much. When I saw him, his cultivation level was only in the dual realm of God and Sovereign. It must have been an accident to be able to kill the White Demon. Did you forget that the guy named Wang Lun still passed by with Chen Xuan, and this incident has disturbed the city lord of Heiyan County, I am afraid this is not just Chen Xuan alone The credit."

  Li Qing is very confident, he does not believe that Chen Xuan has the strength to defeat the White Devil.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan's footsteps had just stepped into Lu Yucheng, Yunyemen was trying his best to be at the far north of Lu Yucheng, and Chen Xuan walked all the way to the north of Lu Yucheng.

  When Chen Xuan stepped into the Yunye Gate of Nuo Da, many disciples looked at Chen Xuan with surprise on their faces.

   "Look, isn't that Chen Xuan? Isn't he killed by the White Demon?"

   "When is this news? The White Demon was killed by Chen Xuan. I think you should take a good look at what happened recently, otherwise don't tell me to laugh at you!" a disciple exclaimed.

   Chen Xuan felt horrified eyes on everyone's faces. He, Wang Lun and Liu Tianming were walking towards the hall in the middle of the Yunye Gate.

After coming back, Chen Xuan was going to see Li Qiuyu. Last time Li Qiuyu wanted to participate in this mission with Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan was worried about Li Qiuyu’s safety, so he did not let Li Qiuyu follow. I haven't seen Li Qiuyu for nearly two months.

  However, when Chen Xuan came to Li Qiuyu’s residence, he discovered that there were still a few men beside Li Qiuyu’s house.

  These men are all disciples in the Yunye Clan. They have all been taken care of by Chen Xuan before. After seeing Chen Xuan's arrival, their faces did not show joy, but surrounded Chen Xuan's side.

   "Chen Xuan, Li Qiuyu is injured." A disciple said.

  Hearing this, Chen Xuan's face was startled.

Then the disciple hurriedly explained: "A few days ago, Li Qiuyu seemed to have heard that Li Qing and the others were talking about you, so Li Qiuyu went up to accuse him, but he did not expect that Li Qing would actually fight Li Qiuyu, if not because Nangong Han, Li Qiuyu's injuries will definitely be more serious. Now Li Qiuyu has gone to Elder Nangong to recover. After we heard the news of your arrival, we will wait for you here and tell you the news."

Just after he finished speaking, he found that Chen Xuan had disappeared here. Chen Xuan only felt extremely angry in his heart. They could clearly see the raging flames burning on Chen Xuan's body, and the power of the Vermillion Bird had been fully demonstrated. Came out.

  Wang Lun followed Chen Xuan closely. Liu Tianming stayed in place. He glanced at the disciple and said, "Then Li Qiuyu is okay now?"

   "There should be no major problems, but I think Chen Xuan will definitely not give up." The disciple replied.

  And outside the hall of the elder Nangong, Chen Xuan rushed to him like lightning.

After seeing Chen Xuan coming, Elder Nangong's face also showed a hint of joy.

  Chen Xuan walked towards the inside of the hall before he could care so much, but Chen Xuan couldn’t find where Li Qiuyu was.

  At this time, Elder Nangong suddenly came up: "Come with me."

  Chen Xuan hurriedly followed behind Elder Nangong and walked towards the depths of the hall. Chen Xuan is now concerned about Li Qiuyu’s injury, so his attitude towards Elder Nangong is not so respectful.

  But Elder Nangong also understood very well. He knew that Chen Xuan and Li Qiuyu had a very good relationship, so he took Chen Xuan directly into a room.

  Chen Xuan entered the room and saw Li Qiuyu lying on the cushion, and beside Li Qiuyu, there was a man gently supporting Li Qiuyu's back, conveying aura into his body.

  Suddenly, Chen Xuan's eyes began to turn into a coquettish red.

   "What happened to Li Qiuyu?" Chen Xuan asked.

Elder Nangong explained: “Li Qiuyu’s injury is no longer a serious problem, but Li Qing is too arrogant and domineering. He will use this method to deal with Li Qiuyu. Although Li Qiuyu has no problem now, Li Qiuyu still Suffered some internal injuries."

  A man who was healing Li Qiuyu slowly opened his eyes, he was naturally Nangonghan.

"It was too late when I saw Li Qing attacked Li Qiuyu. He had been injured by Li Qing at that time." Nangonghan said the situation again, and he also felt the anger in Chen Xuan's eyes. anger.

  Chen Xuan walked directly to Nangonghan's side, running the spiritual power in his body to help Li Qiuyu heal his injuries.

However, Nangong Han stopped Chen Xuan in time, and said to him: "The profound strength in your body is very hot, which is not good for Li Qiuyu's healing. Now I can only use my extreme cold power to stabilize Li Qiuyu's injury. "

  Chen Xuan suddenly stood up and gave a salute to Nangong Han, and then said to Elder Nangong again: “Thank you so much this time. If it weren’t for the two of you, I’m afraid Li Qiuyu would definitely be injured more severely now.”

  Chen Xuan saw Li Qiuyu's eyes closed tightly, her long and narrow eyelashes motionless.

Then Chen Xuan left the room. When Chen Xuan walked out of the room, a surge of Suzaku's power burst out of his body. Now the Suzaku's power on Chen Xuan's body has been fully deployed, faintly It can be seen that a faint Suzaku wings appeared behind Chen Xuan.

  Moreover, the light from the Vermillion Bird's wings was stronger than before, directly causing Chen Xuan's body to float in the air, and flew towards the central hall of the Cloud Yemen.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan's anger completely broke out. Li Qing really didn't put him in his eyes, and he would come forward to hurt Li Qiuyu.

  In Chen Xuan's eyes, Li Qiuyu was a very innocent girl, and Li Qiuyu took the initiative to escape from the Tianyuan Hall and went to Longque City with Chen Xuan.

  Now that Li Qiuyu is injured, how could Chen Xuan not be angry? Now Chen Xuan can't take care of that much anymore, he only feels that he has been dazzled by anger.

  At this time, Chen Xuan's body was covered with red lines. This was the first time Chen Xuan was so angry, and Chen Xuan felt that he wanted to massacre everything in front of him, and a buzzing sound was heard in his mind.

Moreover, this demon soul pattern actually climbed onto Chen Xuan's body, and this time the demon soul pattern on Chen Xuan's skin has actually changed. The demon soul pattern on Chen Xuan's body is slowly changing its shape, and Yan Ran is about to improve. As the Vermillion Bird fire on Chen Xuan's body continued to burn, the demon soul pattern on the surface of his body changed rapidly.

  (End of this chapter)

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