Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2605: Capture Li Qing

  Chapter 2605 Capture Li Qing

  In a moment, the sky was covered with overcast clouds, and the devilish energy radiated from it obscured the sky, and from above Chen Xuan's body there was a cry of ghosts and wolf howling, making all the disciples creepy.

This is the first time Chen Xuan has used this kind of power. He has never realized how much this kind of power can bring to him. Everyone started to horrify, and even Elder Nangong’s expression began to grow. No one thought that Chen Xuan actually had this kind of power.

   "Boy, today I will lend you my power to use it." A voice inside Chen Xuan said.

Chen Xuan nodded softly. He also knew how much loss it would bring to him with this force, but Chen Xuan has now completely spared it. If he doesn't kill Li Qing, then how can Chen Xuan not kill him? Will be satisfied.

   Feeling the changes in Chen Xuan's body, Li Zhuoqun screamed and slapped, directly blocking the flames from Chen Xuan's body, which was possessed by a frightening demon soul.

It is the first time that all the disciples have seen that demon soul possession is a very rare skill, which requires a very powerful demon soul in the body to achieve it, and Chen Xuan’s body is exactly a ten thousand year demon soul. His own strength is very strong, and now Chen Xuan has only borrowed part of his ability.

  As far as Chen Xuan's current physical strength is concerned, it can only mobilize such a powerful force, and Chen Xuan has now gradually lost consciousness, and the two profound strengths collide in the air.

The sound of babble rang, the black mist was filled, the demon soul was rippling, Chen Xuan’s current strength Li Zhuoqun was a little surprised, the black cloud in the air suddenly turned into a red blood basin with a big mouth towards him Li Zhuoqun inhaled it.

Li Zhuoqun felt the powerful pressure emanating from the black cloud and mist, and finally showed a little dignity on his face. He felt that Chen Xuan's current attack already threatened him to a certain extent, and the demon soul in Chen Xuan's body also made him. Feeling a little familiar, the power of this demon soul is very likely to be the demon soul that has stirred the world of Black Rock and blood, even he has to be afraid of three points.

And Chen Xuan still has a trace of consciousness now. It is precisely because Chen Xuan has now received the approval of the demon soul in his body, so the demon soul has not swallowed Chen Xuan’s body. Otherwise, with Chen Xuan’s current strength, it will definitely be Directly exploded and died.

  The yin wind continuously passed through the air, and the entire sky turned into a gloomy color. Chen Xuan's body exuded red spiritual power, just like a demon god.

"Chen Xuan, you really cultivated this kind of demon soul. It seems that I have a valid reason to kill you now. Don't you know that the cultivation of demon soul is not allowed in the Yunye Empire? And you still have a demon soul. Soul possession, do you know that if I kill you directly now, I won't violate the laws of the Yunye Empire!" Li Zhuoqun said coldly.

There was disdain on Chen Xuan’s face, but now the expression on Chen Xuan’s face looked very weird. They saw different expressions on both sides of Chen Xuan’s face, the left face showed a look of disdain, and the other side. An angry look appeared on his face.

  Even Chen Xuan's voice has changed. This kind of voice doesn't seem to come from his voice at all.

  At this moment, a ghastly voice came from Chen Xuan's throat: "Hahaha, this kid's body is really getting stronger and stronger."

  Chen Xuan was laughing wildly now, and Li Zhuoqun did not expect Chen Xuan to change into this way. Obviously, half of Chen Xuan's body was already occupied by the demon soul in his body.

Chen Xuan has now completely surrendered his body to the demon soul. Chen Xuan knew that with his own strength, he was not Li Zhuoqun’s opponent at all, and his current changes also made Li Zhuoqun feel a little bit bad. Now Chen Xuan must Kill them. If Chen Xuan can’t even protect Li Qiuyu, then he’s still a man. If this hatred cannot be avenged, then Chen Xuan will definitely regret it. Chen Xuan must seize this opportunity now, otherwise he will be very much in the future. There is hardly such an opportunity.

  Now Chen Xuan only had to kill Li Qing, then he could leave the Yunye Gate, but Li Zhuoqun stopped in front of Chen Xuan, making Chen Xuan unable to get close to Li Qing's side.

   "Today I will let you try what is called fear." Chen Xuan's throat made two voices at the same time.

  All the disciples showed horror on their faces. They had no idea that Chen Xuan's body would be occupied by the demon soul. They had never seen this kind of long sword, and each one was surprised.

If Chen Xuan is really taken over by the demon soul, it will definitely be a disaster for them, and it may also be a disaster for nearby city creatures. After all, everyone feels that the demon soul in Chen Xuan’s body is not an ordinary demon soul. The power of this demon soul is extremely powerful, and it is very likely that it is the demon soul in the legend.

Li Zhuoqun’s complexion also began to change. He did not expect that Chen Xuan would give his body to the Demon Soul in order to kill Li Qing. Although Chen Xuan could improve his strength in a short time, it would give He caused a lot of consumption, and it is very likely that Chen Xuan would die immediately.

The other half of Chen Xuan's face was grinning, and at the same time he displayed the power of the Vermillion Bird. In addition to the power of the demon soul in Chen Xuan's body for a while, even Li Zhuoqun could not attack Chen Xuan's body immediately. He felt The flame to Chen Xuan's body can burn everything.

  He really underestimated Chen Xuan's cultivation level. He did not expect that such a powerful demon soul lived in Chen Xuan's body, and Li Qing now also felt the breath of death enveloping him.

  Li Qing's face was a little surprised. He didn't expect that such a powerful demon soul lived in Chen Xuan's body. At this time, Chen Xuan's body suddenly came to Li Qing's side.

   "This kid is right!" The hoarse voice came out of Chen Xuan's throat.

A wave of surging spiritual power rose on Chen Xuan’s palm, turned into a blood-colored claw, and grabbed it towards Li Qing. At this time, it suddenly turned into thousands of spiritual powers on Chen Xuan’s red claws. Power, these spiritual powers continuously interweave and converge in the sky, and finally formed a cage, trapping Li Qing in it.

Li Qing has just reacted now, that he has fallen into Chen Xuan's hands, and his face is immediately scared and nervous, but no matter how he frees himself, there is no way to escape from this cage. He realizes that he is not Chen Xuan's at all. Opponent, Chen Xuan's coercion, even Li Zhuoqun must be weighed and weighed, not to mention Li Qing in his own way.

  Because Chen Xuan borrowed the power of the demon soul, he made the general body feel very painful, so Chen Xuan took out several pills from the ring and hurriedly swallowed them into his own mouth.

   "You don't have to struggle anymore, today I am bound to kill you!"

Li Qing is finally beginning to be scared now. Before, he relied on Li Zhuoqun to be next to him, thinking that he could survive by chance, but the murderous intent in Chen Xuan's eyes now made him dare not even imagine what he would encounter. To what kind of treatment.

  The corner of Chen Xuan's eyes showed anger, and he stared at Li Qing closely. With Chen Xuan's current state, how could Li Qing save his life.

  Li Zhuoqun stared at Chen Xuan closely. He wanted to attack Chen Xuan quickly and then rescue Li Qing.

However, Chen Xuan’s current burst of strength is really terrifying. The disciples with slightly lower strength who were observing nearby now have a feeling of suffocation. Facing the powerful pressure carried on Chen Xuan’s body, they have An illusion of bowing to worship.

This kind of strength gave them a sense of supremacy. The current Chen Xuan is really like gods, demons and gods, and with Chen Xuan's current cultivation base, he can forcibly break through Li Zhuoqun's obstruction. This shows that Chen Xuan's current cultivation base is even They have already surpassed Li Zhuoqun. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would definitely not believe that Chen Xuan could do this.

Probably only Chen Xuan can possess such a strong demon soul in the world. They have never seen it before. With the power of this demon soul, they can actually increase their cultivation level by hundreds of times. Of course, they What he saw was only the surface, Chen Xuan's current half of his body was handed over to the demon soul to control, but his other half of his body felt very painful now.

  This pain is only caused by the attachment of the power of the demon soul. After the other general body possessed by the demon soul is disbanded, Chen Xuan is likely to completely lose the sense of the other half of the body.

In fact, the power of this demon soul in Chen Xuan's body is far beyond what Chen Xuan's body can withstand, so the demon soul in Chen Xuan's body has also reduced its strength, otherwise, Chen Xuan will support it now. Not too long.

   "I didn't expect Chen Xuan's cultivation base to be able to bloom this kind of strength. It is really terrifying to be an enemy with this kind of person. I think Li Qing must be dead now." A disciple said.

  Everyone is not optimistic that Li Qing is Chen Xuan's opponent, not to mention that Li Zhuoqun is now afraid to go up to Chen Xuan easily.

"I didn't expect that Chen Xuan's current physical strength, as well as the power of a demon soul, could actually be raised to this level. I think the demon soul in his body is not the power of an ordinary demon soul, it is very likely an ancient demon soul! "

"That's not wrong. I have also entered the possession of a demon soul, but I have never seen such a powerful pressure. Unless the demon soul such as Chen Xuan's body is an ancient demon soul, it is impossible to bloom such a powerful one. Cultivation."

"It seems that Li Qing regrets it very much now. Usually, he uses his uncle to be an elder in the Cloud Yemen. He often bullies other disciples, and he often excludes people who are stronger than him. I didn't expect that he would end up like this today. Even if he has a big backing in the Cloud Yemen, he can do what he wants to do without restraint, but now Chen Xuan on Sunday can only say that he is unlucky."

  Some disciples showed excitement towards Chen Xuan, because Chen Xuan did what they didn't dare to do, and there were even some disciples who were secretly cheering for Chen Xuan, because Chen Xuan's current strength really made them admire them.

   "You can think about it clearly, Chen Xuan, if you really kill Li Qing, then even Elder Nangong will not be able to protect you!" Li Zhuoqun said.

Chen Xuan completely ignored Li Zhuoqun’s anger and focused on Li Qing’s body. Now half of Chen Xuan’s eyes turned into the powerful spiritual power released from the red eyes, like a trial, making Li Qing like falling into an ice cave. He didn't dare to move, just a look in his eyes made Li Qing's body tremble uncontrollably. Everyone now felt that he was terrified. Li Qing now feared Chen Xuan to the extreme, and he couldn't even move his mouth.

  No one is not afraid of death, let alone a person like Li Qing who is afraid of hardship.

  Li Zhuoqun saw that Li Qing was trapped in a cage by Chen Xuan, and couldn't get out at all, and Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword was also placed on Li Qing's neck.

  (End of this chapter)

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