Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2606: Dugu Sect Master

  Chapter 2606 The Lord of the Solitary Sect

Li Zhuoqun knew that there was no way to save Li Qing now. If Chen Xuan moved a little, Li Qing’s hands would be separated directly, so Li Zhuoqun suddenly said: "Chen Xuan, I now give you one last chance, if you don’t take Li Qing Let go, then you will be all over today!"

  Speaking, Li Zhuoqun set his sights on Elder Nangong. Elder Nangong also glanced at Chen Xuan, but he remained silent and did nothing.

Chen Xuan glanced at Li Qing with a sneer, and then said to Li Zhuoqun: "I think you are a bit abnormal today. You want me to let Li Qing go unless you kill me. Now I have several kinds of things. The way to kill it was to cut off his head directly, and to burn it to ashes with the Suzaku fire in my body."

Everyone shuddered, not to mention that Li Qing believed that Chen Xuan would really do this. Even the disciples who had always been closed at the Yunye Gate believed that Chen Xuan could really achieve this state, and that Chen Xuan would definitely do it, because Chen Xuan is now The demon soul exuding has revealed a frenzied color.

These two methods of death are a kind of torture. Being burned to death by the Suzaku fire is bound to endure endless fear and pain for Li Qing. It is better to be straightforward to be killed by Chen Xuan with a sword, but Chen Xuan wants to separate Li Qing's head, otherwise Chen Xuan won't be relieved.

   "Chen Xuan!" Li Zhuoqun was angry.

But now he has no solution. He just wanted to continue to say something when he heard Li Qing’s screams coming over. Everyone saw that there was a cloud of golden flames coming out of you now. These flames It attached to Li Qing's body like a maggot, and then kept crawling over Li Qing's head.

In the blink of an eye, I saw that Li Qing's body was overwhelmed by flames. The screams emanated from his throat, but Li Qing couldn't scream at all now. This sound didn't seem like a human could make it. , And Chen Xuan is also deliberately controlling the temperature of the Suzaku Fire.

Ever since Chen Xuan sensed the rise of the Suzaku's fire and awakened the Suzaku's soul, Chen Xuan discovered that it could control the temperature of the Suzaku's fire. Now Chen Xuan is deliberately lowering the temperature of the flames so that Li Qing can enjoy the pain. Then die.

The horror on everyone's face, they can imagine that Li Qing is now suffering tremendously, and Chen Xuan will not leave him a chance at all. This is definitely a torture. And Chen Xuan was using the Vermillion Bird's fire in his body to burn Li Qing's arm bit by bit. Chen Xuan intentionally controlled the temperature of the flame to a critical point that Li Qing could bear, not allowing him to die immediately.

This is exactly the skill that Chen Xuan has mastered after refining the pill for many years. Although Chen Xuan can also use Xuanhuo to burn Li Qing's body, the power of Xuanhuo is weaker than that of Vermillion Bird. Chen Xuan cannot guarantee Xuanhuo. Fire can burn Li Qing's body, while Suzaku is a fire but can burn Li Qing's internal organs. From the outside to the inside, he has already felt extremely painful, and now he is about to lose consciousness.

  Chen Xuan suddenly lowered the temperature of the flame, Li Qing suddenly felt a little more relaxed, but as soon as he could speak, Chen Xuan immediately increased the temperature of the flame.

  The corner of Li Zhuoqun’s eyes showed unusual anger. He saw Li Qing being burned by Chen Xuan in the sea of ​​fire.

At this moment, he suddenly grasped the long sword in his hand, and a burst of golden spiritual power radiated from the tip of the sword. His blade was wrapped in layers of golden spiritual power, and turned into a gold tens of meters in size. Jian Mang was dazzlingly bright and moved towards Chen Xuan's turbulent attack. This blow contained almost all the strength in his body, and it was very powerful.

  Even the people in Lu Yucheng saw this golden glow in the sky.

Li Zhuoqun also knows that Li Qing is definitely not saved now. He also saw that the Suzaku fire in Chen Xuan's body can burn everything in front of him, and it is very difficult to put out the Suzaku fire. Now Li Zhuoqun is the only thing to do. It was to kill Chen Xuan. Since he can't keep Li Qing now, he can only let Chen Xuan and Li Qing change their lives.

  The sound of swords shook the sky, and the spiritual power was constantly shining. Everyone calmed their breath and looked at the golden sword light several hundred meters in size above the sky.

  Faced with such a powerful attack, many disciples hurriedly dodged towards the distance. They knew that Li Zhuojun’s strenuous blow could not be resisted by a few people, and it was very likely that it would affect them.

   Faced with this attack, Chen Xuan's face changed slightly, and the corner of his left cheek showed a sneer.

At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly released the power of the cage and lifted Li Qing's body out of the cage. Li Qing still had a breath now, and was not burned to death by Chen Xuan, so Chen Xuan directly took Li Qing threw it under the golden sword light.

  The last fear was revealed in the corner of Li Qing's eyes, but he couldn't scream at all now, he could only look at the golden sword light above the sky in despair, and flew past Li Zhuoqun's golden sword light.

The blood radiated directly from Li Qing's body, directly splitting Li Qing's body in half, falling from the sky to the ground, but the golden sword light only slashed across Li Qing's body, basically without restriction. , Continue to rush towards Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan was ready to counterattack just now, and at this moment a wing suddenly appeared on his back. As soon as the wings appeared, they turned into a halo, and then they all gathered together towards the sky. The golden sword light attacked the past.

Naturally, Chen Xuan knew that the power radiated by the golden sword glow was not something he could easily resist. Now Chen Xuan's body is very painful. If the golden sword glow is blocked, it is likely to cause serious injury to him, so the red on Chen Xuan's body The demon soul pattern suddenly flickered, and then Chen Xuan's speed was so fast that he escaped the bombardment of the golden sword light.

There was shock on Li Zhuoqun's face. He did not expect that Li Qing would be killed by his own hands. Li Zhuoqun's body trembled violently, and his face showed a hideous color: "Chen Xuan boy, I must let you die today! "

Chen Xuan looked at Li Zhuoqun with different expressions. Now Chen Xuan also looked terrifying, but Chen Xuan's voice had become very hoarse: "Li Zhuoqun, you can't blame me, Li Qing was killed by you! "

Li Zhuoqun showed unusual anger on his face. Chen Xuan used his hand to kill Li Qing. Now Chen Xuan is still reasonable, but Li Zhuoqun can’t take care of that much now. The only thing he needs to do now is to kill Chen. Xuan, avenge Li Qing.

   "A good move, kill with a knife." Wang Lun exclaimed.

  Shocked on everyone's faces. They didn't expect Chen Xuan to become wise and throw Li Qing's body out.

  Li Zhuoqun suddenly raised the sword blade in his hand, turning it into countless golden sword lights. These sword lights were intertwined in the air and enveloped Chen Xuan.

  However, the spiritual power on Chen Xuan's body was constantly surging, but the golden sword net completely covered Chen Xuan's movements, even if Chen Xuan wanted to avoid it, there was no way.

And at this moment, the incomparably powerful power radiated from a distance and directly blew away the golden sword net. Everyone was surprised. They didn't expect that someone helped Chen Xuan stand in this critical time. one move.

  This was Li Zhuoqun's desperate blow, and Chen Xuan knew that even with the power of this demon soul, he would definitely be seriously injured.

  But he did not expect that he would be easily resolved by others. When he turned his head, he found a middle-aged man in a white robe, stepping out of the air and appeared in front of them.

  Duguyuan was originally dealing with the war with the Dragon Blood Tribe in the northern part of the Yunye Empire, but now he has just returned. He did not expect to see Li Zhuoqun attack Chen Xuan when he came back.

It was at this critical moment that Duguyuan blocked Li Zhuoqun’s attack, otherwise Chen Xuan would be injured even if he had the power of a demon soul. After all, Chen Xuan was surrounded by Li Zhuoqun’s sword net just now, and When Chen Xuan used the power of the demon soul, he also consumed a lot of his physical strength.

  After seeing the appearance of Duguyuan, everyone respectfully bent their bodies. Even the imperial family of the Yunye Empire would give Duguyuan face, he was there. The Yunye Empire has extremely powerful strength.

After seeing Duguyuan appearing, Li Zhuoqun was first slightly surprised, and then looked at Chen Xuan with anger and said excitedly: "Dugu Sect Master, you are finally here! Chen Xuan, the kid, actually killed Li Qing, and you Looking at the power on his body, this kid actually used Demon Soul Possession, and now he has completely fallen into the magic way. Just now I officially helped you kill this kid, otherwise he would really ruin the reputation of our Yunye Empire!"

Everyone fell silent, not daring to say anything, their eyes were all on Duguyuan's body. After Duguyuan appeared, Chen Xuan also knew that he had no way to escape now. Duguyuan's cultivation base was very powerful, just It was the coercion emanating from him that had surpassed Chen Xuan's spiritual power.

  Now Chen Xuan's body can't move, it's the aura emanating from Duguyuan's body that has deterred him. As the head of the Yunyemen, the former head of the Tianyuan Palace, his own cultivation is unfathomable.

  Now the Dugu Sect Master glanced at Chen Xuan. Although he didn't know what happened before, he naturally knew that Chen Xuan had cultivated the power of the demon soul, and the demon soul in Chen Xuan's body was still very unusual.

However, Chen Xuan also successfully completed his mission before this, and Chen Xuan also killed the White Demon, which shows that Chen Xuan has nothing to do with the people of the Black Blood Sect, let alone Chen Xuan is now in Black Rock City. The neighborhood has a good reputation.

  Chen Xuan himself also has a very powerful talent, with a talent that shocks the past and the present. It is unceremonious to say that if Chen Xuan takes a few more years to cultivate, he will rise to a very terrible state. If he gets advice from others, then Chen Xuan will even become the hope of the Yunye Empire.

After all, the Yunye Empire has gradually lost its reputation among the various empires. It is precisely because the Yunye Empire has not seen a masterpiece in many years, but Chen Xuan now fully embodies what is called a genius, although it is only a god. Triple realm, but Li Qing is not an opponent at all in his hands.

  Although Chen Xuan borrowed the power of the demon soul, but the physical strength must be able to allow the demon soul to complete the possession, otherwise it is likely to bring backlash to his body.

  Dugu Sect Master glanced at Chen Xuan calmly, then turned his head and glanced at Li Zhuoqun.

  Chen Xuan's body did not move, and he was too lazy to move. If the Dugu Sect Master wanted to catch Chen Xuan, it would only take a flick of his finger.

The   Dugu sect master felt the plainness of Chen Xuan. He didn't expect Chen Xuan to be so calm in this situation. Compared with him, Li Zhuoqun seemed a lot inferior.

   "Sect Master, you must give me an order to kill this kid!" Li Zhuoqun said bitterly.

Dugu's gaze kept drifting between Chen Xuan and Li Zhuoqun, and finally he said in a deep voice: "I basically know about this, because Li Qingmu is lawless, and first injured his disciple, Chen Xuan went to him. Revenge is also natural. As for the demon soul he cultivated has nothing to do with the Black Blood Sect, it is enough that he killed the White Demon near Black Rock City, and now his credit has been recorded in the Yunye Empire. In the annals of history, as for Chen Xuan who killed many of our disciples, he was equally guilty, but Nian had merits in him, so they would offset each other."

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan's face was surprised, Nangong Elder's face showed a hint of joy, and Wang Lun clearly laughed. As for Li Zhuoqun, his entire face was already dark.

  (End of this chapter)

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