Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2612: Re-enter Baihua City

  Chapter 2612 Re-entering Baihua City

After walking for about a few hundred miles, Chen Xuan finally saw the appearance of an iceberg in front of him, but Chen Xuan felt a little puzzled. He originally thought that the icefield, as the northernmost place of the Yunye Empire, was almost equivalent to a piece of Jedi. There will be other people who will play Warcraft here, and ordinary demon hunters can't avoid it, but Chen Xuan saw that there were many people in front of him, all surrounded by the ice field.

  According to the news from people ahead, the country of ice has now sealed the polar ice sheet, which means that this ice sheet has not allowed others to enter.

  The country of Frost is located on the polar ice sheet. This country is not so much a country as it is a sect. Their sect is built on the ice field, and has hardly been disturbed by others for thousands of years.

  Chen Xuan stepped forward and asked a demon hunter: "Brother, I want to ask if there are any mysterious monsters in the ice field."

"It seems that you are here for the first time. There are many ancient mysterious beasts in this ice field. Even these beasts are several hundred years old, and their cultivation level has reached the very terrifying realm of the **** king. I don't know, you actually asked me." The man said.

  Chen Xuan continued to ask: "Then do you know how I get into the ice sheet now?"

  The man pointed to the ice field in front of him and said to Chen Xuan: "I think it is very difficult for you to get in now. Now that the country of frost has sealed the ice field, people from other places can't get in."

   "Then since you know this place is extremely dangerous, why do you still come here to hunt the beasts?" Chen Xuan continued to ask.

"Does this still need to be said? This ice sheet is rich in resources. We must come here to hunt more powerful monsters. Otherwise, who will come to this place where birds do not shit, and there are many heaven and earth spirit formations here, but I didn't expect those guys to seal up this place." The man said angrily.

   So Chen Xuan said goodbye to the man opposite, looked at Wang Lun beside him and asked, “What is the origin of this frosty country?”

"The Kingdom of Frost is actually a sect. They have the ability to master ice and snow. They have existed in this world for thousands of years, and they are also a very ancient country. There are many masters in the realm of the gods in their kingdom. Otherwise they will definitely not block this place either." Wang Lun explained.

Chen Xuan didn’t know much about this so-called Frost Land, but he knew that there were mysterious monsters he wanted to find on the ice sheet. There were several types of mysterious monsters, but what Chen Xuan wanted to find now was specialized A Xuanwu beast growing on this ice sheet, and Xuanwu Beast has survived on this ice sheet for thousands of years.

   "I need to find the horns of the ice soul rhinoceros now." Chen Xuan said.

"Ice Apprentice Rhinoceros are not simple little monsters. They are cruel by nature. I am afraid we will inevitably have a fierce battle this time. Moreover, Ice Apprentice Rhinoceros likes to occupy a place, which is equivalent to a lord-level monster. They simply don't allow it. Other people approached their territory, and these mysterious beasts are also very cruel to humans. We must be careful this time, and now the people in the kingdom of frost have sealed this ice sheet. Not only should we beware of the mysterious beasts, but also Beware of them." Wang Lun said.

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly: "These guys can actually seal this ice sheet, do they have enough manpower?"

A man next to him heard what Chen Xuan had just said, so he leaned in and said to Chen Xuan: "I heard that a strong man in the Kingdom of Frost a few days ago found a mysterious monster to attack, and he was injured. Several of their elders and disciples."

  "Being able to survive in this ice field is enough to show that the cultivation of these people in the Frost Empire is very powerful." Wang Lun suddenly added.

"That's right. Just a few days ago, the country lord and a few elders in the Frost Empire fought inextricably with a few mysterious beasts. These mysterious beasts are not ordinary beasts. They all have IQs, and Bing The people of the Sealed Kingdom did not have the upper hand, and finally divided the ice sheet into three areas. The outermost areas are for these disciples to experience, but the middle areas are somewhat dangerous. , There are many mysterious monsters living in the middle, and they are very likely to be attacked by them. If you enter the third area of ​​the ice field, you will definitely not dare to go there without the strength of the **** king. No one will take your own life. Just kidding." A man said to Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan nodded secretly. He also knew that the relationship between humans and beasts was not so harmonious. What's more, mysterious beasts have existed for thousands of years. Not only are these mysterious beasts very powerful, but their cultivation base is even higher than that of many humans. To be tough, you will definitely not be obediently living in peace with humans. The monsters that can live in peace with humans are generally subdued by people, or they are far less powerful than humans.

  After all, the cultivation of humans is indispensable to Warcraft, and a lot of Warcraft’s meat is on the human table.

  Several men saw that Chen Xuan was about to enter the ice field, and a look of curiosity appeared on their faces: "Are you going to enter the ice field."

  Chen Xuan nodded lightly, and then walked forward with Wang Lun.

Now the country of Frost has sealed a whole piece of ice, but Chen Xuan does not have the patience. After waiting for such a long time, Chen Xuan must now enter the ice field and find the mysterious monster. If these people in the country of Frost stop Chen Xuan, then Chen Xuan will kill it without hesitation.

  At this moment, there was a hint of coldness in the corner of Chen Xuan's eyes. In order to save Li Qiuyu, Chen Xuan was not willing to delay too long.

  Wang Lun laughed loudly on his face and walked over to Chen Xuan.

  So the two people walked quickly in the direction of the ice field one after the other. Their actions quickly attracted the ideas of many people. These people were rejected by the people of Frost Land.

"Is this kid crazy? This place has been sealed off by the kingdom of frost, and all the people in it have been driven out. The two boys actually walked inside. I think the two of them are really looking for death. "A man said.

   "If you ran into a person in the Kingdom of Frost, neither of them knew how to die!" another man said.

"If they dare to provoke the people of the Frost Empire, they are not fuel-efficient lamps. Although they only have less than 10,000 people, most of their cultivation bases have already entered the realm of gods. This kid must go in. court death."

  Countless eyes were placed on Chen Xuan and Wang Lun, as if they were looking at a person about to die.

In their eyes, although the country of ice is very domineering, since the country of ice has this capital, although they are also very upset with the practice of the country of ice, they dare not touch the ancients of the country of ice. Although the country has not joined the alliances of the various empires, this small icefield country is almost equivalent to a sect. It has existed in this world for thousands of years, and they naturally have domineering capital.

   "It seems that these two boys really want to enter the ice sheet, or we will follow along to see if they can enter."

   "These two are simply shocked, don't you feel that their cultivation base is the highest, that is, the threefold of the gods? Together, the two of them are probably not the opponents of the people in the kingdom of frost."

  Just before the ice field, Chen Xuan saw the clear water blue ice field in front of him.

And there are many people following Chen Xuan and them. These people want to see if Chen Xuan and Wang Lun are capable of entering the ice field. Although they have already sentenced Chen Xuan and Wang Lun to death, they like it. There will certainly not be fewer people watching the excitement.

  When Chen Xuan just stepped into the ice field, he saw several men wearing white robes with arrogance. These people stood on the ice field with their hands under their hands, and their cultivation levels had all reached the realm of the gods.

According to the geographical division on the ice sheet, the people with lower strength in the kingdom of frost are all cultivating in this area. As for the other powerful forces, they are all in the second area, and the kingdom of frost is established in this area. In the second area, and now the Frozen Kingdom has sealed the entire ice field, they must ask for their consent if they want to enter, but the Frost Kingdom has refused all the demon hunters to hunt down the mysterious beasts.

The men standing on the far left are covered with golden iron armor. At first glance, they look like a high-ranking person. There are also a few men wearing coarse cloth robes next to them. These are the status of the Frost Land. Low cultivators, but they are also very young.

  And now these people are discussing.

"I can’t as well seal up this ice sheet. Didn’t you see their reaction just now? These people are very dissatisfied with our actions, and they are still gathering crowds outside to make trouble. I really don’t know how to praise them. It’s better to use this as the back garden of our country of Frost, so that no one can come here to hunt and kill Beasts. Letting these people in is simply competing for our cultivation resources."

"That's right, we fought with Xuan Beast for a long time before occupying that safe place. To say that the resources in this ice sheet are also our credit. It is not their turn, these The people of the Yunye Empire have long been eyeing the ice field, and now we must not let them in." Another man said.

   "But we have no way for these Yunye Empire people to enter. After all, we can't stay here watching them all the time. What's more, we have now reached a consensus with the Dragon Blood Tribe to prevent these guys from entering the ice field."

   "What to do with them, if they really dare to enter the ice field, we will see one kill one at that time."

  They spoke very loudly, as if they were deliberately told to Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan was only a dozen meters away from them.

  Chen Xuan ignored a few of them, and directly lifted his steps and stepped into the ice field, Wang Lun followed behind him.

  A man in an ice-bound country saw that Chen Xuan's body had entered the ice field, and immediately shouted, "Stop me!"

  Chen Xuan ignored him and still walked forward.

Seeing Chen Xuan and Wang Lun, it was as if they hadn’t heard. Several men immediately pulled out the weapons in their hands, with anger on their faces, they said to Chen Xuan in a louder voice: "I just talked to you. , Are you two boys deaf in ears!?"

In their eyes, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun are both very young. They only think that Chen Xuan and Wang Lun are hairy boys who did not know where they came from, and have never seen the world, so they don’t put them in their eyes. .

  (End of this chapter)

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