Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2613: Polar ice sheet

   Chapter 2613 Polar Ice Field

Although the Kingdom of Frost cannot be counted as a great empire in the entire Black Rock World, no one will easily provoke them. After all, the location of the Kingdom of Frost is too safe. It is covered with snow and ice all year round. People from all major empires have no interest in this place, not to mention that the cultivation techniques in the Kingdom of Frost are all ice attributes.

  Under the background of ice and snow, they can make their cultivation base exert stronger skills.

   "This kid is not crazy, right? He actually walked in." Many people behind saw that Chen Xuan's body had walked into the ice field.

   "He must be crazy. He actually wants to fight the entire frozen country with his own power."

  A lot of comments came out constantly, and their eyes looked at Chen Xuan with joking.

   "This kid is really too courageous. Although I have seen deathless people, I haven't seen such a deathless method!"

A man from the Frozen Kingdom was shocked. The gods’ threefold cultivation base fully bloomed, and he rushed towards Chen Xuan, but his aura had no effect on Chen Xuan at all. He saw Chen Xuan in a blink of an eye. Xuan's body suddenly disappeared in the same place, and the next moment Chen Xuan knocked the man's body into the air.

Chen Xuan looked like a knife and placed it on the guards of the Kingdom of Frost, and said to them: "I have something urgent to get into the ice sheet. I hope you can give me a way. As long as I complete the task, I will return naturally. ."

The aura emanating from Chen Xuan's body is really too powerful, far beyond their cognition. At first they felt that Chen Xuan's cultivation base was still the three-tiered god, but Chen Xuan's cultivation base improved several times in a blink of an eye. Level.

  But they also have military orders now, and they cannot put Chen Xuan and Wang Lun into the ice field, and they themselves have no plans to let Chen Xuan and Wang Lun in.

  A commander-like man took out the sword in his hand: "Boy, what you think is really good. We have already sealed this place. If you want to go in, you can give the grandpa three beeps, how about?"

There was a trace of anger on Chen Xuan’s face, and the flames of the Vermillion Bird rose from his body. The people of the Frost Kingdom were too arrogant. They didn’t put the people of the Yunye Empire in their eyes before. After all, Yun The cultivators in the Ye Empire were uneven, and there were many cultivators whose cultivation bases did not reach the realm of the gods.

  However, in the Kingdom of Frost, most of their cultivation bases have reached the realm of the gods, and those who have not entered the realm of the gods are generally the tails of their country's cranes.

"Although you built the kingdom of frost here, this great icefield does not belong to your icy land. Today I just want to go in. I see what you can do with me." Chen Xuan's eyes revealed There was a look of anger.

All those who stand in front of him are his enemies. Chen Xuan snorted coldly. Originally, Chen Xuan didn't want to kill these people, but if these people took the initiative to provoke Chen Xuan, then Chen Xuan would definitely not be afraid of him. Fearing feet, Chen Xuan was bound to enter the ice field to find the ice soul rhino. If these guards wanted to stop him, Chen Xuan would have to be rude to them.

"Good boy, I think you are not ordinary arrogant. You dare to provoke people in our Frost Land. Now I will give you the last chance to kneel down and apologize to us, otherwise I will leave your life here now." The commander stretched out a finger, pointed at it, and then pointed at the ground again, meaning that Chen Xuan immediately knelt down and kowtowed.

There was a trace of disdain in the corner of Chen Xuan's eyes, his face became very cold, and the demon pattern instantly covered Chen Xuan's body, and a light of fire emerged from Chen Xuan's dantian, and Chen Xuan flicked his fingers. He walked into the side of a guard, raised the blade in his hand, and chopped off his head.

The guard screamed loudly, but he found that he had separated his head, and blood was constantly pouring from his neck. At this moment, everyone was shocked. Chen Xuan's speed was so fast. Like lightning, Chen Xuan’s speed has been accelerated again since the first stage of Chen Xuan’s enlightenment of the profound thunder formula. Now Chen Xuan’s speed is really about to catch up with the lightning, and it only takes a few seconds to pass. After a few hundred meters, this guard had no chance to resist.

At this moment, Wang Lun also set aside his black giant sword. He understood Chen Xuan's temper very well. It was meaningless to entangle with these guards. These people in the Frost Empire were so arrogant and made it clear that they wanted to stop them in the ice field. Outside, however, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun must enter the ice sheet this time, and the conflict must have been doomed long ago.

  Chen Xuan would definitely kill them every time he shot, and in a blink of an eye he had killed two guards.

The two leaders behind suddenly screamed. They originally thought Chen Xuan’s cultivation base was the third level of the gods, but the guards they sent in the past reached the level of the third level of the gods. At first they wanted to watch the play, but they didn’t expect it. Chen Xuan's cultivation was so powerful that he killed two of them in a blink of an eye.

The two guards widened their eyes, their eyes filled with horror. They couldn't believe their eyes. Just now, Chen Xuan's speed was already faster than the fastest speed of their eyes, so they only saw Chen Xuanhuacheng. A group of phantoms then killed their companions.

"No wonder this kid is so arrogant. It turns out that his cultivation is so strong. However, these two boys killed the people in the Frost Country. I am afraid that things will become a big deal. No one on the ice field dares to provoke the Frost Country. People."

"Although the strength of the two of them is very strong, no one is their opponent above Frost. The Frost Technique they learned is simply to fight the enemy in the conditions of frost and snow, and the strength of the Frost Empire , It’s not something that the two of them can contend."

  Many people were talking about them. They thought that Chen Xuan and Wang Lun were looking for death. Although these people admired that Chen Xuan and Wang Lun’s cultivation skills exceeded their estimates, they were not optimistic about them either.

   "Boy, do you know what you are doing!? You dare to kill the people of our Frost Empire. You must know that you are not our opponents here at all!" a guard shouted loudly.

   Chen Xuan showed disdain on his face, and said coldly: "You'd better leave the road to us, or I will kill you two together."

   "It's really arrogant! But you dare to be arrogant on the face of our Frost Empire, that can only say that you are looking for death!" There was a ruthless look in the corner of the man who spoke.

This man was wearing a layer of silver armor. His cultivation had reached the sixth level of the Divine Sovereign Realm, and his status in the Frost Empire was not low. He saw his profound strength suddenly bloomed, and then he saw it. The profound strength turned into a layer of ice crystals, turned into a large net, and shrouded towards Chen Xuan. The other guards also immediately took out the sharp blades in their hands. Against the background of the sun, these blades radiated from them.着Fluorescent.

Suddenly Chen Xuan and Wang Lun were surrounded by several guards. Chen Xuan gave a low voice, and a cloud of red spiritual power rose above his body. There was killing intent in the corner of his eye, and safety would never give it to him. If his enemy left a chance to kill one person, Chen Xuan's demon soul was completely released.

  Now the power of the demon soul in Chen Xuan's body is completely satisfied with the bloodthirsty rage.

Wang Lun also laughed loudly, issued the black long sword in his hand, and took off his clothes directly, showing his majestic body in front of everyone. Wang Lun's body shook, and then he saw his body slashed. The black profound energy was stimulated, like a sword blade, generally shot at several men.


The ground trembles suddenly, Wang Lun has raised the black giant sword in his hand at this time, and plunged it into the ground fiercely, directly destroying the joint attack of several guards. The spiritual power they gathered was in midair. Suddenly, Chen Xuan's fire began to gather at this moment. At this moment, Chen Xuan waved the Liaoyuan sword in his hand and followed Wang Lun.

  In an instant, they had killed the three guards, and blood continuously spilled out of their bodies. The scene was terrifying.

  When Chen Xuan killed one of the guards, there was still a hot flame on his body, but Wang Lun's profound energy directly pierced their bodies, and blood continuously overflowed from the heads of the two guards.

  The two guard leaders who were still arrogant the moment before suddenly felt a little creepy. They didn't expect Chen Xuan's burst of strength to be so powerful, but now Chen Xuan would definitely not let them go.

Wang Lun and Chen Xuan went one after the other and besieged the two guard leaders. Although Chen Xuan and Wang Lun were just two people, the description of the siege could not be more appropriate, because the flames on Chen Xuan's body were instantaneous. The space fully bloomed, gathered above the sky, and then all the men were enveloped in his own wall of flames.

Although they practiced ice-attribute exercises, they had no room to resist Chen Xuan’s Suzaku fire. They saw Chen Xuan’s Suzaku fire directly burned their ice-attribute exercises, all in blue. The light radiated from their bodies, but Chen Xuan was directly burned into ice water by the fire of the Vermillion Bird.

After knowing that Chen Xuan and Wang Lun had left here, many onlookers reacted and immediately began to discuss.

  "Where did these two boys come from? They were too courageous. They killed several people from the Frost Empire in a row. I have never seen a guy so courageous."

"These two guys will definitely be under the siege of the Frost Empire. How can I say that the Frost Empire is a big country on the ice field, and the country and the sects coexist, and there are many people with strong cultivation bases. If a master appears, they will definitely take these two The kid killed it."

  "The cultivation bases of these two boys are very powerful, and we have never seen their techniques, but even so, they will definitely die if they offend the Frost Empire."

At the same time, shortly after Chen Xuan and Wang Lun entered the ice field, two figures fell from above the sky towards behind them. The cultivation bases of these two men were very powerful, and they were also dressed in the same way. The clothes of the Frost Empire.

Obviously the two of them were patrolling nearby, because now the Frost Empire has completely sealed the ice field, and the people of the Cloud Leaf Empire have been forbidden to enter the ice field. When the two of them came to the border between the Ice Field and the Cloud Leaf Empire, Several bodies were found lying on the ground.

   "Wang Shidi, it looks like someone has entered, let's chase after him!"

  Chen Xuan and Wang Lun walked all the way to the front. They must enter the second area of ​​the ice field if they want to hunt down the mysterious monster.

These areas are all divided by the Frost Empire. If they enter the second zone, they will inevitably pass through the Frost Empire. The Frost Empire covers an area of ​​hundreds of kilometers and stretches for tens of thousands of meters. Compared to the Cloud Leaf Empire, the Frost Empire occupies a small territory, but the cultivation bases of the practitioners in the Frost Empire are very strong, because the place where they stay has very powerful beasts.

  These monsters are completely different from the group of monsters that Chen Xuan and the others encountered. The reason they are called mysterious monsters is because their cultivation base far exceeds that of ordinary monsters.

  (End of this chapter)

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