Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2625: Xuan Wo

   Chapter 2625 mysterious monster

  At this moment, Chen Xuan immediately used the power of the Vermillion Bird in his dantian, and the fiery red profound power was constantly transformed into a prairie sword in Chen Xuan.

  Looking at the four monsters running over, Chen Xuan slashed at one of them. The monster suddenly fell to the ground with a whimper and died.

The man who survived had three **** holes caught in the mouth of Huns by Warcraft. Chen Xuan didn’t think much about seeing the injured Huong’s mouth, so he hurriedly drove the remaining three Warcrafts all over. Kill.

  The man's face was full of incredible, his strength was only the fourfold of the gods, and Chen Xuan's strength was extremely powerful.

After seeing Chen Xuan slashing the mysterious fire sword and killing the few monsters that were chasing him with ease, he realized how far Chen Xuan's strength really differed from him. With the strength that he was only the fourth layer of the gods, those warcraft in the depths of the Frost Mountains could all kill them.

   "What happened?" Chen Xuan had just seen several men chasing after him, and now he was the only one who survived.

  The man heard Chen Xuan's question, with a look of regret on his face, so he replied: "This... I didn't expect that there were a few monsters lying nearby."

The man was a bit incoherent. The man beside Chen Xuan looked at him and said, "You can't chase you anymore, so why bother to chase and take your own lives."


  Chen Xuangang wants to talk. Only one sound of bow and arrow horns was heard. Then suddenly a sharp arrow shot through the man's throat from the forest.

  The man stared at Chen Xuan with his mouth open, and then fell softly to the ground.


   "Be careful!" Wang Lun said.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan hurriedly looked in the direction where the sharp arrow was thrown. There was a black figure in the distant ice layer. The black figure glanced at Chen Xuan, and the figure quickly swept back.

  After seeing the figure running away, Chen Xuan ran the profound energy within his dantian to catch up, but the speed of the black figure was extremely fast.

   "Why is this guy so fast." Chen Xuan showed a look of surprise.

And the black shadow clearly knew that Chen Xuan was chasing him, so the speed of the black shadow suddenly accelerated, and Chen Xuan was thrown away in an instant, seeing the black shadow farther and farther away, Chen Xuan could only Sighed.

  After Chen Xuan passed, he could not chase the black shadow and could only stop his footsteps. The black shadow was too far away from him, otherwise he would be able to use his Vermillion Bird's power to restrict the black shadow's actions.

   "This guy has such a fast speed."

  Chen Xuan thought that the sharp arrow just now shot over silently. A trace of cold sweat appeared on Chen Xuan's forehead. Perhaps the black shadow is not trying to kill the man, it is him who really wants to kill!

  And if it was Chen Xuan that he was plotting, even if he might not be penetrated through his throat, he would still be seriously injured.

   Chen Xuan felt terrified.

   "It seems that the one who just shot the Nali Arrow is definitely the companion of the black-haired man."

  Chen Xuan can't catch up with the group of shadows and can only give up helplessly. He is now thinking about the origin of the black-haired man.

   Is it a person from Frost Country? No, the pursuit of Frost Nation does not have such a strong power, and it will not run away. His cultivation technique is indeed not owned by the Yunye Empire. Then it definitely came from other places.

  But he and I don’t have any hatred at all, so why come to kill me without saying anything.

   "Could it be a hired killer?" Chen Xuan vaguely felt that this matter had nothing to do with the Dragon Blood Tribe.

  Too many people wanted to kill Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan didn't know who it was.

  A few days ago, people from the Xie family of Frost Kingdom wanted to kill Chen Xuan, and the people from Dragon Sparrow City had already arrived in the Polar Icefield, and it was impossible to say that the black shadow just now belonged to the Yuwen family.

   "We can't catch it, we still think about how to find the secret realm." Wang Lun said.

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly, the black shadow was so fast that they couldn't catch up.

   "I suspect that these people were probably sent by the Xie family." Chen Xuan said.

   "It's also possible. After all, we have now entered the second area. The Xie family is probably already in the Frost Mountains. This is very dangerous for us." Wang Lun said.

  When those things happened, the Xie family would never let go, but the origin of the black-haired man was also confused by Chen Xuan. But Chen Xuan couldn't think of anything, so he could only continue to return to the original path alone.

   "Forget it, let's go directly into the Frost Mountain Range." Chen Xuan finished speaking, and then raised his steps and walked forward. He dispelled the idea of ​​going back, but walked directly in the original direction.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan has been using his Vermillion Bird's power to guard the surroundings, fearing that the black-haired man will come here at any time to plot himself.

  And Chen Xuan is still not clear which direction to go, now this place seems quite dangerous to him, but in order to find medicinal materials and improve their strength, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun still stepped forward.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan saw a sudden roar of a beast in front of him, and then the fiery red beast jumped from the dense forest to Chen Xuan's eyes. The beast's forehead was actually covered with lacquered red horns.

   "It seems that I have bad luck today. I have encountered these things one after another." Chen Xuan also felt helpless. They just came to the Frost Mountains when they encountered a raid by a black-haired man, and then they encountered the secret calculations of a centipede in armor and a mysterious man.

  Now that they were looking for a way forward, they also encountered a monster. Counting down, he has already met a few monsters today. The last time he and Wang Lun came here, they didn't encounter so many monsters.

  Chen Xuan glanced at the monster, but the monster didn't seem to intend to let Chen Xuan pass safely. The Beast roared twice at Chen Xuan, and only the body of the Beast was illuminated with a white halo of profound strength.

  Chen Xuan suddenly ignited the profound energy in his dantian.

  The monster did not act in a hurry, but stared at Chen Xuan with his scarlet eyes.

  The next moment, Warcraft was ready to move, and Chen Xuan was also ready to go.

   "This animal dare to provoke me." Chen Xuan scolded angrily.

  A white halo appeared on the horns of each of the beasts, suddenly turning into a scar of profound strength and attacking Chen Xuan suddenly.

   "Live and die!"

  The figure of the monster was very fast, and a shadow mark was drawn in front of Chen Xuan, and then his vigorous posture suddenly attacked Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan yelled when he saw the attack on him by the beast, and the power of the red Vermillion bird flashed out on his body, and the fiery red ice needles were immediately concentrated on the beast. Obviously, this beast was only a low-level. Warcraft, not like the armored centipede he saw just now.


  Warcraft let out a whimper, and only the body of Warcraft fell under Chen Xuan's feet.

   Seeing that he killed the monster with a single blow, at this moment, several monsters came out of the dense forest.

   "More? One will die!"

  Chen Xuan finished speaking, the monsters that had just come out circled around and looked at Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan knew which monsters were looking for opportunities to hit him by his side.

"Since you are here to give me crystal nuclei, I will laugh at it." After Chen Xuan finished speaking, the flames of the red finch continued to condense in the palm of his hand, and the condensed strands of the power of the red finch then turned into a mysterious. The rocket appeared around Chen Xuan.

  When seeing Xuan Rocket condensed, the monsters stepped back a few steps. It was obvious that they were also afraid of Chen Xuan's bombardment. Those monsters were a few meters away from Chen Xuan, looking at Chen Xuan over there.

   "Want to run? Late!"

   Chen Xuan’s Xuan Rocket impacted the two monsters like a flying kite. Those monsters sent a white wave of profound energy from their horns, resisting Chen Xuan's profound fire.

   Chen Xuan also raised his Liaoyuan sword and rushed over after seeing that his profound fire was actually blocked by those monsters.

  Chen Xuan quickly approached the monsters. At this moment, Chen Xuan cut off the horns on the head of that monster before it could dodge, and red blood flowed out of its horns.

Chen Xuan knew that the beast relied on its own horns to operate its profound strength. Just after Chen Xuan chopped off his horns, the beast let out a howl, and then Chen Xuan used a prairie sword into the heart of the beast. . The blood of the monster that was killed by Chen Xuan had already dyed the earth red.

   Seeing that his companion was easily hacked and killed by Chen Xuan, even though the eyes of the remaining monsters showed a look of fear, they still did not run away, but continued to look at Chen Xuan there.

   "Don't run?" Chen Xuan said.

  At this moment, those monsters were still hovering beside Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan couldn't help but chuckle.

  These are some low-level monsters, and it is easy for Chen Xuan to kill these low-level monsters. After all, these unicorns only have the strength of body refining nine segments.

   "Don't blame me if you don't run." After Chen Xuan finished speaking, a little red light appeared on the sword. The power of Suzaku overflowed, and the monsters roared towards Chen Xuan.

  To deal with these monsters, Chen Xuan does not need to use the power of the demon soul.

  When seeing some monsters running towards him, Chen Xuan thrust the Liaoyuan sword into the ground.

   "Liaoyuan Swordsmanship!"

   Then a fiery red ripple gradually filled the mountains, and all the beasts instantly turned into bones.

  The ranks of those monsters were extremely low, and Chen Xuan didn't even have the idea of ​​taking out their crystal nuclei.

   "Forget it, this is a gain, so let's take it out first." Wang Lun said.

Seeing some monsters were frozen into profound fire by his bombardment, Chen Xuan couldn't help but shook his head: "Now my cultivation is very close to the fourth level of the gods. Only if I enter the fourth level of the gods, I will be sure to deal with the ordinary 7th level of the gods. The powerhouse."

  Wang Lun used the boot knife to take out its crystal core from the beast just now, and then their steps went into the Frost Mountains.

   "Now I still have to hunt down a few more monsters to take away their crystal cores, and then take them to Elder Nangong to help me refine some pills." Chen Xuan clenched the profound fire sword and continued to walk forward.

  In the periphery of the Frost Mountains, trees were mixed, and sunlight could not penetrate at all, and it was extremely sullen, and Chen Xuan was already sweating profusely before a while.

   "It seems that it won't work without the power of the Vermillion Bird." Chen Xuan felt a little better by attaching the power of Vermillion Bird in his dantian to his body.

   "It's okay with you, with the Suzaku Fire, I would be miserable!" Wang Lun said.

  Wang Lun was wearing a lot of clothes, but he still couldn’t stop the bone-to-heart cold.

  (End of this chapter)

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