Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2626: Frosty Mountains

  Chapter 2626 Frost Mountains

  The outer jungle of the Frost Mountains does not allow light to penetrate, and this jungle is also showing a strange silvery white from the depths.

Even though this place is extremely hot and cold, it often rains, causing the moss to grow on the ice walls, and even some ice rocks are covered with silver-white moss, and the original ice rocks are not visible at all. Color Chen Xuan can only see the big silver-white bulges from the ground, and from time to time there are some steep currents flowing by the side of the ice and rocks.

   "I didn't expect us to accidentally enter the secret realm by accident." Chen Xuan said.

   "This place is a bit weird. Before they find us, leave the center of the secret realm as soon as possible, otherwise we will be in danger when the people from Frost Nation arrive." Chen Xuan said.

  Wang Lun laughed and said, "Brother Chen Xuan is really too worried. We will be teleported to different places when we enter the secret realm. Generally speaking, they can't find us."

Chen Xuan now really feels that even if there are a lot of monsters living in this place, no one will live here at all, so instead it presents a breath of nature. This kind of ice wall has never existed in the Yunye Empire. .

   "The air here has a bit of moldy smell." Chen Xuan said.

As he was walking in the direction ahead, he found that a light drizzle suddenly started from above the ice wall. Chen Xuan could not see the color of the sky, only the rain fell on him through the ice wall. Body.

   "Why is it so strange, it will rain here?" Chen Xuan asked in doubt.

  "I think it’s a bit weird. At that time, I also heard a senior of our hunting group said that there had been a kind of ice beast on the ice sheet, which could control rain and ice crystals." Wang Lun said.

   Just as Chen Xuan was walking in the front direction following the shadow of the ice wall, he suddenly heard several low calls from the front direction.

  Chen Xuan also didn't expect that he would meet an ice companion beast so soon. He didn't know if it was good luck or bad luck today, and he encountered Beasts one after another.

  Chen Xuan heard the roar of the ice companion beast, and judged that the ice companion beast was more than sixty meters ahead.

  "The liquid on the ice companion beast can heal people's injuries. I don't know if it will be useful for Li Qiuyu." Wang Lun said.

   "Then we will try it and find out soon, we are in danger!" Chen Xuan said.

  He was ready to fight the so-called ice-comer beast to the death. If it was really like what Wang Lun said that the body of the ice-comer beast could get the liquid to heal the injury, then Chen Xuan could collect one less medicinal material.

  Besides, if you want to improve your own strength, you have to hunt down more monsters. Chen Xuan bowed and walked slowly in the direction ahead.

  And the ice companion beast does not seem to realize that a human has already walked towards it.

  Pulling away the ice mist in front of him, Chen Xuan saw the most disgusting ice companion beast he had ever seen in his life. The Binglu Beast's body and mind were extremely large, and its body also appeared extremely swollen.

Moreover, there are no feet on the body of the ice beast, the snow-white skin is rolling in its pubic area, and a long tail is dragging on the left side of the ice beast's body, and the ice beast There was no eye, Chen Xuan could only see two horns with similar **** on the head of the Binglu Beast stretched out.

   "What the **** is this?" Chen Xuan said.

   "Like the monster I met before." Chen Xuan said.

   "Ice Lv Beast is a mysterious monster." Wang Lun said.

   "Mysterious Monster? Then I want to hunt it even more!" Chen Xuan said.

  At this moment, the ice companion beast was soaking in a small pool in the distance, and made several low voices from time to time.

   "There are still water pools in this place?" Chen Xuan looked surprised.

  "It has noticed you!" Wang Lun said.

Chen Xuan slowly approached the ice companion beast step by step after seeing it. Chen Xuan also didn't know what level the ice companion beast was, but since he saw it now, he should hunt it and take out its crystal core. Up.

  "Be careful, this ice beast is not a simple beast." Wang Lun reminded.


  Bing Lv Beast seemed to have heard something, his body suddenly turned bloated, and his blood-red eyes glanced at Chen Xuan.

   "Not good!" Chen Xuan said that the strength of the Vermillion Bird was immediately gathered on his body.

The ice companion beast suddenly let out a roar, and then his body slowly emerged from the surface of the water and stood on top of the ice crystals, but the body of the ice companion beast made Chen Xuan feel extremely weird. Its two feet were extremely short. , Almost invisible.

  Furthermore, the body of this ice companion beast was much larger than Chen Xuanxuan thought.

  The Bing Beast stared at Chen Xuan and let out a few roars, and then from the mouth of the Bing Beast, he saw a snow-white cliff hitting Chen Xuan.

   Seeing Qiaoliu broke through several ice walls one after another to reach Chen Xuan's side, Chen Xuan hurriedly jumped high and jumped onto an ice stone.

  The strength of the ice companion beast was much stronger than Chen Xuan expected. If Chen Xuan didn't guess wrong, the ice companion beast was also the strength of the sixth peak.

  Ice Beast saw that Chen Xuan was not bombarded until Chen Xuan was shaking and swimming towards Chen Xuan, and the appearance of the Bing Beast also made Chen Xuan feel nauseous.

  The huge body of the Binglu Beast knocked down several ice walls one after another and quickly reached under the tree where Chen Xuan was standing.

  Have never seen such a disgusting thing.

Chen Xuan raised his Liaoyuan Sword and looked at the menacing ice companion beast. Now he feels a bit regretful that he came here to hunt the ice companion beast. It's not good to hunt the ice companion beast, but he came to provoke the ice companion. beast.

  Moreover, there was a lot of slime on the ice companion beast's body. Chen Xuan felt that he couldn't do anything when he saw it, so he took the Liaoyuan sword back into his dantian.

   "It's better not to get close to it."

  Chen Xuan's profound strength fought, and the power of the fiery red Vermillion Bird turned into a fireball and appeared in front of him.

"go with!"

  Chen Xuan roared.

"No way."

The mucus on the ice companion beast's body suddenly condensed, floating on the surface of the ice companion beast's body, and then blocked in front of him.

   When the power of the Vermillion Bird bombarded the body of the ice companion beast, it actually bounced the mucus away.

  Chen Xuan was shocked, he did not expect that his bombardment would be bounced off by the slime.

  Thinking about that, Chen Xuan's body quickly stepped back to the left.

   "It seems that the slime of the ice beast can rebound damage. I can only think of other means." Try to cut the smooth film of the ice beast's body.

   Originally, Chen Xuan had no plans to approach the ice companion beast, but he did not expect that the slime on the ice companion beast's body surface could actually rebound his Vermillion Bird's power.

  How did it feel for Chen Xuan to try his Liaoyuan sword to slash on the slime. Seeing a Binglu Beast still swaying, it slammed into him quickly.

  Chen Xuan raised his Liaoyuan Sword, and then rushed towards the ice companion beast with a loud shout.


The   Liaoyuan sword slashed fiercely on the skin of the ice companion beast, but Chen Xuan only felt that he could not exert any strength at all.

  I was shot out by the ice companion beast far away.

  And, the Binglu Beast was shaking its huge tail and rushing towards Chen Xuan.

   But the speed of the ice companion beast was not fast. After Chen Xuan covered it with the power of the Vermillion Bird, he hurriedly moved away.

  Chen Xuan found that the ice companion beast did not seem to be fast. This was exactly the weakness of the ice companion beast.

  It's just that this ice companion beast has one thing that makes Chen Xuan puzzled that it can actually rebound Chen Xuan's Suzaku's bombardment.

  If this Liaoyuan sword can't break through the slime film on the ice companion beast, then perhaps he really has no means to take the ice companion beast.

  I saw the body of an ice companion beast slowly moving towards it. A little silver profound power flashed on the Chen Xuan Liao Yuan sword. Then a frost storm formed around him.

  The storm turned into a fiery red cyclone, and then it attacked the ice companion beast.

  But the ice companion beast did not move. When there were bamboo shoots on both sides of the Binglu Beast’s body, a white cliff formed in front of the Binglu Beast’s eyes.

"not good!"

   Chen Xuan saw the formation of a cliff, but it was too late, and the cliff suddenly swept his body.


  Chen Xuan was blown away by the cliff, and he got up with difficulty at this moment.

  I didn't expect that an ice companion beast could have such a strong strength. It seems that this ice companion beast is also the strength of the sixth peak.

And what makes Chen Xuan feel incredible is that the ice companion beast can actually rebound damage, and the speed of formation of the cliff is extremely fast. If prepared, Chen Xuanda can use his Vermillion Bird's power to freeze the cliff. .

  After seeing his bombardment knocking Chen Xuan back, the two tentacles on his forehead locked Chen Xuan tightly, and the bamboo shoot-like hands shook against Chen Xuan. Even if the two sides of the ice companion beast's body surface looked like hands, it would be better to say that they were two sarcomas if they were serious.

   Chen Xuan only felt very sick when seeing Binglu Beast’s sarcoma-like hand.

  , two ochre-red torrents of water suddenly appeared from both sides of the ice companion beast's body and bombarded Chen Xuan quickly.

   But this time Chen Xuan was prepared, and he took two steps to the left. The cliff formed a halo under Chen Xuan's feet, and then all the ice walls around him fell.

  At this time, Chen Xuan also condensed the power of his Vermillion Bird to freeze the cliff, and then used his profound strength to hit the ice companion beast.

  The ice wall around Chen Xuan collapsed, and a tree wrapped in a row of mysterious fire hit the ice companion beast. But the ice companion shook its body unexpectedly, and then formed a white film on its surface.

  When those ice walls hit his white film, they were all shattered. Then several cliffs bombarded Chen Xuan.

   "Go!" A line of Vermillion Bird's power appeared from Chen Xuan's body, and Xuan Rocket suddenly walked toward the cliff.


   After a loud noise, Qiao Liu and Xuan Huo exploded in the air.

  Chen Xuan is now wondering whether to retreat, after all, he and this ice companion beast don't need to waste so much time, and the more they look at this ice companion beast, the more Chen Xuan wants to vomit.

  Chen Xuan took the Liaoyuan sword back into his dantian, and then the power of the red vermilion rose vaguely under his feet, and fled towards the north with agility.

  He didn't want to waste any time with that ice companion beast.

  But when Chen Xuan ran away a few steps, the ice companion beast suddenly radiated several white torrents towards Chen Xuan and bombarded Chen Xuan.

  "Don't let me go?" Chen Xuan frowned slightly.

  I didn't expect that ice companion beast would be so vengeful.

   Chen Xuan also twisted his body in mid-air when he saw the formation of the cliff, avoiding the water column spit out by the ice companion beast.

  The Bing Lv Beast saw that it had not hit Chen Xuan and did not continue its bombardment. Its body shook for a moment, and then a huge cliff screen appeared in the direction in front of Chen Xuan.

   Chen Xuan's face changed when he saw the huge water curtain appear in front of him. Unexpectedly, that ice companion beast could still use this method to prevent him from escaping outside.

  The fast flowing cliff above the fiery red water curtain is like countless knives.

  (End of this chapter)

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