Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2627: Ice beast

  Chapter 2627 Ice companion beast

  Looking at the swift-moving cliff like a knife, Chen Xuan quickly ran the power of the Vermillion Bird in his dantian, and then slowly drenched the cliff.

  The entire cliff has turned into a wall of fire. And it's so huge that you can't see the edge.

  Chen Xuan climbed to the tree, but found that the height of the ice wall was much higher than that of the tree. Chen Xuan raised his Liaoyuan sword and slashed fiercely against the ice wall, but only cut a hole.

   "It seems that the thickness of the ice wall is also very strong."

After seeing that he could not penetrate the wall of fire, Chen Xuan could only look back at the ice companion beast.

   Seeing the ice companion beast slowly moving towards him, Chen Xuan anxiously mobilized the profound energy in his dantian.

  The ice companion beast had just used this trick and absolutely wasted a lot of its profound energy.

  But what Chen Xuan didn't expect was that the ice companion beast actually sent out another steep current, and the speed was faster. Chen Xuan's body was thrown out far away. At this moment, Chen Xuan only felt that his whole body was sore after being hit, and he did not expect that the ice companion beast had such a strong strength.

   "It seems that I can only think of other means."

As soon as Chen Xuan's body stood up, he saw that the original cliff suddenly changed its direction, and the originally huge cliff became smaller, and slowly formed a sharp water jet towards Chen Xuan as he approached Chen Xuan. Xuan bombarded.

Before Chen Xuan stood still, he saw the spurts of the ice beast spit toward him fiercely, and he could only hurriedly run the power of the Vermillion Bird in his dantian, covering his body with a layer of Vermillion Bird. Imperial.


  Chen Xuan's body was blasted out by the water jet again. Even with the protection of the frost armor, his clothes had been penetrated by the ice companion beast.

  Looking at her body being hurt by the cliffs.

   "It seems that if you don't give you some color, you still don't know my tyranny." Chen Xuan's anger was also aroused by the ice companion beast, and the fiery red Vermillion Bird's power was ignited on him.

  Chen Xuan looked viciously at which ice companion beast, and then the fiery red profound energy continued to spread around him.

   Seeing the fiery red profound energy emerging from Chen Xuan's body, the ice companion beast let out a low roar. The ice companion beast actually grew a few times bigger, the ice companion beast actually became bigger, and suddenly rushed towards Chen Xuan.

  This monster bombarded Chen Xuan while spewing spunlaces. Even though the spunlace spewed out by the ice beast is not as huge as it was just now, Chen Xuan knew that the spunlace was definitely not simple, and its penetrating power was even stronger!

  Chen Xuan escaped the bombardment of the spunlace and looked behind him. The tree was actually penetrated by a hole. And it's extremely smooth. If he was hit by that spunlace, even if Chen Xuan had a frost armor, he couldn't say that he could withstand its bombardment.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   Seeing that the trees behind him made noises one after another, he could think about how strong the impact of the spunlace was. It is not clear how many ice walls have been penetrated.

  Chen Xuan quickly adjusted his state, and then shook his body aside, the raised Liaoyuan sword turned into a fiery red sword energy and quickly rushed towards the ice companion beast.

   "Liaoyuan Swordsmanship."

  Bing Lv Beast saw the fiery red sword aura, so he sighed in the front direction, forming a white mucosa in the direction in front of Bing Lv Beast.

  The fiery red sword aura caused little ripples on the white mucous membrane. But it failed to bombard the ice companion beast.

  Bing Lv Beast saw Chen Xuan launch a bombardment on it, so he actually made his body take a step back. Immediately afterwards, another white stream spit out. The sharp white cliff vibrated the surrounding air Chen Xuan only felt that his ears were shaking.

The low-level monsters around    were also frightened by the vibration and fleeing around.

   "It seems that this ice companion beast is definitely the strongest here." Chen Xuan couldn't help sighing when seeing a few ice birds on the ice stone in the distance hurriedly fleeing in the sky.

  At least in the Frost Mountains.

   "It seems that I have to think of a separate method."

Chen Xuan still really has no choice but to take the ice companion beast in front of him. He even feels that the ice companion beast has entered the fourth level of the gods, but besides being able to bounce off Chen Xuan's bombardment, the ice companion beast does not look like it It is the fourfold strength of the gods.

The mysterious monsters are much stronger than ordinary monsters. Not only do they have very strong physical defenses, but they also have many strange attack methods. Many people who come to hunt the mysterious monsters will be beaten by these mysterious monsters abruptly. 'S caught off guard.

  Chen Xuan thought, his body had already reached the side of the ice beast. After seeing the sword energy of Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword, the ice beast let out a low roar.

  Sword Qi didn't hit the ice companion beast.

   Seeing the huge body of the Binglu Beast swinging its tail and bombarding him, Chen Xuan hurriedly moved away from the Binglu Beast.

  Now Chen Xuan can only fight the ice companion beast in front of him, but the strength of this ice companion beast is extremely high, and Chen Xuan has no means to use it for the time being.

  Seeing the ice beast spit out another white cliff. Chen Xuan raised his prairie sword.

   "Liaoyuan Jianqi!"

  Chen Xuan shouted, his body was lit up with a fiery red light, and the power of the Vermillion Bird shuttled quickly.

  At this moment, a series of fiery red sword auras slashed down on the ice companion beast's body, and the ice companion beast whimpered, but only retreated a little to the left, and did not suffer any harm.

   "It looks like it didn't hit the point." Chen Xuan thought.

After being repelled by Chen Xuan, the ice companion beast obviously also showed a state of anger.

  It was obvious that a weak human in the eyes of this ice companion beast could actually knock its body back.

  Chen Xuan quickly transferred the fiery red profound power in his dantian. When the fiery red Vermillion Bird's power was attached to his Liaoyuan Sword, the Beast's Beast showed a little panic.

  It hurriedly tried to avoid Chen Xuan's bombardment, the fiery red sword aura suddenly bloomed, and another prairie sword aura quickly bombarded the ice companion beast.

  The ice companion beast formed a mucous membrane in front of him just like last time. Seeing his Liaoyuan sword aura, it made a loud noise when it hit the ice companion beast's body. Then all the surrounding trees were cut down.

  At this moment, there is no ice crystal between Chen Xuan and the ice companion beast that is intact, and even the ice stone on the side has been shattered by countless fierce sword auras.

   But the ice companion beast still resisted Chen Xuan's sword aura. After seeing his bombardment stopped by the ice companion beast. Chen Xuan's body squatted down slightly, and then the Liaoyuan sword aimed at the ice companion beast in front, and a fiery red Liaoyuan sword aura appeared on the top of the sword.

  It's just that Chen Xuan's fiery red sword aura is different this time. He has been able to mobilize the fiery red profound strength in his dantian and combine his innate profound strength with the strength of the Vermillion Bird.

   is therefore even more bombastic. That's why Chen Xuan was able to repel the body of the ice companion beast just now.

   Seeing the fire-red halo hit the mucous membrane of the ice companion beast, it set off huge waves of profound energy and made huge noises nearby.

  The bombardment by Chen Xuan just now didn't cause the ice companion beast to suffer any harm. At this moment, seeing that the ice companion beast was now showing a look of horror.

  The ice companion beast then roared loudly. Chen Xuan only felt some tinnitus in his ears, and then Chen Xuan hurriedly covered his ears.

  The roar of the Binglu Beast was extremely harsh. Chen Xuan only felt that his internal organs were trembling by the roar of the ice companion beast, but Chen Xuan did not cover his ears for too long, because the ice companion beast was now trembling and ran towards Chen Xuan. come.

   Seeing an ice beast rushing towards him again, Chen Xuan could only raise his Liaoyuan sword. The strange cry of the ice beast just made his body feel a little overwhelmed. But now there is not enough time left for him.

  Because even though the ice companion beast's body is huge and heavy, its speed is not as slow as Chen Xuanzhen thought. Seeing an ice companion beast chasing over, Chen Xuan's body dodged a lot aside, and the body of the ice companion beast slammed into the place where Chen Xuan was just now.

  Even if the speed of the ice beast is faster than Chen Xuan's expectation, it is extremely easy for Chen Xuan to avoid it.

   "It seems that the speed of this ice companion beast is not very fast." He is now fully confident that he can use kite flying to deal with this ice companion beast.

  The ice companion beast clearly knew that it could not keep up with Chen Xuan, so the ice companion beast set his body in place, and then spit out an ochre red water mark at Chen Xuan.

   Chen Xuan did not panic after seeing the mysterious power marks spitting out from the ice companion beast. Now he is fully capable of blocking the bombardment of that ice companion beast.

  Now what he was thinking about was that the strength of the ice companion beast's body was too strange, and the thin film on his body made Chen Xuan unable to penetrate it.

  But if Chen Xuan can block the bombardment of the ice companion beast, he can slowly think of means to penetrate the mucosal defense of the ice companion beast.

  Qiaoliu quickly approached the Liaoyuan sword that Chen Xuan hurriedly raised and chopped the water mark in half, and the place where the water mark cut off the countless ice walls in front of him. Seeing that the water mark was cut in half by Chen Xuan, the ice companion beast's face also showed an impatient face.

  The two blood-red eyes of the Bing Lv Beast looked at Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan felt that the Bing Lv Beast had just exhaled, and the breath was full of white cliffs. It could be seen that this ice companion beast should be very angry now.

  Chen Xuan was not used to the ice companion beast, and his body shuttled quickly. Profound fires formed in all the shuttles, and then the Liaoyuan sword in his hand issued a few fiery red sword auras.

  The fiery red Liaoyuan sword aura bombarded the body of the ice companion beast in different places. Chen Xuan didn't believe that there was no weakness on the ice companion beast's body. He had to find a way to find the weakness on the ice companion beast's back. And Chen Xuan also found that when he hit the surface of the ice companion beast's body, he could also see that a thin film on the white and smooth body of the ice companion beast slowly broke away, and the thin film grew back to rebound the damage from the sword energy .

  Chen Xuan didn't believe that the mucosal defense of this ice companion beast was impeccable, nor that the mucosal defense could really bounce off all his bombardments. The Liaoyuan Sword Qi that quickly bombarded the past hit the body of the Binglu Beast in different places.

  But it was similar to what Chen Xuan thought. When his bombardment hit the ice companion beast, it was bounced off by the mucous membrane on its body.

Even though the fiery red sword aura hits the body of the ice companion beast, it still did not achieve the effect that Chen Xuan wanted. He watched his bombardment when the film on the ice companion beast bounced off again and again. Xuan could only think of a single method.

Chen Xuan's body shuttled quickly. At this moment, the mountains and forests within a few miles had been smoothed out by their battle. On the ice wall that fell on the ground, there was a fiery red sword aura toward the ice. Lu Beast attacked the past, and the speed of the Liaoyuan Sword Qi was very fast, and almost instantly bombarded the Ice Beast from Chen Xuan.

  However, Chen Xuan's bombardment still did not cause any damage. The Bing Lv Beast also saw Chen Xuan's sword aura, so he also turned his huge body along with Chen Xuan.

  The huge body of the ice companion beast actually left pit marks on the ground when it turned.

  (End of this chapter)

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