Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2629: Kill the ice beast

  Chapter 2629 Killing the Ice Beast

  The monster stepped back a few steps to the left, and another steep stream came towards Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan did not directly resist the cliff, but turned his body aside to avoid the bombardment of the cliff.

   Then Chen Xuan mentioned his Liaoyuan sword and swung a few sharp sword auras. Even though Chen Xuan wanted to hit the corner of the beast's forehead, he never hit it.

  Warcraft is obviously extremely concerned about his weaknesses, so Chen Xuan's several bombardments failed to harm his weaknesses.

   Obviously, the monster was also careful, so the monster controlled its bulky body to avoid Chen Xuan's bombardment.

  Chen Xuan slashed towards the body of the monster. When the monster saw Chen Xuan coming, two cliffs formed beside the heavy body of the monster.

  Qiaoliu formed a vortex on the side of the monster, and finally slapped Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword heavily.

  Chen Xuan was blown out by the monster. He didn't expect that the Warcraft would react so quickly. Chen Xuan just quickly scratched a few sword marks and attacked the monster, and then quickly urged the innate profound energy in his dantian to approach the monster.

Chen Xuan did not expect it. Even though the body of the monster was extremely heavy, the reaction was very fast. At this moment, after the monster escaped Chen Xuan's bombardment, its body grew a few more times, and then the monster's mouth condensed again. A huge icy ochre red profound energy was created.

  The profound energy condensed from the beast's mouth was similar to the compressed one.

  At this moment, I suddenly thought of Chen Xuan's coming. When Chen Xuan saw the Xuanli Ball coming, his agility was extremely high to avoid Chen Xuan, so he didn't bombard Chen Xuan.

Even if he didn't bombard Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan was still terrified, because he turned around and looked at the bombardment of the beast. He was hit with a pit more than ten meters on his left side. In the pit, Chen Xuan was standing inside. no problem.

  Warcraft also saw that he had not bombarded Chen Xuan, so his body suddenly became bigger a few times, and then he vomited again, but Chen Xuan took it down this time.

  This time Chen Xuan also transferred all the profound energy in his dantian, and received a bombardment from the monster.

  Warcraft suddenly roared a few times after seeing his bombardment resolved by Chen Xuan. The roaring sound made Chen Xuan tremble. At this moment, Chen Xuan said in his heart when he saw the anger of Warcraft.

   "The opportunity is here."

  It turned out that when the monster was furious, the protective layer on his body suddenly fell off.

   Chen Xuan saw that the protective layer on the monster body fell off and immediately mobilized the fiery red mystery in the dantian, covering the fiery red mystery on Chen Xuan's long sword.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan swung a sword at the two tentacles of the beast, and the fiery red light resembled the thunderbolt, rushing towards the beast.

  The speed of the monster is far less agile than Chen Xuan. Seeing the Liaoyuan Sword Mark flying towards him quickly, the monster showed a panic face.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan saw the Warcraft trying to protect the top of his head, so he swung out several sword auras one after another. The two Liaoyuan sword auras in the front direction collided with the sword aura on the left.

  The two sword auras were mixed together and bombarded the monster. The monster could not evade. Three sharp sword qi hit the forehead of that monster.

  Warcraft let out a roar, and then its huge and heavy body fell to the ground. When the body of the beast was lying on the ground,

   "I didn't expect this monster to be so heavy." This movement must weigh seven or eight tons.

  Chen Xuan looked at the corpse of the Beast at the moment, cautiously temptation can pass.

   "What is that?" Chen Xuan saw many monsters with short hands crawling out of the stomach of that disgusting monster. These crawled out of the belly of that huge monster, and the body was white like that monster.

  It was just that his forehead was extremely bald, and his scarlet eyes were staring at Chen Xuan. The eyes were huge, and all the fingers were bent downward, like a hook.

  The little monsters all looked at Chen Xuan.


  The monster made a sound, and then stood in a row, staring at Chen Xuan closely.

  He couldn't think of these monsters crawling out of the puffy belly of Warcraft. Chen Xuan only felt a little creepy when he saw these monsters come out.

  Moreover, they will come out in such a bizarre way. Chen Xuan only felt a little sick to see some little monsters. But those monsters had obviously locked Chen Xuan.

  After seeing Chen Xuan, the monster whispered a few times. Then Chen Xuan saw some little monsters roaring over.

  After seeing some little monsters rushing over, Chen Xuan hurriedly raised his Liaoyuan sword and slashed at the monster that was flying towards him quickly!

   "Bang!" A monster was killed.

  Suddenly the monsters retreated, but Chen Xuan found that these little monsters were very fast, not slower than him...

  Chen Xuan looked at the white monsters. I didn't expect that the monster that he killed would actually show such monsters, and saw the little monster pounce on him.

The   Liaoyuan sword was shining with fiery red light, but the little monsters did. Not knowing what death resemblance is, he continued to roar and rushed over, and when they were halfway through, Chen Xuan slashed with sword energy.

  The little monsters stepped back a few steps, and then rushed over like white snakes, and saw some rushing monsters.

  Chen Xuan threw his sword towards the sky.

  The power of the fiery red Suzaku burst out suddenly, and the three monsters rushing over were immediately frozen.

  The remaining dozen little white monsters looked at Chen Xuan vigilantly. The white liquid spewed out of the monsters' mouths suddenly.

  The liquid hits directly below Chen Xuan. The ground was corroded with small holes in an instant.

   "I really didn't expect it to be so corrosive." Chen Xuan saw some monsters and stepped back to the left.

   "No matter what the relationship between you and that monster is, you can only kill you now!"

  Chen Xuan roared, and then the raised Liaoyuan sword rolled up the power of the Vermillion Bird and killed the few monsters in front of him, leaving a few small monsters watching Chen Xuan on guard.

  Chen Xuan also looked at those little monsters on guard. Even if the strength of those little monsters is not high, he knows that these monsters are not very strong even if their bodies are not strong. But it's not as weak as it seems on the surface. The acid they spit would cause Chen Xuan a lot of harm.

A few more mucus spewed towards Chen Xuan, and a mysterious fire suddenly formed in front of Chen Xuan’s eyes. Even though the acid of the beast fell from the mysterious fire, Chen Xuan realized that his profound fire had already been affected by those mysterious fires. The acid corroded out the blue smoke.

   "It's weird." The acid made Chen Xuan feel extremely horrified. After a while, his Profound Fire Shield was turned into drops of water by the acid and poured onto the ground.

  The scarlet eyes of a few little monsters stared at Chen Xuan tightly, and then rushed towards Chen Xuan like a spring.

   "Live and die."

  Chen Xuan used the power of Vermillion Bird to instantly kill several little monsters, but those little monsters saw that they hit Chen Xuan and were actually blocked by him.

   Immediately spit out white acid at Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan flicked his Liaoyuan sword, and all the acid that the monster protruded was blocked.

  The few remaining little monsters saw that their companions were all killed by Chen Xuan, and they all grabbed their bodies and ran to the left.

  I saw some little monsters and wanted to escape. Chen Xuan shouted, the fiery red light spread, and the bodies of those little monsters were all cut in half by Chen Xuan.

  Even though these little monsters are very agile, their body strength is extremely low, so it is easy for Chen Xuan to kill them.

   Looking at the corpses of those little monsters, Chen Xuan felt a little sick at the moment. It made Chen Xuan feel a little creepy.

   Then Chen Xuan walked to the side of Warcraft, the body of that Warcraft gradually turned into a puddle of white slime on the ground, and Chen Xuan only felt sick when looking at the monster's corpse.

  "The blood of this monster can be used for alchemy after all." Chen Xuan endured the stench and filled the white mucus into his bottle.

  The eyes of the monster sealed by Chen Xuan in the thick Xuanhuo suddenly moved and stared at Chen Xuan.

  The little monster's eyes moved, and the mysterious fire that had sealed it burst suddenly.

   Seeing the layers of acid flowing out of it, Chen Xuan hurriedly raised his Liaoyuan sword, and the little monster raised two hook-like claws and struck Chen Xuan.


  The little monster was directly pierced to the ground by Chen Xuan.

After   , Chen Xuan had been searching for spiritual grass in the Frost Mountains, time passed by bit by bit. Chen Xuan had just killed a monster, and was sitting on the ground raising a bonfire to roast the meat of the monster.

  At the same time, the figure of a black-robed old man constantly shuttled among them. If Chen Xuan was nearby, he would know that the black-robed old man was Xie Hong.

Two days ago, he met this old man in the Frost Mountains. Xie Hong also had a dispute with Chen Xuan in order to **** a herb. He wanted to **** it directly in vain, but Chen Xuan escaped by relying on his own speed. Get out.

   "Chen Wanglun, wait for me here now. I want to go ahead and see if there are any herbs." Chen Xuan said.

  "Am I going with you?" Wang Lun said.

   "No, I'll just go over and take a look. Just wait for me here." Chen Xuan said.

After leaving the camp, Chen Xuan headed towards the north of the secret realm. The secret realm of the polar ice sheet is linked to another space. This space is very similar to the scene of the polar ice sheet, and there are also many spirit grasses and monsters growing, if not If this is a secret realm, Chen Xuan would even think he was in the world of Black Rock.

  Walking forward along the mountain range, at this moment, a sharp blade suddenly appeared in Chen Xuan's ear, and the next moment he saw the figure of an old man appeared in front of him.

   "Boy, where do you want to hide?" Xie Hong said coldly.

   "I won't hide anywhere." Chen Xuan said.

   "Good boy! Look at the trick!" Xie Hong Chen said.

  Chen Xuan hurriedly used the power of the Vermillion Bird in his dantian to strike towards Xie Hong. With this blow, countless profound fires blew up countless gravel attacks towards Xie Hong.

   "Good boy! The profound strength is so proficient! But you are only the triple peak of the gods," Xie Hong said with a trace of anger across his face, looking at Chen Xuan with a grin.

   "Sometimes the triple peak of the gods can kill the sixth king of the gods." Chen Xuan said while looking at Xie Hong while using his Vermillion Bird power.

   "Then you try this trick!" Xie Hong's back of his hand turned behind him, and a wave of profound energy emerged from the left side of his body.

   Suddenly, the profound energy had already pierced the sky, forming a cloud of dark clouds on it, and then turned into a cloud of lightning, rushing towards Chen Xuan.

  At the same time, she declined to look anxiously at Xie’s old fourth and said: “Fourth, old ancestor hasn’t killed Chen Xuan yet, can you go and help old ancestor?

   "Okay! Look at me!" A smile flashed in the eyes of the fourth Xie family, and he arrogantly said to decline.

   Both of these people belonged to the Xie family and belonged to Xie Hong. Originally, Chen Xuan was found by Xie Hong because he was injured and declined.

  Xie family is only a small family in Frost Nation, but their strength is not weak, especially Xie Hong, although the cultivation base has reached the sixth peak of the gods, it is difficult for Chen Xuan to deal with him.

  The lightning entangled above the black cloud.

  Chen Xuan secretly said a bad voice.

  Lightning suddenly rushed to Chen Xuan's eyes like a long dragon.

  Chen Xuan roared, and then a wave of Vermillion Bird's power emerged from his body and instantly formed layers of profound fire before his eyes.


After the loud noise, the thunder and lightning directly hit the top of Chen Xuan's profound fire, and Xuan Huo was immediately shattered to the ground by the thunder and lightning.

   Even if Chen Xuan on the left did not suffer any harm, he could still see how powerful the thunder and lightning was!

  The dark clouds still did not dissipate, but have covered several miles from a small piece of dark clouds just now.

   "Boy! I see where you can hide!" Xie Hong let out a grin, as if Chen Xuan had nowhere to escape.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan also looked at the thunder and lightning clouds above his head. This Xie Hong just blocked Chen Xuan's idea of ​​wanting to fight him. The area covered by the dark clouds was so large that Chen Xuan wanted to retreat to the left.

  In this case, I will show you all the strength, Chen Xuan bit his lip.

  (End of this chapter)

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