Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2630: Separated

   Chapter 2630

Then in front of Chen Xuan's eyes a deep ochre red mysterious fire appeared. The profound fire was the profound strength that Chen Xuan compressed with profound strength. Compared with the power of the Suzaku directly condensed by him, it was more bombarding. Above the deep ochre fire, the body's strength has also increased greatly at the same time!

  Chen Xuan is now unable to dodge from the large area covered by the black cloud.

  Several bolts of lightning struck down from the top of the fiery red dark cloud.

  Chen Xuan secretly said a bad voice. Then he used the power of the Vermillion Bird in his dantian to form a layer of ice on it.

  Those deep ochre red lightning struck the top of the ice immediately. The ice layer turned into powder in an instant.

  The bombardment of the thunder and lightning made Chen Xuan feel extremely surprised...

  Even though he knows that the bombardment power of thunder and lightning is extremely tyrannical, the power released by the thunder and lightning seems to have become more powerful than before.

  Just now, the momentum of the thunder and lightning caused Chen Xuan's profound fire to be shattered, but now it has been able to directly blast Chen Xuan's profound fire into pieces. I can imagine how powerful the power of the thunder and lightning is.

  Chen Xuan heard Xie Hong laugh loudly and wildly: "Boy, I see where you can hide, now you are out of the way, don't use some tyrannical tricks, I think you will continue to be arrogant!"

  Xie Hong turned the palm of his hand, and several thunder and lightning slowly condensed from the fiery red dark cloud.

  Chen Xuan also knew that Xie Hong could control the direction that thunder and lightning struck, so he could only use the power of the Vermillion Bird in his dantian to build a fire wall defense.

  Once Chen Xuan was hit by that thunder and lightning, he would be seriously injured if he didn't keep it right.

  But Xie Hong still looked at Chen Xuan with a wild smile.

   Obviously in his eyes Chen Xuan is already a mouse with nowhere to escape.

Chen Xuan also feels a sense of crisis now, because the area of ​​the fiery red dark cloud is extremely wide, if he is really hit by that thunder and lightning, he will definitely be seriously injured. After all, this is a skill performed by a man of the fourfold. Fa Chenxuan had to pay attention to it.

  "Then you can try it..." Chen Xuan glanced at his forehead.

  Black clouds billowing lightning flashed across it continuously.

  The pressure released by the thunder and lightning Chen Xuan had to think about how to avoid the bombardment of several thunder and lightning.

   Just as Chen Xuan was thinking, another lightning bolt slid from the sky to Chen Xuan's side.

  Chen Xuan hurriedly moved his body and mind to avoid Chen Xuan. The thunder and lightning did not hit Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan was also uncomfortable, because he had dodged in a hurry, so he fell to the ground at this moment.

  Xie Hong smiled wildly: "Boy, I think you are just stiff-mouthed, and then I will take your skin off! See if you still give me a sloppy mouth."

   Chen Xuan did not wait when he heard Xie Hong say this, because he had already seen several lightning bolts in the sky continue to condense.

  The deep ochre red lightning contains a very powerful cultivation base, and that cultivation base makes Chen Xuan now only hurriedly using the frost in his dantian to defend.

   But Chen Xuan can't just defend one side now, he has just dodged several thunder and lightning.

Then Xie Hong smiled madly: "I think you should stop doing it anymore. Just now I asked you a few tricks and you are really self-righteous, but it's only a god-sovereign three-fold peak, and you want to defeat me. It's really bold. Hahaha!"

   Chen Xuan heard what Xie Hong said, and immediately thought about tactics. Now Chen Xuan is already under the fiery red dark cloud. It is obvious and extremely difficult to dodge the past.

   But it is not impossible for Chen Xuan to really want to escape from it, but those families killed not so many people in his own family.

  Chen Xuan could not easily let him go. Now he and Xie Hong have only two choices, one is that he is killed by Xie Hong, and the other is that he is killed by Xie Hong.

  Also, Chen Xuan felt that he could not be blamed for this incident. After all, he vowed to tell the people in his family that when he went to practice in the Frost Mountains this time, he would surely become a four-tiered powerhouse by the time.

   But when he came back, it was only the strength of the God Sovereign's triple peak peak and he was obviously too late to come back.

  His father told him in the letter that he should not return to the Yunye Gate for the time being.

  Perhaps he is also doubting whether Chen Xuan can cultivate to the four-fold strength of God Sovereign.

  After thinking of the various things before, Chen Xuan only felt that the power of the Vermillion Bird in his dantian began to become restless, and the Taoist Profound Fire that had originally made him feel very cold began to become fiery.

  Chen Xuan roared. Then the power of the Vermillion Bird in his dantian was mobilized, turning into a flame of Vermillion Bird, floating behind him. It blasted several lightning bolts from the sky.

  Only heard a loud bang, his Xuan Rocket actually slammed into those lightning bolts.

  Xuan rocket made an explosion sound when it hit the deep ocher red lightning.

  Chen Xuan was also affected by the explosion. The huge profound energy tumbling out of that explosion made Chen Xuan feel that he was almost thrown to the ground because of his mental and physical instability.

   Seeing that Chen Xuan was shaken by the huge explosion, Xie Hong looked at Chen Xuan contemptuously: "Boy, I must teach you a lesson, you let you know what the difference in strength is!"

  Chen Xuan saw Xie Hong above the air, showing a smirk, and then he continued to flip his palm.

  Thunders of lightning condensed in the sky immediately, and it struck Chen Xuan like a long snake.

The turbulent profound energy gathered above the lightning caused Chen Xuan to resist desperately now. He knew that there was a power gap between himself and Xie Hong, so Chen Xuan could only use the old methods before to fight the enemy. .

  If Chen Xuan cannot be repelled by a single blow, then Xie Hong will also find it difficult to defeat Chen Xuan, after all, Chen Xuan has Dantian.

  A steady stream of profound energy gathered around Chen Xuan, and a stream of fiery red mist filled his side.

  Chen Xuan can only capture the thieves and the king first, and Chen Xuan has no means to deal with the dark clouds in the sky.

  But as Xie Hong who controls those lightning. Chen Xuan had the confidence to hurt him.

   Just when Xie Hong wanted to control those lightning attacks on Chen Xuan. A cold cone of ice suddenly bombarded him.

  Xie Hong did not expect that Chen Xuan would suddenly launch a bombardment on him, and hurriedly flipped his palm and slapped it downward.

  The cone of ice blasting past was immediately smashed into pieces by the lightning above the sky.

  Xie Hong glared at Chen Xuan: "Good boy, you actually want to plot against me, it seems that I really gave you a face!"

  Chen Xuan looked at that Xie Hong's venomous face, and knew that he was going to be true now, so Chen Xuan hurriedly spread the power of the Vermillion Bird around him as an opportunity to resist Xie Hong's several lightning bombardments.

  Sure enough, a wave of insidious thunder and lightning from above the sky blasted towards Chen Xuan.

  But Chen Xuan placed a fiery red wall of fire made by the power of the Vermillion Bird in the direction in front of him, and then his figure quickly flashed from the side, and the ground was hit by the lightning and hit a big pit.

   "Little beast, I will let you hide! You can try this!" Xie Hong suddenly became angry after seeing Chen Xuan hiding.

The hands of the ancestors were constantly waving, his hands were on the left just now, and he immediately slashed his hands to the right, and the thunder and lightning on the sky gradually condensed in the right direction. It is obvious that Xie Hong has gathered. With profound strength, he wanted to control those thunder and lightning to bombard Chen Xuan.

   Just when Chen Xuan and Xie Hong were fighting inextricably, I suddenly felt a noise coming from behind me.

   "Haha! I got it!"

  From behind Chen Xuan came the voice of a middle-aged man. Chen Xuan's pupils shrank suddenly and looked behind him.

"not good."

  Chen Xuan did not expect that the fourth child of the Xie family would come over from the left.

  The old fourth of the Xie family showed a grin on his face. "Chen Xuan boy, you are so careless! I didn't expect that I would dig into the ground! Hahaha."

   Just when the silver glittering black iron sword of Xie's elder was about to hit Chen Xuan. Suddenly struck a deep ocher red lightning from the sky and hit the Xuan Tie Broadsword of the elder Xie.

   Then his body fell to the ground in the darkness of lightning strikes.

  Chen Xuan did not expect that a person would suddenly attack someone behind him. The most important thing was that the guy was hit by the technique he had used.

  Xie Hong's face showed a touch of anger. It was obvious that he thought he hadn't thought that the buyer in his family would be so stupid, so he took a black iron sword to reach the fire formation under him.

   "It's really a bunch of waste! No wonder this kid will be so miserable." Xie Hong said as he looked at the fourth person who was burned in darkness by the thunder and lightning.

  That Xie Hong was extremely angry. He didn't expect that there would be such a stupid person in his family, and that lightning would be absorbed by some conductors.

   And Chen Xuan was also thankful that someone suddenly appeared as a shield.

  Otherwise, Chen Xuan might not be able to avoid the lightning just now. At this time, Chen Xuan also discovered a weakness of the lightning.

   Just now, Xie Hong had clearly bombarded Chen Xuan, but the Xie family’s fourth child suddenly appeared and attracted the lightning to him.

  The only explanation was the mysterious iron sword that the man was holding.

  It is obvious that lightning will be attracted by metallic substances.

Chen Xuan glanced at the black iron sword that fell on the ground with his eyes at this moment, and then he controlled the power of his Vermillion Bird and wrapped the vicinity of the black iron sword with mysterious fire, revealing only part of the metal. .

  Xie Hong raised his eyebrows after seeing Chen Xuan's movements, and then he looked at Chen Xuan and said to him: "Boy, it seems that it's intolerable for me to let you go now!"

  Chen Xuan is already thinking quickly about how to deal with Xie Hong, his strength is extremely strong, Chen Xuan is now just barely confronting him.

   Just like if it weren’t the old fourth of the Xie family, he suddenly appeared to help him block Xie Hong’s bombardment. Now he has definitely been bombarded by lightning.

  He is Chen Xuan who is lying on the bottom of the ground in the dark.

  Chen Xuan now uses the power of the Vermillion Bird to control the black iron sword, and Xie Hong has also seen it.

  He struck down a burst of lightning, and then Chen Xuan used his Vermillion Bird's power to build his own defense, and then his body quickly moved through.

  Furthermore, Chen Xuan also controlled the black iron sword to throw it in the opposite direction.

  Sure enough, the thunder and lightning had been attracted by the Xuan Tie Broadsword. Chen Xuan was now relieved with a sigh of relief. It seemed that his judgment was correct.

  Xie Hong originally thought it was useless for Chen Xuan to hold that black iron sword, after all, it was him who controlled the thunder and lightning.

But what he didn't know was that Chen Xuan had mastered the knack. Chen Xuan turned his body at the moment when the lightning struck down quickly, so the lightning would be attracted by the metal, and at the same time, Chen Xuan also took his own body. All the metal materials on it were thrown down, and the fast refracted lightning could only track the mysterious iron sword.

   Seeing that his lightning was actually cracked by Chen Xuan, Xie Hong's face showed a trace of anger: "Don't be proud, kid, I still have a trick!"

  (End of this chapter)

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