Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2631: Kill Xie Hong

   Chapter 2631 Killing Xie Hong

  Chen Xuan saw Xie Hong chanting tactics behind him. Suddenly, a burst of flames burst into the sky, and then one after another raging fire rushed towards Chen Xuan.

  After seeing the fiery red flame rushing towards him, Chen Xuan hurriedly jumped into hiding, and the flame immediately burned the ground into a mess.

   "It's dangerous." Chen Xuan glanced at the flame-burning ground behind him was scorched.

  He never thought that your Xie Hong could use so many attribute techniques. He also knew before that there were some powerful people who could use many attribute techniques, but the techniques that he displayed must also fit his own profound strength.

  It seems that what Xie Hong can display in front of him is the two attributes of flame and thunder, both of which are very powerful methods of bombardment.

  Chen Xuan felt a bit tricky. After all, the flame power he displayed was extremely huge. The most terrible thing was that his techniques could be said to completely restrain Chen Xuan's profound fire.

Even if Chen Xuan can make its compressed profound fire resist those profound strengths, it will cost Chen Xuan's huge Vermilion bird's strength. To resist that group of profound strength, it seems extremely unworthy, because it will consume a lot of Chen Xuan's. Profound strength.

  But now Chen Xuan can't worry about that much anymore. If he is worrying that he will consume a lot of profound energy, then he will probably be killed by Xie Hong. Now is the time to fight with his life. Chen Xuan did not dare to despise the enemy a little bit.

   "If this is the case, then I don't have any means..." Chen Xuan had already used the profound energy of the four pubic fields within his dantian, and the power of the Vermillion Bird and the innate profound energy continued to fill Chen Xuan's body.

  To the left of Chen Xuan is already filled with the power of the fiery red Vermillion Bird, and to the right of Chen Xuan is the innate profound power of fiery red.

   Seeing the two profound powers displayed on Chen Xuan's body, the old man Xie's expression also changed slightly. It was obvious that he did not expect that someone could use both profound powers at the same time, and Chen Xuan was the only one.

Because Chen Xuan now has a dantian within his dantian, it can be said that he has no problem using both exercises at the same time, but Chen Xuan has not learned a lot of exercises now, so he can't use so many exercises at the same time to make his bombardment play. More power.

  Chen Xuan held the fiery red Liaoyuan sword on his left hand, and then a shallow innate profound energy appeared in his right hand.

   Then Chen Xuan yelled and raised the Liaoyuan Sword and rushed towards Xie Hong.

   "It's really a little beast!" Xie Hong saw Chen Xuan's figure rushing towards him quickly, so he stared at Chen Xuan fiercely.

  "Liaoyuan Swordsmanship! The first one!"

  Now the fiery red Vermillion Bird's power above Chen Xuan's body burst into light and then came from him. A brilliant red light burst out from the top of that Liaoyuan sword.

  The light suddenly shot towards Xie Hong like a long dragon. The profound power of the frost that Chen Xuan had displayed was compressed in his dantian, so the fiery red sword aura was extremely sharp. In an instant, he approached Xie Hong's side.

  Na Xie Hong's face changed, and it was obvious that he also felt the strong fluctuations in the fiery red profound energy.

  He moved slightly, and then twisted his hands, a fire light slowly emerged from his hands, and he slapped towards the long, fiery dragon-shaped light.

   There was a loud bang in the sky, but what surprised him this time was that the fiery red dragon-shaped sword energy displayed by Chen Xuan actually burned his pillar of fire.

  The face of the elder Xie was filled with incredibleness. He did not think that Chen Xuan could actually compress his profound fire and burn the flames that completely restrained the ice layer.

  After seeing Chen Xuan launching a blow at him, he reacted from the explosion just now, and a flame of two-handed sword art hurriedly rose from his side, and then blasted towards Chen Xuan.

   Originally wanted to take advantage of that Xie Hong's distraction opportunity to plot against him.

   But Chen Xuan did not expect that Xie Hong would have already slashed a profound energy so quickly.

This time Xie Hong used the innate profound strength. Chen Xuan could feel how tyrannical the four-fold profound strength of a divine monarch is, but the ripples of profound strength from there have blurred the surrounding space. .

  But Chen Xuan couldn't sit still, he quickly turned the Vermillion Bird power in his dantian, and another long dragon-shaped profound power bombarded that Xie Hong.

  Now Chen Xuan has slowly come into contact with the second level of Liaoyuan swordsmanship. This is what he learned from the swordsmanship in his memory.

  Since Chen Xuan’s arm showed the mark of a sword blade, he has mastered many swordsmanship he did not know before, and the power of these swordsmanship is extremely powerful.

Chen Xuan didn’t like to use weapons before, but now he has been able to perfectly combine the power of his Vermillion Bird with his technique. From the scars of the fiery red prairie prairie sword, we can see the power of the Vermillion Bird that Chen Xuan slashed. How powerful it is.

  It can be said that as Xie Hong, a four-fold god, he would not dare to take Chen Xuan's blow.


  There was an explosion in the sky.

  After seeing that his bombardment was resisted by Xie Hong, Chen Xuan could only think about other tactics, because he couldn't fight with Xie Honggan now. He wanted a means that could defeat the enemy with one blow.

  And after such a long time, Chen Xuan has gradually been able to handle his Liaoyuan Sword.

  I saw that the first stage of the Liaoyuan swordsmanship I had just used already had such a powerful power. Chen Xuan also recalled how he once learned the second heavy sword technique.

  If he can comprehend the second level, he is confident enough to defeat Xie Hong.

   However, Xie Hong did not leave him time to remember, another firelight burned from Chen Xuan's head.

  Chen Xuan hurriedly lifted his body to avoid him, and then he slashed at Xie Hong and slashed a flame of Vermillion Bird.

  That Xie Hong also saw that Chen Xuan's bombardment on him had come, but he did not panic at all. In his eyes, Chen Xuan's bombardment could be easily resolved by him.

  Even though the Liaoyuan swordsmanship that Chen Xuan had just displayed was extremely powerful, in his eyes Chen Xuan was still just a slightly stronger grasshopper. After all, there was still a huge gap between the three peaks of the gods and the sixth layers of the gods.

  But Chen Xuan has been fighting with him for so long now. Although he wants to kill Chen Xuan very much, he has to say that Chen Xuan is definitely the strongest person he has encountered in the triple peak of the gods.

  He didn't know that Chen Xuan had gradually entered the realm of the fourfold gods.

  Chen Xuan suddenly launched a blow at Xie Hong. Chen Xuan's figure quickly slashed the fiery red Vermillion Bird's power, but Chen Xuan himself did not get close to Xie Hong's side.

  Xie Hong looked at Chen Xuan mockingly, swung his long sword, and dissipated all the power of the fiery red Suzaku that Chen Xuan had chopped through.

   Seeing that his bombardment was still similar to the usual, it was easily resolved by Xie Hong, and Chen Xuan could only think about a more powerful technique.

   "Liaoyuan Swordsmanship is the second stage."

  If he could be displayed, he would definitely be able to kill Chen Xuan.

  He is now constantly recalling how he once learned the swordsmanship, but Chen Xuan can't remember clearly.

  He just vaguely remembered that he had used it before, but because he was unwilling to use weapons, he did not continue to learn in the end, in the bombardment of Xie Hong just now.

  Chen Xuan is already trying to soften his own profound strength to the strength of his Vermillion Bird.

   "If the fusion can be successful, you will be able to perform that trick..." Chen Xuan's eyebrows drooped slightly.

Since Chen Xuan refined the Liaoyuan sword, he changed the name of the Wuhen sword technique, and after Chen Xuan mastered the Suzaku technique, he gradually felt a puff of spiritual power flowing out of his body began to become stronger and more powerful in the past, even He can already comprehend the secret of his Liaoyuan swordsmanship.

  But Xie Hong will never leave Chen Xuan the opportunity to use that trick. He saw that Chen Xuan had closed his eyes now, and Chen Xuan was recalling how the second stage was displayed.

  It was obvious that Chen Xuan's strike against him just now did not have the power of the fiery red long dragon-shaped sword mark that was displayed for the first time, so he took it for granted that Chen Xuan was just brewing that move.

  But in fact, only Chen Xuan knew exactly what kind of power he was thinking about. At that time, he clearly saw that the destructive power he possessed when he used the second heavy sword technique was extremely astonishing.

  Chen Xuan is now slowly operating the Vermillion Bird's power in his dantian, but now he and Xie Hong have spent a long time, so the profound strength in his fourth dantian has gradually become insufficient.

  Chen Xuan quickly ran the power of the Vermillion Bird in his dantian, and the power of the demon soul gradually appeared on his body.

Xie Hong saw that Chen Xuan actually closed his eyes, as if he was the biggest contempt for him. Then he looked at Chen Xuan and yelled: "I think you are really tired and crooked. Now if you dare to close your eyes, don't blame me. I attacked you!!"

  Xie Hong's face showed a sinister face, he looked at Chen Xuan and said to him: "I haven't opened my eyes yet, it seems I don't need to remind you!"

  Speaking that Xie Hong had gathered the profound energy on his body, a fire light slowly rose from behind him, and he wanted to kill Chen Xuan with a single blow.

  A firelight rose from that side, but only a moment later, another firelight rose.

  Chen Xuan slowly opened his eyes, he slowly raised his Liaoyuan sword, and at the tip of that long sword, a fiery red Suzaku's power was spinning rapidly.

   "Boy, I will send you to **** now!" Xie Hong roared viciously, and then the flame Suzaku rushed towards Chen Xuan whistling.

  "Liaoyuan Swordsmanship is the second step." Chen Xuan said a few words silently in his mouth, and the power of the Suzaku with the fast spinning tip of the Liaoyuan sword gradually increased.

   Then Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword suddenly turned into a fierce fire dragon, and suddenly rose slowly into the sky.

   "Go!" Chen Xuan shouted loudly.

  Neither did he think that he had condensed the power of the Vermillion Bird in his dantian just now, and actually displayed the second stage of this Liaoyuan swordsmanship.

The   fire dragon attacked the pillar of fire that Xie Hongshi had displayed.

   But the pillar of fire was only burned when it just came into contact with Chen Xuan’s fire dragon.

  (End of this chapter)

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