Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2639: Looking for relics

  Chapter 2639 Looking for the ruins

The Baiyun Sect is also a big sect in the Yunye Empire. In addition to the Tianyuan Hall belonging to the Yunye Empire and the Pantheon all over most empires, the Baiyun Sect can even rank in the top ten in the Yunye Empire. .

As a member of the Baiyun Sect, Li Shan has joined Zhao Tuo and others of the Silver Moon Empire to explore the treasures in the secret realm. They saw Chen Xuan alone in his stomach, and they wanted to kill Chen Xuan before taking him out of his hands. Snatching resources, Chen Xuan's strength unexpectedly exceeded their imagination. Even Li Shan is not his opponent.

   "Withdraw first! I am not this kid's opponent!" An exclamation came from Zhao Tuo's mouth.

   "Want to run?" Chen Xuan's eyes showed a bit of killing intent.

  Many people from the Silver Moon Empire just started to flee. The next moment they noticed that a stream of fire appeared in front of them. In this huge ice field, they obviously needed a lot of effort to penetrate the stream of fire.

After seeing them escaping, Chen Xuan did not hesitate to create a second layer of fire ahead, blocking the way of these people. They all saw how Chen Xuan killed Li Shan and knew that Chen Xuan’s cultivation skills were very good. Intrepid, so there was no disciple who fought back against Chen Xuan.

The people from the Silver Moon Empire were not weak. They broke through Chen Xuan’s fire. After a while, the people from the Silver Moon Empire had already run away, but the disciples of the Baiyun Sect were not so lucky. The most powerful player in China is Li Shan, but Li Shan can't resist Chen Xuan's several attacks.

  Chen Xuan showed a sneer on his face, and gradually walked towards these disciples.

The face of the disciples of Baiyunzong showed horror. Chen Xuan did not hesitate to hold the Liaoyuan sword in his hand, and killed their disciples one by one.

Three days later, in the ice field, Chen Xuan was also exploring nearby. He saw that Chen Xuan had left for so long and had not returned, so he was going to look for Chen Xuan, but what he didn't know was that in the distance, Yinyue The people of the empire have been eyeing him.

   was headed by Lu Yuanding, and at this moment, Lu Yuanding was holding the sharp blade in his hand.

   "Big brother, that's the kid, he and Chen Xuan are in the same group, and they are also from Yunyemen." A man said.

This man is Zhao Tuo. At the beginning, he designed to disperse Chen Xuan and Wang Lun. He wanted to kill Chen Xuan first, but Chen Xuan’s cultivation level exceeded his estimate, so he could only get out of Chen Xuan’s hands in embarrassment. Escaped.

   "Leave it to me!" Lu Yuanding said in a deep voice.

  Chen Xuan also felt that someone was following him, so he suddenly turned his head and found several men in silver-white robes standing not far away.

Lu Yuanding showed a hint of sarcasm, and said, "Look at your costume from the Yunye Empire. It's a pity that you met me today and can't escape, hahaha! I didn't expect you to find your own way and come here. In the ice field."

   "Don't you know what price you have to pay for provoking Yunyemen? Are you going to have trouble with me?" Chen Xuan said in a deep voice.

Lu Yuanding showed a cruel look on his face: "As long as you kill you, the old guys in the Yunyemen will definitely not know, and you and a kid killed a lot of my juniors. How can I not report this hatred!"

  "When did I meet you?" Chen Xuan said in a deep voice.

Chen Xuan stepped forward and said to Lu Yuanding, "Obviously, it is because you want to seize what I looted, and you also attacked me with the guys from the Silver Moon Empire. Otherwise, how could you kill your junior? !"

  "Don't talk nonsense with him." Zhao Tuo said suddenly.

  Chen Xuan discovered Zhao Tuo standing behind, and when he saw Zhao Tuo, Chen Xuan's face showed killing intent. Last time he let Zhao Tuo escape, but he didn't expect that he would dare to find someone back.

  At the same time, Wang Lun felt a strong breath coming, he keenly looked at the direction of the north, speeded up his pace and rushed forward.

   "Chen Xuan can't be wrong with this breath, but how can there be so many people next to him." Wang Lun said solemnly.

  Behind Wang Lun were several disciples who were also Yunyemen. They were all disciples who were active in the northern part of the Yunye Empire. They were also ordered by the imperial family to search for the ruins.

   "Let's go faster." Wang Lun said.

   "Hahaha! That's right, I just want to keep this kid's life here today, and everything on his body will belong to me!" Lu Yuanding said cruelly.

As soon as his voice fell, his figure flashed quickly. Although his current cultivation has reached the seventh stage of the Divine Sovereign Realm, Chen Xuan is not a vegetarian. Chen Xuan held the sword in his hand and took Lu Yuan in the sky. Stopped it.

  It is obviously impossible for Lu Yuanding to kill Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan also reached the Fourth Level of God Sovereign. Even though there were a lot of disciples in the Silver Moon Empire, some of them died last time, and now there are only a dozen disciples.


  The flame on Chen Xuan's body was released again, knocking Zhao Tuo away.

   "Not good." Chen Xuan whispered.

  Now he has only one person, and he wants to be clearly stretched out for the people of the Silver Moon Empire.

   "Boy, don't waste your effort. You still want to run if you are surrounded by us?" Zhao Tuo said in a deep voice.

   "There are still us." An angry voice suddenly came.

   "Wang Lun!" Chen Xuan showed joy.

  Wang Lun appeared very timely. Just now, Chen Xuan had already used the power of the demon soul, but he could not break through the encirclement of Silver Moon Kingdom.

   "Why do you people from the Silver Moon Empire appear here?" Wang Lun said solemnly.

   "Haha! Why can't we come here? Didn't you people from Yunye Country also come here?" Zhao Tuo said.

   "Stop talking nonsense, kill them." Chen Xuan said.

Wang Lun winked at several Yunyemen disciples, and one disciple rushed out. The icefield secret realm suddenly became chaotic. Chen Xuan and Lu Yuan fought together, Wang Lun and Zhao Tuo fought. Together.

For more than half an hour, they still did not distinguish between victory and defeat. Chen Xuan gradually said: "If you continue to fight, you will not be able to distinguish between victory and defeat. The cultivation bases of the two of us are equal. If you can't kill me, then the Yunyemen will not It will be defeated. Let’s forget it. I came to this ancient mystery to find treasures. Now I’m here to fight non-stop. Isn’t it someone from the Frost Nation and the Dragon Blood Tribe?"

  Chen Xuan didn't want to entangle with them at all, he didn't expect that the people of the Silver Moon Empire would be so difficult, and followed him closely.

  It seemed that Chen Xuan had something to say, and Lu Yuanding suddenly retracted the blade and said, “I’ll count you lucky this time, and I will settle accounts with you when I have found the treasures!”

   Continue to fight here, it is very likely to attract other cultivators to come, if they are still here to fight. They can't continue to support any force that comes in.

  Be aware that not only a few major forces are involved in this secret realm, but also some ancient sects have their eyes on this.

Their original purpose was to find treasures in this ancient secret realm. As long as they can find treasures, then everything is easy to say. Moreover, the space in the ancient secret realm is very large. Even hundreds of people can search in it. To a lot of treasures.

   "Go!" Lu Yuanding ordered the many disciples around him.

Seeing Lu Yuanding leaving, Chen Xuan squinted his eyes, staring at the back of his departure, and said to the Yunyemen disciple beside him: "Although they left this time, they will definitely come back in the future. I must Be careful."

   "It's not wrong, these guys are very hot, I guess they found the treasure, they will definitely find a way to stop me outside the cave entrance." Wang Lun said.


  They were discussing, and they suddenly felt the trembling in this ancient mystery. They felt the trembling, and they saw the light shining in the middle of the ice field.

  However, the ground only trembles for a while before it stops.

  Chen Xuan squinted his eyes, staring at a light that lit up in the middle of the ice field, and said to the people next to him: "It seems it's turned on now."

   "What's wrong?" Chen Xuan said.

   "If I didn't guess wrong, if I walk a little further ahead, I will be able to see the underground mystery of this ancient mystery." Chen Xuan replied.

Seeing the doubts on the faces of several people, Chen Xuan replied again: "This ancient secret realm may be used to bury the empire’s dignitaries. There must be a secret realm built underground, and there must be a secret realm in this secret realm. A lot of good stuff, don’t think about it so much, I’ll go ahead quickly, or I’ll be driven ahead of me by others.”

The ancient kingdom has the power to control time and space, and different secret realms will play different roles. For example, Chen Xuan is now in a secret realm used as a burial chamber. In ancient times, they also relied on the power of secret realms. During the assessment, although there are strong people who can make the secret realm, they have never been as huge as the ancient secret realm.

  After finishing speaking, Chen Xuan led them to continue along the passage in the secret realm, and went deep into the front. After more than an hour, they walked to a very wide ice field.

   "No way, what is it..." Chen Xuan's face was shocked.

   "I didn't expect that this place could be built into a secret realm. I'll go in quickly." Wang Lang said.

  At the same time, they also saw a large number of people who could not be named, also pouring toward that secret realm.

  One of the practitioners raised the sword in his hand, hacked and killed the black corpse soldier who appeared in front of him, and continued to advance toward the secret realm.

   "Unexpectedly, a large number of people have already rushed over. It seems that I can't stop here, just go over." Chen Xuan said to everyone.

  They have been in this ancient mystery for several days, and a large number of people have already rushed over here.

  Furthermore, the Frost Secret Realm just opened, and buried in this Secret Realm was a nobleman of the ancient empire, precious treasures are naturally indispensable.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan also felt the earth tremble for a while, and then disappeared without a trace. Chen Xuan just saw a piece of profound crystal nucleus suddenly, so during this period of time to accelerate the absorption, the several dantians in his body circulated quickly, after some absorption, Chen Xuan now obviously feels that the speed of his absorption of profound energy has increased. A lot.

   "I didn't expect to encounter a mysterious crystal core here, but what exactly is the movement that just appeared." Chen Xuan pondered for a while, and continued to follow the passage of the secret realm and walked towards it.

After more than half an hour, Chen Xuan finally walked out of the passage. The next moment, Chen Xuan's face was dissatisfied with horror. He clearly saw a huge secret realm in front of him, and the decoration style in this ancient secret realm. It is very inconsistent, the secret realm in front of it is extremely magnificent, and there are runes inscribed on it.

   "Presumably this is the core of the secret realm. There are a lot of precious things in it. Elder Li Yuan once told me last time that he dug a lot of ancient medicine in the secret realm." Wang Lun said.

  Chen Xuan blinked, and his eyes started to become hot.

During those days in Yunye City, Chen Xuan also asked Li Yuan about the ancient secret realm, and the construction style of the secret realm in this secret realm was extremely magnificent. At first, he only felt that this ancient secret realm was just an ordinary one. It’s just the tomb of, but judging from this secret realm, this secret realm is likely to be the fall of a very powerful person in the ancient empire.

Without hesitation, Chen Xuan walked directly towards the center of the ancient secret realm. He is now getting closer and closer to that secret realm. The moment that appeared in this secret realm, all the black corpse soldiers in the entire ancient secret realm were With a look of respect, all were crawling on the ground.

  There are several men in a certain ice field. It can be seen from the tokens hanging on them that these people are all members of the Silver Moon Empire.

   "Hahaha, I didn't expect that I was actually resurrected." The disciple of the Silver Moon Empire said in a hoarse voice.

  (End of this chapter)

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