Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2640: Porozon

  Chapter 2640 Poro Zong

  In the Secret Realm Hall, Chen Xuan looked at the stairs above the sky and climbed up. As soon as he walked up, Chen Xuan felt the huge pressure squeezing his body.

   "This power is so powerful." Chen Xuan exclaimed.

  At this time, Chen Xuan suddenly stood still, condensing the strength in his body, and after more than half an hour, Chen Xuan advanced more than ten meters.

  One day later, Chen Xuan has been moving upwards. He has been practicing **** the steps of the main hall for several days, and he was only one step away from getting the Ice Soul Crystal.

   There are many warriors who compete with Chen Xuan for the ice soul crystal, people from various sects and people from various empires.

  Behind Chen Xuan, a hideous-looking man in a black robe kept staring at Chen Xuan.

  He wanted to get the Ice Soul Crystal a few days ago, but Chen Xuan always put his head over him. Now that Chen Xuan was about to get the Ice Soul Crystal, how could he not be angry.

   "Only one step away!" Chen Xuan said softly.

  The next moment, Chen Xuan finally got the Ice Soul Crystal, but the man in the black robe was obviously very angry. He looked at Chen Xuan fiercely and said, "Boy! Hand over the things!"

  The black-robed man obviously felt that Chen Xuan had only four levels of cultivation of the gods, thinking that Chen Xuan could walk in front of him by relying on other powers, so he was very

   Chen Xuan showed a mocking look: "If you ask me to hand it over, I will give it to you?"

  The identity of the black-robed man is obviously a member of the Poro Sect. The Poro Sect is also a sect of the Yunye Empire. It is also very ancient and is located on the south side of the Yunye Empire.

  "You running dogs of the Yunye royal family!" The black robe man yelled angrily.

  Chen Xuan worked so hard to get this crystal, why should he give it to him, and the people of Chen Xuan and Poluo Sect still have hatred, let alone give him the Ice Soul Crystal.

  The people of the Poro Sect once attacked Chen Xuan in the Black Rock Forest. For this reason, Chen Xuan would not easily let go of any Poro Sect warrior.

   "Since you don't hand it over, then I will grab it!" The black-robed man showed a cruel expression, took a dagger from his arms, ran his whole body strength, and stabs directly towards Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan did not show weakness, directly gathered the Liaoyuan Sword, and stabbed the black robe man with a sword.


  A strong vigor broke out between the two, and then the black-robed man retreated a few steps toward the back.

  The black-robed man covered Hungarian’s mouth and roared furiously: "Boy! You are cruel!"

Chen Xuan saw the black-robed man and suddenly thrust his dagger into his arm, and the blood that came out suddenly appeared in the sky. He originally thought that the black-robed man would stop, but he did not expect that he would attack him again. come.

The bodies of the two collided in the air again, but the black-robed man was still knocked out by Chen Xuan. After a fierce battle, the black-robed man in the sky showed fear. He and Chen Xuan just now After fighting for a few minutes, he realized that he was not his opponent at all.

   "Boy! Even if you win this time, but I won't let you go, you be careful!" The black robe man finished his cruel words, and his figure suddenly disappeared from the sky.

The Spirit Crystal Secret Realm Hall trembled again, feeling that his feet were shaking. Chen Xuan quickly dodged in a safe direction. In a blink of an eye, this Secret Realm Hall actually sank down quickly. Chen Xuan was at the moment of his death. Jumped from the top of the Secret Realm Hall.

  As soon as he came under the Secret Realm Hall, Chen Xuan saw that all the warriors were staring at him intently.

Lu Yuanding obviously saw the silver-white ice crystal in Chen Xuan's hand, staring at Chen Xuan with unkind eyes, and asked in a deep voice, "Boy! It seems that you have got a lot of good things, that one. What is the silver-white ice crystal? Bring it over and show it to me."

   "You are too much, this thing was obviously obtained by Chen Xuan, you still want to see it, it's really crazy." Wang Lun walked to Chen Xuan's side and said forcefully.

After a while, Wang Lun suddenly laughed, and pointed to Lu Yuanding and said, "I said Lu Yuanding! You are too naive. How could this thing get in front of you? I think you should hurry up. Get out of here, the things have already been taken by our Yunyemen people, and it doesn't make sense for you to stay in a daze here."

  The warriors of the Silver Moon Empire standing beside Lu Yuanding stared at Wang Lun angrily.

Lu Yuanding stood up and said in a deep voice, "Today I still want to **** this ice soul crystal from your hands, but I don't plan to fight you directly. It's better to do this, I want to fight with Chen Xuan. This kid fights, if he wins, then you leave here, if I win, hand the ice crystal crystal into my hands."

  Chen Xuan sneered, “I’m afraid this ice crystal is useless anymore. It's just an ordinary ice crystal. Do you people in the Silver Moon Empire still have the habit of collecting tatters?"

   "You!" Lu Yuanding showed a cruel expression on his face.

   "Today I don't care about anything else, just want to frustrate your Yunyemen's spirit!" Lu Yuanding said again.

   "Since you said that, then I won't refuse you." Chen Xuanyin sneered.

   "I hope you don't regret it!" Lu Yuanding said cruelly.

   "Who regrets it is not necessarily." Chen Xuan replied.

   Chen Xuan's current cultivation has reached the fourth level of the realm of gods, and the flesh has become much stronger than before.

  The reason why Lu Yuanding dared to challenge Chen Xuan was because he knew that Chen Xuan's cultivation had just reached the fourth level of the gods.

  After that, Chen Xuan took a step further and said in a cold voice: "If you want to challenge me, I will do it quickly. My time is precious."

Hearing the words, Lu Yuan was furious, his fists clenched, and the spiritual energy in his dantian instantly poured into his palm and patted towards Chen Xuanmeng.

   Although Lu Yuanding's cultivation base has entered the seventh peak of the gods, and it is roughly the same as Li Shan's cultivation base, Lu Yuanding also feels that his cultivation of the seventh peaks of the gods can defeat Chen Xuan. But in Chen Xuan's eyes, he was just an ant.

  Chen Xuan directly bloomed the second stage of the Liaoyuan swordsmanship, the sound of the dragon's chant suddenly appeared, and the silver-white light appeared in the sky.

  Silver-white light bloomed on the blade. Now Chen Xuan didn't intend to waste time, so he directly waved the blade with all his strength. Several dantians in his body circulated quickly and attacked towards Lu Yuanding.


  Lu Yuanding clenched his fists, his violent profound energy circulated quickly, hitting Chen Xuan's Vermilion Dragon, and there was a strong explosion in an instant, and everyone onlookers stared at Chen Xuan in astonishment.

   "No way, he actually knocked Lu Yuanding out directly, his cultivation level has increased so much recently..." Wang Lun thought to himself.

  As everyone was shocked, Chen Xuan saw that Lu Yuanding’s body had fallen to the ground, raised the sword in his hand again, and the sound of the dragon chant was heard again, powerfully powerful.

  Since Chen Xuan entered the Seventh Level of the God Sovereign, he was able to easily kill Li Shan. Although Lu Yuanding’s cultivation base was stronger than Li Shan, Chen Xuan wanted to defeat him.

  Lu Yuanding’s fist hit the Suzaku Fire, and he was immediately trapped by a layer of flame. Just about to retract his fist, he found that his body had been burned.

The body quickly stepped back a few steps, Lu Yuanding roared, and the flame on his body was shaken off by him. He clenched his fist again, and an orange light burst out from it, and it hit Chen Xuan fiercely. Past.

  Chen Xuan sneered, gently holding the burning blade in his hand, and gradually shaking his arm, the first stage of Liaoyuan swordsmanship bloomed easily, and the silver-white sword light directly attacked Lu Yuanding.

  Lu Yuanding's face changed drastically, and he clearly felt the strong spirit carried on the sword light.


  Lu Yuanding's body flew out directly, and the warriors of the Silver Moon Empire who were watching surrounded him.

  A warrior took out a pill, Lu Yuanding swallowed it quickly, and said unwillingly, "Damn it! How can this guy suddenly become so strong."

  In his eyes, Chen Xuan had only just reached the early stage of God Sovereign, but his cultivation was so powerful that he just used a few tricks to defeat it.

Although he took the medicine just now, but at this time, he no longer had the power to fight Chen Xuan, and he also had a sense of fear for Chen Xuan, so he stood up from the crowd of warriors and said, "I admit I Can't beat you, Chen Xuan is your Yunyemen winning this time!"

  A mockery appeared on Chen Xuan's face: "Do you think that if you say this now, I will let you go?"

Seeing the killing intent on Chen Xuan's face, a warrior of the Silver Moon Empire showed a panic: "Boy! What do you mean by this? Don't you dare to kill our people in the Silver Moon Empire? You need to know , The people of our Silver Moon Empire are suppressing your Yunye Nation!"

Chen Xuan sneered, ignoring the warrior at all, and the silver-white sword light flashed. When the Vermillion Bird Feather appeared in the air, it directly slashed the warrior's throat, and the warrior suddenly fell softly. On the ground, it lost its vitality.

  Chen Xuan didn't plan to release the tiger back to the mountain now. Lu Yuan was obstructing them everywhere. He wanted to rob them before, so Chen Xuan would naturally not put it back.

  Every step he took, Chen Xuan killed a warrior from the Silver Moon Empire. The warriors around him were killed by Chen Xuan one by one, and Lu Yuan's face showed a hideous look: "Boy! Stop it."

  At this time, Lu Yuanding was already seriously injured, and his body was still being burned by Chen Xuan's flames, so there was no way to fight back.

   "How is it? Didn't you just want to challenge our Yunyemen?" Chen Xuan sneered.

Suddenly, a flame emerged again, and the cold light pierced into Lu Yuanding's body.

  Lu Yuanding grew his eyes and couldn't catch his eyes.

  After a while, these onlookers began to discuss.

"The people of the Cloud Yemen are really terrible. They dare to kill the people of the Silver Moon Empire. The people of the Silver Moon Empire have always repaid, and the Silver Moon Empire has a deep relationship with the people of the Dragon Blood Tribe. They even dared to do this." Said a warrior of the Fire Sect of Vermilion onlookers.

   "That kid is too domineering, he dare to kill all the warriors of the Silver Moon Empire."

  As for Chen Xuan and the others, Wang Lun’s face also showed astonishment: "Chen Xuan, you have improved too fast, isn't it because of the ice crystal that you just absorbed?"

  Wang Lun did not expect that before arriving in this ancient mystery, Chen Xuan's cultivation level would not be able to catch up with him. In just half a month, Chen Xuan's current cultivation level had far surpassed him.

Wang Lun grinned and said with a smile: "Chen Xuan! You are so good, you actually killed all these beasts. I have long seen them not pleasing to my eyes, but it's a pity that you don't have the strength to kill these guys. ."

   killed this group of warriors of the Silver Moon Empire, and everyone ransacked their things.

But Chen Xuan didn’t want any of these things. When he came to this ancient mystery, he had enough things. Chen Xuan knew that he didn’t need so many crystal nuclei to practice, so he ransacked them. All of the crystal nuclei were given to Wang Lun and the others.

For ten days, everyone continued to search in this secret realm. Since the opening of the spiritual crystal secret realm hall, many people have come to the ground of the ancient secret realm one after another, so they have also returned from this ancient secret realm. If the number of people in the secret realm is Too much, they can find a lot less things, so there is no need to stay here.

   Just when they left the ancient secret realm, they saw several breaking noises from a distance, and then several men suddenly appeared in front of them.

  "Who are these guys?" Wang Lun asked.

  Chen Xuangang wanted to speak when he saw these men staring at him with murderous expressions.

   "These guys should be from the Silver Moon Kingdom, right?" Wang Lun said.

  Chen Xuan observed for a while, and found that these men were wearing the clothes of the Silver Moon Kingdom, and they looked very much like the warriors of the Silver Moon Kingdom that he had killed.

   "No way." Chen Xuan felt a little creepy.

   "Boy! Last time you dared to throw Lao Tzu out, so I almost lost my soul. Seeing that I don't want your life this time!" One of the warriors of the Silver Moon Kingdom said hoarsely.

  Chen Xuan pondered for a while, and was a little surprised to see the warriors of the Silver Moon Kingdom. He felt very familiar with this voice, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it.

  (End of this chapter)

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