Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2647: Snow Demon

  Chapter 2647 Snow Demon

  The Snow Demon floated in the sky and saw Chen Xuan and Wang Lun who were running away, and the Xue Demon's eyes became even more red.

   "Boy, you dare to play with me! See if I won't get rid of you later!" Xue Mo said viciously.

  The robed warrior behind the snow demon quickly said: "Don't think about it so much, let's chase after it! Otherwise, these boys will really run away!"

  The two of them turned into a white meteor in the sky and chased towards Chen Xuan. The Snow Demon was full of hatred for Chen Xuan, and was the first to bombard Chen Xuan.

   Seeing that the two white mists on the right side of his body were so fast, Chen Xuan was also a little panicked, so he could only quickly mobilize the Vermillion Bird profound power in his dantian and launch a bombardment towards them.

   The fire of the Vermillion Bird was just like a layer of paper. It was easily pierced by the Snow Demon. Chen Xuan saw that the defense could not stop the dead snow monsters, and a look of panic appeared on his face.

   "No, it seems that I can't stop the guy now. Why don't you run away!" Chen Xuan shouted loudly.

  Wang Lun was still behind Chen Xuan and saw Chen Xuan's Suzaku profound energy gathering in his dantian. He quickly took out the blade on his body and turned around and stared at the Snow Demon behind him.

  Xue Demon’s face showed a cold smile: "It seems that you should get rid of the two of you guys first, and I will naturally ask them to settle accounts for those people in the future!"

   "Those guys are too unjust, they are just running away on their own!" Wang Lun complained.

  "Don't worry about the few people, let's escape first and talk about it!" Chen Xuan said.

  The Snow Demon on the right has already caught up ferociously, and a sinister smile appeared on the Snow Demon’s face: "Haha! Since you two are willing to help them block my bombardment, then you two stay here!"

   "This is not necessarily true!?" Chen Xuan roared sharply.

  Then squeezed the flame blade, Chen Xuan was gathering the Vermillion Bird profound energy in his dantian, and the surface of Chen Xuan's skin was covered with a layer of cold air, emitting fiery red smoke.

   "Boy, I never thought that you actually fisted Suzaku's profound strength, but it was useless to me, so don't waste your effort!" Xue Mo said.

   "Is it useful? Just take a look and find out." Chen Xuan said.

Xue Mo saw that Chen Xuan was gathering the Vermilion Bird profound energy in his dantian, so he said: "Okay! Then I will see what kind of waves you can make. I will stand still here now, and see if you can help me How!"

   "Then you just stare at it." Chen Xuan said.

  'S Wang Lun looked anxious, and whispered next to Chen Xuan: "Brother Chen! The two of us are not his opponents at all. Now we still want to get away quickly!"

  "Wait a minute, now the two of us may not be able to run even if we escape. Wait for me to hold this guy first, and then we two will run together!" Chen Xuan said.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan has gathered all the cultivation bases in the pubic area: "The tenth and fourth pubic area is open!" Chen Xuan roared.

  Then Chen Xuan's body kept burning with cold air. The Vermillion Bird profound energy burning around Chen Xuan's body this time was stronger than ever before.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan coldly observed the Snow Demon in front of him, the blood snow monster with his hands on his hips, holding a black iron sword, slowly staring at him motionless.

   "Since you despise me so much, then let you know my tyranny at that time!" Chen Xuan secretly said in his heart.

  Chen Xuan was gathering the Vermillion Bird's profound energy in his dantian to unleash a powerful sword light. When Chen Xuan brewed the Vermillion Bird's fire, he would be able to give the Snow Demon a little bit of color.

  "Suzaku Swordsmanship is the second most important!" Chen Xuan roared wildly.

  The flame profound energy surrounding Chen Xuan's body all converged on the blade of Chen Xuan's flame blade.

   Then I heard a roar from Chen Xuan's Hun's mouth, and then the Vermillion Bird's Fire rushed toward the Snow Demon.

  The Snow Demon saw the fire of the Vermillion Bird bombarding him, his face unchanged, he just lifted the giant knife, slashed it lightly, and a scarlet-white profound energy emerged from his body.


A burst of powerful energy exploded in the sky, but Chen Xuan’s Suzaku fire could no longer move forward, as if the Suzaku fire was under control, it actually changed its direction in the sky and hit Chen Xuan. Called over.

   Now Chen Xuancai is completely desperate!

   "How is it possible!? Isn't it possible that my strongest Suzaku swordsmanship can not hurt the Snow Demon!" Chen Xuan exclaimed.

  But the residue of Vermillion Bird's Fire had already shot at him, and Wang Lun took a step forward at this moment. The slashing giant sword helped Chen Xuan block the flames of the flying Vermillion Bird.

   Even if the Vermillion Bird Fire could not cause any harm to Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan was already stunned, staring at the profound energy exploding out by the Snow Demon and was easily penetrated.

   "Chen Xuan! What are you still stunned? Don't run away!" Wang Lun's cries brought Chen Xuan's thoughts back to reality.

  Chen Xuan felt a little dazed, his most proud swordsmanship actually did not do any harm to the Snow Demon.

"How come? I just gathered all the profound energy in my dantian. This time, the strength of the Vermillion Bird swordsmanship is more powerful than before..." Chen Xuan was flabbergasted for a while, and was given by Wang Lun. He grabbed his arms and fled in the direction of the north.

When the fire of the Vermillion Bird exploded, there was a layer of sparks flying all over the sky. The Snow Demon was fascinated by the fire of Vermillion Bird in front of her eyes. When the fire of the Vermillion Bird had all dispersed, he had already seen Wang Lunzheng pulling Chen Xuanchao. Escape outside the ice field.

There was a cold smile on Xue Mo’s face. His body was floating in the sky, and a white smoke chased Chen Xuan and the others: "The kid actually wants to run away. It seems that innocence can’t describe you anymore. No one can run under my hand! Even if you can run now, as long as it is the person I want to kill, I will end up tragically dying under my hand!"

   "Run, don't turn around, if you pause for a while, you will be caught by the Snow Demon!" Wang Lun shouted loudly.

  Chen Xuan naturally knew how powerful the profound strength he had just revealed, but Chen Xuan also figured out that the strength of the Snow Demon could not be blocked by him, so what Chen Xuan wanted now was to escape.

But now it becomes very difficult for them to even escape. The Snow Demon turned into a red mist, and Chen Xuan closely followed them on the right side. There was a layer of Vermillion Bird's fire behind him, trying to stop the Snow Demon. The pursuit.

  But Chen Xuan's Vermillion Bird's Fire could not stop the Snow Demon. The Snow Demon instantly grabbed Chen Xuan with its white giant fist, and felt Chen Xuan's panic in the deep power behind him.

   "No, that guy is chasing me!" Chen Xuan said.

  Wang Lun nodded lightly and then the long knife he held slammed towards the white giant fist on the right, but it did not cause any damage. The white giant fist continued to grab them, and the speed was surprisingly fast.

  Wang Lun saw the white hand fist coming over, and immediately shouted at Chen Xuan: "Brother Chen, please run away and leave me alone!"

Just as Wang Lun had just finished speaking, the white hand fist suddenly grabbed his body, and finally Wang Lun's body was caught in the sky by the white giant fist. Chen Xuan immediately gathered the Vermillion Bird's profound strength, one after another. The fire bombarded the Snow Demon, and La Xue Demon's face showed a wild smile.

   "You are too overwhelmed! Now I will let you see what the suppression of strength is!" Xue Mo said with a vicious expression.

  Chen Xuan saw that the Vermillion Bird's fire had all hit the Snow Demon's body, but was suddenly melted by a layer of white mist in the sky.

   "How is it possible, he can actually break the fire of my Vermillion Bird." Chen Xuan said in surprise.

Xue Demon's expression became more sinister, staring at the two people in front of him and said: "None of you can run away. Even your companions running in the front direction will be pulled out and wiped out by me at that time! In front of my Xue Demon's eyes. , Everyone who wants to kill will not run away! Hahaha"

  "Don't worry, continue bombarding him!" Wang Lun said.

  A burst of flames emerged from above Chen Xuan's body, and then directly broke through the snow demon's wall of fire.

   "Run quickly! Don't turn around!" Wang Lun said loudly.

  Chen Xuan lowered his head and ran forward, gathering all the profound energy in his dantian into his feet.

  Chen Xuan, who was quickly escaping toward the front, felt a burst of tyrannical profound energy coming from behind him. Chen Xuan had no time to turn around, but ran quickly in the direction ahead.

  Only when Chen Xuan turned his head, he felt that the red robe smashed warrior had been chasing him.

A burst of red profound energy burst out of the    warrior's body, directly sending Chen Xuan's body into the air. After being blasted out, Chen Xuan spit out blood from his mouth.

Seeing Chen Xuan's appearance, the red-robed warrior suddenly laughed and said, "Hahaha, I still want to escape. I really don't know what the sky is!"

  The laughter of the fierce warrior increased, and Chen Xuan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. The strength of the fierce warrior in red robe had reached the eighth level of the gods, and even stronger.

"I don't know what Wang Lun is doing now. No, I can't argue with him now. The Snow Demon hasn't caught up. I must be able to escape for some time." Chen Xuan stood up and continued without looking back. Fleeing in the direction north of the ice sheet.

  The red robe smashed the fierce warrior stared at Chen Xuan and continued to escape, showing a cold smile: "I see where you can run."

   Chen Xuan felt that a burst of profound energy behind him was pursuing him violently, but Chen Xuan did not dare to turn around at all.

   Just when Chen Xuan felt that his physical strength was about to be exhausted, he suddenly realized that a burst of incomparable profound energy was also showing up in front of him.

   "Not good... No one is blocking my retreat in the direction ahead, right." Chen Xuan narrowed his eyes and said.

   "No, it shouldn't be! I just visited the Red Robe Warrior and the Snow Demon, and didn't see the presence of others. Could it be that those few people came to help me?" Chen Xuan asked himself.

  But he immediately dispelled this idea. Those few people would not return to risk their lives to help Chen Xuan. If you know the strength of the Snow Demon, even if all of them add up, they can't beat it.

  Not to mention that those few people all have interests, and they don’t have much time to know Chen Xuan, so they won’t come to help Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan ran away while covering his wound. He was stabbed in the arm by the red-robed warrior just now, and blood was slowly flowing out of Chen Xuan's arm.

  At this moment, when Chen Xuan was escaping, he suddenly saw a familiar face appeared in front of him, and when he saw Chen Xuan, his face showed a sinister look.

"Boy, I can count as waiting for you. I heard before that you, this kid, came into this icefield and was actually touched by me. This time I will see where you are running!" Chen Xuan saw the figure who had just spoken clearly. It is a gray-robed warrior.

At the beginning, Chen Xuan and the gray-robed warrior had a fate. Soon after entering the secret realm, Chen Xuan had faced an attack by a monster with him, but Chen Xuan fled with his own speed and landed the gray-robed warrior. There.

Chen Xuan ignored the gray-robed martial artist at all, and just ran away. The gray-robed martial artist stared at Chen Xuan angrily and shouted: "Boy, you don't take Lao Tzu in your eyes! Now I am. My strength has greatly increased! I see where you can go!"

   Just as Chen Xuan ran away, he suddenly felt that the gray-robed warrior and the red-robed warrior had met.

  The grey-robed warrior saw the red-robed warrior, his face changed drastically: "Why are you here!"

When the red robe warrior saw the gray robe warrior, his face hesitated: "Tuoba Hong! I actually met you here. It seems that this time it is really killing two birds with one stone. You should leave my life here, too. !"

Tuobahong flees towards the outside of the ice field with a panic expression on his face. While running away, he cursed at Chen Xuan: "You actually brought this guy over. I think you were a plague in your previous life! Every time I meet you, there is nothing good. !"

  Tuo Bahong is indeed very unlucky. He and Chen Xuan have met many times. After being attacked by a monster for the first time, Chen Xuan escaped. He vowed to kill Chen Xuan the next time he saw Chen Xuan. As a result, now encountering Chen Xuan and being involved in a dilemma.

  Chen Xuan was shocked, could it be that the gray-robed warrior and the red-robed warrior had any hatred.

  But now Chen Xuan doesn't have time to ask the grey-robed warrior Chen Xuan who is watching him carefully from such a close distance.

  Chen Xuan and Tuoba Hong quickly fled in the same direction.

  (End of this chapter)

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